台灣,一個香港人絕不會陌生的地方。台北,相信身邊大部份的朋友都已經去過。可能有些朋友更視之為第二個家,每隔數月就要回去一次了。 鑒於Matt雖多次去台灣旅行但竟未曾踏足過台北,而且我也很想念台灣的朋友呢~所以就促成了這次台北之遊呢。 (其實主要原因是因為機票的價格) Taiwan, it's a familiar place to HongKonger. Especially Taipei, most of our friends have been there before. Some of them may go to Taipei every several months as they seem Taipei is their second home. Matt has been Taiwan for few times but not Taipei, it's quite surprise for me or his friend. Thus we plan this trip and also we can meet our friend in Taipei. (In fact, the main reason is the ticket price) 剛巧聽到電台節目的介紹說有特價機票,還是CX呢,所以就極速在Priceline訂機票酒店, 最後是請假。來回機票連稅,三晚酒店,二人合共HKD3745。(真係好鬼平呢~) CX has a promotion for the ticket from HK to Taipei that I heard from radio. Less than HKD1000 per head of the flight ticket which including tax and surcharge. It's really cheap and I reserve the flight ticket and hotel in "" immediately. Of course, the last thing I need to do is asking for annual leave. There is totally HKD3745 only for 2 persons (ticket and hotel) 點擊圖片放大 +5 不到二個小時的機程,我倆已抵達臺灣桃園國際機場。還未享受完我的Wrap,空中服務員就已經開始收拾。台灣跟香港的距離~沒距離喇~Tina, I am coming~~~ Less than 2 hours, we are already in Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport. The distant between Hong Kong and Taiwan...haha..very short... 接機的人⋯⋯沒有一個是等我呢~ Is there anyone waiting for me? 電梯的坑紋跟車輪的組合,讓車子卡住不會溜走,設計好聰明呢~(我認我見識比較少) The groove of the elevator is perfectly match to the wheel, so it lock the baggage cart. So smart! 出發前已做過功課如何由機場去西門町的住處,而且網上也有很多很詳細的說明。我還是想要說呢~出境之後向左走到盡頭就可以見到指示版。右轉去巴士乘車處 Although there are so much information about the way from airport to Ximen station in internet, I would like to write it again. Turn left and walk to the end after you leave the custom. Then you can see the indicator, then turn right to the bus station. 直走到盡到 Keep walking 在盡頭處可看到售賣國光車票的自動售票機,若果真的不想用它,旁邊也有櫃檯賣票。 We can find the Automatic Ticket Vending Machine for KUO-KUANG e-bus. If you really don't know/want to use it to buy the ticket, you can find the counter nearby. 這是去臺北車站的票,每張120NT$ TWD120/each to Taipei Railway Station 有行李的話,上車時工作人員會給你行李證貼到行李箱。 Staff will give you a sticker if you are carrying a suitcase 大約50分鐘的車程就到達臺北車站 During 50mins from airport to Taipei Railway Station 根據指示乖乖的拿好自己的行李 Go to get our suitcases by the staff instruction 然後要轉乘捷運,可以從臺北車站裡走到捷運站 We have to take the Metro and we can get there through Taipei Railway Station. 我們先到客服買悠遊卡 It's very important to buy the EasyCard first. 成人每張200NT$,(100押金,100可用額) (初初還以為悠遊卡英文是YO YO Card) 200NT$ (deposit 100, balance 100) for Adult. (Haha~ I think the name of Easycard is YoYo Card at the beginning as the Chinese pronunciation of Easy Card is similar to "Yoyo Card") 目的地是西門站,路線是5號的板南線。臺北路線圖 Our destination is Ximen Station, so we need to take the No.5 Bannan Line. (Metro Route Map) 要選去永寧方向吖~ Remember it should toward to Yongning. 我們住的酒店是在6號出口附近 We exit in No.6 as the hotel is nearby it 登橙橙櫈~西門站 Wow~~ Ximen Station 俞美精品飯店 Hotel B6, the hotel we choose to live in Taipei 從車站走到飯店也是9分鐘左右 It only take about 9 mins from Ximen Station to B6 點擊圖片放大 +2 餅乾和飲料都是免費的吖~ All the biscuit and drink are free 飯店裡的服務生很有禮貌也很親切,因為知道我們要住比較多天(其實也只是3天而已),就特意安排有窗戶的房間,每次有客人進來或外出,他們都會站起來禮貌地打招呼。雖然房間比較少,但環境也頗乾淨。早餐buffet也不錯吃~會在下一篇文章介紹。 I would like to recommend this hotel as the environment is tidy and also the staff are very polite and nice. They arrange the room has window for us because we will stay many days (haha...not many, just 3 days only). 飯店資訊: 標準雙人房三晚連早餐價錢大約:≈HKD1800 網址如下Website: Hotel Information: Standard Double Room for 3 nights with breakfast : about HKD1800 台北捷運站Taipei Metro: 全文同步: