之前一直嚷著要帶Matt到粉嶺試試那豬手米和牛丸,終於今天實行了~Yeah! 因為曾在附工作過,所以發現聯和虛其實有很多美食,還有一些很有性格的食市,今天我們就去"豬手"和"牛丸"非常有名的~群記 It's so glad finally can have lunch with Matt in Fanling Luen Wo Market. Why I choose Fanling? As the quality of food and price are reasonable in here. Also, I worked in Fanling before and I miss here so much. Today we are going to have a focuse Pork Knuckles ~ "Kwan Kee" 撘火車到粉嶺火車站A2出口,再轉撘小巴(52A/54A/56A)到聯和虛總站,步行大約三分鐘,就會看見目的地在馬會旁邊 Take the train to Fanling station and exit in A2. Then take the minibus (52A/54A/56A) to Luen Wo Market terminal. After walking 3 mins, you can see "Kwan Kee" is near by HKJC. 遠看已見到有為數不少的人在鋪外等候,但原來在店外等候的大部份都是等外賣的。至於堂食,需要像Food Court一樣,自己在裡面找位置。 鎖定了兩個小位置之後,我們就站在旁邊等,好不容易等到食客離開的一刻,突然就有一位婦人走過來想要坐下來。在我們還沒出聲之時,居然店裡的一位男職員跟那婦人說是我們先等。雖然不好意思,我們還是坐下來。在人山人海裡會知道誰先等那張枱,店員的細心,令我們驚訝~ We see a lot of people outside the shop, luckily, they are waiting to take away. We go inside and find the seat by ourselve just like in food court. The first thing we go inside of couse to target who are going to leave. Then we stand next by him. A woman try to take our place when the people leave, at that moment, one of the staff tell that woman have to follow the priority and we arrive earlier than her. We are so surprisd he can notice even there are full of people. 坐下來後,首先在我們面前出現的是這個沒辦法抗拒的醬。一點點的辣味配麻味配⋯⋯我也不知道呢,總知這個醬的味道是配得剛剛好,靈魂吖~~~~~ The sauce is awesome~~ Just like a soul of the food. A little bit spicy and all the flavour are perfect match. 大手米~豬手爽而且充滿....骨膠原,每食一口都覺得有變美的感覺,哈哈 Pork Knuckles with rice noodles. Full of collegen~ I feel prettier after eating it. 牛丸~彈牙,湯,好湯。配合靈魂一起食,真的一口一顆,沒辦法停下來 Try to eat beef ball with the awesome sauce, it's can't stop eating it. 點菜的時候因不太餓,所以只點了兩碗。到吃了第一口的時候已經聽到店內傳出:"無豬手喇,得番牛丸,牛筋同菜。" ..........=.=" We just order two things as we didn't feel hungry so much at first. When we start eating, staff said "no more pork knuckles..." 吃飽之後四處逛一下,剛好今天碰上在在聯和虛有擺賣,就順道看一下這個滿有歷史風味的聯和市場。 Luen Wo Market is a historical place, we take a walk after finished our brilliant lunch. 點擊圖片放大 +5 全文同步:http://levistoneks.blogspot.hk/2015/02/mattyeah-food-court.html