Vegetarian 一直認為露營是一件挑戰自我的事。由現在化的社會跑進原始森林生活,連生火都要用柴支鑽木取火(看太多"叢"吧)。在生活上有點handicap的我知道要去露營其實都有點滴汗。幸好體貼的Matt明白到我的能力,所以露營的地點都比較現代化。而第二天吃的也可以優哉悠哉的在昂坪市集解決。 一早醒來,就感受到陽光的熱力隔著帳幕覆蓋在身上。慵懶的伸個懶腰才慢慢的起床梳洗。因為不用趕著弄早餐,所以可以完全放鬆心情去感受和熙溫暖的陽光和大自然。 準備好一切,我們就出發到昂坪市集喇~ Always thought camping was a self-challenge. From a modern city to a forest, and even a fire by rubbing sticks (watch too many "Law of the Jungle"). It was really astonishing to me as I am a little handicap of taking care by myself. Fortunately, Matt considerate to my ability, so camping sites are quite modern. The next day we can shopping in Ngong Ping Village. In the morning, how is the sun waking me up? The heat of the sun penetrate the tent covering the body and wake me up gently. There is no hurry to get breakfast, so we can completely relax and enjoy the sun and nature. Everything is ready, let's go Ngong Ping Village~ Georgia偷偷的跟著我們出門去了 Georgia came with us secretly 已習慣被人拍照的牛牛,不過還是不要用閃光燈 Cow have been accustomed to being photographed, but still don't use flash 他好像睡得很舒服呢 It seems enjoy the sunshine so much 由營地步行到市集的路上風景也不錯呢 Nice scene from the camping site to the Village 在佛門清靜地,廟裡面有很多賣齋的店,當然要吃齋呢~味道不錯。還有指示牌寫著嚴禁飲酒食肉。尊重自己尊重別人,別破戒吖~ In the temple, there are a lot of restaurant only for vegetarian. We try one of it, yeah taste not bad. There are signs that says alcohol and meat are strictly prohibited. Respect yourself Respect others, don't mess up ~ Tian Tan Buddha 天壇大佛是一坐青銅坐佛,坐於海拔482米大嶼山的木魚峰之上。這尊大佛用了12年的時間興建而成。 Tian Tan Buddha is a bronze Buddha, sit at an altitude of 482 meters at the peak of Mount Muk Yue in Lantau. It takes 12 years to build from. 吃飽就有力氣,不過到大佛頂的樓梯很長呢。我們走了大約十多分鐘,268級的樓梯,總算到達目的地。 There are 268 stairs and we take about ten more minutes to reach the buddha. Top Model也有御用攝影師呢 Georgia is a top model Must eat in Ngong Ping - Sweet Tofu 這裡的其中一個Must Do,一定是馳名的山水豆腐花。其實在昂坪裡有很多家賣豆腐花的店,我們只是隨便選一家,已經是超滑超好吃呢。所以山水豆腐花真的不可以不試。 One item of the Must Do List in here must be well-known sweet bean curd. In fact, there are a lot of restaurant also have Sweet Tofu. We just pick one randomly, it is very smooth and delicious. Don't forget to try the sweet Tofu when you have been here. Ngong Ping Village 大佛旁的昂坪市集 Ngong Ping Village near by the Giant Buddha 昂坪360 Ngong Ping 360, one method to get here. I prefer you use this method only in nice weather Time to go home 收拾好細遠,把垃圾分類好放進旁邊的回收筒,就回家去LU Pack all the things and put the garbage into the recycling box well before leaving Remark 這兩日一夜露營其實過得很輕鬆,完全適合我這種習慣在城市裡居住但偶然想在大自然裡睡一睡的懶人。其實只有一天是露營,另一天是逛市集去買東西吃。雖然對經常露營的人來說,我這次可能不算是露營。但對我來說,是一個不錯的開始,循序漸進呀麻~ This two day camping is quite relaxed indeed, perfectly suited for me. I get used to live in the city but want to sleep occasionally in sometime. In fact, only one day is camping, another day was visiting the village and have some meals. Although for the expert in camping may think this may not camping. But for me, it is a good start, step by step~ Information 回程方法: Back to Tung Chung: 於東涌市中心巴士總站乘坐23號新大嶼山巴士到昂坪站 車程時間:大約50分鐘 Take the No.23 New Lantao Bus to Tung Chung Town Centre from Ngong Ping During : About 50 mins 新大嶼山巴士網址: Website of New Lantao Bus: [露營樂] 開箱分享 - 價性比高的國產帳幕 同步: