Camping 露營,對於我來說是一個既熟悉又陌生的詞。認識它卻不曾接觸過它。 露營讓我聯想到的是"蛇蟲鼠蟻",及"露天洗手間"。因此,可以選擇的話,我會選擇"宿營"。不過,經過了在澳洲日以繼夜與昆蟲同住後(Matt在澳洲很愛養蜘蛛,又愛看肥美又白滑的四腳蛇糾纏在一起),我相信我已經可以挑戰露營了!所以在今年的年初,我就向昂坪出發~ Camping, is both familiar and unfamiliar words to me. I didn't camping before even I understand the meaning of Camping. It makes me to think "bugs" and "open-air toilets". I would choose "camp" living in the house, rather than camping outside. However, after a day and night stay with insects in Australia (Matt loves to keep spiders as pet in Australia, and also love to see the plump lizard intertwined), I believe I could have challenged camping! So in early this year, I gotta camping in Ngong Ping ~ Equipment 對於一個露營初哥,不,是未曾露營過的人。根本沒有甚麼裝備可言,唯一的裝備就是要把Matt帶上。哈哈,沒有啦,我還是有好好幫忙拿東西呢。如果想知道露營需帶備的裝備,請私訊我吧,我會把Matt的電話給你~哈哈 For a camping beginner, no, for the people has never camping. The only equipment is... no idea. The most important thing is stay close to Matt. Haha, I still help Matt to carry a lot of things. If you want to know the need of camping, please private message me, I will give you the number of Matt. Haha~ See~我的背包也不少呢(紅色包包) See~ I also got a huge backpack (the red one) Georgia和Tina丁丁也有參加冬令營呢 Georgia和Tina Ding Ding join the camp too 御用Model Georgia Super model Georgia Start from Tung Chung Matt和我有時真的好Hea爆 (應該說⋯⋯慢活嗎?),所以我們下午到達東涌後才斯斯然去享受我們的午餐和買晚上打邊爐的材料。幸好東涌有超市又有街市,不然的話我的零食就沒喇! Matt and I sometimes really Downshifting. We arrived in Tung Chung in afternoon already and then go for lunch. It is easy to get the hotpot food and snack in Tung Chung market. 珍珠奶茶和大腸麵線變成我的至愛呢~ Taiwanese Pearl Milk Tea and Pork intestine vermicelli 在商場附近就有巴士總站,乘撘23號新大嶼山巴士就可到達昂坪站 We can get the No.23 New Lantao Bus to Ngong Ping in Tung Chung Town Centre 下車立刻有牛牛歡迎我們呢~ We are welcomed by cows 天朗氣清的日子,藍天配大佛,心情倍覺恬靜 Awesome weather, blue sky with Buddha, has become more peaceful mood 沿著指示牌走就可以到達昂坪營地 You can reach the Ngong Ping Camp Site by following the indicator Oh~我以為露營都是在山澗竹林裡,喝要溪水,吃要打獵(沒那麼誇張喇~)。原來是那麼現代化呢,附近還有洗手間呢。禮拜六還剩下那麼多位置選擇真好 Oh ~ I think camping is in the forest. Drink stream water and hunting for eat (not so exaggerated La ~). There is a toilet nearby. Still so many position available even on Saturday, Wonderful! Matt叱咄一聲,雙手旋轉,那地墊應聲張開 Matt spread the floor mats "登櫈",帳幕已完成。有關其他推介的2人營,大家可參閱露營樂 Wow~ The tent is well set up now 請看清楚露營守則,好好珍惜愛護地球上的資源 Please absolutely follow the camping code. Love our earth 設置好一切時已到夕陽時分了,夕陽無限好好好好好⋯⋯ Dusk is arrived stealthily after everything is ready 點擊圖片放大 Mission - Drink Drink Drink 我們深信,配撘打邊爐的飲料不可以是清水,所以放好東西後我們就到昂坪市集去逛一逛。順便買Apple Cider~~ We think drinking water during hotpot is not a good idea, so put all the things in the tent then we went to Ngong Ping Village to stroll around. Apple Cider ~~ 點擊圖片放大 外面古色古香的7仔 Special 7-11 連店員穿的制服都零舍不同呢~ With special shirt Mission Complete 完成任務買到心頭好後,就起程回營地了。天已黑,月亮高掛。回去的路上,縱使有月光,但仍需要用手電筒來照明。 Time to going back to the camp site after having apple cider. Torch is essential when going back. 點擊圖片放大 某些角度看這些像,um... They look so..... Dinner Time 準備充足的Matt二話不說已極速去起爐火,畢竟兩個饑腸轆轆的人對著一大鍋美味的丸子而不可以吃,是非常的難受呢。 Matt is going to prepare the gas stove for our dinner. We are so hungry especially there are so many delicious meatballs in front of us. 點擊圖片放大 Cheers~ 其實在Matt開帳幕時我已經到附近的洗手間把這些打邊爐的材料和用具洗乾淨呢 By the way, I clean up all the stuff and wash the food in the day time when Matt is setting the tent. Matt特意帶上這浪漫的掛燈,但因為太亮怕打擾到別人,所以拍完照就把燈關呢 The romantic light decoration is brought by Matt. As they are too shine, we gotta turn it off at once after finishing photo P.S. 打完文才記起我試過一次⋯⋯露營吧,在Uluru附近的地方席地而睡,睡在睡袋裡。眼睛望著滿天星星的夜空,慢慢入睡。會再另外Post文呢。 P.S. May be it is not my first time camping. I slept outside under the milky way in Uluru. I will post another article later on. Information: 前往方法: How to getting there: 乘撘港鐡到東涌站B出口 Reach Tung Chung Station by MTR's train and Exit B 於東涌市中心巴士總站乘坐23號新大嶼山巴士到昂坪站 車程時間:大約50分鐘 Take the No.23 New Lantao Bus to Ngong Ping in Tung Chung Town Centre During : About 50 mins 新大嶼山巴士網址: Website of New Lantao Bus: [露營樂] 開箱分享 - 價性比高的國產帳幕 同步: