平時沒有做運動的我,第一次跟Matt去行山。他選擇了難度不高的大東山(騙人的~~)。我們坐地鐵到東涌站,在等其他人的時候,就先享受一下陽光和麥當勞~ Sunset Peak, it's the first time hiking with Matt. He said hiking at Sunset Peak is not very difficult. We enjoy the McDonald's and SUNSHINE before exercise. 在東涌站外坐旅遊巴直逹伯公㘭 You can arrive Pak Kung Au by taking the bus 其中一個行山高手,是朋友的狗兒~草餅。超級受歡迎! One of the hiking expert. He is a super star! 旁邊是鳳凰山 Lantau Peak is next to Sunset Peak 這是最難走的一部分,很斜。 It's the most difficult part and very oblique. I also use my hand to climb up. 辛苦之後,大家就放鬆心情玩。玩到出高難度動作。(拍攝效果,千萬不要學) Is he trying to jump down? Just kidding thus no learn it. 終於到達大東山的山頂,來個大合照吧~ Finally we arrive the peak 山頂旁就是大東山有名的爛頭營 It's the popular place in Sunset Peak. It name is 爛頭營 還有滿山都是的芒草 Sunset Peak is covered by Miscanthus 當然少不了我的飛佛~ Of course I must bring my favourite drink 回程途中看見 Some people have a wild camp in here 日落下一對小情侶,因感覺太sweet,情不自控地偷拍了他們。>,< As the feeling is so great, I cannot control myself of taking this picture 因為沒有帶電筒,所以沒有等到正式日落就下山。沒辦法看到出名的Sunset Peak的Sunset~ 日落後山上真的很黑,所以預備看日落的朋友們要記得準備好照明工具。 The most famous thing of sunset peak of course is sunset. After sunset, the whole mountain is very dark. As we didn't prepare torch, thus we have to leave before sunset.... 在梅窩吃晚餐才坐巴士到東涌地鐵站 We have the dinner in Mui Wo before taking the bus to Tung Chung Station 他也好餓呢~ He's very hungry too 後記: 出發前一定要去洗手間,山上是沒地方去洗手間⋯⋯或者是我找不到吧。 帶多一點食物,可以在山頂上慢慢享受,感覺很relax。 到達山腳時,我腿是抖的,哈哈,做運動真的要持之以恆。閒時一次長時間運動,好容易拿了我的小命~~~ Toilet is not available in the mountain. Remember to bring your own food and you can enjoy it in the natural environment Keeping exercise is more important than have a heavy exercise occasionally. 其他資料: 前往起點大東山: 於港鐵東涌站B出口的巴士總站乘坐11號巴士或於梅窩巴士總站乘坐3M號巴士至伯公坳,下車後走至涼亭,再左轉入鳳凰徑,直登大東山。 從終點大東山離開: 搭乘3M號巴士至東涌市中心港鐵站或梅窩碼頭巴士總站。 From starting point: MTR Tung Chung Station, Exit B. From the bus terminus next to the MTR station, take bus 11, (or bus 3M from Mui Wo bus terminus if you take a ferry to Mui Wo), to Pak Kung Au. Turn left to The pavilion, and then turn left onto the Lantau Trail, which leads to Sunset Peak. From end point: Take bus 3M to MTR Tung Chung Station or Mui Wo Bus Terminus. Source: http://www.discoverhongkong.com/tc/see-do/great-outdoors/hikes/sunset-peak.jsp#ixzz3MRgYgCrZ 全文同步:http://levistoneks.blogspot.hk/2014/12/blog-post.html