♠ 朴經理與玄啓俊的對話:"這三年裡, 可能其中一個沒有變, 但不代表另一個人還是一樣。" ♠ Cola Kiss♥動態劇照:第8集姜至奐晃動可樂/"可樂吻"的劇照 / 漫畫尹恩惠姜至奐 ♦ 分手輔導社區資源/ J2《姊妹淘》分享克服分手傷痛的小貼士 / 14 Steps to manage Break Up ♪ Lie to me OST part 2 안녕 정말 안녕 Really Wanna Say Hello (Goodbye, Really goodbye)《再見真的再見》さよなら、本当にさよなら ~엠투엠 (M To M) [韓中日英文拼音歌詞]+無綫電視中譯版 ♥ 第14集玄啟俊回答朴經理喜歡孔雅婷的原因[中英文譯本] ♠ 第12集閃的櫻花樹下 動態劇照 ♥ 玄啟俊愛孔雅婷的公開聲明 / 玄啓俊的5項優點 / 10項理想對象明細表 / '模型火車"求婚" ☆《對我說謊試試》劇照/視頻/Recap ♦Youtube MV / Preview/Recap/ Cola Kiss♥BTS ♦ 尹恩惠在自己的Twitter微博上,表示拍完大結局後,感覺遺憾/杀青宴視頻+組圖 ♠ image location of the attached file -- consecutive stills photos of Gong Ah-jeong (Yoon Eun-hye):-- www.hancinema.net/photos/photo174214.jpg [Posted on 2014-04-06 瀏覽人數: 481 as at 2014.6.3] SBS韓劇:내게 거짓말을 해봐,英語:“Lie To Me”,大陸稱《對我說謊試試》,台灣是《甜蜜謊言》,TVB譯《大話男女》,日語『私に嘘をついてみて』 第一女主角尹恩惠--飾演五級公務員孔雅婷事務官 第一男主角姜至奐--飾演World集團CEO玄啟俊社長 第二女主角趙允熙--飾演吳潤珠,玄啟俊的前未婚妻 第二男主角盛駿--飾演玄啟俊的弟弟,曾暗戀吳潤珠 朴志胤飾演朴經理,也是玄啟俊的中學同學 “孔雅婷沒關係的…”劇照組圖原載於:-- http://lhay.tumblr.com/post/6038719358/lie-to-me-episode-8-clips 影像網址:-- http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lm2ggt9g581qzyjuo.jpg LOL @ DCLTM Forum:-- DROPPED-CAN’T BREATH-HEART BREAKING EPISODE. ~ I know LTM fans now wants to kill Ki Joon for choosing Yoon Joo over Ah Jung, I’m happy for Ah Jung taking a stand and for telling So Ran the truth, now Lie is finally over! Geeeesh, really cried a lot on this episode, my heart is in pain with Ah Jung... ~ oh…. kill sanghee, he gave yoonju hope! http://lhay.tumblr.com/post/6100831875/while-watching-lie-to-me-episode-8 ‘Lie To Me’ Episode 8 http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lm5gwlzkaZ1qzyjuo.gif http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lm5h0xzxiu1qzyjuo.gif http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lm5h1wZXuN1qzyjuo.gif http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lm5h94fxjW1qzyjuo.gif http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lm5hbk979K1qzyjuo.gif http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lm5he9Z4CW1qzyjuo.gif http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lm5hpmloic1qzyjuo.gif http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lm5ht4rl3X1qzyjuo.gif http://www.hancinema.net/spoiler-lie-to-me-hot-cola-kiss-then-broken-heart-yoon-eun-hye-cries--30298.html [Spoiler] "Lie to Me" hot Cola kiss, then broken heart, Yoon Eun-hye cries Source | 2011/05/31 | 4501 views | Permalink | 3 Comments as at 2014.4.7 image location of consecutive stills photos of Gong Ah-jeong (Yoon Eun-hye):-- http://www.hancinema.net/photos/photo174214.jpg Gong Ah-jeong (Yoon Eun-hye) was broken hearted after a hot Cola kiss with Hyeon Ki-joon (Kang Ji-hwan). Viewers applaud her sorrowful crying. On the 8th episode of SBS drama "Lie to Me", Gong Ah-jeong is broken hearted after a Cola kiss. Gong Ah-jeong and Hyeon Ki-joon confirmed feelings for each other with a Cola kiss. Discovering the truth about his ex-lover Oh Yoon-joo (Jo Yoon-hee), Ah-jeong got drunk and went over to his place. The next day she recalled what happened and became embarrassed. Hyeon Ki-joon started joking with her to make her feel better. He shook up the Cola she had taken out. When she opened the cap, the Coke burst and then they kissed while playing with it. Gong Ah-jeong asked him if it was real or an act and he said it was real, confessing his feelings for her. They both confessed their feelings for each other with a deep kiss. However, soon Hyeon Ki-joon gets taken away from her by Oh Yoon-joo. When Oh Yoon-joo finds out about the marriage, she falls into shock and Hyeon Ki-joon consoles her, telling her the truth. Hyeon Ki-joon's choice was ex-lover Oh Yoon-joo. Gong Ah-jeong cried sorrowfully. She went to her friend Yoo So-ran (Hong Soo-hyeon) and confessed that she never got married, that it was end with Hyeon Ki-joon. Gong Ah-jeong had suddenly become a happy woman to a broken hearted woman. As her happiness and tragedy contrasted she put her all into the crying act. Viewers say after the broadcast, "My heart ached for her when she cried. I cried with her", "Yoon Eun-hye is good at crying, I was really pulled in", "I despise the indecisive Hyeon Ki-joon. My heart ached for Ah-jeong when she cried" and more. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://dramascenes.wordpress.com/author/alou11/page/11/ [K-DRAMA NEWS] Lie to me, popular online topic Posted on June 3, 2011 Image location of Parady for the characters from "Lie to Me":-- http://dramascenes.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/lie-to-me-3rd-june-2.jpg Cute! The news has featured a picture from DC inside, talented netizens have created a parody for the characters from the current SBS drama ‘Lie to me’. Regardless of its rating, the reactions are hot online. 2nd Kiss / "可樂吻:-- *以下是韓語簡體中文字幕:-- http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjgzNDc0ODQw.html?from=y1.2-1-97.3.2-2.1-1-1-1 电视剧频道 > 电视剧列表 视频: 对我说谎试试 08 о○潴潴о○上传 66播放 as at 2014.4.28(19:30) (22:00 ~ 22:30) 2nd Kiss / "可樂吻(剪輯)" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *粵語配音中文字幕視頻:-- http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/2DdEKL4lt24/ 大話男女 Ch07+08 (TVBOXNOW ) (124:02) yan10a 上传于 2011年11月23日 21,407 as at 2014.4.28(20:20) (92:30 ~ 95:50) 2nd Kiss / "可樂吻 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ dailymotion.com/video/xj4958_yoon-eun-hye-kang-ji-hwan-lie-to-me-preview-episode-9_shortfilms Yoon Eun Hye & Kang Ji Hwan "Lie To Me" Preview [Episode 9] yoonie1003 (00:36) 2011.6.5 觀看次數為1,309 as at 2014.4.7 (18:30) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://koalasplayground.com/2011/06/06/lie-to-me-episode-9-recap/ Lie to Me Episode 9 Recap Posted on June 6, 2011 by ockoala image location:-- i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae145/ockoala/Lie%20to%20Me%202/LTM9avi_000053420.jpg Ah Jung sits in her room and cuts off her hair to shoulder length. She replays her confession to So Ran that the marriage was just a lie. She tears up, but she repeats what she said to herself that it's okay, and it's a combination of saying her new haircut looks okay, and that she'll be okay. image location:-- i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae145/ockoala/Lie%20to%20Me%202/LTM9avi_000085785.jpg The next morning, Ah Jung's dad wakes up to find breakfast waiting for him and Ah Jung already left for work. She leaves him a cheerful note reminding him not to forget to eat breakfast... image location:-- i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae145/ockoala/Lie%20to%20Me%202/LTM9avi_000098798.jpg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/taGyTQZFNSM/ 大話男女 Ch09+10 (TVBOXNOW) (128:39) yan10a 上传于 2011年12月04日 26,544 as at 2014.4.4(20:00) (00:35) 玄啓俊一邊喝悶酒,一邊回憶著...... 【背景音樂♪再見真的再見】 (00:49) 吳潤珠:"......我痛苦得快要死掉...... 不,我真的考慮過去死...... 我知道只要時間久了........ 尚熙一定沒事的...... 到時,我就可以再和你一起了!" (01:18) 孔雅婷把頭髮剪短...... "不錯啊......挺不錯......" (02:20) 孔雅婷自告奮勇親自視察場地...... (05:50) ......吴潤珠與孔雅婷碰面...... (08:00) 吴潤珠致電玄啓俊,相約吃飯...... (08:20) 玄啓俊:"你是不是還有什麼話要說?" image location:-- i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae145/ockoala/Lie%20to%20Me%202/LTM9avi_000467667.jpg 朴經理:"我可以說嗎? 這三年裡, 可能其中一個沒有變, 但不代表另一個人還是一樣。 我覺得你不需要想太多, 我本來以為你和潤珠還有可能, 但是看你這樣, 我不太確定。" 玄啓俊:"我只是不想再讓她受傷,不是第一次,就這樣而已。" 朴經理:"那麼你想和她重新開始嗎?" 玄啓俊在搖頭...... 朴經理:"不是的話,你令她對你還有幻想,就更危險。 有時殘忍是在所難免的,我的意思是, 長痛不如短痛,這樣對大家都好。" (09:28) 朴經理鞠躬後便離去。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (13:20) 玄啓俊聽過小蘭說已知道假結婚一事.....所以拒絕和潤珠吃飯...... (15:30) “我知道,這次我們真的結束了。這段時間謝謝你了” image location:-- i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae145/ockoala/Lie%20to%20Me%202/LTM9avi_000909876.jpg 孔雅婷伸手握手......但玄啓俊無反應! “再見!” (15:44) 玄啓俊拉回孔雅婷並說: ”你要生氣就生氣好了,幹嗎要裝作無所謂?!” “我沒有生氣,我為什麼要生氣呢? 我們只是演了一場戲而已,但是我希望我們以後不要再見面!” 孔雅婷說完便落樓梯回辦公室。 (16:15) 玄啓俊在家中把水樽擲向紅酒 (16:56) 孔雅婷在櫻花樹下想起與玄啓俊的對話...... image location:-- i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae145/ockoala/Lie%20to%20Me%202/LTM9avi_001079813.jpg (17:06) [??歌名] 又要多麼的傷心難過 才能一點一滴的忘卻 只是把你放狂心裡 並不是分手 我如此堅信 才能活下去 因為你連我的心也帶走了 因為你連我的眼淚也帶走了 是你讓我沒有你 (孔雅婷:”“壞蛋!”) 什麼也做不了 你全都帶走了 有你我才能活下去…… (孔雅婷:“連櫻花都沒有了!”) 一定要有你 我才能活下去 你要再回來 一定要回來 (孔雅婷:“沒有了,全都沒了!”) 因為我至死都會等著你 (18:34) 孔父出現...... (孔雅婷:“現在連櫻花都沒有!”) Daddy & Ah Jung:-- http://lhay.tumblr.com/post/6576585718 image location:-- http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmv5b2MyJ11qza98no1_250.jpg http://www.dramafever.com/news/ideal-kdrama-zombie-apocalypse-team-who-would-you-choose/ Ideal Kdrama zombie apocalypse team: Who would you choose? by Vivi on Tue, Oct 29, 2013 Oh Yoon Joo(Jo Yoon-hee):-- http://www.dramafever.com/news/ideal-kdrama-zombie-apocalypse-team-who-would-you-choose/ image location:-- http://imgdf-a.akamaihd.net/st/news/images/Oh_Yoon_Joo_Lie_to_Me_Zombie_team.png --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/MJrERfpn47o 大話男女 Ch05+06 (TVBOXNOW ) (126:35) yan10a 上传于 2011年11月17日 16,891 as at 2014.3.30(18:40) (20:50)吴潤珠致電玄啓俊......"......我回來了......." 【背景音樂♪再見真的再見】 (21:40) "怎麼樣? 好不好看?" (戒指) ---------------------------------------------------------- (23:00) 潤珠到廚子同學家,以為可以見到玄尚熙...... 尚熙躲起來......更獨自打籃球,抒發情緒...... (玄啟俊的弟弟,曾暗戀吳潤珠) 玄尚熙(盛駿)劇照原載於:-- 土豆網 影像原載於 《 对我说谎试试》百度貼吧:-- http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1135732475 【LIE TO ME】【07.09有爱】日光带你一集一集走进美丽的LTM! 3297楼--尚熙打篮球发泄(看技术 一般 甚至不会打。。)第6集 影像網址:-- http://tieba.baidu.com/photo/p?kw=%B6%D4%CE%D2%CB%B5%BB%D1%CA%D4%CA%D4&flux=1&tid=1135732475&pic_id=da0a39178a82b901d127db61738da9773b12efd4&pn=1&fp=2&see_lz=1#!/pide80c8851f3deb48f92faad88f01f3a292ff578ce/pn1 http://mytv.tvb.com/variety/allthingsgirl2/175056/ J2 姊妹淘 第 191 集 單身快樂 綜藝娛樂 (23:36 ) 播出日期: 2014-04-07 觀看人次: 975 as at 2014.4.8(17:30) 免費會員 剩餘時間 59日 as at 2014.4.8(17:30) 不少人給已屆適婚年齡而又沒有男朋友的女性冠上許多稱號,如「剩女」、「敗犬」等等,評價負面,但其實現今女性獨立又堅強,單身也可以活得十分精彩。 嘉賓岑杏賢(Jennifer)和劉佩玥(Moon)現時同是單身一族,但二人均認為單身生活並不寂寞,閒時會與朋友聚會、學習一些新手藝或去進修等等,日子過得相當充實。 不過,當在街上或聚會裏看見一對對甜蜜的情侶,有時也難免感覺到有些孤寂,這個時候,Jennifer和Moon會如何排遣這種情緒呢? 分手後不歡而散, 有不少姊妹們會因而深受打擊, 變得缺乏自信, 久久不能自拔或者故作堅強, 在這個時候,到底該如何平復傷痛? 愛情顧問Annyee同樣曾面對過這種情況, 身為過來人的她會分享克服分手傷痛的小貼士, 並鼓勵大家享受單身的時刻, 積極裝備自己, 以最佳狀態迎接新戀情的來臨。 第8集姜至奐晃動可樂的劇照原載於:-- http://blog.xuite.net/janek226/drama/45151715-%E2%95%AD%E2%98%86%E3%80%90%E9%9F%93%E5%8A%87%E3%80%91%E5%B0%8D%E6%88%91%E8%AA%AA%E8%AC%8A%E8%A9%A6%E8%A9%A6%E5%8A%87%E6%83%85%E3%80%81%E4%BA%BA%E7%89%A9%E4%BB%8B%E7%B4%B9%2B%E5%8A%87%E7%85%A7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 分手輔導社區資源:-- https://www.google.com.hk/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=LXpGU7M-qonxB6PIgLgH#q=%E5%88%86%E6%89%8B%E8%BC%94%E5%B0%8E How to Get Over a Break Up: 14 Steps - wikiHow www.wikihow.com/Get-Over-a-Break-Up 已翻譯: 如何克服分手:14個步驟- wikiHow Breakups can be so hard, and they can be amicable; no matter what, no one really wants to go ... Cope with the pain appropriately ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Ways to Manage a Break Up and Work Through the Pain http://tinybuddha.com/blog/7-ways-to-manage-a-break-up-and-work-through-the-pain/ Sometimes we have to take great care with ourselves after a breakup, and that's ... who have hurt us, so we can overcome the pain and animosity toward them. [*simple wisdom for complex lives] Cola Kiss:-- http://mydedecaca.blogspot.hk/2011/12/cartoonfan-art-lie-to-me-k-drama-part-1.html image location:-- http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-vTuPBb2WoE8/TuLxmT_xHFI/AAAAAAAAE3c/6wbSa8GCTI8/s1600/kjcokacola.png ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.carehouse.org.tw/NC_DocView.asp?Volumn_ID=111&NW_ID=1205&Keyword= 文章標題: 當愛已成往事—如何面對分手 如何面對分手 - 成大醫院精神科Department of Psychiatry ~ 成功大學學生輔導組 臨床心理師 廖聆岑 【本文作者目前為成功大學學生輔導組的臨床心理師、台南市臨床心理師公會會員】 『在明天的白紙上,劃上美麗風景,用一千個方法,不讓自己哭泣, 如果時間是最好的療傷藥劑,我已經很會安慰自己。 要快樂的方法,最好是忘記你,傻瓜都知道,忘記你不能輕而易舉, 如果距離是有效的療傷藥劑,我已經好久沒聯繫你。 幾乎要忘記你,忽然又想起你,所有堅強的努力,一下子都前功盡棄, 在幾乎要忘記你的時候,忽然又想起你, 難道愛錯一個人,注定要承受一生思念的刑。』 歌手富有磁性且充滿感情的歌聲從CD緩緩流出,在夜深人靜的時候,你很難不被這樣的歌聲牽動情緒。這首歌很貼切的描寫出一個女子在分手後的心境,歌名為「療傷」,可見分手帶給她的是難以忘懷的傷痛。 談過戀愛的人都知道,當我們沈浸在愛河時,世界彷彿一切都是美好的,可以一起分享許多甜蜜時光,共同編織未來的憧憬;可是一旦踏上分手之途,過去回憶可能就成了一把銳利的刀,不斷劃過心房,讓人隱隱作痛。這幾年在學校輔導中心協助學生的經驗中我也發現,最容易造成大學生有情緒波動的事件,常常跟感情脫不了干係;如果你發現有一個人突然情緒變得低落,大部分都是因為感情受創而導致的。 每個人在面對情傷的處理方式都不一樣,有些人因為放不下,即使在一方提出分手後,仍苦苦糾纏、甚至跟蹤對方;有些會選擇報復對方,在社會新聞版面上就常看到因為分手而潑硫酸、放火、傷害對方;也有一些人選擇用自殘的方式,希望讓對方因為不捨而回頭;更有些人故意做一些傻事、甚至故意犯罪,企圖造成「你看都是因為你離開我,所以才讓我變成這樣的」,讓對方良心不安,而達到報復的目的。 只是當愛已走,情已逝,對方真的會在乎你做了什麼嗎? 抑或只是讓對方更加害怕、更加厭惡呢? 當然,我們也看到有一些人能以健康、積極的心態去面對分手,彼此給予祝福。 一般而言,在剛開始面對分手的時候,大多數人都會感受到難過、低落的情緒;有些持續一兩個禮拜就能逐漸走出傷痛,有些則需要一兩個月的時間才能恢復,有些甚至持續一兩年,甚至兩年以上,都還陷在分手的陰影當中。 分手對我們而言是一種失落的經驗,因此會經歷情緒上的波動是正常的,但如果當你發現自己或失戀的親友經歷過長時間的哀傷情緒(超過三個月);或是對生命攸關的事件如失去配偶與親人,超過六個月還沒辦法走到自己有可以克服的信心,都是情緒異常適應的警訊。 此外,如果低落的情緒超過正常分手應該有的程度(除憂鬱情緒外,對什麼事情都失去了興趣,甚至經常哭泣,一個禮拜有超過三天以上失眠或食慾不振,會不斷想起去過去曾發生過的事情而責怪自己,對事情看法變得悲觀,覺得有罪惡感、覺得自己很糟,做事無法集中注意力,經常覺得疲累或坐立不安…等),而且已嚴重影響到學業、工作或一般的生活功能,那就需要進一步尋求心理專業人員的協助。 而在協助他人面對分手的傷痛上,除了提供足夠的支持與關懷,讓分手的人將情緒充分表達出來是很重要的;面對分手,除了難過的情緒之外,很多時候還包含的懊悔、思念、否認、疑惑等複雜而又矛盾的情緒,覺得自己什麼失去了,或自己什麼都不是了。 而一般為了要讓分手的人盡快走出傷痛,都會鼓勵不要再想,趕快忘掉,或轉移他的注意力;但這樣一來,反而沒有讓分手的人好好面對、宣洩及處理自己的情緒,而讓那樣的情緒不斷發酵或壓抑,持續更長的時間。所以一開始,要先讓分手的人充分宣洩情緒,盡可能同理他的感受,難過是正常的、難以忘懷也是正常的。 等到感性的層面處理完之後,理性的層面再開始加進來例如跟他討論分手的原因,在這段感情中學到了什麼,對他的影響有哪些;除了看到傷痛的部分,也幫助他學習從不同的角度去看待這段感情的正面意義為何,從中滋生新的力量,繼續往前邁進! 如果你或你的親友在感情上有任何的困擾,或在情緒處理上遭遇任何困難,請一定要尋求心理專業人員的幫助,我們會和你們共同面對問題,協助你們從不同的角度看待問題,陪伴你們一起解決問題。最後我用另外一首歌來跟大家一起分享與勉勵,希望大家在面對一段感情結束時,可以讓自己過得更好。 『分手快樂,請妳快樂,揮別錯的才能和對的相逢。 離開舊愛,像坐慢車,看透徹了心就會是晴朗的。 沒人能把誰的幸福沒收, 妳發誓妳會活的有笑容, 妳自信時候美多了!』 "可樂吻"劇照組圖原載於:-- http://lhay.tumblr.com/post/6038719358/lie-to-me-episode-8-clips 影像網址:-- http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lm2gewFuSX1qzyjuo.jpg motion picture of Lie to Me: Cola Kiss♥ http://lhay.tumblr.com/search/lie+to+me image location:-- http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lnkd4kINn71qzyjuo.gif Hyun Ki Joon said, "I can't see you.' image location :-- http://lhay.tumblr.com/image/6559811307 or http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmugecwkul1qza98no1_250.jpg "Yoon Joo, I never thought there would be such thing as fate. But, I’ve changed my mind. Because I started loving someone, I’m not supposed to love. And there came a time that I had to leave the person I never wanted to leave. The reason we had to break up that time was my fate. We were both having hard times, but I accepted it. Now… it’s your turn. I love Gong Ah Jung. Like you said, I don’t want to be a coward anymore. No matter how many times you say it, I can’t hear it. In my eyes, I can't see you." (Bravo! Nice speech! In your face Yoon Joo! lol) http://lhay.tumblr.com/post/6548788997/lie-to-me-episode-12-favorite-ah-ki-moments Lie To Me Episode 12 Favorite Ah-Ki Moments http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmtlyaUQLx1qzyjuo.gif http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmtlwi91aM1qzyjuo.gif http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmtm05fGnn1qzyjuo.gif http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmtm2hh1gV1qzyjuo.gif http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmtm7txMVd1qzyjuo.gif http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmtmdplfED1qzyjuo.gif http://admhy.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-08-07-1 「ネゴヘ」第13話のあらすじ・・・ http://admhy.c.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_b6d/admhy/m_negohe20-c1276.jpg?c=a1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ♥愛的宣言♥以下是玄啟俊在公共場所,決意愛孔雅婷的聲明:-- http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/MVvMzPX03Zs/?FR=LIAN Lie to Me Making Propose by Lie to Me 潘比736421040 上传于 2014年01月19日 84 as at 2014.3.27(20:30); 100 as at 2014.4.10(20:08) 标签:姜至奂对我说谎试试尹恩惠百度恩奂吧 說謊DVD花絮CR:FB *粵語配音中文字幕視頻:– http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/JPWaTb7k1L8/ 大話男女 Ch13+14(TVBOXNOW) (128:58) 总播放 20,577 as at 2014.8.7(20:30) (87:00+-) 朴經理請玄啟俊不可出面......什麼也不要做...... (91:00~92:50) OST "Pouring Rain" -- public declaration of love (94:00) 朴經理稱讚玄啟俊"一箭雙雕"...... "不是要她愛上你......要更加要愛惜她!" (97:40) 朴經理:"......看來你似乎很喜歡孔雅婷......" "你喜歡她什麼?" "我喜歡她胡里胡塗, 雖然表面看來有很多缺點, 但她很坦率、 很純真, 彷彿小孩子。" "我的感覺是...... 她不會想得太多, 只會用心感受, 跟我相比是截然不同的人。 所以有時候也不知道怎樣對她, 才是最好。" "玄啟俊...... 你嘗試不要用腦袋思考, 憑感覺去作決定。" "如果你覺得她和你的世界不一樣, 你就用心去感受一下。 不過在每個決定的背後, 一定有得和失。" "無論如何, 我也會支持你。" 玄啟俊笑了一聲...... "你果然是我最好的朋友。" (99:30) 碰杯...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJFYS5nsKkY Lie to Me Episode 15 English Subtitle Korea Drama Korean Drama HD (1:05:26) 2014.7.1 views: 5,187 as at 2014.8.9(17:00) *ep 14!! (34:00) Manager Park:"You seem like you really love Miss Kong Ah Jung." "What do you like about her?" "She rash and not thoughtful. She has many weaknesses. But she's really straightforward and honest. She's also naive like a child. She doesn't use her head but lives with her heart. She seems to be living in a different world. So I don't know how I should treat her. "Hyun Ki Jun. Then don't use your head this time. Act according to your heart. If you think her world is different from yours, jump into her world. But don't expect to keep everything. There are definitely things that you'll lose. If you don't care about that, then go. Hyun Ki Jun smiled... "You really are my friend." (35:25) Cheers...... http://www.dramabeans.com/2011/06/lie-to-me-episode-14-open-thread/ Lie To Me: Episode 14 Open Thread by javabeans | June 21, 2011 | 153 Comments as at 2014.8.8 image location:-- i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/javabeans122/drama/2011/lie/lie1/lie14-00020.jpg Ki-joon holds Ah-jung’s hand in public and screams, “I love this woman!” The video gets uploaded to the internet. Yoon-ju, as well as everyone and their mother, sees it. Now Manager Park feels sorry for what she said and respects Ki-joon for his love. O…kay. Ki-joon calls Manager Park out for drinks, as friend to friend. He says he likes Ah-jung for living with her feelings instead of her brain, which I think is supposed to sound romantic-er than that, and Manager Park tells him to try that out this time. ---------------------------- On the other hand, Ah-jung’s job is on the line. She’s taken before a disciplinary panel, who will tell her their decision soon. image location:-- i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/javabeans122/drama/2011/lie/lie1/lie14-00047.jpg Ki-joon apologizes to her father. Dad is proud of them both for showing people that their love is great enough to get them to throw everything else away. Drinky time again! …leads to drunk sorta-not-really proposal. “Be mine.” Chairman Chen likes Ki-joon again, after seeing the latest news about his romance with Ah-jung. Ki-joon takes her to a party, per Chen’s wife’s wishes, who hugs her in a maternal gesture. And lo and behold, suddenly Ah-jung understands Chinese? Auntie is pi-issssed to see Ah-jung here. Nosy reporter asks Ah-jung how it feels to become Cinderella. Ki-joon asks, “Shouldn’t you ask me that? Since she’s the one who made me into a prince.” image location:-- i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/javabeans122/drama/2011/lie/lie1/lie14-00054.jpg Ah-jung gets the call: She’s fired. She hurries out, trips, drags down a tablecloth, sends an ice sculpture crashing to the ground, and bursts into tears in front of the entire party. Girl’s having a REAL bad day. She runs out barefoot, and Ki-joon chases her out. youtube.com/watch?v=6_zqQGYs3Cs Lie to Me English Subtitles Ep 14 part 2 - Korean Drama 2014.12.11: "Lie to Me Ep 14 English ..." This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by ViKi, Inc.. Sorry about that." Annie Jojo (32:37) 4 Sept 2014 觀看人次: 4,248 as at 2014.10.16(18:40) ✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰ Gong Ah Jung, the young and beautiful level 5 Ministry of Culture official, gets entangled in a web of lies when she pretends to be married in order to deflect inquiries about her personal life. Her pretend husband is Hyun Gi Jun, a hotel president from an affluent family. Although unhappy at first about the rumors, Gi Jun goes along with the ruse. But their relationship gets complicated when Gi Jun's ex-fiancée reappears in his life. “Lie to Me” is a 2011 South Korean drama series directed by Kim Soo Ryung and Kwon Hyuk Chan. ✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰ (0:38) Drinks @ 漢江 (1:30) Why do you like her? http://koalasplayground.com/recapped-dramas/ http://koalasplayground.com/2011/06/21/lie-to-me-episode-14-recap/ Lie to Me Episode 14 Recap Posted on June 21, 2011 by ockoala ♥ image location of public declartion of love ♥:-- i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae145/ockoala/Lie%20to%20Me%203/LTM14avi_001715181.jpg image location of Manager Park and Ki Joon at riverside bar:-- i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae145/ockoala/Lie%20to%20Me%203/LTM14avi_00201 0844.jpg Manager Park goes to meet with Ki Joon outside of work, asking why the president asked her out so late. He says he asked her as a friend. She asks if its fun balancing work and a romance in a dizzying way? He says it’s fun, but wonders if this time it’ll work out? Manager Park notes that Ki Joon really loves Ah Jung, leading her to ask why? Ki Joon says Ah Jung can be clumsy and not very thoughtful, but she’s refreshingly honest and direct. Like a child, she doesn’t use her head, but lives with her heart. She seems to live in a completely different world than him. Manager Park tells him to stop living with his head anymore, just jump into Ah Jung’s world and live with her. But he might have to give some things up. Ki Joon smiles and says that only Manager Park understands. youtube.com/watch?v=V_P6JaNfl6Q Lie to Me Ep 14 English Subtitles - Korean Drama 2014.12.11: "Lie to Me Ep 14 English ..." This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by ViKi, Inc.. Sorry about that." Sulivan Brock (1:05:18 ) 11 Sept 2014 觀看人次: 4,512 as at 2014.10.16(19:30) motion picture of piggy-back:-- dienanh.net/forums/showthread.php/228511-SBS-2011-Lie-To-Me-Yoon-Eun-Hye-Kang-Ji-Hwan-Jo-Yoon-Hee-Sung-Joon/page44 image location:-- 26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lngn8sDS0S1qbxx00o1_500.gif ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://koalasplayground.com/2011/06/27/lie-to-me-episode-15-recap/ Lie to Me Episode 15 Recap Posted on June 27, 2011 by ockoala ...Yoon Joo reading newspaper articles about Ah Jung... hugs her mom for being here for her. Mom tries to comfort Yoon Joo by saying she did nothing wrong. image location of Yoon Joo and her mom:-- i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae145/ockoala/Lie%20to%20Me%203/LTM15avi_001131564.jpg Yoon Joo comes clean bout doing something wrong despite knowing Ki Joon isn't coming back to her. Yoon Joo wish she had been able to let go very gracefully... image location of Yoon Joo's apology:-- i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae145/ockoala/Lie%20to%20Me%203/LTM15avi_002224057.jpg Yoon Joo...apologizes to Ah Jung, for hating her despite knowing she was a good person who did nothing wrong. Ah Jung replies that she would have hated Yoon if the situation were reversed... Ah Jung asks Yoon Joo not to hate Ki Joon... Yoon Joo concedes that she's lost... image location of Ah Jung's pretending to faint:-- i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae145/ockoala/Lie%20to%20Me%203/LTM15avi_002312045.jpg Ki Joon drops a piece of noodle in Ah Jung's month. She eats it and pretends to faint, but pops up and tells him the food is delicious... A text comes in from Yoon Joo asking Ki Joon to meet. Ah Jung tells him to go meet her, if for Ah Jung's sake. image location:-- i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae145/ockoala/Lie%20to%20Me%203/LTM15avi_002488154.jpg Yoon Joo tries on her engagement ring (again)... Yoon Joo explains that she's headed to Paris and wanted to let Ki Joon go... She knows it will be hard, but she's reading to accept the reality. He thanks her for the memories they shared, he will always treasure it. stills of Yoon Joo & Sang Hee:-- todou.com Yoon Joo is at the airport when Sang Hee arrives to send her off with a care package of red pepper paste (to remind her of Korea). She thanks him for helping her get her feelings in order again, and promises to call once she ghets setted in Paris... They shake hands and she's gone! Promotional Poster & Yoon Eun-hye:-- http://ameblo.jp/ktnotty/entry-11596681376.html ☆マブルミが終わってすぐのネゴへ決定! 嬉しかったなぁ~ http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20130819/10/ktnotty/78/aa/j/o0640048012653438251.jpg -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.dramabeans.com/2011/05/lie-to-me-releases-posters-new-stills/ Drama Casting & News Lie To Me releases posters, new stills by javabeans | May 2, 2011 | 72 Comments as at 2014.4.5 Promo posters are out for Lie To Me, which are cute despite displaying a noted resemblance to the Sungkyunkwan Scandal poster. (Though, really, it’s hardly a novel concept anywhere.) But no matter, since Kang Ji-hwan and Yoon Eun-hye are both charismatic and easy on the eyes, with the added bonus of having a history of good chemistry with their partners. The posters reflect the drama’s marriage motif, with both dressed in formal wedding duds. (I love Yoon’s flirty gown, which I suppose you could call her little white minidress. But I’m a fan of short wedding dresses in general, just as long as they’re not the type favored by the quickie weddings of all-night, Elvis-run chapels. Isn’t all that polyester a fire hazard?) And while the fake marriage is a common trope in dramas, I have faith (or maybe it’s delusion-fueled hope) that this drama will handle it much better than, say, the sadly plotted Mary Stayed Out All Night (which failed not once, but twice with both fake marriages. Sigh. All right, let that one go now…). One added source of dramatic conflict in this drama is Kang Ji-hwan’s high profile as (sigh) a chaebol, and while I am fast tiring of the prevalence of the media-as-problem-causer and -solver setup, you can’t deny that in a celeb-, image-, and internet-obsessed society like Korea, it makes sense. Below that, we have the latest stills showing Kang on the golf course, ’cause we know that in addition to foreign cars and American college degrees, nothing screams “Rich!” like a hero playing golf. (That makes me sorry that Birdie Buddy didn’t come on the scene with its poor golfer heroine, just for that.) Below those stills, we see second leads Hong Soo-hyun and Ryu Seung-soo, a meddlesome pair complicating things for our main characters, who pose a constant threat to their fake marriage sham. To the outside world, these two appear to be enviably happy in marriage, but in truth they’re a contentious couple poised at the brink of divorce. While I’m indifferent to Hong, I can see myself warming to her if she tackles her character with a fun sort of maliciousness — the love-to-hate-her kind that’s entertaining to watch. And it’s been a while since I’ve seen Ryu Seung-soo, but I loved him in the underrated gem of a mystery-treasure-hunt drama Mixed-up Investigative Agency, where he played a comic slacker character who showed occasionally heart-tugging flashes of depth. Lie To Me will challenge Baby-Faced Beauty (though it premieres one week behind it) in the post-Midas time slot on Mondays and Tuesdays. RELATED POSTS Lie To Me’s kiss scene, the B-side More, more, more from Lie To Me Lie To Me poster stills Chaebol heir Kang Ji-hwan in Lie To Me Kang Ji-hwan stills from Lie To Me Yoon Eun-hye stills from Lie To Me Supporting cast added to Lie To Me --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *粵語配音中文字幕視頻:-- http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/KmAl6wBY2Mc/ 大話男女 Ch15+16完 (TVBOXNOW) (130:27) {N.B. 如未能收看,可能是:“......由於版權原因,該視频僅限中國大陸區播放......” } yan10a 上传于 2011年12月22日 (130:27) 累積瀏覽: 21,074 as at 2014.4.9(19:30) (47:50) 全家福照 (48:18) ......心目中的理想對象...... (48:45) 玄啟俊五合一禮盒:-- 長得帥,有教養,風度和常識,也有責任感 (49:05) 各在紙上寫下:-- 理想的女人 vs 理想的男人 http://www.dienanh.net/forums/showthread.php/228511-SBS-2011-Lie-To-Me-Yoon-Eun-Hye-Kang-Ji-Hwan-Jo-Yoon-Hee-Sung-Joon/page44 Hỏi/ÐápLịchCommunity Forum Actions Chức Năng image location: still photos of episode 15:-- http://img861.imageshack.us/img861/3460/24707712.jpg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://koalasplayground.com/2011/06/27/lie-to-me-episode-15-recap/ Lie to Me Episode 15 Recap Posted on June 27, 2011 by ockoala Ki Joon asked Ah Jung if she still remember "Hyun Ki Joon 5-item set". She says of course:-- good looking, manners, responsibility, common sense, and chivalry. She thinks that she's been brainwashed. image location of listing ideal mate:-- i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae145/ockoala/Lie%20to%20Me%203/LTM15avi_002946880.jpg Ah Jung reads Ki Joon's list on the bus ride home... 1. Even if its oatmeal, a woman who make breakfast for me every morning. 2. Someone who will exercise with me every morning. 3. Even when we fight, she'll accept my apology. 4. A woman who loudly cries at sad movies. 5. A woman with different interests willing to do my hobbies with me. 6. A woman who doesn't tell a lie even in the smallest instance, always being truthful. 7. A woman with wrinkles who is still pretty. 8. A woman who knows the real Hyun Ki Joon. 9. A woman wanting 1 boy, 2 girls. 10. A woman who can drink like a man. And finally, a P.S. - a woman with pretty hands and feet. 'Lie To Me' Hyun Ki Joon's 10 Things He Wants In A Woman:-- http://lhay.tumblr.com/post/7005213875/lie-to-me-hyun-ki-joons-10-things-he-wants-in-a image location:-- http://lhay.tumblr.com/image/7005213875 or http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lnhpsad7kL1qza98no1_r1_250.jpg Ah Jung is called to meet with Aunt:-- http://s966.photobucket.com/user/ockoala/media/Lie%20to%20Me%203/LTM15avi_003270870.jpg.html Aunt drops a laundry list of things-to-do-to-be-a-chaebol-wife on her lap, including learning.... Ah Jung replies that she has her own job... Ah Jung meets with reporter from "Lady Power"... The reporter asks if Ah Jung is prepared to become th wife of the World Group CEO once they get married? That night, Ah Jung looks at Ki Joon's list again and crossed out the items that she can't fulfill... A diamond raindrop necklace is in the toy model train:-- s966.photobucket.com/user/ockoala/media/Lie%20to%20Me%203/LTM15avi_003727961.jpg.html Ki Joon asks Ah Jung: "Will you marry me?" ...she doesn't think she's the right woman for Ki Joon. Ki Joon's face freezes. Consecutive stills of Ki Joon's proposal:-- dienanh.net/forums/showthread.php/228511-SBS-2011-Lie-To-Me-Yoon-Eun-Hye-Kang-Ji-Hwan-Jo-Yoon-Hee-Sung-Joon/page44 image location:--img29.imageshack.us/img29/9850/20110627130918430429028.th.jpg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQvbuPaKdO0 Lie to Me Episode 16 English Subtitle Korea Drama Korean Drama HD (1:05:35) 2014.7.1 views: 6,777 as at 2014.8.10(18:50) *ep 15!! (1:03:58) Brought to you by WITH S2. Written In The Heavens Subbing Squad. This is a FREE fansub. NOT for SALE! Get it for FREE @ withs2.com Main Translator: Tiggerlily93. Sport Translator: fore Timer: em_ily Editor/QC: tofu Coordinators: mily2, ay_link (59:00) "Have you read mine?" "Ohh, your ideal type list..." "A man who can consider a problem from another point of view, and who understands how the other feels." "Ah, you're not in a very good mood today." (1:02:45) "This place to me, a person who's living for other people, is like a present." From now on, I want to enjoy this place with you. Would you like...to marry me? (1:03:20) Ki Jun. I've put a lot of consideration into marriage. I...Don't think I'm the woman...for Ki Jun. ♪ OST"Really Wanna Say Hello"《再見真的再見》 http://www.dramabeans.com/2011/06/lie-to-me-episode-15-open-thread/ Drama Recaps Lie To Me: Episode 15 Open Thread by girlfriday | June 27, 2011 | 140 Comments as at 2014.8.10 image location of "family photo":-- i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu26/dramabeans/news/news2011/lie15-00003.jpg Meanwhile they decide to surprise Dad and Not-Mom with a surprise wedding. No one thought that springing a surprise wedding on people might go badly? Yoon-ju declares that Ah-jung has won (thanks for the news, Sargent Slow on the Uptake) and leaves for Paris, with goodbyes from Ki-joon and Sang-hee. I’m confused about who Sang-hee’s in love with. I think he is too. Ki-joon proposes that they write down their top ten qualities for an ideal mate. His are: 1. Even cereal is okay! A woman who makes breakfast. 2. A woman who will exercise with me in the morning. 3. A woman who knows how to accept an apology if I say I’m sorry after a fight. 4. A woman who can cry at a sad movie. 5. A woman I can spend time with, even if our hobbies are different. 6. A woman who is honest even about the little things. 7. A woman who can drink like a guy. 8. Even if the years pass, a woman whose wrinkles are pretty, without having to maintain wrinkle care. 9. A woman who’s planning on at least 1 boy, 2 girls. 10. A woman who knows what kind of woman Hyun Ki-joon’s woman is. P.S. A woman whose hands and feet are pretty. image location:-- i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu26/dramabeans/news/news2011/lie15-00009.jpg Ki-joon’s aunt calls Ah-jung over and gives her a big scare, prepping her to become World Group’s trophy wife. Ah-jung tells her that she’s not going to quit her job, and starts to feel the pressure of what it means to marry Ki-joon. She starts crossing off everything on his list. He can sense she’s in a bad mood, so he brings her over to his house for a surprise… and shows off his new decor, a la Vegas Light Show. How is redecorating your house a present for her? He shows her his secret model-building room. He lights up the model village, and the train arrives with a necklace for Ah-jung. Oh, that’s cute. image location of Ki-joon's proposal:-- i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu26/dramabeans/news/news2011/lie15-00002a.jpg Ki-joon: I’ve only ever lived for other people, and this is a place just for me. Now I want to share it with you. Will you marry me? Ah-jung: I’ve thought a lot about marriage… I don’t think that I’m your woman. WHAT, now? image location of Ah-jung's hesitation for being Ki-joon's wife:-- i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu26/dramabeans/news/news2011/lie15-00011.jpg Lie to me OST part 2:-- http://eunhye1003.wordpress.com/2011/06/26/ost-lie-to-me-2/ image location:-- http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/8414/lietomeostpt2cover.jpg Release Date : 2011.05.24 Genre: OST Language: Korean Bitrate: 320k 01. 이밤이 지나가면 (Midnight Passes) – 김형준 (Kim Hyung Jun) 02. 안녕 정말 안녕(This is Really Goodbye)再見真的再見 さよなら、本当にさよなら ~엠투엠 (M To M) 03. 이밤이 지나가면 (Inst.) 04. 안녕 정말 안녕 (Inst.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- youtube.com/watch?v=ro5w07Mt8l8 Lie to Me 對我說謊試試 MV - 안녕 정말 안녕 Goodbye, Really Goodbye by M to M *中文對話 Tracy Liu (4:00) 2011.6.2 觀看次數為242,615 as at 2014.4.3(20:30) Sweet Scandal/Lie to Me Song: 안녕 정말 안녕 Really Wanna Say Hello (Goodbye, Really goodbye) Artist: M to M Lyrics: ( Chinese Translation) eo di jeum ga ni 要去那裡? na leu ji na chyeo deo nan neo neun 與我擦身而過 就要離開的你 neon gwaen cha neun geo ni 沒有關係嗎? nae gyeo ci a nin ta leun keo gi seo 你不在我身邊 ni ga u ga bwa 怕你會回來 gi da lin na ye si gan deu li 在等待著你的時間裡 i jen bo nae la go hae 我現在要放手了 neo leu ji u la go hae 我要將你忘記 a leum da un u li si gan du leun 我們那些美麗時光 chu eo gi doe eo 都已成追憶 mi ci do lo neo lu 我那瘋狂 gu li wo han nun mu ma jeo do 思念著你的淚水 ho si a do ni ga u ga bwa 怕你會回來 meom chwo don si gan 在靜止的時間裡 i jen neo leu du go 我想要放下你 deo na lyeo go hae an nyeon 離開了 再見 mo cha neun geo ga 你是否找不到 nae ge da si to la o neun ki 重回我身邊的路 deo i seo ya ha ga 我應該 na yeo gi e deo i seo ya ha ga 再等多一會嗎? da si ol ga bwa 怕你會回來 ki da lin na ye gin si gan deu 在無止境的等待裡 i jen bo nae lyo go hae 我想放手了 jeon ma gu nae lyo go hae 讓一切都結束 neo leu bu cia ba deon nae sa la ni 緊抓著你的愛情 cyeom cyeom eu lyeo cyeo 也逐漸飄散了 mi ci do lo neo leu geu li wo han 曾瘋狂思念你的我 nae ga byeo nae ga 慢慢地改變了 ho si la do ni ka u ga bwa 怕你會回來 meom chwo deon geo leum 停滯不前的步伐 na do i jen neo ci wo ya ha na bwa cyeon ma 現在該抺去了吧 真的 nae sa lan do yeo gi ga ji yeo na pwa 我的愛情就到此為止吧 keu na geo ga ci an teon ki na gin keu li um deu 那無盡的思念 mo gi me eo seo na ha su eo seo deon 那無法開腔 哽咽著 i byeo li la na peun keu ma 讓人心痛的別離話語 nun mu cheo leom nae sa la ni 我的愛情如淚水般 cyeom cyeom eu lyeo jyeo 一點一滴地流逝了 mi ci do lo neo leu geu li wo han 我曾瘋狂思念著你 nae ga byeo nae ga 也慢慢地改變了 ho si la do ni ka u ga bwa 怕你會回來 meom chwo deon geo leum 停滯不前的步伐 na do i jen neo ci wo ya ha na bwa cyeon ma 也該抺去了吧 真的 ji wo ya ha na bwa 該抺去了吧 i jen neo ji wo ya ha na bwa an nyeon 如今要將你忘記 再見 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- youtube.com/watch?v=NdSpsFmMkBw 對我說謊試試 내게 거짓말을 해봐 안녕 정말 안녕(中文字幕) l eb (3:57) 2013.5.5 觀看次數為3,550 as at 2014.7.15(19:30) 無綫電視中譯版:-- 走到那裡了 錯過我離開的你 現在過得好嗎? 不在我身邊的其他地方 擔心你哭泣 等待你的時間 叫我放你走 叫我忘記你 我們曾經擁有的美好的時光 已經成為回憶 曾經因瘋狂懷念你 而流下的眼淚 不確定你回來而停止的時間 我現在是不是真的要忘了你? 再見! 找不到了嗎? 回到我身邊的路...... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- youtube.com/watch?v=8mYNMt_QXDo 【紫霧自製】對我說謊試試MV - 再見真的再見 talkingpigvicky (3:57) 2011.8.20 觀看次數為105,533 as at 2014.7.15(19:30) n7719162 -- 真棒又好聽! 小綺 郭 -- 這齣超好看的 音樂又很好聽_ (00:50)“孔雅婷沒關係的…" --> 公司樓下的樓梯, 孔伸手握手以表示關係到此為止, 以後不再見面好了 (01:40) 孔雅婷在櫻花已凋謝的櫻花樹下哭泣 (02:28) 玄社長重走孔事務官的路徑(心想不耍真的永別說再見!)-->終於找到她在谷底 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- youtube.com/watch?v=DmF65aN6U0g Lie to Me OST Really Wanna Say Hello by M to M - Episode 11 & 12 *with English conversation LIZ29ful (4:04) 2011.6.16 觀看次數為483,642 as at 2014.10.16(19:40) kijoonfan -- How can one not like the drama series? Makes me feel all warm and good watching it, and of course having KJH n YEH as the main characters certainly makes it more enjoyable! Thx for the mv! Krepek Cendol -- such a meaning full song. love this movie btw. cel649 -- i love the way they act...so natural. are they real lovers? hope so ...i love their team,,,,more drama pls pretty yoon eun....and ah best actor ,and a handsome guy kang ji hwan... we are looking forward for the new project of yours......you really have chemistry love seeing you...pretty +handsome guy....hayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy waiting but for now lie to me again and again the best korean drama for me maybe because of the main characters...God Bless you guys http://infinitesweettreats.blogspot.hk/2011/06/lyrics-m-to-m-really-wanna-say-hello.html Posted by Hazhuna TITLE: Really Wanna Say Hello/ This is Really Goodbye (안녕 정말 안녕) Romanized lyrics Romanization by: B o o Y i . r A g A m U f F i N ™ Eodijjeum ganni? Nareul jinachyeo tteonan neoneun Neon gwaenchanheun geoni? Nae gyeochi anin dareun geogiseo Niga olkka bwa kidarin naeui shigan deuri Ije bonaerago hae neoreul jiurago hae Areumdaun uri shigandeureun chueogi dweeo Michi dorok neoreul geuriweohan nunmul majeodo Gokshirado niga olkka bwa meomchweotteon shigan Ijen neoreul dugo tteonaryeogo hae Annyeong Mot channeun geolkka? Naege dashi dora oneun gil Deo isseoya halkka? Na yeogie deo isseoya halkka Dashi olkka bwa kidarin naeui gin shigandeul Ije bonaeryeogo hae jeongmal kkeutnaeryeogo hae Neoreul butjabatteon nae sarangi jeomjeom heuryeojyeo Michi dorok neoreul geuriweohan naega byeonhaega Hokshirado niga olkka bwa meomchweotteon georeum Nado ijen neoreul jiweoya hana bwa jeongmal~ AH~ AH~ Nae sarangdo yeogi kkaji yeonna bwa Kkeutnal geot gatji anhteon ginagin geuriumdeul (Hal su eopseotteon geu mal) Mogi meeoseo nah al su eopseotteon Ibyeol iran apeun geu mal~ Areumdaun neoeui gieokdeureun Ije nareul dugo tteonaryeogo hae Nunmul cheoreom nae sarangi jeomjeom heuryeojyeo Michi dorok neoreul geuriweohan naega byeonhaega Hokshirado niga olkka bwa meomchweotteon georeum Nado ijen neoreul jiweoya hana bwa jeongmal~ Jiweoya hana bwa~ OOH~ Ijen neoreul jiweoya hana bwa Annyeong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- youtube.com/watch?v=v8vX8vb1RGQ This is really goodbye Lie to Me korean drama OST - *with English conversation justAmazedbyU (4:26) 2012.4.21 觀看次數為155,151 as at 2014.10.16(20:00) 1995shahad -- This is too beautiful i got butterflies in my stomache .. And i really love this couple http://infinitesweettreats.blogspot.hk/2011/06/lyrics-m-to-m-really-wanna-say-hello.html Posted by Hazhuna TITLE: Really Wanna Say Hello/ This is Really Goodbye (안녕 정말 안녕) English Translation http://chloeplus.blogspot.com Where did you go, the you who just passed me by and left? Are you doing fine, at a place without me by your side? Hoping you'll come back, the times I've waited for you I'll let it go now, I'll forget you now The beautiful times we had, they're all memories now The tears I shed when I missed you like crazy Hoping you'll come back, time stood stagnant I'll let you go and leave now, goodbye Couldn't you find it, the road that leads back to me? Should I wait a little while more, should I wait here a little longer? Hoping you'll come back, I waited all this while I'll let it go now, I'll end it for real My love for you that I held on so tightly, is slowly dissipating The me that went crazy missing you, is gradually changing Hoping you'll come back, time has stood stagnant I should erase it all now, for real My love, it ends right here, this never-ending yearning Stuck in my throat, I couldn't say it Those heartbreaking words of parting All my beautiful memories of you, it's leaving me right now Like falling tears, my love is slowly dissipating The me that went crazy missing you, is gradually changing Hoping you'll come back, time stood stagnant I should erase it now, for real Should erase it now, I should forget you now, goodbye ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- youtube.com/watch?v=tqoL8E1fFlY Lie to me k-drama - really want to say hello justAmazedbyU (4:01) 2012.5.16 觀看次數為36,659 as at 2014.10.16(19:50) torn between his ex and ah jeoung. shane gal -- Miss this show. Hope S B S will make another pairing of them in a drama. First love ever K-drama that I fell in love with. fergielyn tambuli -- nice drama yoon eun hye and kang ji hwan...perfect couple talaga kayo..sana may part 2 ang LIE TO ME ... nakakakilig talaga kayong dalawa...*_* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- youtube.com/watch?v=9M2CIV2FpxE 私に嘘をついてみてOST 「さよなら本当にさよなら 」 M to M 2014.12.11:" "私に嘘をついてみてOST 「さよなら本当にさよなら 」..." The YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement. Sorry about that." mryumirin (3:58) 2011.9.11 觀看次數為226,061 as at 2014.10.16(19:50) お気に入り juyuri0218 -- 最近、見てなかった韓国ドラマを久しぶりに見てこの曲気に入りました! 歌詞を見ながら聴くと涙が出てしまって・・・ ドラマもとても良かったし、ウネちゃんがかわいい! superjunior19991027 -- 泣ける(T_T) airi093044 -- めっちゃいい歌!!感動です♡♡泣けてきます!ドラマも良かったです。この歌にあってます 汰 ぺと -- いい曲すぎるー(≧∇≦)b 葵 青龍 -- 私も・・・ このドラマ、曲を聞くとウルッて来て大好きです!! 韓国の曲って何でこうも感動させてくれる曲ばっかなんでしょうねぇ~ もう曲ともにドラマ大好きだぁーーーwww v0ptyu7m-- ホント!いい曲です♪ 誰が歌っているのか教えてもらえますか? http://www.kjpop.net/index.php?tp=lyrics&singerno=3921&no=47779&nowpage=1&movepage=&singerkey=&titlekey=&ln=ja ☆ 歌詞が見えない方、スクロールなしで見たい方はこちらをクリック! さよなら、本当にさよなら (ドラマ「私に嘘をついてみて」OST) Goodbye really Goodbye (Drama 'Lie To Me' OST) 안녕 정말 안녕 (드라마"내게 거짓말을 해봐"OST) M To M/M To M/엠투엠 어디쯤 갔니? オディツチゥム カンニ? 나를 지나쳐 떠난 너는 ナルル チナチョ ツトナン ノヌン 넌 괜찮은 거니? ノン クェンチャヌン コニ? 내 곁이 아닌 다른 거기서 ネ キョチ アニン タルン コギソ 니가 올까 봐 기다린 ニガ オルツカ ポヮ キダリン 나의 시간들이 ナエ シガンドゥリ 이젠 보내라고 해 イジェン ポネラゴ ヘ 너를 지우라고 해 ノルル チウラゴ ヘ 아름다운 우리 시간들은 추억이 되어 アルムダウン ウリ シガンドゥルン チュオギ トゥェオ 미치도록 너를 그리워한 눈물마저도 ミチドロク ノルル クリウォハン ヌンムルマジョド 혹시라도 니가 올까 봐 ホクシラド ニガ オルツカ ポヮ 멈췄던 시간 モムチゥォツトン シガン 이젠 너를 두고 떠나려고 해 イジェン ノルル トゥゴ ツトナリョゴ ヘ 안녕 アンニョン 못 찾는 걸까? モツ チャンヌン コルツカ? 내게 다시 돌아 오는 길 ネゲ タシ トラ オヌン キル 더 있어야 할까? ト イツソヤ ハルツカ? 나 여기에 더 있어야 할까 ナ ヨギエ ト イツソヤ ハルツカ 다시 올까 봐 기다린 タシ オルツカ ポヮ キダリン 나의 긴 시간들 ナエ キン シガンドゥル 이젠 보내려고 해 イジェン ポネリョゴ ヘ 정말 끝내려고 해 チョンマル ツクンネリョゴ ヘ 너를 붙잡았던 ノルル プチャバツトン 내 사랑이 점점 흐려져 ネ サランイ チョムジョム フリョジョ 미치도록 너를 그리워한 내가 변해가 ミチドロク ノルル クリウォハン ネガ ピョネガ 혹시라도 니가 올까 봐 ホクシラド ニガ オルツカ ポヮ 멈췄던 걸음 モムチゥォツトン コルム 나도 이젠 널 지워야 하나 봐 ナド イジェン ノル チウォヤ ハナ ポヮ 정말 チョンマル 내 사랑도 여기까지였나 봐 ネ サランド ヨギツカヂヨンナ ポヮ 끝날 것 같지않던 기나긴 그리움들 ツクンナル ツコツ カツチアントン キナギン クリウムドゥル 목이 메어서 나 할 수 없었던 モギ メオソ ナ ハル ス オプソツトン 이별이란 아픈 그 말 イビョリラン アプン ク マル 아름다운 너의 기억들은 アルムダウン ノエ キオクトゥルン 이제 나를 두고 떠나려고 해 イジェ ナルル トゥゴ ツトナリョゴ ヘ 눈물처럼 내 사랑이 점점 흐려져 ヌンムルチョロム ネ サランイ チョムジョム フリョジョ 미치도록 너를 그리워한 내가 변해가 ミチドロク ノルル クリウォハン ネガ ピョネガ 혹시라도 니가 올까 봐 ホクシラド ニガ オルツカ ポヮ 멈췄던 걸음 モムチゥォツトン コルム 나도 이젠 너를 지워야 하나 봐 ナド イジェン ノルル チウォヤ ハナ ポヮ 정말 チョンマル 지워야 하나 봐 チウォヤ ハナ ポヮ 이젠 너를 지워야 하나 봐 イジェン ノルル チウォヤ ハナ ポヮ 안녕 アンニョン youtube.com/watch?v=0sdxYvEtkhU 私に嘘をついてみて OST Part.2 / 04.さよなら、本当にさよなら - M To M LovBalladKpop (3:56) 2012.3.11 觀看次數為109,318 as at 2014.12.11(20:30) Album : 私に嘘をついてみて OST Release Date: 21011.06.27 Genre: OST Language: Korean 01. 図々しい嘘 - ホ・ガユン(4Minute) 02. 3!4!0! (さっぱりとした愛の公式) - Jadu 03. この夜が過ぎれば - キム・ヒョンジュン(マンネ, SS501) 04. さよなら、本当にさよなら - M to M 05. I Belong To You - MBLAQ 06. You Are My Love - キム・ヨヌ 07. 雲の上を歩いて - チェ・ウォンジュン 08. さよなら、本当にさよなら Inst. 09. You Are My Love Inst. 10. 雲の上を歩いて Inst. rainmusume1111 -- mtom この曲で知りました。 『私に嘘を...』でも、とっても耳に残りました。 お気に入りの一曲です♪ youtube.com/watch?v=G5DCUyJ4Xb8 Lie to me OST- this really goodbye Marjorie Dal Pont (3:50) 2013.4.17 605 views as at 2014.10.16 canción del dorama LIE TO ME , espero que les guste :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- youtube.com/watch?v=CsY4fZI7hOQ The Plot Summary of [K-Drama] Lie To Me (내게 거짓말을 해봐 2011) Ep 8 Cola Kiss ♥ [HD] NaNa (2:21) 2011.6.14 觀看次數為 266,018 as at 2014.10.16(20:00) (00:00) 粥 Details : Title: 내게 거짓말을 해봐(Lie To Me) / Naege Geojitmaleul Haebwa Also known as: Try Lying to Me Previously known as: 달콤한 스캔들 / Sweet Scandal Genre: Romance, comedy Episodes: 16 Broadcast network: SBS Broadcast period: 2011-May-09 to 2011-Jun-28 Air time: Monday & Tuesday 21:55 Synopsis : Gong Ah Jung, a level 5 Ministry of Culture official, gets entangled in a web of lies when she mistakenly lies that she's married to Hyun Ki Joon, a hotel manager from an affluent family. Their relationship is further complicated when Ki Joon's ex-fiancée and a close friend of his brother's, Oh Yoon Joo, reappears in his life. Main Cast : Yoon Eun Hye(윤은혜) as Gong Ah Jung(공아정) Kang Ji Hwan(강지환) as Hyun Ki Joon(현기준) Sung Joon(성준) as Hyun Sang Hee(현상희) Jo Yoon Hee(조윤희) as Oh Yoon Joo(오윤주) Raiting for Lie to me Ep 8 : Nationwide Seoul 8.5 (12th) 10.4 (10th) I'm a huge fan of Yoon Eun Hye ^ ^ Lie To Me and Yoon Eun Hye are The Best :D OMG!! Gong Ah Jung (Yoon Eun Hye) and Hyun Ki Joon (Kang Ji Hwan) 's Cola Kiss ♥ Ow~ soOoo HOT!!!! O__O Music by : M To M - This is Really Goodbye 안녕 정말 안녕 (Lie To Me 내게 거짓말을 해봐 OST) Plz don't forget to Rate and Comment,Thnx~ NaNa -- in reply to vanessapiece1997 @vanessapiece1997 M To M - This is Really Goodbye 안녕 정말 안녕 (Lie To Me 내게 거짓말을 해봐 OST) ^ ^ youtube.com/watch?v=aShW33HwnoI [Rom & Eng] M To M - Goodbye, Seriously Goodbye (안녕 정말 안녕) Lie To Me OST Wavega Narshmallow (3:55) 2011.7.22 觀看次數:31,997 次 as at 2014.10.6 所有留言 (18) Hopeless because waiting BEG's new album, I listened this song from Lie to Me OST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ youtube.com/watch?v=VZ11g072QGo 'Lie To Me' Cola Kiss BTS Lhay Perez (6:29) 2011.6.1 觀看次數為120,241 as at 2014.10.7(18:00) 所有留言 (60) SBS 'Lie To Me' Cola Kiss Behind The Scene sushicutie071 -- in reply to Brenda Mai @randori0 you're absolutely RIGHT... it looks like both of them really enjoying what they are filming.. I just hope the two become REAL COUPLE.... They are both like a cola in lots of ice on very HOt Summer lunaj8 -- you can hear their kisses =] they definitely kissed for real. he looks like he was going to swallow her. very cute couple! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://s145.photobucket.com/user/Lhay_24/media/colakiss2cropped-2.gif.html Spoiler Alert! Lie to Me Episode 8 ‘COLA KISS’ Ok ima goin’ crazy now. ‘Oh it’s Monday, be ready for Episode 7. *wink And I made a GIF ♥ image location of motion pictue: ep 8 Cola Kiss ♥:-- i145.photobucket.com/albums/r213/Lhay_24/colakiss2cropped-2.gif ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.dramabeans.com/2011/06/lie-to-me-episode-9-open-thread/ Lie To Me: Episode 9 Open Thread by girlfriday | June 6, 2011 | 277 Comments as at 2014.4.7 image location of rescue in the woods:-- i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu26/dramabeans/news/news2011/lie9_01.jpg ...Ki-joon and Ah-jung both know that they like each other, but refuse to tell the other. Even with a very dramatic and very unnecessary rescue in the woods to throw them together, she rebuffs his attempts to clear up the misunderstandings that are starting to build... image location of Ki-joon grabing of Ah-jung outside washroom:-- s630.photobucket.com/user/dramabeans/media/news/news2011/lie9_03.jpg.html There’s a lot of pride and hurt feelings to stop them, though it seems the biggest obstacle is Ki-joon’s refusal to clean up his past with That Girl... “I like another woman”... ...Ah-jung herself has no such luck in reading Ki-joon’s mind, and decides to forge ahead and start going on blind dates as suggested by Dad. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.soompi.com/2011/06/15/lie-to-me-kang-ji-hwan-dumps-jo-yoon-hee-and-returns-to-yoon-eun-hye/ “Lie to Me” Kang Ji Hwan Dumps Jo Yoon Hee and Returns to Yoon Eun Hye cherryspirit June 15, 2011 Yoon Joo was left in utter shock. She drank excessively but wasn’t able to wake up the next morning. She was carried to the hospital in unconscious state; however, Ki Joon did not come over to see her as his always cared about Gong Ah Jung. In order to protect his love with Gong Ah Jung, he confessed to his Chinese investor CEO Chun, “My marriage with Gong Ah Jung was fake.” He wanted to start a true relationship with her from scratch. CEO Chun called off his initial plan of investing in Ki Joon’s World Hotel. Yoon Joo’s father was a member of the National Assembly. CEO[Chairman] Hyun Myung Jin (Oh Mi Hee) urged Ki Joon to get back together with Yoon Joo since it would benefit his business. However, it was too late as Ki Joon had already turned away from Yoon Joo. While Hyun Myung Jin arranged a meeting for Ki Joon and Yoon Joo’s family, Ki Joon did not show up. Instead he went over to see Gong Ah Jung. The two confirmed their love as they hugged each other. http://pic.pimg.tw/tone2011/1364946447-828690566_n.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-G8CMWvicq5k/TuLwq-1tAAI/AAAAAAAAE3E/g-jTa0_0_SI/s1600/sdsci.jpg 為什麼不可以只愛我一人?卡通劇照原載於:-- http://mydedecaca.blogspot.hk/2011/12/cartoonfan-art-lie-to-me-k-drama-part-1.html 影像網址:-- http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-rJBVF_S8vTQ/TuLx57YtJqI/AAAAAAAAE3k/hzKN1iSvc7c/s1600/kartun.jpg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/n5rsb_PVPdM/ [中字]尹恩惠 姜至奂《对我说试试试》发布会视频-1 频道:Victoria_PrimE (05:41) 2011.6.18 9,894次播放 as at 2014.4.10(20:08) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://f516103.pixnet.net/blog/category/1770433 《對我說謊》大結局,尹恩惠表達感想“太遺憾了” 轉自: 韓國中央日報中文網 演員尹恩惠表達了對於電視劇劇終的遺憾之情。 6月28日,尹恩惠在自己的Twitter微博上發表文章,“早上7點拍完了最後一集回家,總感覺遺憾、遺憾、太遺憾了”。 接著她又寫道: “每拍完一部作品都以相同的感情結局, 但神奇的是因一起演的人不同又會產生新的感情”, “啊……又是一個無奈啊,今天將播出大結局第16集”。 網民們紛紛留言安慰她說“好像真的很遺憾”、 “只有留有遺憾下次才能拍得更好”等。 http://ui.joinskorea.com/upload/article/html_image/2011/06/29/20110629080232_0.jpg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/rG_pNhydC5Y/ (中字)对我说谎试试 杀青宴视频 频道:Victoria_PrimE (04:34) 2011.7.1 7,419次播放 as at 2014.4.10(20:08) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://lhay.tumblr.com/post/7015328629/lie-to-me-wrap-up-party-june-28-6-30pm-kst Lie To Me Wrap Up Party (June 28, 6:30PM KST) 杀青宴組圖影像網址:-- http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lnihc541Ac1qza98no1_250.jpg http://my4leafclover.wordpress.com/ Lie to Me : Korean Drama Review March 10, 2012 by avielabley http://my4leafclover.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/le-to-me-2.jpg Suggestions and Comments:-- I suggest more emphasis on the characters of Hang See and Yoon Jeo. Yes, the drama have shown that these two characters will be the conflict of the love story between the main characters but It lacks emphasis. I wish they have more POV scenes . It was like they just come and go in the story. How I wish.. Hang See became more aggressive on his interest on Ah Jung. The Sibling fight will be more interesting because you’ll never know who will win Ah Jung’s heart. For Yoon Jeo, She’ s like a ghost. There are some scenes but unfortunately her character didn’t let me notice her existence in the drama. I’m really sorry. It’s okay. They said there is a change of writer in the mid of the drama. If they were given a chance to act and the make the main love crucial, maybe this drama will get higher ratings. People likes thrill. Sometimes, I can’t help but to compare it to Secret Garden but I think I would still prefer Lie To me. Secret Garden is a fantasy romance while Lie to Me is more realistic. http://my4leafclover.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/425px-lie_to_me-36.jpg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 》更多有關《對我說謊試試》的文章包括:-- http://www.utravel.com.hk/member-blog/lau_yichen/ADsRZBErA3IMKQ/ 《對我說謊試試》漫畫尹恩惠☆復職自辯對白♪SS501金亨俊Midnight Passes♪《漫步在雲端》 http://www.utravel.com.hk/member-blog/lau_yichen/ADMRYBEsA3E {http://blog.yahoo.com/lau_yi-chen/articles/648155/index} [中英韓文歌詞+拼音]♪Nothing/Anything/아무것도/什麼都不是 by Just 《對我說謊試試》X《此時此刻》薛凱琪《名媛望族》☆快樂與正向心理學 http://www.utravel.com.hk/member-blog/lau_yichen/ADMRYBEsA3A {http://blog.yahoo.com/lau_yi-chen/articles/648155/index} 《大話男女》大結局女主角(尹恩惠)給男主角(姜至奐)的情信(紙條)內容/視頻+第16集摘要MV♥Love Letter☆Recap♫Lie To Me OST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st Edition: 6 April 2014 This page was last modified on 11 Dec 2014.