四日三夜的旅程來到最後一個晚上,晚上,確實更令人有更多不捨的感覺。與澳洲認識的台灣朋友一聚後,相聚再分別,更覺不捨。不過,不捨之情很快便被眼前的美食取替了~(哈哈) It's the last night of this journey, evening, make me even more missing here indeed. Separating with Taiwanese Friend after a gathering, meet again and separate, amplify the feeling of sadness. However, feelings of sadness will soon be replaced by delicate cate in Ximending. 繼光香香雞,我們購買了"香香炸雞"和"酥炸魷魚"聞起來很香,雖然我們回到飯店才吃(變冷了一點),但還是不錯。 J&G Fried Chicken: We bought a Taiwanese fried chicken and fried squid, they smell good. They're still yummy even cooling down a lil when we back to hotel. 味道真是一把記憶鎖鑰。還記得在住在Backpacker和Share house時,Grace(台灣的朋友)都有做鹽酥雞,又香又辣的味道,令人情不自禁的一粒一粒的放進口裡。 Flavour is just like a memorial key. I remember the first time I taste the Taiwanese fried chicken is made by Grace (Taiwanese friend met in Aussie) in Aussie Backpacker. There are so many valuable memory. We love this fried chicken and can't stop to having it one after one. 入夜的西門町有著各種各樣的街頭小食,甜甜辣辣的豬肉腸,非常可口 There are many street foods at night in Ximending. I tried this pork sausage with black pepper. Sweet and spicy flavour, Awesome! 享受完味道刺激辛辣的美食,再以清爽香甜的蓮霧作為中和一下口腔;平衡一下心情,也是不錯的選擇 It's a good idea to have a wax-apple after finishing the dinner like this. 十二點Check out之後,就先把行李寄放在飯店裡 We check out at 12:00. It's so great that the hotel has left baggage service. 飯店附近的橫街小巷都頗有特色 The side streets near the hotel are quite characteristic 點擊圖片放大 在西門町吃過午餐後,再逛一逛就到車站坐著 We get to Taipei Station after lunch in Ximending 鐵路便當是日治時期搭乘鐵路時,除了選擇到餐車之外的另一種用餐選擇,不過當時在一般車廂並不提供茶與便當,旅客必須在列車靠站時購買(資料來自維基百科) This Catering Service is provided by Taiwan Railway Administration. In the past, it's mainly for the people who take the train. 現在我們當然可以輕鬆地在臺北車站購買價廉物美的臺鐵便當,坐在廣場中央,聽著身旁年輕人比手畫腳的聊天,別有一番風味。(絕對要保持地方清潔,不要遺漏任何垃圾吖) But now we can easily to get the Boxed Meal in Taipei Station. Just sit down in the centre and enjoy the meal. (Remember to bring all your belongings and keep it clean before leaving) 是時候回家去呢~ It's time to go home~ 在這趟旅程,我們是非常幸運的呢。只有在最後一天去機場的路程才下大雨,其餘時間都是大晴天。因為早到機場,所以可以坐早一班(20:05)的飛機回港,而原本坐的那一班航班(21:15)因天雨關係延誤了一個小時才起飛。 一次旅遊的完結讓我更期待下一次的旅程 We are absolutely lucky in this trip. Rain only in the last day we were going to airport. Sunshine are alway be with us. We get the earlier flight(20:05) to Hong Kong as we arrived earlier. The flight we have to take originally (21:15) had been delay for about an hour because of the bad weather. The end of this trip make me looking forward to my next trip. 相關資訊: 臺鐵便當~ http://www.railway.gov.tw/tw/shop.aspx?n=6835 Information: TRA Boxed Meal http://www.railway.gov.tw/en/CP.aspx?sn=16986&n=19593 全文同步: http://levistoneks.blogspot.hk/2015/04/hea-last-day.html ~See ya~