這次到台北我們大部份時間都是在西門町,因為沒有想要去趕景點,所以有充裕的時間去品嚐這裡的美食。在介紹我嚐過的美食之前,先分享一下我去過的地方吧~ We spend large proportion of time in Ximending. We don't have any plan about visiting Taipei and the main propose of this trip is for the food. Thus, we have plenty of time to try different cuisine. Before introduce the food we take, let talk about the place we've been there. 西門町 - 一個跟旺角感覺相似的地方 Ximending - The place look like as Mongkok 話說筆者是一個文具控,聽說台灣的文具精美又便宜,所以朋友就介紹了一間"光南大批發"的店鋪給我,有大量文具賣的。 我們以為台北的店是在西門車站附近,但怎樣也找不到。(我們沒有買電話卡,也找不到網路,用不到google map)所以就用又方便又好用的方法⋯⋯路在口邊~ I heard from my friend that stationery in Taiwan is cheap and nice. I like to buy stationery especially pen. So, my friend recommend "光南大批發" to me. "光南大批發" just like a department store and it has variety stationery. We think the branch of "光南大批發" is around Ximen station but it doesn't. We cannot find it, moreover, no network and no google map can use. Finally, we use the traditional method....ask somebody. 點擊圖片放大 在西門站時我們問了一位帶口罩的女生,雖然是帶著口罩,但我相信她一定是個美女(眼妝畫得好,眼睛又大又圓)。她用很溫柔的聲音跟我們說明要撘捷運到台北車站的八號出口,出去之後就會看到青蛙戀奶(我們其實只聽到青蛙XX),而光南就在青蛙的後面。說完後還靦腆地說:"不好意思,因為不太舒服"(怕我們因口罩聽不清楚她講話呢) 臨走之前還一再叮囑是:"八號吖~記得是八號吖" 然後我就跟Matt說:"為甚麼台灣的女生跟我在澳洲認識的台灣女生不一樣的呢?"(Kidding~ Don't kill me 吖) There is a girl wearing mask stands in front of Ximen Station. I am trying to ask her how can we get to "光南大批發". She explains to us very detail with a soft and polite voice (Exit #8 in Taipei station). Before we leave, she reminds us again the exit is #8. I believe she must be a pretty girl even she is wearing mask. She has a wonderful eye makeup on her big and beautiful eyes. 原來這就是青蛙XX 有一些文具真的是比香港便宜很多,但並不是全部,所以還是得要選 Here is "光南大批發" , some of the stationery is cheaper than Hong Kong but not the all of them. 好,入戲肉了~回到香港時我真的不太敢上磅,怕嚇壞呢~第一天的食物: OK, The first day(half day only) start.....eating: 第一擊,豪大大的雞排,我覺得頗不錯。但台灣的朋友說豪大大在台灣並不是最好吃的呢~好,那我再找~ Hot-star Large Fried Chicken, it is a fried chicken cutlet, delicious! But our taiwanese friend said it is not the best in Taiwan. OK, I will find the best. 聽說在台灣隨便一家的珍珠奶茶都很好喝,所以就選了"茶研社",又確實不錯呢~ Pearl milk tea in Taiwan is very popular, we can find it everywhere and the taste is also good. 大腸麵線是賣飛佛。阿宗麵線,在網上有介紹呢,很多遊客買吖,味道是不錯的,價格也便宜,但口感不是我想要的。 Pork Intestine vermicelli is my favourite. Price of "阿宗麵線" is cheap and the taste is good. But the texture of vermicelli is not the one I want. 建宏牛肉麵,去的時候比較晚,所以就外帶。份量超多,也很足料,價錢很便宜呢~那牛肉湯特別好喝~ "建宏牛肉麵", the most popular dish is beef noodle with soup. The soup is made by beef thus if you have it, you can feel the strong beef flavour in your mouth. It's cheap but large serving. We arrived late so take way. 宇治抹奶茶 Green Tea milk tea with red bean 以為第一天(還只得半天而已)就吃夠多嗎?看看第二天有多瘋吧!還不是因為那兩個台灣的 饞嘴鬼呢(推卸責任呢~呵呵) Is it so much food we eat in the first day? Haha~ You cannot imagine how crazy we are in the following day. Of course, the main reasons is these two Taiwanese 丁丁, they lead us to eat, non-stop eating. 點擊圖片放大 +5 早上起來就可以吃到一個對胃的早餐buffet,確實令人心曠神怡。如果唔是太遲起床,早餐應該會更好吃~ Breakfast is the most important meal in your whole day. 點擊圖片放大 這個是Tei推介"豚王",雖然香港也有,但我沒有吃過呀~我是比較重口味喇,所以覺得頗不錯。特別是那糖心蛋,蛋白是咸咸的,I like it。吃完真的要喝很多水 Tei recommend Butao Ramen to us. Although there are Butao Ramen in , I didn't try it. Yeah~ I like it. I like strong flavour. As the dishes are quite salty, we need to drink a lot of water after that. I love the Japanese style egg. AWESOME! 台灣的雪花冰怎樣也要一試呢,在這炎炎夏日,食個冰真的透心涼呢 In the summer, Snowflake ice is the best thing that make you happy. 午餐,甜點,就再來喝一杯咖啡呢 Lunch, dessert, then coffee 晚餐就吃日本菜~特別喜歡那豆腐,很滑呢 We have a Japanese Cuisine for dinner. I like the Tofu so much. 晚餐之後就來個甜點,這次我點了苦瓜口味~哈哈,是生苦瓜的味道。Tina & Matt說很苦,我覺得不錯呢~ Dessert time after the dinner. I tried the bitter gourd flavour ice-cream. Tina and Matt don't like it, I like it~~ 以上食物全都是在西門町 台灣,特別是台北,食物的味道都帶甜,很合我的口味~價錢還是要看是吃甚麼,有些還是沒有很便宜。 All the food shown above are in Ximending. I like the food in Taipei as most of them have sweet flavour. The price of them are cheap but not all. 全文同步:http://levistoneks.blogspot.hk/2015/04/hea-part-1.html