吃喝玩樂,在於我來說,真的是缺一不可呢。為了舒緩日常工作的壓力,朋友決定找個藉口讓大家non-stop的吃半天。爽! 我們於中環五號碼頭乘坐13:15的船,不到一個小時的船程,跟朋友談個天說個地就到達目的地-長洲。 一踏上陸地我們就急不及待的開始我們的 "喪食之旅"。 出發前曾做過功課,知道長洲其中一個出名的小吃是像 "Magic Mouse"一樣的芒果糯米糍。第一站就是 "允升甜品"~ How to work life balance? In order to release the pressure from my work, we go to Cheung Chau to have an non stop eating tour. What amazing~ We take the ship at 13:15 from Central Pier 5 to Cheung Chau. It's an awesome time to chit chat with friend during the one hour journey time. Of course we cannot wait to start our tour when we get off the ship. We do some research about some popular foods in Cheung Chau. One of them is Mango Nuomici (one shop in Cheung Chau describe Mango rice dumpling like this). The first stop is 允升甜品 因為這只是午餐前的小吃,所以就直接外賣。裡面的確有半個芒果肉在裡面,皮也很薄。買了四個,一半的是甜,一半的是帶酸的。其實我覺得酸酸的反而更好吃。 We have 4 mango nuomici take away as it just a snack before our lunch. It includes half mango with a very thin skin, and it just only cost $10. Some mango are sweet and some are sour, I prefer the sour one. 吃完小吃,就要吃正餐的時候,正餐還是得要坐下來吧。所以就到得 "通記"。它的位置不是在很顯眼的地方,所以也要花時間找了一會。在熟食中心旁走進去。 We need to have lunch after having snack. "通記" is Hong Kong style restaurant and we have lunch there. It's not easy to find the location and it place near by Street Market. 這是第二站陳通記 The second stop is "通記" 沙嗲牛麵 -沙嗲味很濃,很適合我這些重口味的人。但真的太濃,吃完之後會非常口渴。 Satay Beef with noodle. The strong satay flavour is very delicious and I love is so much. But it make me feel very thirsty and have to drink a lot of water. 我們在點 "沙嗲牛麵" 的時候猶豫了一會。我想要的是平常茶餐廳的"沙嗲牛麵",但餐牌上卻有:沙嗲肥牛,鮮牛肉,沙嗲,三個選擇。結果,我們選了鮮牛肉加沙嗲,$29。最後也沒有問店員到底跟$27的沙嗲肥牛有甚麼分別~ I feel a lil confuse in the menu, there are two choices. One is Satay beef ($27) and another is fresh beef with satay ($29). Actually I don't the different between them but I finally choose fresh beef with satay. 豬膶麵 -豬膶是半爽半軟的。就是平常的豬膶。 Pig liver with noodle - just a normal pig liver 豬膶米通 -可能米通煮太久吧,覺得這太太太⋯⋯軟。沒有很好吃。 Pig liver with rice noodle. The texture of this rice noodle is too soft, I don't like it. 橙汁檸冰 -在口渴的情況下,它是好喝的,但不太解喝。吃完還是要立刻去買水。 Ice Orange and lemon juice - It's good when I am so thirsty. 正餐之後是甜點的時候,本打算再去吃芒果糯米糍。到了 "芒果王",店員說已經賣完喇。我們只好用失望的一聲 "下~"來回應。走到旁邊依依不捨的看店員在包可能預先被訂購的芒果糯米糍。 We plan to have mango nuomici again after lunch. When we arrive "芒果王", the staff told us that the nuomici is sold out. Oh~~ We are so disappointed and stay outside to see the mango is being packed to be nuomici. We guess all of them are reserved. 發現有一個是用整個芒果,誰是那個幸運兒呢? Who is the lucky one to get the double mango? 既然甜點吃不到,就去買小吃吧。魷魚~因為我不太愛很硬的食物,所以就⋯⋯不介紹喇 Although we cannot have dessert, we still want some snacks just like squid. I am not going to introduce squid here as ...I don't much like the food so hard. 繼續就是我們的不停吃吃吃⋯⋯ We keep eating, non-stop eating.... 吃飽後先休息一下,到東灣路的海灘走一走。找到個地方就玩起card game - Deal~兩局過後天也變黑。好好去吃頓海鮮晚餐就回家。 We go to the beach near Tung Wan Road and play the card game - Deal in there. Night is coming after two round of the game. Seafood dinner is our next stop. 晚上我們吃海鮮,其實沿路的店鋪價錢也差不多,所以就挑了一間店員說送湯的店,坐下後,三催四請另一店員才勉強端湯給我們。而海鮮的味道也沒有特別突出。結果我們點了三碟海鮮一個菜三支可樂,都是三百多塊。價格很優惠。 The price of the restaurant are similar and also very cheap. We choose one because the staff said it has a free soup. The taste of the cuisine is just average. But it's cheap. Totally we order 3 seafood dishes and 1 vegetable dish with 3 coke.Bill about $3xx. 點擊圖片放大 +3 晚飯後再吃甜點 -炸雪糕 Dessert again after dinner - Deep Fried ice-cream 乘坐九點多的船,到達中環時才十點多,再坐船到尖沙咀。滿足的一天,不用早起,下午才出發,不停的吃(雖然之後要好好的付出),身心休息的重要確實可以令被侵蝕的心靈得到一點點的滋養。 We take the ship at 21:20 to Central and go to Tsim Sha Shui also by ship. It's an awesome day. Eating make me to release a lot of pressure from work. 新渡輪的收費:(長洲⟷中環碼頭) Fee of First Ferry : (Cheung Chau ⟷Central Pier) 請以官網為準 新渡輪的時間表: Timetable of First Ferry : http://www.nwff.com.hk/cht/fare_table/ 全文同步:http://levistoneks.blogspot.hk/2015/04/hea.html