❤ 第20集朴有天尹恩惠同時求婚內容[中英文譯本] + J2中文字幕/粵語配音版 + 動態劇照 ❤ J2版第27集大給局婚禮對白 + 動態劇照 ♪ 《너를 위한 빈자리》"The Empty Space for You"《為你保留的空位》"君のための空席""+[中韓英文拼音歌詞] ☆ 第20集劇情大綱/劇照/視頻/Recap/Review/尹恩惠版《魔法之城》 ☆ 第21集劇情大綱/劇照/視頻/Recap/Review (李秀妍的新身分證) ♪ Youtube 剪輯MV: Missing You Ep1-21/"For Ever With You"/Kissing Scene 動態劇照: 第14集同一款圍巾/第21集脅持槍擊事件 《想你》劇組全體成員合影/[DVD I Miss You] - 120212 Park Yuchun Fanmeeting Review And Fashion Recap/List of International broadcast [Posted on 29/10/2013 瀏覽人數: 436 as at 2014.6.7] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 原載於Yahoo Blog(N.B.formatting有差異) http://blog.yahoo.com/lau_yi-chen/articles/1166201/index 《想你》版♪"為你保留的空位"MV[中字] x 第20集朴有天尹恩惠同時求婚內容[中英文譯本]圖片/視頻♥Proposal♥I Miss You 2013年4月15日上午5:23回應0引用0累積瀏覽728公開 as at 2013.12.24 Another Link of this article:-- http://weshare.hk/lauyichen/articles/610341 (沒有統計瀏覽人數) 韓劇《想你》韓語:보고싶다(Rom: bo go sip da) ,英語:I Miss You,港澳名稱:《想念你》,MBC電視臺於2012年11月7日~2013年1月17日播放的水木連續劇。 演員包括:尹恩惠飾李秀妍(Zoe)(少年:金所炫),朴有天飾韓正宇別名「瘋兔子」(少年:呂珍九)及俞承豪飾姜亨俊(Harry Borrison)(幼年:安道奎)。 J2版想念你於2014年2月6日~3月17日,星期一至五,晚上10:30~11:30播放。 第20集朴有天尹恩惠同時求婚組合圖片原載於: -- http://i02.cztv.com/hainapic/201301/17/13835949919189627717.jpg or http://n.cztv.com/wy/2013/01/2013-01-173714096.htm 朴有天為韓劇《雷普利小姐》"Miss Ripley"(朝鮮語:미스 리플리)演出的第9集,向女主角李多海求婚的方式,是自彈自唱《너를 위한 빈자리》"The Empty Space for You"《為你保留的空位》"君のための空席"。 love19860604micky 很有心地弄了一個《想你》版...... 當然還有"Miss Ripley版"......請欣賞喔(MV見下方)! http://lhay.tumblr.com/page/7 I Miss You - Marriage Proposal 101 - Han Jung Woo Style! http://37.media.tumblr.com/4b10d99aa81d11d5ddb9eb4e66f800a2/tumblr_mgq4g7KrnP1qza98no1_250.gif http://31.media.tumblr.com/cd947a12e1f5e93f9827f7efe207e130/tumblr_mgq4g7KrnP1qza98no3_250.gif http://37.media.tumblr.com/3b247fb61509359174899cf7272fbc7a/tumblr_mgq4g7KrnP1qza98no5_250.gif http://37.media.tumblr.com/ac5ba2f39c488f164a9d3c0a194e0e5c/tumblr_mgq4g7KrnP1qza98no7_250.gif http://www.funshion.com/subject/serial_plots/105054/pg-2 想你 第20集劇情大綱-- 韓正宇後母在韓美美的勸說下承認是姜亨俊想殺他,並嫁禍于李秀妍。 韓正宇準備逮捕姜亨俊,但是韓太俊去派人幫助姜亨俊逃走。 韓正宇向李秀妍求婚,兩人約定好下個冬天下第一場雪時就結婚。 警方24小時在李秀妍身邊保護,但李秀妍還是被姜亨俊帶走。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecdsB3PSlTw [JPN sub]会いたい ユチョン 20話 preview ionairkpop (0:38) 2013.1.15 觀看次數:46,961 次 as at 2014.2.19(17:20) 会いたい JPN sub 20話 preview [ showboom] パク・ユチ 実時間字幕放送 http://www.showboom.com/ 韓国放送:MBC | 水, 木 21:55 | 2012-11-07 ~ 情報:韓国 | 全 20 話 監督: イ・ジェドン 出演: パク・ユチョン (ハン・ジョンウ 役), ユン・ウンヒェ (イ・スヨン 役), ユ・スンホ (ガン・ヒョンジュン 役), ヨ・ジング (幼いハン・ジョンウ 役), キム・ソヒョン (幼いイ・スヨン 役) あらすじ 互いを愛し合った二人が事故の後分かれるが運命的に再会する。 ShowBoom PLUS+ の会員として登録されますと話題の人気番組の視聴中に実時間で字幕を見ることができます。字幕は日本語と共に英語、中国語でサービスされます。 *以下是韓語中文字幕視頻:-- http://www.funshion.com/subject/play/105054/20 想你 第20集 (67:50) 指数:66,303,313 as at 2014.3.21(15:00) 朴有天(韓正宇)尹恩惠(李秀妍)同時求婚內容 英文譯本原載於:-- Youtube.com 標題: I miss you ep 20 Eng sub FULL www.guzzylady.com (Video Project in the description) (“這部影片不存在。” ) guzzylady004 (15:22) 2013.1.19 觀看次數為 12,775 as at 2013.1.20(11:30) (39:38)李秀妍拿出兩隻戒指...... “女人先告白又能怎樣?” (韓正宇進來……) “那麼忙,怎麼來的?” “因為有重要的事…… ” (韓正宇拿出黃色縮骨雨傘……) “名片依樣原樣, 做這個的時候心怦怦跳, 回家路上這把傘壞了, 全身都濕透了,但心情很好, 下雨天給唯一的一把傘, 等於全都給是吧?! 我們孩子出生, 就得教他愛情是那麼做的。” “什麼? ” Su Yeon said to herself, “What's wrong with the girl asking first?” “How did you get away when you're so busy?” “I have something important to do.” (Yellow umbrella was shown.) “The name tag is still the same.” “My heart was really beating when I made this for you.” “I got wet on the way home because this umbrella broke but it felt so good.” “Giving away your only umbrella on a rainy day is equivalent to giving away everything you have, right?” “We have to teach that to our child when it’s born.” “This is the one to love someone.” Su Yeon,“Hub?” 第20集朴有天尹恩惠同時求婚組合圖片原載於: -- http://big5.cri.cn/gate/big5/gb.cri.cn/27564/2013/01/21/1326s3997983_4.htm or http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2013/01/21/85/7584299456331843089.jpg (韓正宇跪下, 李秀妍連人帶椅子向後移......) 李秀妍, 薄薄的連衣裙, 瘋免子的愛人, 韓正宇的初戀...... (韓正宇拿出一隻戒指......) “跟我結婚吧?! [♪音樂: 《浮現你的臉》] 下個冬天第一埸雪的那天?! ” (Jung Woo knelt down,) “Lee Su Yeon… The one and only, Crazy Rabbit's girlfriend, My first love.” (Jung Woo showed a ring) “Marry me… [♪Music: 《Reminds Me of You》] When the winter returns, on the first day it snows.” 朴有天疯狂兔子卡通圖片原載於:-- http://life.zdface.com/a/NewShow_1084335_1.htm “希望快點下第一埸雪?” (雙方都在笑…… 韓正宇替李秀妍戴上戒指…… 正宇起身欲吻向秀妍……) “等一下!” (李秀妍從書桌取出兩隻戒指…… 示意韓正宇打開盒子…… 秀妍蹲下去與仍跪在地上的正宇相擁……) “I hope the first snow comes soon.” (Jung Woo was trying to kiss Su Yeon...) "Wait!" (Su Yeon took out 2 rings...) (Hug) 第20集朴有天尹恩惠同時求婚成功組合圖片原載於:- http://big5.cri.cn/gate/big5/gb.cri.cn/27564/2013/01/21/1326s3997983_4.htm or http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2013/01/21/42/1005526116935021770.jpg “我準備的。 在結婚的那天戴吧?! “晚了一步,差點出大事了! ” (韓正宇把李秀妍抱緊一點……) (李秀妍邊笑邊把弄戒指……) “The ones I got ready, let’s wear them at the wedding ceremony. “This is it for today.” “If I was one step behind, it could have been bad." 想你@八大電視 2013.5.3 "那個孩子, 十四年前為了一個人離開家, 他父親早就跟他斷絕了父子關係" 終於, 秀妍漸漸發現了隱藏在背後的真相。 她不是被拋棄, 不是被丟下, 有一個人為了她, 捨棄了"家", 獨自一個人, 尋找了她十四年! 同一款圍巾劇照原載於:- http://www.sharpdaily.hk/realtime/entertain/20130117/51227625/0/%E5%B0%B9%E6%81%A9%E6%83%A0Micky-%E6%83%B3%E4%BD%A0-%E6%94%B6%E8%A6%96%E4%B8%8D%E6%96%B7%E8%B7%8C (43:54) “秀妍……” 師兄走進來…… “我的肚子啊……" “哥,秀妍說要跟我結婚, 怎麼辦?! ” (李秀妍拿回戒指......) “什麼怎麼辦?! 就要抓住她啊!” “秀妍, 崔班長讓你過來一下。” “怎麼了? ” "你查了隱身處嗎?” “去了爸爸的別墅, 變成了高爾夫球場。 ” “我以為會是那裡。” “姜亨俊說想回到最初, 從開始查就可以了。 ” (韓正宇向李秀妍打眼色……) (李秀妍回韓正宇一個眼色……) ”我的肚子啊……” “秀妍, 我的肚子啊…...” (colleaque officer Hyung came) Aigoo my stomach…oh my stomach. “Su Yeon asked me to marry her. What should I do?” (Su Yeon took back the rings) “What should you do? You should grab her.” “Su Yeon, Mr. Choi wants to see you.” Jung Woo asked “Why?” 處“You…Did you even investigate his hideout?” “I went to Grandpa’s mansion, it was converted into a golf course.” “Ah…I thought he would be there.” “Kang Hyeong Joon. For the first time he wanted to go back there.” “We’ll search from the beginning.” ( Jung Woo made sheep's eyes at Su Yeon) Hyung said, “my stomach…my stomach…” 韓劇《想你》第14集劇情線上看 (朴有天,尹恩惠) image location:-- http://oneeye.pixnet.net/blog/post/30375848-%E9%9F%93%E5%8A%87%E3%80%8A%E6%83%B3%E4%BD%A0%E3%80%8B%E7%AC%AC14%E9%9B%86%E5%8A%87%E6%83%85%E7%B7%9A%E4%B8%8A%E7%9C%8B-%28%E6%9C%B4%E6%9C%89%E5%A4%A9,%E5%B0%B9%E6%81%A9 “等一下,一定要帶著這個。 ” (韓正宇把盒子放在李秀妍的手上……) “什麼啊?” “我的秘書...... 會代替我追著你的。 ” (韓正宇在李秀妍的左臉近咀邊吻了一下 ……微笑起來!) (鏡頭一轉……李秀妍的舊居……) Jung Woo said to Su Yeon, “Hold on to it wherever you go.” "What's this?" "My assistant." "It'll follow you around instead of me." (Jung Woo kissed Su Yeon on her left cheek and smiled to her before leaving.) http://mwave.interest.me/enewsworld/en/article/26754/drama-recap-for-i-miss-you-episode-20 [Recap: I Miss You] Episode 20 – “You’re not calling me little kid anymore.” 2013.01.17 18:30 CJ E&M enewsWorld Grace Danbi Hong Soo Yeon opens up a jewelry box to reveal two rings. She tells herself that there’s nothing wrong if a girl does it first. Jung Woo enters the room, saying there’s something important. He pulls out Soo Yeon’s yellow umbrella. He recalls how nervous he was making the green nametag and remembers feeling great in the rain after the umbrella broke. “When you give away your one umbrella while it’s raining, it means that you’re giving your everything, right?” Soo Yeon looks at him, a bit confused. “When our children are born, I’m going to tell them that’s how you love.” He stands stiff for a few seconds, until he finally kneels down before her. “Lee Soo Yeon. A light dress. Crazy Rabbit’s girlfriend. Han Jung Woo’s first love.” Jung Woo pulls out a ring box from his pocket and opens it to reveal a simple silver ring. “Get married to me…on the day of the first snow next winter.” Soo Yeon smiles, wishing that it happen soon. Jung Woo pulls out the ring and slides it onto Soo Yeon’s finger. He leans into kiss her when Soo Yeon stops him. She freezes up as Jung Woo watches in curiosity. Without saying another word, Soo Yeon shoves her ring box into his hands. Jung Woo opens it and looks up in surprise. Soo Yeon gets down on her knees and hugs Jung Woo. She suggests they wear her ring on the day of the wedding. Jung Woo sighs in relief that he proposed first. As the couple happily holds each other, Partner Joo comes in to witness the moment. Immediately, he clutches his stomach, feeling sick from jealousy. He glares at them. The subject gets changed to possible places where Hyung Jun could be. Jung Woo remembers that Hyung Jun wanted to go the place where it all started. Soo Yeon’s face changes. Jung Woo turns around to make eye contact, and they both know where Hyung Jun is. Partner Joo sees the interaction and starts wailing that his stomach hurts again. Aw, poor Partner Joo. Before Soo Yeon goes with Partner Joo to the station, Jung Woo hands her a GPS station, so that Jung Woo can keep track of where she goes. He plants a kiss on her cheek and sends her away. Thoughts A complete mental break down. This episode was so intense that it had us jumpy with every little thing that happened... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5anmns_ePng&list=PLCDIkUwLX84-rdSU8REQQU-0_awLHJdS1 想念你 (想你) J2 韓劇 - 想念你 預告 View full playlist (16 videos) http://mytv.tvb.com/drama/j2missingyou/173290 J2 想念你 第 24 集 播放日期: 2014-03-12 (49:30) 觀看人次: 10,150 as at 2014.3.19(21:55) 亨俊和泰俊做交易,除了要美蘭不能將事實真相供出來外,還要泰俊將正宇的下落告訴他。 亨俊來到了秀妍和正宇躲藏的地方,表明只有自己能拯救秀妍,並要她做出最後決定,但秀妍還是選擇坐上了警車。 秀妍跟着正宇來到了警局接受偵訊,並和尹室長對質。 正宇則來到醫院希望美蘭能夠推翻之前的供詞,幫秀妍洗脫殺人嫌疑,可惜美蘭不從,臨走前正宇拜託雅琳幫忙說服她。 警方根據成浩死亡時在汽車上發現的可樂罐,得知Harry就是姜亨俊,並要求法國警方協助提供Harry的領養資料,發現原來Harry另外其人,且其養父母同樣是交通意外身亡,關鍵亦是一個可樂罐…… (04:35) 正宇看到秀妍右腳上的舊疤痕後,摸了它一下...... "現在看到還是會痛嗎?" "不會。看到這道疤痕,不會想起要避開爸爸四處躲藏,反而會想起,你當時在家門口前這樣摸我的腳......" (十五歲的正宇當時如是說:"現在看不見,就不痛了吧?!" Sa......不好的回憶,已經消失了,現在創造好的回憶就行了!") "是因為當時你施的魔法嗎? Sa......" (05:45) "下初雪那一天你要做什麼?" "嗯?" "下一個冬天,下初雪那一天,你要做什麼?" "我想跟你製造美好的回憶......" "當然來見你了,韓正宇!" "你記住不要約其他人,有件事我們一起做......" "是什麼?" 正宇但笑不語...... http://mytv.tvb.com/drama/j2missingyou/173372 J2 想念你 第 25 集 播放日期: 2014.03.13 觀看人次: 11,120 as at 2014.3.20(21:45) (13:50) 秀妍和正宇到 Harry 家,請他到醫院見其母最後一面...... 可是 Harry 認為是陰謀...... (16:50) "......明明很想打死你,還是要忍住, 因為秀妍希望你別再受傷害,我才一直忍住...... 這才是秀妍真正想要的。" (17:25) Harry 大笑...... "韓正宇,你來說你有多愛她嗎? 有必要告訴我嗎?" "李秀妍,你為什麼要這樣對我? 是因為你想負責任? 你這樣做,只是想良心上好過一點,那我更不願意......" "我,不想我媽媽死,我現在最希望你死,我想生活在一個沒有你的世界...... 看,這裡就是我的天堂......" (18:20) "天堂?" 正宇失笑...... "天堂......監獄裡最大的刑罰是單人房, 只有自己一人,根本沒有所謂的天堂!" "這裡只是你被自己所犯的罪,困住自己所的地獄!" ------------------------- -- (26:44) "......我是來帶走 Zoe 的。" "你說要生活在沒有秀妍的世界,怎麼又改變主意了?" "......你說沒有一個人的天堂嘛!" "為什麼要帶我走? 你別再錯下去了!" "Zoe,我們重新開始吧......" "你說什麼我都不會再相信了!" "小孩,你想讓秀妍回到到你身邊,就應該求她原諒你所做的一切。 找流氓來幹什麼?" "他們是你爸爸派來的......為了錢什麼都幹得出來......" http://mytv.tvb.com/drama/j2missingyou/173432 J2 想念你 第 26 集 播放日期: 2014-03-14 (49:49) 觀看人次: 15,061 as at 2014.3.21(18:50) 亨俊躲到了小時候曾經藏身的地方,並要求泰俊把秀妍帶到他面前,否則不會把錢匯給他。 正宇來到美蘭的病房,得知了14年前所有事情的真相,也發現了原來亨俊是泰俊同父異母的弟弟。 正宇從秀妍的定位裝置,來到當年兩人被綁架的倉庫,當門一開,看到亨俊拿着槍對着正宇。 (03:53) 正宇致電給秀妍...... "正宇......" "我流淚了......" "怎麼了? 發生什麼事了?" "因為有風吹,所以流淚了......" "原來是這樣,你在哪裡?" "在門口前面坐下來了......" "不冷嗎?" "很冷,我很想見你,你在做什麼?" 秀妍想起媽媽曾說:-- "正宇只要說今天特別想見我,就一定是發生什麼事了!" "韓正宇,你真的是男人嗎?" "嗯......" "你應該像個男人,想見我,就應該馬上跑回來! 馬上站起來,我只會數到三,三!" "嗯......" 韓正宇真的立即站起來...... "我要炸雞。" "你肚子餓了嗎?" "一定要炸雞,其他的我不吃。" "這麼晚了,還有賣的嗎?" "少囉嗦,還有,不要想太多,腦子裡只想著炸雞,忠誠!" "忠誠!" (05:08) "真的馬上就不想哭了......" "我不期望一起吃炸雞,我只希望你記得你還有家人。" (05:38) 秀妍在門外加深牆上的紅色的"보고싶다"(即"想念你" )...... "大韓民國警察,加油!" "找到你了!" "這麼冷,你出來幹什麼?" "韓正宇,我今天特別想見你。" 秀妍邊說邊替正宇圍上,在路邊攤買的同一款圍巾...... "??" "炸雞都涼了,快走吧!" "走哪裡?" (06:25) 秀妍與正宇走到遊樂場....... "小心!" "我上次看見你一個人玩,好像很有趣。" [背景音樂: 《魔法之城》] [你相信嗎?] "我也看到你......" "的士......" "你跑得比瘋兔子還要快!" [總是朝著你前進的我] "接著去玩鞦韆吧!" [總是朝著你前進的我 雖然面對無數艱難考驗 但我總是抱著堅定的決心 務必要把你救出來 雙手合十祈禱.....] "上來了......" [祈求無限的勇氣和智慧] (07:35~08:07) 秀妍在滑梯上,奏出手機內的音樂,唱出:-- "即使飛上天空也不要驚訝 在我們見面前展現的世界 是多麼的珍貴 因為我們在一起......" "現在有話想說的就說吧! 如果還沒準備好,我跑一圈再回來。" "你爸爸說了什麼?" "不知道,我在他面前臭罵他一頓,就回來了。" "你舒服一點了嗎?" "還沒有,反而更辛苦、傷心,心裡還有點痛。 秀妍你說得沒錯! 你知道的全部屬實,一切都是我爸爸幹的。" "正宇......" "還有 Harry 他......" 正宇張開雙手...... "讓我抱一下吧,秀妍......" 秀妍也張開雙手...... "今天輪到我了,你想哭就哭吧! "我不會再哭了......" (09:35) 正宇雙手握著秀妍的雙手...... Harry 他怎麼了? "姜亨俊......他是我爺爺的兒子......" "正宇......" "我從沒見過爺爺,也一直沒見過姜亨俊,我很生氣,因為只有我不知道。 為了不想別人知道他們的所作所為,最後變成今天的局面!" "正宇......" "放心,我沒事。剛才我回來,風吹過來,所以才會哭了......" (11:03) 正宇再張開雙手...... "現在開始,有我替你擋住吹來的風,所以,你也不要哭了......" 秀妍點頭...... "秀妍,明天我就會笑了......以後都這樣吧! 一起製造美好的回憶吧!" 秀妍抺丟眼淚...... 第20集尹恩惠穿橙色中長外套,與朴有天張開雙手為對方擋住風劇照原載於:-- http://photocdn.sohu.com/20130117/vrs720676.jpg or http://zhan.renren.com/profile/347424941 (14:20) 李秀妍拿出兩隻戒指...... J2 中文字幕:-- --------- “女人先開口又如何?” (韓正宇進來……) “你那麼忙,怎麼還會來的?” “我有很重要的事要找你…… ” (韓正宇拿出黃色縮骨雨傘……) “牌子跟以前一樣, 知道我做的時候心跳有多快嗎? 回家的路上, 雖然雨傘吹翻了, 令我渾身都濕透, 但我很開心。 下雨時, 你把自己的雨傘給了我, 代表什麼都給了我, 對不對?! 我們的孩子出生後也耍讓他知道, 如果愛對方, 就應該這麼做。” “什麼? ” (15:35) (韓正宇先握一下右拳, 然後跪下, 李秀妍連人帶椅子向後移......) "李秀妍, 輕飄飄的連衣裙, 瘋免子愛的人, 韓正宇的初戀......" (韓正宇拿出一隻戒指......) “請你嫁給我吧?! (16:15) [♪音樂: 《浮現你的臉》] [大概只有你吧,] "就在下一個冬天, 下初雪那天?! ” [除了你我想不到別人] "如果快點下初雪就好了!” [嘟嚕嚕...... 腦中浮現你的臉] (雙方都在笑…… 韓正宇替李秀妍戴上戒指…… 正宇起身欲吻向秀妍……) [你不知道我的心嗎? 你不知道嗎? 大概只有你吧, 好像是這樣,] “等一下!” [除了你我想不到別人] (李秀妍從書桌取出兩隻戒指…… [嘟嚕嚕...... 腦中浮現你的臉] (秀妍示意韓正宇打開盒子……) [懇切地祈禱, 每天每天...... [該怎麼辦, 這樣也行嗎? 除了你我想不到別人......] (秀妍蹲下去與仍跪在地上的 正宇相擁……) [不管在哪裡......] “我準備的戒指, 在舉行婚禮當天一起戴吧?! 今天到此為止。" “幸好我早一步, 不然就糟了! ” (韓正宇把李秀妍抱緊一點……) (李秀妍邊笑邊把弄戒指……) [雨滴有多少, 你就有 多少想念你......] (18:20) “秀妍……” 朱警官進來…… “我的肚子, 怎麼突然這麼痛? ......肚子......" "秀妍說要跟我結婚, 怎麼辦?! ” (李秀妍拿回戒指......) "拿回來!" “還能怎麼辦, 可別放走她!” (19:05)“一定要帶著它!” "這是什麼?" “我的秘書, 它會代替我一直跟著你。 " (韓正宇在李秀妍的左臉 近咀邊吻了一下 …… 微笑起來!) (鏡頭一轉…… 李秀妍的舊居……) 粵語配音版:-- ----------- “女人開口先咁又掂窩?!" (韓正宇進來……) “你咁忙,仲會嚟嘅?” “我有件好緊要嘅事要嚟揾你…… ” (韓正宇拿出黃色縮骨雨傘……) “個牌同以前一樣, 知唔知道我喺到整嘅時候個心跳得幾快呀? 喺翻屋企個陣, 雖然把遮吹翻咗, 搞到我成身都濕晒, 但喺我都好開心。 落雨個陣, 你俾咗自己把遮我, 代表咩都俾晒我, 啱唔啱呀?! 我地嘅BB出世之後都耍俾佢知道, 如果愛對方, 就應該要咁樣做。” "吓?" (15:35) (韓正宇先握一下右拳, 然後右跪下, 李秀妍連人帶椅子向後移......) "李秀妍, 輕飄飄嘅連身裙, 癲免子愛嘅人, 韓正宇嘅初戀......" (韓正宇左手拿出一隻戒指......) “請你嫁俾我呀?! (16:15) [♪音樂: 《浮現你的臉》] "就喺嚟個冬天, 落初雪個日?! ” "如果可以快啲落初雪咁就好攞!” (雙方都在笑…… 韓正宇替李秀妍戴上戒指…… 正宇起身欲吻向秀妍……) “等陣!” (李秀妍從書桌取出兩隻戒指……) (示意韓正宇打開盒子…… ) (秀妍蹲下去與仍跪在地上的正宇相擁……) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaXSPJlTpAY MISSING YOU ep 20 kiss jhenhilyn (0:06) 2013.4.30 觀看次數:27,592 次 as at 2014.2.12(20:40) “我準備嘅戒指, 喺舉行婚禮個日一齊戴呀?! 今日就到此為止。" “好彩我早一步啫, 如果唔喺就弊嘞! ” (韓正宇把李秀妍抱緊一點……) (李秀妍邊笑邊把弄戒指……) (18:20) “秀妍……” 朱Sir進來…… “呀......我個肚呀, 突然咁痛嘅? 哎呀......個肚呀......" "喂! 秀妍話要同我結婚呀, 咁樣點算呀?! ” (李秀妍拿回戒指......) "攞翻嚟呀!" “哎......有咩點算呀, 咪放走佢呀!” (19:05)“一定要戴住佢!” "咩嘢嚟架?!" “我嘅秘書, 佢會代我一直跟住你。 " http://mytv.tvb.com/drama/j2missingyou/173561 J2 第 27 集 大給局 2014.3.17 (49:50) 觀看人次: 14,687 as at 2014.3.20(18:30) 亨俊希望秀妍能回心轉意回到他身邊,但秀妍還是沒有意思返回他的身邊,最後亨俊一怒之下,打算與秀妍同歸於盡。 當亨俊的槍頭再次指向正宇時,秀妍奮不顧身地擋在正宇前面,受到刺激的亨俊開了槍,正宇在千鈞一髮之際為秀妍擋下了子彈,警方聽到槍聲立即衝進來,開槍射殺準備自殺的亨俊。 正宇與亨俊同時被送到了醫院,因為失血過多而同時進了手術室。 手術結束後,亨俊因腦部創傷產生後遺症,而正宇則仍舊昏迷…… (07:25) "......我們是對方唯一的家人......我假裝全部忘記了,假裝不想念任何人,但是要你一直假裝沒有發覺,你一定很辛苦! 對不起。" "傻瓜,你為什麼要這麼怕我......" "你快把槍放下來吧!" "太晚了, 我只想拄著你做的拐杖,一起回到我們以前那個家 (08:55) Harry 轉身那拐杖的時候,看到紅外線.......有槍正在瞄準他...... "姜亨俊,我們出去吧! 你再這樣,只會令秀妍更危險!" "韓正宇,你走! 對,你說沒有一個人的天堂,那麼我就和秀妍一起去。" Harry 走到秀妍側邊,用槍拍向她的腦袋...... "正......正宇......" (10:20) "韓正宇,我真的很羨慕你,我數三聲,這是你的最後機會......" "正......正宇......" "你只是羨慕我擁有這麼多吧? 我雙腿跑是可以跑得很快...... 但是我爸爸呢? 他是韓泰俊! 你媽媽不要你又怎樣? 我呢? 連媽媽長什麼樣子都不知道!" http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/2006815/drama-2012-missing-you-i-miss-you-%EB%B3%B4%EA%B3%A0%EC%8B%B6%EB%8B%A4/p1017 Home › soompi entertainment › k-dramas & movies [Drama 2012] Missing You / I Miss You 보고싶다 jjsweeter0211jjsweeter0211 Posts: 46,847 Member IMMORTAL January 2013 http://24.media.tumblr.com/4b6ea92f682f482ebb4c3b678dd54de7/tumblr_mh3vpwC8qj1qa43pao8_r1_250.gif "就算你現在開槍殺了秀妍, 我們也一樣深愛對方, 因為我永遠都會想念她, 感情只會更深, 真的這樣也沒關係嗎?" (11:47) Harry 把槍轉為指向正宇! 秀妍從椅子站起來,再擋在正宇前面...... http://25.media.tumblr.com/a6c1a4d617be19de94aab24f34f6e4c7/tumblr_mh3vpwC8qj1qa43pao1_250.gif "Zoe......" "秀妍......" "Zoe......" "正宇,謝謝你一直等我到現在,這次我先去那邊等你......" http://25.media.tumblr.com/b3f98abeed8a5034fbb09241fbb3927b/tumblr_mh3vpwC8qj1qa43pao2_250.gif "阿俊,我真的很喜歡你,但是我和正宇的才是真正的愛情!" (12:35) 秀妍向前走近 Harry ,把槍指向自己的胸膛...... "我是不會讓你傷害正宇的!" "秀妍......" "不是......你騙我!" (12:53) 正宇突然在 Harry 開槍前,擋在秀妍前面,為她擋下了子彈...... ----------------------------------- (19:35) "李秀妍......秀妍......" 下雨中,韓正宇從昏迷中醒過來...... [背景音樂《凝視》] "你終於醒來了,睡得好嗎?" "我睡了多久?" "十天......" "你一定很擔心吧?" 秀妍輕伏在正宇的懷裡..... "你再叫一次我的名字....." "嗯......" "你知不知道我多想聽到你的聲音!" "秀妍......" "再叫一次......" "李秀妍...... 秀妍雙手輕撫著正宇的雙手......彼此也在微笑...... (21:55) 下初雪的天氣預告...... ----------------------------------- (36:00) 正宇和秀妍打開門進入無人的教堂......正宇把花球交給秀妍...... "真受不了你!" "像個大嬸!" 正宇獨自向前走13步...... 秀妍從手袋裡,拿出深粉红色衣夾配上白色的頭花...... "快點過來!" (37:00) [背景音樂: 《浮現你的臉》] [大概只有你吧, 好像是這樣,] 秀妍戴上頭花後心想:-- 正宇,你知不知道,我等這一天等了多久嗎? "快點吧!" "你一直都在那裡等我,謝謝你!" [腦中浮現你的臉] 秀妍向正宇點頭,然後向前踏步...... "一路走來,你一定很辛苦吧?! 現在只要再走十三步就行了! 一、二、三...... 有風吹過來,幫對方擋著就行了! 下雨的話,用同一把傘就行了! 下初雪的日子,像這樣見面就行了! 還記得嗎? 我們小時候在樓梯上,一邊看著對方的傷疤一邊笑,這樣就行了! 用愛情的力量一直支持下去,我們就這樣生活吧!" [大概只有你, 好像是這樣......] (38:20) "你很美!" "你很帥!" [看好的東西, 去好的地方......] 正宇替秀妍戴上她準備的婚戒...... 之後,秀妍替正宇戴上她準備的婚戒...... [ 嘟嚕嚕......腦中浮現你的臉 懇切地祈禱, 每天每天......] (38:50) 正宇在秀妍的額上輕吻...... [該怎麼辦, 這樣也行嗎?] 正宇的右手握住秀妍 的左手...... [除了你我想不到別人] 正宇用相機的自拍功能拍攝二人的婚照...... [不管在哪裡......] "快點......" [又不管做什麼......] "戒子......" [ 嘟嚕嚕......我正在想你......] "行了?!" [嗒嗒嗒...... 雨滴有多少, 你就有 多少想念你......] "拍到了嗎?!" (39:23) 金恩珠收到 正宇傳送給她的 婚 照...... (40:06) 後母與妹妹雅琳也收到婚照...... 妹妹感到興奮,因哥哥真的能在下初雪的一天結婚。 但後母暫不讓父親知道...... (40:55) 朱刑警收到正宇傳送給她的婚照,嚷著肚子痛...... (41:10) 妍母 "我看到照片了,你們真的非常漂亮!" "我們怕初雪會融化,所以才這麼急,下次我們會穿婚紗和禮服,正 正式 式舉辦一次 , 媽媽也要在場!" "嗯......" "媽媽,真的很謝謝你,把我養大,還當我的愛人, 還生了一個這麼美麗的女兒給我!" "好......我的愛人(Honey), 我的兒子, 我的女婿......謝 謝 你。" "我愛你。" "我也愛你。" (42:10) 秀妍向正宇做一個 "Sa......",刪丟不好記憶的手勢...... 正宇隨後也向秀妍做一個 "Sa......",刪丟不好記憶的手勢...... --------------------------------- (42:25) 如果...... 李秀妍在遊樂埸盪鞦韆時,哼著《魔法之城》...... [你相信嗎? 我的夢裡面 你是被魔法詛咒的公主 總是朝著你前進的我 雖然面對無數艱難考驗] 韓正宇抵達遊樂埸,歸還雨傘給秀妍,並帶同"孩子叔叔"姜亨俊...... 正宇認為......他和 秀妍也會相愛著對方....... --------------------------------- (48:50) 鏡頭再轉向教堂......正宇和秀妍手拖著手,慢慢步出教堂..... "如果那晚你沒有來公園,我們還會見到對方嗎? "我說過我之前已經見過你,最重要的是幸好那晚下雨了!" "是媽媽睡覺時踼到我,我才找到雨傘。" "不愧是我的愛人(Honey),把我和你帶到對方身邊。" (49:14) ~~全劇終~~ http://www.funshion.com/subject/serial_plots/105054/pg-3 想你 第21集 劇情大綱 -- 姜亨俊將李秀妍帶到當年被綁架的倉庫,韓正宇通過追蹤器跟到了舊倉庫。 姜亨俊要求李秀妍跟自己回到過去的關係,會法國重新開始。 韓太俊被帶 到警察局,李秀妍的媽媽來到警局見到了韓太俊,傷心斥責韓太俊為什麼要這樣對韓正宇和李秀妍。 劫後餘生後,韓正宇和李秀妍終於可以在一起,兩人結婚了。 *以下是韓語中文字幕視頻:-- http://www.funshion.com/subject/play/105054/21 想你 第21集 指数:66,303,313 as at 2014.3.21(15:00) or http://kr.vslovetv.com/2013/01/21-i-miss-you-ep21.html 想你 第21集 大結局 I Miss You Ep21 [Part 1 on DM] [Part 2 on DM] 若影片限制嵌入,請點紅字連結至Dailymotion收看 第21集婚禮圖片原載於: http://big5.cri.cn/gate/big5/gb.cri.cn/27564/2013/01/21/1326s3997983_2.htm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Am66PpcmYGU ゆちょん[会いたい]最終話 minminkiri (14:59) 2013.11.27 觀看次數:12,784 次 as at 2014.2.19(17:50) フランス映画 「雨の訪問者」 JYJ朴有天演唱《Miss Ripley》OST 3: 너를위한빈자리《為你保留的空位》"君のための空席" http://i865.photobucket.com/albums/ab214/chiungying3_album/OST/MissRipleypart3.jpg http://withjyj.wordpress.com/2011/06/20/trans-lyrics-to-yuchuns-the-empty-space-for-you-from-miss-ripley-soundtrack/ [TRANS] Lyrics to Yuchun’s “The Empty Space for You” (from Miss Ripley Soundtrack) June 20, 2011 by withjyj Composed & Written by: Jung Haesung Song by: Park Yuchun [너를 위한 빈자리] 앨범 : 미스 리플리 OST Part3 작사곡: 전해성 노래 : 박유천 사랑이 아니었음 좋겠어 자꾸 다가오는 이별은 너무 아프잖아 니가 행복할 수 있다면 그만 이제 그만 네게 해줄 수 있는 건 이것뿐 내 사랑 너만을 너만을 너만을 너를 위한 빈자리 눈치 채지 못하게 애써 외면하며 웃고 있는다 니가 아프면 난 싫어 이별은 싫어 날 사랑하면 안돼요 그대가 아니었음 좋겠어 세상에서 가장 소중한 그대 그대 이니까 그래서 널 밀치며 또 울리며 뿌리치며 네게 해줄 수 있는 건 이것뿐 내 사랑 너만을 너만을 너만을 너를 위한 빈자리 눈치 채지 못하게 애써 외면하며 웃고 있는다 니가 아프면 난 싫어 이별은 싫어 날 사랑하면 안돼요 기다리지마 쓰디쓴 눈물 또 겨우 참아내며 난 뒤돌아서 가요 나 이렇게 사랑해 사랑해 사랑해 사랑해 하나뿐인 내 사랑 가슴으론 외쳐도 너무 소중해서 부르진 못해 내가 아픈 건 괜찮아 사랑하니까 난 미치도록 울면 돼 니가 아프면 난 싫어 사랑하니까 난 여기까지 하면 돼 Korean Lyrics. @thelenalee http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-DrENn4QvU 《想你》飯制MV - 為你保留的空位(中字) *with conversation in Korean [韓語繁體中文字幕] 發佈時間:love19860604micky (3:28) 發佈時間:2012-12-17 觀看次數為 15,101 as at 2014.2.19(17:10) 朴有天你就不唱首想你的OST嗎???!!! 作者:Weibo@Angela-ooo 6002amy -- 好喜歡配上有天聲音的效果:-D thx for making it http://shung616.pixnet.net/blog/post/35152879-%EB%84%88%EB%A5%BC-%EC%9C%84%ED%95%9C-%EB%B9%88%EC%9E%90%EB%A6%AC 너를 위한 빈자리 @ MICKY失心瘋 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: - shung616 翻譯-NJaesoo 2011年6月21日 如果不是愛情就好了 總是來臨的離別太痛了不是嗎 你如果可以幸福的話就這樣吧 現在就這樣吧 這是我唯一能為你做的啊 我的愛 只是你 只是你 只為你 為了你保留的位置 眼神都抓不住 費力的轉頭笑著 我不喜歡你痛苦 不喜歡離別 愛我的話 不可以 如果不是你就好了 這個世界上最珍貴的你 就是你阿 所以推開你又弄哭你拒絕你 我能做的就是這些啊 我的愛 只是你 只是你 只為你 為了你保留的位置 眼神都抓不住 費力的轉頭笑著 我不喜歡你痛苦 不喜歡別離 愛我的話 不可以 不要等待 眼淚好不容易忍住了 我轉身走開 我這樣做了 我愛你 我愛你 我愛你 我愛你 唯一愛的你 就算心裡在吶喊 因為太珍貴了 我呼喊不出來 我痛苦的話沒有關係 因為愛你 我像瘋了一樣哭衣場就好了 我不喜歡你痛苦 因為愛你 我做到這樣就好了 ---------------------------------------------------- 是很久沒聽你唱這種抒情歌了嗎? 想想JYJ控上的solo是英文... 那距離你唱韓文的solo是多久以前? (↑忽然忘了去年有唱醉中真談...) 配上歌詞,有濃濃想哭的感覺... 真的,想到了很多,然後再默默的關進心裡的小盒子裡... 希望你在為自己的興趣喜好盡全力時,也要保重你的身體。 不只你,你們都是。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pzYvTcO-PY [中字 1080p] 朴有天(JYJ) - 為你留下的空位 (너를 위한 빈자리) (Miss Ripley OST) iamamberli (3:37) 2011.7.13 觀看次數: 511,104 as at 2014.2.6(20:10) 好吧,我知道這首歌已經不算新了XD 不過這首歌很好聽,我個人偏愛悲傷的歌, 這首我完全大愛啊!! 這次中字偏向意譯 (我個人已經很努力嘗試貼近韓文歌詞本身- -) 因為過了這麼久,我的韓語實力完全沒有進步過= = 不過這次我終於把字幕嵌入影片裡了! 雖然字型不太好看,但總比CC好吧^^ 希望大家喜歡!! 翻譯錯了的話請見諒~ 謝謝~ 5661anna -- 为何如此深情!太迷人了!爱你 http://blog.xuite.net/yym216/drama/46828679-JYJ%E6%9C%B4%E6%9C%89%E5%A4%A9%E6%BC%94%E5%94%B1%E3%80%8AMiss+Ripley%E3%80%8BOST%3A+%E3%80%8C%E7%82%BA%E4%BD%A0%E7%95%99%E7%9A%84%E7%A9%BA%E4%BD%8D%E3%80%8D(%EB%84%88%EB%A5%BC+%EC%9C%84%ED%95%9C+%EB%B9%88%EC%9E%90%EB%A6%AC+)+%E7%B7%9A%E4%B8%8A%E8%A9%A6%E8%81%BD%2B%E4%B8%AD%E9%9F%93%E6%96%87%E6%AD%8C%E8%A9%9E 中文歌詞翻譯 2011.6.23 ~ Siren http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jifH0tQkuJc [中字]朴有天(박유천) - 너를 위한 빈자리為了你的空位(miss ripley) TheLA1988 (3:11) 2011.7.13 觀看次數: 293,000 as at 2014.2.6(20:10) 轉載請註明此頻道** 希望轉載後也可以在影片下面留言給我們知道^^ 這首是朴有天新主演的連續劇OST裡的歌真的很好聽 而且歌詞真的很悲傷TT 邊上字幕邊很想哭TT 希望大al6530 -- 有天的聲音真的很有磁性和魅力 醬的聲音配上這首歌的旋律和歌詞 我的老天爺阿 怎麼有人可以那麼完美啦家喜歡TT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeFDa5RTQSA Miss Ripley 雷普利小姐 MV - 為你而留的空位 (中文歌詞) 發佈時間:mylovemv (3:20) 發佈時間:2011-7-19 觀看次數為 192,553 as at 2013.11.11(19:40) patsy7288 -- It's indeed a very beautiful & touching song, stirring up all the wonderful memories & the sad moments in life. Thumbs up for Park Yu Chun! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ESAxNioVXI&playnext=1&list=PLAF8B0B5ED1F13998 Miss Ripley ep 9 - Yoochun's piano scene 너를 위한 빈자리 [eng sub + hangul rom karaoke] 上載:s3adolphin333 (2:14) 日期:2011年06月28日 觀看次數為 171,680 as at 2013.6.8(19:40) DO NOT REUPLOAD. The Empty Space for You, also known as A Space Left For You or This Vacant Place For You. a cut from ep 9 where Yoochun played the white grand piano *q* 태별 한 -- This is the exact scene that I have in mind when someone propose to me. 천이오빠 사랑해 @6002themicky ❤ http://withjyj.wordpress.com/2011/06/20/trans-lyrics-to-yuchuns-the-empty-space-for-you-from-miss-ripley-soundtrack/ [TRANS] Lyrics to Yuchun’s “The Empty Space for You” (from Miss Ripley Soundtrack) June 20, 2011 bywithjyj The Empty Space for You Album: Miss Ripley OST Part3 Composed & Written by: Jung Haesung Song by: Park Yuchun I hope it’s not love The coming goodbye hurts so much If you can be happy, [I’ll] stop now stop This is all I can do for you My love is an empty space only for you for you for you I look away and laugh with effort so that you don’t find out I don’t like it when you’re hurt I don’t like goodbyes You shouldn’t love me I would like it if it wasn’t you Because you, you are the most precious to me in this world So I push you away and make you cry and turn you down This is all I can do for you My love is an empty space only for you for you for you I look away and laugh with effort so that you don’t find out I don’t like it when you’re hurt I don’t like goodbyes You shouldn’t love me Don’t wait for me… I barely hold back the bitter tears And I turn around and leave like this I love you I love you I love you I love you my only love Although I shout with my heart I can’t call out because [you’re] too precious My pain is okay because I love you I can just cry until I’m crazy I don’t like it when you’re hurt because I love you I can just do this much ENG Translation by.withJYJ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-FZNyVL8n0 Park Yoochun - Miss Ripley OST 너를 위한 빈자리 Official MV [eng sub + rom hangul karaoke] 上載:s3adolphin333 (2:14) 日期:2011年06月28日 觀看次數為 85,200 as at 2014.2.19(17:00) http://lhay.tumblr.com/page/6 I Miss You - Episode Finale - Clothes Pin Fashion Show Ahreum - Eun Joo - Lee Soo Yeon - Aein - Hwang Mi Ran http://31.media.tumblr.com/8479fd5fa3f271d0c6d054d73a02ef7f/tumblr_mgtaejoO4c1qza98no3_r1_250.gif http://loreinstonecities.com/2013/01/19/kleenex-needed-i-miss-you-episode-21-recap-and-series-review/ Expect Weeping: I Miss You Episode 21 Recap and Series Review This entry was posted on January 19, 2013 by Lore Episode 21 Recap Jung Woo comes home to a dark house. Calling out for Soo Yeon and girlfriend he is surprised as the light flickers on and Ah Reum saunters out, dressed up. Next we have Eun Joo and then girlfriend, all dressed to the nines. Surprisingly evil step mom appears too, though protesting her appearance. The cutest thing is they all are wearing clips in their hair (ala Jung Woo’s first gift to Soo Yeon). They explain that Soo Yeon made them all outfits and that from now on they will live their lives carefree. They sit down to eat the chicken that Jung Woo brought home and have a cute assembled family moment. Can I give cheers for a new assembled family? I just love this element in dramas. Jung Woo gives Soo Yeon an I.D. card, telling her that it is time to reclaim her name. She is touched and the others tease them. Cute... It is the first day of snow which means wedding time! Jung Woo and Soo Yeon show up at a chapel ready to tie the knot. They start awkwardly, Jung Woo walking towards the altar with the bouquet in hand. He realizes his mistake, turns around and gives it to Soo Yeon who may I add, is adorably wearing a clip in her hair with lace on it. Awww. We hear voiceovers from our bride and groom: Soo Yeon- “Jung Woo you have no idea how long I have waited for this moment, do you? Thanks for always staying…and waiting for me.” Jung Woo- “It was a tough road to get here, wasn’t it? You just need to take thirteen more steps now. One, two, three, four, five, six. If the wind starts to blow, we will block it for each other. If it rains, we can share the umbrella. On the days of the first snowfall we will meet up like this. Do you remember? We showed our scars to each other on the steps when we were younger and laughed over it. WE can just keep doing that. Let’s endure the tough times with the strength of our love and live our lives that way. You look beautiful.” They exchange rings and take a selca, which Jung Woo promptly texts to everyone and their brother. Girlfriend is ecstatic at the text, while Eun Joo can’t believe they went through with it without everyone there. Stepmom scoffs, but admits the romanticism as Ah Reum explains the story behind the first day of snowfall. Wifey detective looks at the text and then fakes a stomach ache (his tactic whenever Jung Woo and Soo Yeon showed PDA) causing the other detectives to take a look at the text. Ha. Jung Woo calls girlfriend and they have a teary exchange as he explains that he and Soo Yeon will marry again in front of everyone and then thanks her for everything – being his mom and giving birth to Soo Yeon. Mom starts crying at his words (so did I. Right with you Mom!) and thanks Jung Woo for being her boyfriend, son, and son in law. Seriously, crying right now. Mom and Jung Woo tell each other they love each other. To continue the tear-fest we see Soo Yeon and Jung Woo at the altar, doing the make-bad-thoughts go away trick and then descend into flash backs of their meeting 14 years ago when Soo Yeon gave Jung Woo the yellow umbrella. We then find ourselves at the playground, a 15 year old Soo Yeon sitting on the swings; dipping her sneaker into a puddle playing the will he come will he not game. Suddenly Jung Woo appears and we can tell from the modern playground equipment that this is not reality but an alternate view of what happened. In alternate memory world Jung Woo gives Soo Yeon back the umbrella and tells her that he brought someone with him, his kid uncle that he just found out about. Harry runs up to the pair and tells Soo Yeon she is not pretty, after all Jung Woo said she was but he was wrong. Soo Yeon confronts Jung Woo as Harry runs to play, asking him to tell her what he finds so pretty about her. He takes the adolescent boy route and tells her she is ugly, she chases him playfully with the umbrella. The three of them play, like the kids they are, as the first snow begins to fall (alternate reality of the horribleness that actually happened to them on that day, a view of what could have been if their childhood innocence had not been shattered by the adults in their lives). As we flit through the alternate reality the following voice over accompanies the images: Jung Woo: Had we met like this…what would it have been like? Soo Yeon: Had we met like this…what would it have been like? Jung Woo: I am sure I still would have loved you. Even if we had met like that…we still would’ve fallen in love. Soo Yeon: If you had not come to that playground that night would we still have met? Jung Woo: I told you, we already met before then. It’s just a relief it rained that day. Soo Yeon: I found the umbrella because my Mom kicked it in her sleep. Jung Woo: So it was my girlfriend after all. The person who brought us together. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvIt1wBi4PA 《想你》1~21集剧情浓缩版MV ParkYoochunSGFC PYC (13:02) 2013.1.30 觀看次數:30,457 as at 2014.2.13(16:00) 筱雲 戴 -- 愛上了愛上了~~這部戲!! 讚!!! >Q< yentz liu -- "有天"沒有新戲,只能拿這當三餐,不斷回味! http://mwave.interest.me/enewsworld/en/article/26932/drama-rating-for-i-miss-you-episode-21 [Recap: I Miss You] Episode 21 – ‘What would have happened if we met like this?’ 2013.01.21 10:00 CJ E&M enewsWorld Grace Danbi Hong As Jung Woo searches for Soo Yeon’s location, Soo Yeon sits alone in the empty warehouse. The doors open and she hears the familiar footsteps. She shakes in fear and starts to cry. Jung Woo finds his way to the warehouse and thinking about how he’s dreamed to coming back to save Soo Yeon, he opens the door. http://upload.enewsworld.net/News/Contents/20130121/97407501.jpg Jung Woo excitedly comes home...They all laugh and enjoy their food, painting a picture perfect family out of a whole bunch of broken people. http://upload.enewsworld.net/News/Contents/20130121/21298285.jpg As he plays with the leaf, Soo Yeon puts her hand out and waves her fingers. Hyung Jun looks up.“Now you can make happy memories.” ......Finally, opening up his fingers, he waves them around, erasing all of her bad memories. http://upload.enewsworld.net/News/Contents/20130121/29167658.jpg Soo Yeon bursts into a smile and clips something into her hair. It’s a clothespin with pretty white flower decorations hanging from it. Aww~ “Jung Woo, do you know how long I’ve waited for this moment?” says Soo Yeon in a voiceover. “Thanks for always staying in that same place.” She starts to walk down the aisle Jung Woo watches with tears glistening in his eyes. “It was hard coming to this point, right? Now you only have to walk 13 more steps.” One...two...three...four...five...six... “When the wind blows, we can block it away from each other. When it rains, we can get under the umbrella together. When it snows for the first time, we can meet together like this. Do you remember? We sat in front of your house and laughed over our scars. That’s all we have to do. Withstanding with the power of love, let’s live like that.” Jung Woo takes Soo Yeon’s hand. “Pretty.” “Handsome.” They slide rings on each other’s fingers and exchange unexplainable happiness while staring at each other’s eyes. Jung Woo kisses Soo Yeon on the forehead. Thoughts That was such a great way to end the series. The ‘What If’ scenario, because it really does make you wonder. If Hyung Jun was revealed as Jung Woo’s uncle from the beginning, everything about their lives would have been changed for the better. http://lhay.tumblr.com/page/6 I Miss You - Episode Finale - The Epic Wedding - Han Jung Woo & Lee Soo Yeon http://37.media.tumblr.com/d58a5ece1b6fd46c593fb50e754b5c3f/tumblr_mgs3tegjyp1qza98no1_400.gif http://24.media.tumblr.com/5b694476ac2695196c39726f8d1a2969/tumblr_mgs3tegjyp1qza98no2_100.gif http://31.media.tumblr.com/58ac225569519ab98bc196c8de195be4/tumblr_mgs3tegjyp1qza98no3_100.gif http://37.media.tumblr.com/b077037410c2594c0f9d7f66c15b57f5/tumblr_mgs3tegjyp1qza98no4_400.gif http://24.media.tumblr.com/6953d374816fd31834675df22aa20eb6/tumblr_mgs3tegjyp1qza98no5_400.gif http://24.media.tumblr.com/d0c005aadc67b2fbf92f70ae18a323be/tumblr_mgs3tegjyp1qza98no7_400.gif http://24.media.tumblr.com/460e5a8c8a29fb282ac6acd9393eb79d/tumblr_mgs3tegjyp1qza98no8_250.gif http://24.media.tumblr.com/767b5c533d398fb2da045c0c6a912697/tumblr_mgs3tegjyp1qza98no9_250.gif http://31.media.tumblr.com/e1b2d06c87db58e930c6d4b7b6ca536c/tumblr_mgs3tegjyp1qza98no11_400.gif http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RFKdE-4gbI 《想你》飯制MV - 風吹麥浪(中字) 發佈:love19860604micky (3:19) 時間:2013-02-13 觀看次數為 3,132 as at 2014.1.10(19:40) **剪輯的很棒的MV~正宇秀妍小時候和長大後的各種對應, 很有心~ 只要記住彼此最美好的時候, 一直幸福的微笑吧~ 作者:Weibo@Angela-ooo Hunbun Ajib chinese backsound music.. pretty good fanmade #missyou anndyslsy even though it is not a Korean song, it's still reli touching. IMY drives me crazy, the love between HJW and SY is so epic, OMG I want them to be real life couple http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocfMPW7HOZc |ChunHye (YooChun 유천 & EunHye 은혜)| Love Story (보고싶다) - Part 5 (Final) Tata Doan (3:52) 2013.1.24 觀看次數:46,995 次 as at 2014.2.12(20:50) Part 1 : http://youtu.be/nRBVnqSWmXQ Part 2 : http://youtu.be/gkAk_1BQVLA Part 3 : http://youtu.be/2zZTQ66j0O4 Part 4 : http://youtu.be/FV5_ZZQjvPI Part 5: http://youtu.be/ocfMPW7HOZc oudette14 -- this is the best missing mv fanmade ever, i really love it and still watch this in 2014 simply the best http://www.koreandramafashion.com/i-miss-you-korean-drama-review-and-fashion-recap-episode-20/I Miss You Korean Drama Review And Fashion Recap: Episode 20 Posted by kathy on Thursday, January 24, 2013 Su Yeon dressed for comfort in this Sonia Rykiel sweater. image location: -- http://www.koreandramafashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Lee-Su-Yeon-I-Miss-You-Fashion2.jpg Comme des Garcons Color Block Cardigan (currently out of stock) image location: -- http://www.koreandramafashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Lee-Su-Yeon-I-Miss-You-Fashion3.jpg Lewitt Orange Coat, 244,500 Won image location: -- http://www.koreandramafashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Lee-Su-Yeon-I-Miss-You-Fashion5.jpg On Lee Su Yeon -- Isabel Marant Sofia Paisley Print Dress, £642 On Hang Ah Reum -- Plastic Island Yellow Trench Coat, 224,100 Won image location: -- http://www.koreandramafashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Lee-Su-Yeon-I-Miss-You-Fashion7.jpg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGAkLNEQON8 [ENG] |ChunHye| Little Star - Standing Egg (Kissing Scene Complication) Tata Doan (3:29) 2013.2.9 觀看次數:29,539 次 as at 2014.2.12(20:40) icyn137 -- So sweet! Lots of kisses ^^ MrSwsok -- not offence. last lyrics must be "All my life, I will watch over you". that is what I hear. But your video is awesome! threeS chunnie -- never bored to watch this drama despite repeatedly watched ... love it healing couples, chicken couples, crazy couples... michin tokki.... jeongmal saranghaeyo MsMarisara -- Lovely video! Thanks for sharing! This drama was sooo good!! I cried in every episode but it was worth it. All members of the cast were amazing! Specially Yoo Chun, Eun Hye and Seung Ho, they made I miss you a drama you'll never forget! :D http://www.koreandramafashion.com/i-miss-you-korean-drama-review-and-fashion-recap-episode-21-end/ I Miss You Korean Drama Review And Fashion Recap: Episode 21 (End) Posted by kathy on Sunday, January 27, 2013 Emporio Armani Coat (Women’s Autumn/Winter 2012 collection) image location: -- http://www.koreandramafashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Lee-Su-Yeon-I-Miss-You-Fashion51.jpg Isabel Marant White Embroidered Raw Silk Dress, US$454.00 Hanii Y Brown Blue Coat Loewe Paseo Bag Stone Sue Comma Bonnie Black Boots, 428,000 Won image location: -- http://www.koreandramafashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Lee-Su-Yeon-I-Miss-You-Fashion31.jpg Cartier Marcello de Cartier Satchel Bag image location: -- http://www.koreandramafashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Lee-Su-Yeon-I-Miss-You-Fashion71.jpg Lee Su Yeon keeps up with her Isabel Marant streak because here she is in a printed dress from this fashion power house. She paired it up with a long trench coat, tights and brown leather. http://lhay.tumblr.com/page/7 http://lhay.tumblr.com/image/40437027148 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8Nsg24G8BE Micky Yuchun - I Miss You ♥ Missing You EP 21 (The End) WILA Mango (0:55) 2013.1.18 觀看人次: 66,100 as at 2014.3.12(20:10) Swaah~ Now you only have to make good memories. inpiniteu007 -- I think it's more sincere when he kissed her on her forehead :') this is sweet!! 《想你》劇組全體成員合影:-- http://ent.takungpao.com.hk/tv/q/2013/0122/1401282.html or http://images.takungpao.com/2013/0122/20130122025336109.jpg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4nfBxSzGFM Missing You Ep1-21 Janskie Ventayen (13:02) 2013.4.23 觀看人次: 455 as at 2014.3.15(20:00) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrgXeZsVMYg [Fanmade MV] "For Ever With You" - Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 in drama Missing You 보고싶다 82vynguyen (13:42) 2013.8.19 觀看人次: 34,077 as at 2014.5.13(18:00) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missing_You_%28South_Korean_TV_series%29 International broadcast:-- Greece- On TV100 from September 4, 2013 with Greek subtitles for 21 episodes. Japan- On DATV from March 28, 2013 with Japanese subtitles for 21 episodes.[32] Philippines- OnABS-CBNfrom April 22 to July 5, 2013 at 9:55 p.m. for 53 episodes.[33] Malaysia- OnTV9(Malaysia)from 28 January to June, 2013 at 9:30 p.m for 31 episodes on Slot Chamsarang http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0pQw_EQlDo I Miss You, BTS, Yoochun & Yoon eun hye ( Korean Drama 2012) Amie KDramalover (3:10) 2013.11.16 觀看人次: 6,150 as at 2014.5.13(18:00) Missing you Bogoshipta 보고싶다 - Korean drama 2012 Starring Yoon Eun-hye, Park Yoochun and Yoo Seung-ho Song by Thiago http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoorvUpy0Dk [DVD I Miss You] - 120212 Park Yuchun Fanmeeting I Mis You (119with6002) p11 *中文字幕 gak themicky (6:19) 2013.12.2 觀看人次: 18,076 as at 2014.5.13(18:00) DVD I Miss You - Park Yuchun FM p4 and p5 block in worlwide http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OS370z0qQPc [Engsub] I Miss You DVD - Yuchun Interview *日英文字幕 Huayu (14:32) 2014.4.28 2,481 views as at 2014.5.13(18:30) Raw file by 126002 ------------------------------------------------------------- 》更多有關《想你》的文章包括:-- http://travel.ulifestyle.com.hk/member-blog/lau_yichen/ADsRYREvA3AMLA/ {http://blog.yahoo.com/lau_yi-chen/articles/953873/index} 《想你》I Miss You OST 第17集"情書"Love Letter♥Kiss MV+對話♥李秀妍(尹恩惠)對韓正宇(朴有天)的心聲[中英文譯本]+中/英文字幕視頻 http://travel.ulifestyle.com.hk/member-blog/lau_yichen/ADsRYREvA3AMLA {http://blog.yahoo.com/lau_yi-chen/articles/1144186/index} 《想你》第4集♥少女版尹恩惠給少年版朴有天的情詩[韓中英文]+臺灣版預告片/Facebook♥Love Poem(ep 4)《I Miss You》OST 니 얼굴 떠올라~Byul ft Shorry http://travel.ulifestyle.com.hk/member-blog/lau_yichen/ADMRYBEsA3I/ {http://blog.yahoo.com/lau_yi-chen/articles/1173723/index} 《想你》創傷後壓力症候群(PTSD)[劇照/視頻]第6集尹恩惠重遇性暴犯♪I Miss You OST《魔法之城》朴有天/東方神起/少女時代/卡通/Classic版[繁简中英韓文拼音歌詞] ------------------------------------------------------------ Final Yahoo Blog version: 29 October 2013 This page was last modified on 5 July 2014.