米芝蓮推薦, 再加上依個食物質素同環境既意大利菜fine dining, lunch 3 courses $298 好抵!周圍既都唔係local 😂 約會/生日/周年紀念黎依間應該會有surprise! This restaurant is Michelin recommended with high quality of food and environment while 3-courses lunch set costs $298 only! Customers around me are mostly non-locals which means it is popular among foreigners in Hong Kong. I would definitely consider this as a good option for dating or special occasions, like birthday and anniversary!點擊圖片放大 📣 記得食fine dining/西餐堅持叫tap water. Stilled/ sparkling water都要收錢架!-🦁 Starter ✅ Cured Tuna Carpaccio✅ Roasted Veal Loin兩個都唔錯! Tuna 好清新 同埋夠靚! 薄牛肉質唔錯!Both with good taste! Tuna is fresh and ig-able!點擊圖片放大 -🦁 Main✅ 手工貓耳朵|Orecchiette Pasta, N’duja Sausage, Tomatoes Sauce係食過最好食既貓耳朵😍 夠煙韌 調味岩岩好 Definitely the best Orecchiette Pasta I have ever tried!! With perfect texture and seasoning! ➡️ 手工扁意粉|Linguine, Clams, Calamari, Zucchini Puree (+$38)依個main反而要加錢 可能因為有海鮮. 不過都質偏硬 冇貓耳朵咁出色. This main needs addition charge but its taste is not superior than Orecchiette Pasta. A bit too hard for me-🦁 Dessert ✅ Tiramisù (+$18)|✅ Panna Cotta個Tiramisù正到癲 香濃軟滑 一定要試!明明咁大件 幾啖就食晒. Best Tiramisu ever! Smooth and creamy enough. I ate the whole piece lol -🦁 Giando Italian Restaurant & Bar灣仔星街9號星域軒1座地舖 SHOP 1, G/F, TOWER 1, STARCREST, 9 STAR STREET, WANCHAI, HONG KONG🦁 人均消費|~$400 🦁獅子變貓咪指數|9/10📣 最新Youtube片|東平洲浮潛睇珊瑚!海底ASMR📣 玩樂一覽赤洲浮潛新手套票🤿|wakesurf 一鍵搵船家🏄♂️|Staycation優惠🌴|傳送門 <leogirlfoodie.com> 有晒link~—————————————————————————🦁 Leo Girl Foodie 施氏食獅史Instagram|@leogirl_hk852 (5k+ follower)Youtube & Facebook |Leo Girl Foodie 施氏食獅史個人網站 |leogirlfoodie.comOR lv4 | GOOG lv6|DP lv5|TA|t.com|UBlog📩 DM/Email: leogirl.hk852@gmail.com