Entry-level hiking 最近香港的雨是下不停的,約好了的沙灘浮潛都被迫改為室內聚會。見陽光的時間真係少之又少。很慶幸於這小雨季來臨之前去了一趟---龍脊,雖然當日的天氣沒有風和日麗的藍天白雲,但總比烏雲密佈的來得好。 Rainy days make all my outdoor activities going to indoor. It is seldom to meet blue skies and white clouds. Fortunately we went to hike at Dragon's Back before such a rainy season arrived. 首先我們乘搭港鐡到達筲箕灣A3出口,再於巴士總站轉乘9號巴士,於土地灣巴士站下車 Taking bus 9 at Shau Kei Wan MTR Station Exit A3 towards To Tei Wan, Shek O Road 巴士站旁已經是行山徑的入口了 Starting point is just located next to the bus stop 指示牌上還有一條有笑臉的龍,哈哈,果真令人心情輕鬆開朗 We are going Dragon’s Back, 1.5hr to go 看清楚路線就出發了 See the right way to go 龍脊是指打爛埕頂山(284公尺)至雲枕山(266公尺)之間的一段山路,橫跨鶴咀半島。山巒高低起伏有致,遠觀儼如一條露出骨脊、匍匐在山上的飛龍,所以叫「龍脊」。 The Dragon's Back is a path connecting Wan Cham Shan (226m) and Shek O Peak (284m), stretching vertically over D'Aguilar Peninsula. The path undulates between these hill tops, reminiscent of the shape of a dragon’s backbone. Source: http://www.discoverhongkong.com/tc/see-do/great-outdoors/hikes/dragons-back-hiking-tour.jsp#ixzz3byH6GmFg 沿途更可欣賞到在天空中的七彩雨傘⋯⋯飛行傘。確實令人心痕痕想試玩一下呢~ Along the way, look up to the sky. Hey! Is paragliding! It makes everyone wanna try and have fun on it. 點擊圖片放大 +4 中途的一段路就可以清楚見到「龍脊」 Walking on “Dragon’s Bone”indeed 遠眺石澳鄉村俱樂部還有香港東面的海岸線,景觀十分吸引美麗 Far into the Shek O Country Club and the east coast of Hong Kong, very beautiful and attractive landscape 踏單車欣賞山景大自然,感覺應該會很涼快 不得不提,龍脊這段路同時是越野單車徑 Cycling in the Mother Nature should feeling great! This path is also the official Mountain Biking Trail http://www.afcd.gov.hk/tc_chi/country/cou_vis/cou_vis_mou/cou_vis_mou_mou/files/D_MBT_ShekO.pdf 已經走過1.5公里的路!山路指示很清晰 1.5km already! Clear to see which way to go. 後半段路上沒有什麼美景遠晀,不過有很多市區少見的植物 Later half of the path lacks of nice view, but plants can be found. 差不多接近尾聲時有位置讓大家休息休息 Little pavilion for set and rest for a while. 一直走呀走,又越過高山又越過谷,穿過一段樹林路之後….. Walk and walk and walk….. 終於至達目的地! Arriving civilization! 點擊圖片放大 +5 這是大浪灣村,一個受衝浪人士歡迎的小村落,亦有不少士多,可休息飲食,不過這不是我們的最終點,因為是日終點是要回市區吃飯! This is Big Wave Bay Village, a small village be loved by surfer. Groceries stores serve foods and drinks. But it is not our ultimate destination, coz we are going back to city and have our dinner! 回市區可選擇搭巴士或小巴,9號巴士就是來的那一架,不過班次較少,小巴目的地也同樣是筲箕灣 Both bus and minibus can be found in here. For bus, 9 is the one we took before. Minibus has more shift, also ended at Shau Kei Wan. Time to Dinner 一行N個人去一間開飯都無出現的大排檔酒樓,叫”新金潮”,味道不錯價錢又合理,很麻甩很港式 This gang went to a very local restaurant, named “New Gold Wave Seafood Restaurant”. Reasonable price with tasty food, very local. 點擊圖片放大 +2 晚飯過後雖然很飽,不過經過傳說中的”低調高手大街小食”,還有那傳說中的雞蛋仔,是那麼吸引的事! 排隊的人龍不短,不過為一試一致好評的雞蛋仔,決定排隊一嘗。雞蛋仔是新鮮即做,做好後用風機輕輕吹乾,送到客人手上。雞蛋仔的邊非常脆,幾乎每一粒都可以”啪”下來,面層亦同樣鬆脆,但同時雞蛋仔粒入面有半滿的蛋漿,正式的外脆內軟。 行過山,吃過豐富一餐共嚐出名小食,大滿足! Getting full after the dinner, BUT, walking after the legendary " Master Low Key Food Shop", their Egg Waffle is so temptative that no one can resist to buy. The queue is not short but we hv got to line up to try. Egg Waffle is a very local snack, and Hong-Konger loves it so much. These egg waffles by this shop are freshly made. Edges and the outer shelf of egg waffle edge are very crisp, while the inside is soft. Gourmet dinner coupled tasty snack after hiking made a wonderful day. Cheers! 謝謝Matt出手拯救呢篇Blog~ 想多欣賞他的作品:http://mattatsimplelife.blogspot.hk/