在網上搜尋一下"台北 Cafe",有特色Cafe的如銀河沙數吧。我跟Matt也是愛貓之人,這一次就選了在師大附近的貓貓Cafe,來做裝文青度半天的地點吧。 Searching about Taipei Cafe on web, theme cafes are all around. As both Matt and I are cats lover, this time we chose a cat cafe at the National Taiwan Normal University nearby to enjoy our half-day to being a "Hipster". 先坐捷運到台電大樓站 Taking Taipei Metro to Taipower Building Station 在3號的師大路出 Exit 3 at Shida Rd. 在台北的多個捷運站裡面,都會有這些印章。蓋了之後,有"到此一遊"的感覺呢。這構思又有趣又有紀念價值。 Free Memorial station stamp can be easily found in most of the Taipei Metro Station. Tourists like us can have a chop to say "I was here", this idea is brilliant and memorising. 從車站到極簡咖啡館,走路大約9分鐘的路程 Take around 9 mins to walk from the station to this Minimal Cafe 在門口已經看見可愛的貓貓呢~ Can you see, lovely cat is already welcoming us at the storefront! 唉⋯⋯沒辦法抗拒的貓貓睡覺的樣子 Oh my dear, sleeping kitties are irresistibly cute! 店裡的貓貓都有頸環,而上面都有極簡的地址和電話。老闆也真細心呢 All cats in the cafe have named necklace with the store contact no., so that if cats were lost, it is much easier to find back. The staff are really considerate. 除了在店裡的貓貓,老闆連流浪貓也照料到 Apart from the cats within the cafe, the cafe would take good care of stray cats as well. 雖然是以貓為主的Cafe,但食物的賣相和味道也不俗。況且,有貓貓/Georgia陪伴進食的好心情,食物的味道也特別的好呢。 Taste and look of food are better than our expectation indeed for a cat theme cafe. Having a meal with cats (and our lovely Georgia) are specially better in both tastes and moods. 這餅乾是當天的好運。是剛好遇見一位笑容可愛的阿嬤請我幫了一個小忙,吃的時候還覺得不好意思,為甚麼?看下圖就知道喇。 Fortune Cookies in the day because of a lovely grandma asked me to give a hand. I was feeling a little bit sorry when eating it. Why? Because of the following. LOL. 畫功之差,如果不註明畫的是甚麼,真的有點難猜。怪不得我玩"Pictionary"時會輸得那麼慘烈!! The grandma asked me to draw a cat for her grand daughter, but if I didn't add a remark on, it seems hard to guess what it is.....no wondering why I lost in "Pictionary" every times. 以上兩位偽文青,貓貓為他們的照片加了不小分吧~(為什麼都是玩蘋果,至少拿本書看吧) Cats are the highlighted for the above two "hipsters" profile pic. (Well...these two guys are still playing with Apple items, where are books?) 極簡的meun很舊很破,但看的人絕不介意吧,還會有安心的感覺。知道貓貓一定有最好的待遇。 Menu of Minimal Cafe looks very old and shabby, but reader wouldn't mind that, because all we know that they would treat cats very well. 快樂的時光轉眼就過,離開時天已快黑。這麼愜意的過了一整個下午,心情都特別舒暢~ Happy time runs fast. When we left the cafe, it was already nighttime. It was a wonderful afternoon in the Minimal Cafe. 總覺得這幅照片有一點點千與千尋的感覺 Just feeling like the Japanese animated movie "Spirited Away", isn't it? 去Cafe前,我們先在附近逛了一下。然後在一些橫街找了一間很台灣的早餐店。感覺很像台劇"飯團之家"的店呢。可惜沒有一武哥⋯⋯ Actually before we went to the cafe, we walked around the nearby. And we found a Taiwan style breakfast shop just like those found in Taiwanese drama. 宮保雞丁炒烏冬 Kung Pao Diced Chicken fried with Udon 豬排蛋燒餅 Baked Bread with Pork and Egg 晚上經過同一間早餐店,嘩!居然變成滷味店呢,好Flexible 呀! When we walked there at the night time, the breakfast shop was transforming into a braised snacks shop! How flexible of Taiwanese is! 在師大夜市有很多賣滷味的店,這是我們的晚餐。 This is our dinner. Taiwanese braised snacks! 後記: 這是我第一次去台灣的Cafe,店員不論男女老幼都很有禮貌和親切。還可以跟他們一起聊聊貓咪的喜好習慣。坐久了在店裡走走看,逗逗貓咪。真的是城市人減壓放鬆心情的好去處。 Remarks: This is my first time to visit a Taiwan cafe. Staffs are very polite and very kind. We also talked about kitties stuff. It is a good place for releasing pressure in the city. 相關資訊: Information: 極簡咖啡館~ 下午茶套餐,每人消費大約NT$200 Minimal Cafe Tea set - around NT$200 per head 這Blog詳細介紹極簡咖啡館(多相) This blog introducing details of Minimal Cafe as well (Lots of photos within) http://mattatsimplelife.blogspot.hk/2015/05/cafe-minimal-cafe.html 車站專屬紀念章戳相關網址~ Station Memorial Stamps information page: http://www.metro.taipei/ct.asp?xItem=96511977&ctNode=70050&mp=122035 台北捷運的路線圖~ Taipei Metro Route Map: http://www.metro.taipei/ct.asp?xItem=78479152&CtNode=70089&mp=122035 PS: Thanks Matthew for helping the translation 全文同步:http://levistoneks.blogspot.hk/2015/05/hea-part-2.html