☆ 好醫生的定義 (中英譯本] dailymotion.com/J2版大結局/Recap/線上看 / 無綫煲劇1台/J2台 - 好醫生 (Good Doctor) 預告 ♪ Good Doctor OST Part.6 소독약 消毒藥 Love Medicine~주원周元[中英韓歌詞] [MV/中韩字幕/ENG + Rom + Han] ♪ Good Doctor OST Part.6 내가 만일 如果我是 If I Were ~ 주원 周元 [中韓歌詞] [MV/ENG/ROM] ♪ Youtube [Full Album] Various Artists - Good Doctor OST / Ep 1 [Eng Sub] How To Save A Life 香港無綫電視J2台《好醫生》~~周元克服PTSD(創傷後壓力症候群)、恐慌發作(Panic attack) J2第18集~“不是不覺得害怕才叫勇氣, 而是害怕也繼續下去才叫勇氣。" J2第24集~♪朴施溫版"If I were" ♪周元《消毒藥》"Love Medicine" ♪金鐘國《不知道嗎?》J2版歌詞 ☆ 獲獎:《第50屆百想藝術大賞》電視劇作品賞/最優秀演技獎-周元; BEST COUPLE 周元&文彩元 ☆ Good Doctor杀青宴报道[中字]/ 全劇組員合照 ♥ 施溫&允書1st Kiss [ 中/英字幕] 2014.12.24周元訪港與粉絲迎聖誕@APM [Posted on 2013-12-18 瀏覽人數: 342 as at 2014.5.31] image location:--- http://img.tvb.com/ii/30/39021/000003902033_1415758979.jpg 原載於: http://weshare.hk/lauyichen/articles/542621 好醫生的定義☆Recap ♪ Good Doctor OST Part.6 消毒藥Love Medicine~周元[中韓歌詞] 27.Oct.2013發佈 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 《良醫》 《Good Doctor》 (韓語:굿 닥터),為韓國KBS自2013年8月5日~10月8日播出的月火連續劇。以大學醫院小兒外科為背景,講述醫師們努力與愛情的故事。 本劇預計被CBS翻拍為美劇。香港無綫電視J2台於2014年11月20日 - 2014年12月25日播出。 Dr.朴施溫(周元)、Dr.車允書(文彩元)大結局劇照圖像網址:-- i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu26/dramabeans/drama/2013/GoodDoctor/GoodDoctor_20/Doc20-00619.jpg 香港無綫電視J2台 http://programme.tvb.com/drama/gooddoctor/ 好醫生 首播日期:2014.11.20 朴施溫(周元飾)小時候患上自閉症,成長過程中,經常被人嘲笑、欺負,而且屢屢被父親虐打,一直守護他的哥哥和心愛的兔子卻相繼離世,在施溫心底留下難以磨滅的陰影。 施溫的母親個性軟弱,抵受不了丈夫的暴虐,竟忍心將施溫交託其主診醫生崔佑碩後便悄悄離開。 佑碩觀察發現,施溫雖不擅與人溝通,卻擁有超強記憶及立體思考能力。經過佑碩的悉心照料,施溫在17歲時已被診斷為正常,其後施溫更成功通過醫大考試,欲進入盛元醫院工作。 不過,盛元大學醫院委員會因為施溫的自閉症病歷反對錄用,幸得佑碩以院長之位擔保,施溫才得以暫時擔任小兒外科住院醫生。 施溫的舉動異於常人,社交能力偏弱,明顯與其他小兒外科醫生格格不入,受到醫院各人排斥,尤以施溫上司、小兒外科副教授金道瀚(朱相昱飾)為甚;施溫甚至被一眾病童家長所厭惡。 不過,道瀚與施溫相處日久,逐漸對他改觀,更用心教導、培育施溫。 同院女醫生車允書(文彩元飾) 也經常鼓勵、支持施溫,允書個性率直,本以為對施溫只是對弟弟般的親情,未料兩人的感情卻在不知不覺間漸漸升溫…… 香港無綫電視J2台 "自閉天才醫生,以愛感動身邊人。“ 影像網址:– http://img.ads.tvb.com/img/ads/rect/image/ad_img_20141114104610/1121_gooddoctor.jpg youtube.com/watch?v=U8-8Nfd7sUk i.ytimg.com/vi/U8-8Nfd7sUk/mqdefault.jpg 0:20 J2 韓劇 - 好醫生 (Good Doctor) 預告 by 預告頻道 2014.11.10 觀看人次: 1,139 as at 2014.12.4(17:00); youtube.com/watch?v=IU4OlRgGxhE i.ytimg.com/vi/IU4OlRgGxhE/mqdefault.jpg 0:30 J2 韓劇 - 好醫生 (Good Doctor) 預告 (2) by 預告頻道 2014.11.19 觀看人次: 513 as at 2014.12.4(17:00); http://programme.tvb.com/drama/gooddoctor/video/569654/193481 節目預告 第1至2集 00:00:23 00:00:33 http://programme.tvb.com/drama/gooddoctor/video/569654/193956 節目預告 第3至7集 00:00:23 http://programme.tvb.com/drama/gooddoctor/video/569654/194618 節目預告 第8至12集 00:00:23 ttp://programme.tvb.com/drama/gooddoctor/video/569654/194929 節目預告 第13至17集 00:00:23 http://programme.tvb.com/drama/gooddoctor/video/569654/195499 節目預告 第18至22集 00:00:23 http://programme.tvb.com/drama/gooddoctor/video/569654/195929 節目預告 第23至26集 00:00:23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- youtube.com/watch?v=_7Gi4Gm0Ruw i.ytimg.com/vi/_7Gi4Gm0Ruw/mqdefault.jpg 0:45 J2 韓劇 - 好醫生 (Good Doctor) Opening by 預告頻道 2014.11.28 觀看人次: 415 as at 2014.12.23(18:50); youtube.com/watch?v=C1P3X_iUf-k i.ytimg.com/vi/C1P3X_iUf-k/mqdefault.jpg 0:09 J2 韓劇 - 好醫生 (Good Doctor) 間場 by 預告頻道 2014.11.28 觀看人次: 205 as at 2014.12.23(18:50); youtube.com/watch?v=fayX_UD6DbM 0:10 J2 韓劇 - 好醫生 (Good Doctor) 間場 (2) by 預告頻道 2014.11.28 觀看人次: 280 as at 2014.12.23(18:50); youtube.com/watch?v=6CEskllDUj0 0:10 J2 韓劇 - 好醫生 (Good Doctor) 間場 (3) by 預告頻道 2014.11.28 觀看人次: 430 as at 2014.12.23(18:50); youtube.com/watch?v=Z9lqScwc9IA i.ytimg.com/vi/Z9lqScwc9IA/mqdefault.jpg 0:10 J2 韓劇 - 好醫生 (Good Doctor) 間場 (4) by 預告頻道 2014.11.28 觀看人次: 300 as at 2014.12.23(18:50); youtube.com/watch?v=W92R9rTjY1c i.ytimg.com/vi/W92R9rTjY1c/mqdefault.jpg 0:31 J2 韓劇 - 好醫生 (Good Doctor) Ending by 預告頻道 2014.11.21 觀看人次: 1,645 as at 2014.12.23(18:50); youtube.com/watch?v=QiU1ur2l6Ro i.ytimg.com/vi/QiU1ur2l6Ro/mqdefault.jpg 0:48 J2 韓劇 - 好醫生 (Good Doctor) Ending (2) by 預告頻道 2014.11.28 觀看人次: 818 as at 2014.12.26(13:50); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://mytv.tvb.com/drama/gooddoctor/194030 好醫生 第 4 集 00:47:11 | 日期: 2014-11-25 觀看人次: 7,734 as at 2014.12.1(19:10) 崔院長約了道瀚出來吃飯,感謝他沒有趕施溫離開醫院,相反道瀚卻質問崔院長為何要常常維護施溫。 醫院方面因道瀚強行將病患轉診,召開了獎懲委員會。 施溫不管走到哪裡都會在無意間引發大問題,不僅被醫院內部排斥,連在小兒外科病房也被仁海以外的其他病童的家長所討厭,逐漸受到排擠。 就在委員會進行的同時,道瀚接到病童病情危急的消息,便立刻趕往新生兒加護病房進行手術,卻在手術當中發現令人無法預料的變數…… (10: ~12:38) @路邊攤,崔院長和道瀚吃飯、喝酒...... (11:10) "為什麼你這麼袒護朴施溫呢?" (11:39) "你贏在起跑線, 一切都是最棒的。 但是他? 還沒有起跑就已經輸了。 如果他和其他人的條件一樣, 說不定就像你一樣, 是個很棒的外科醫生了。 我......就算只能幫他一點," 我也很想幫他擁有正常的人生。 "但是這對老師來說有什麼意義?" (12:08) "因為...... 我是醫生, 我覺得治癒好他的人生, 是我這個老醫生最好的使命, 我希望能夠在死之前完成。" http://mytv.tvb.com/drama/gooddoctor/194491 第 7 集 00:47:09 |日期: 2014-11-28 觀看人次: 9,197 as at 2014.12.1(19:40) 允書仍為病童的死悶悶不樂,又被道瀚指罵她不要當醫生的工作太理想化,於是到訪施溫的家,當允書看過施溫在家中牆上的塗鴉,並在交談的過程中得到心靈上的安慰,開始對施溫另眼相看。 此外,日奎為了否認自己被高科長利用,便更加敵視施溫,並不斷地找施溫的麻煩。醫院來了一病童,她身上有股臭味,不懂與人溝通,更咬傷不少醫護人員,道瀚無奈下決定要幫她打抗焦慮劑以方便替她檢查,施溫雖被咬傷卻出言阻止道瀚,更放下身段,在地上以爬行的方式接近銀玉,果然銀玉軟化肯與施溫接觸; 施溫亦主動向道瀚自薦做銀玉的主診醫生,惟被道瀚拒絕。 道瀚依精神科指示要將銀玉綁起,施溫阻止,道瀚一怒下要將施溫趕出病房。 (03:50~05:57) 朴施溫在吃餐廳阿姨(媽媽)煮的"薯仔球"...... (05:19) "以前我哥哥曾經說過:-- '即使多麼害怕, 想做的事一定要去完成。 可以堅持到最後的人, 才是世上最型的人。' 我不管是人還是世界都覺得很害怕, 全都覺得很害怕, 但只要想到哥哥說過的話, 我就有力量。 (11:43) 車允書醫生在宿舍裡,回想朴施溫的說話...... "崔院長以前曾經這樣跟我說:-- 雖然替病人醫治是很重要, 但能夠給病人一個生存機會, 也很重要。" (12:44) 車允書與金教授在宿舍外談論...... (13:05) "現在的我不是替小孩治病的醫生, 只是一個技術員。 我賭上人生的地方是小兒外科, 並非手術工廠。 給小孩一個生存機會和將來, 這才是小兒外科醫生應該做的事。" http://mytv.tvb.com/drama/gooddoctor/195245 好醫生 第 13 集 00:47:05 | 日期: 2014-12-08 觀看人次: 1,535 as at 2014-12-9(12:40); 4,971 as at 2014.12.10(19:20) 因手術過程十分順利,道瀚決定讓施溫繼續留在小兒外科,更讓他開始執行身為一位住院醫生應盡的任務。 除了日奎以外,其他小兒外科團隊成員們也因為這場手術,看到了施溫的能力,漸漸對他敞開心胸。施溫也重拾自信,更加堅決成為一位小兒外科醫生。手術結束之後,施溫在回到醫院的路上,看到了一位因胎兒罹患淋巴管瘤而哭泣的孕婦洙真,便停下來安慰並跟她訴說自己的故事。 在聽完施溫的遭遇之後,洙真總算提起勇氣,決定要在醫院把胎兒生下並接受手術,卻被家姑派人來強行帶走;洙真最終肯入院接受手術。醫院為了幫洙真做手術特別開了一個簡報會,施溫雖已通宵工作仍考慮到手術過程中的變數而發問,令婦產科部門主管閔醫生非常賞識,在道瀚面前大讚施溫的表現。 (20:50) Walk back home after having dinner with adjuma(mother)... (21:32) "朴施溫醫生,你覺得醫生是什麼?" "是病人最後的希望, 即使全世界都要放棄那個病人, 但是負責陪他走到最後的是醫生。" "對醫生來說,病人又是什麼?" "是一群一定會離開的朋友。 要像照顧朋友一樣照顧病人, 一定要令他們健康地離開我, 過自己的生活, 以後都不要再回來醫院找我。" ------------------------------------------------- (25:20) 車允書看見金教授"雙眉緊蹙,肯定有煩惱"...... (25:44) "車允書,你覺得為了一個人好是什麼意思?" (26:26) "......應該是默默守候他吧?! 不是說不在乎或不理會, 只是留在背後默默支持他。 不過說十真的, 做起來並不容易。 可能正因如此, 兩個人間的感情就可以維繫很久。" http://mytv.tvb.com/drama/gooddoctor/195295 好醫生 第 14 集 00:47:03 |日期: 2014-12-09 觀看人次: 3,484 as at 2014.12.10(19:20) 崔院長終於在醫院認出了施溫的媽媽。 洙真的家姑得知洙真打算在醫院將小孩生下,並接受手術的消息後,便怒氣衝衝地前往醫院硬將洙真帶走,而允書及施溫緊追在後試圖阻擋,就在兩方在醫院大門僵持不下之際,洙真突然暈倒。 這場手術也因為產婦的情況出現了很多變化,增加了更多限制,大大提升手術的困難度。施溫不斷夢見過去,也開始對當初崔院長為甚麼選擇救自己而不是哥哥一事,產生質疑,當聽見崔院長的答案後,施溫更感自責,悶悶不樂去飲酒。 另一方面,崔院長將副院長的打算告訴了道瀚。奎賢父母成功申請了銀玉的撫養權,讓她可以與奎賢一同出院,允書大讚施溫又做了一件好事,跟他有肌膚之親,令施溫突然又心跳加速。 (03:00~04:05) 金教授在手術觀望台,跟朴施溫說:-- "你該知道你的病令醫生這條路很難走吧?! "知道。" "你要超越這個障礙, 做到現在還是不夠, 你要得到大家的認同, 有一件事一定要做:-- 就是努力超越我!" "你還是駐院醫生, 連當助手也不夠資格, 但在其他方面, 儘管超越我吧! 不要讓別人有機會注意你的缺陷! "不過, 我還有很多事情不懂, 我哪有能力超越金教授你?!" "我只是告訴你, 留下來當外科醫生的方法。" ------------------------------------------------------------- (13:40) 金教授及俞彩京室長...... (14:18) "不如我們暫時給大家一點時間... 我們最近太忙碌太累了, 關係有點緊張。" "隨你吧, 反正我會一直在這兒。" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/09/good-doctor-episode-11/ Drama Recaps Good Doctor: Episode 11 by gummimochi | September 10, 2013 | 75 Comments as at 2014.12.10 Panda stethoscope:--i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu26/dramabeans/drama/2013/GoodDoctor/GoodDoctor_11/Doc11-00138.jpg His team, however, surprises Do-han with a cake and present when he returns to the staff room. Aww. They just laugh good-heartedly at Do-han’s gruff reminder to hit the books and not to do something this superficial again. D’aww, they luff you.Shi-on pulls Yoon-seo aside to express his guilt for not chipping in for the birthday present. She tells him that he doesn’t have to, but Shi-on just shuffles away.Shi-on drops by Do-han’s office later with his own present. He thanks his boss for not hating him, and now he finds Do-han a little less scary than when they met. Inside is a toy stethoscope, and Do-han breaks into a smile, reminded of his brother’s gift of a children’s anatomy textbook. Cute. That evening, Yoon-seo understandably thinks that Do-han is off to celebrating his birthday with Chae-kyung, but she’s surprised when he asks her out to dinner instead. In the car, she wonders if they got into an argument. Do-han denies it, and he turns it into a jab about her lack of dating experience instead. She grumbles at that, and says that she’ll find a great catch. Do-han answers: “What’s the use? They’ll all run away once you start drinking.” Ha. i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu26/dramabeans/drama/2013/GoodDoctor/GoodDoctor_11/Doc11-00221.jpg Yoon-seo insists that she’s never an obnoxious drunk when it comes to a guy she likes. Do-han points out that she was with him the night he piggybacked her home and nearly confessed her feelings for him. He smiles as he recalls it now, and she practically dies of embarrassment, wondering how he still remembers. But hey, doesn’t this also mean that you’re acknowledging to him thatyou remember it, too? She rolls down the window to vent her mortification. --------------------------------------------- Elsewhere, Shi-on notices Chae-kyung sitting by herself at the cafe. He takes the table next to her, and she greets him with a smile. She asks if he’s given more thought to their earlier discussion about the phrase “for Do-han’s sake.” She sits up a little straighter to listen when Shi-on says that he has. He tells her that it means not to disobey Do-han’s orders, but also: “To hang out with him when he’s alone.” Those words give Chae-kyung pause, and she listens as Shi-on says that Do-han always eats alone and shoot hoops by himself. He adds that Do-han barely smiles, that the required muscles to smile doesn’t ever seem to be in use. Then he digs into his chocolate muffin, and Chae-kyung smiles at the sight. So maybe there are some emotions beneath that cool exterior. --------------------------------------------------- Shi-on knocks on his door, having woken up after another dream in the mines. He tells Doctor Choi that he keeps having this dream, and how he used to only recall pieces of it. But now he remembers everything, and asks: “Why did you save me?” He says that Hyung was smarter and stronger than he is, and that people would have been happier if Doctor Choi saved Hyung instead. Oh no, it’s survivor’s guilt. Doctor Choi says that it’s not true, but Shi-on pinpoints the reason why Doctor Choi chose to save him: He saw potential in Shi-on’s abilities to make him into a doctor. Doctor Choi stutters nervously in response, but Shi-on barrels on: “I should have gone to heaven back then. Hyung was supposed to live.” Oh gosh, those words are heartbreaking. Doctor Choi swallows hard and asks if Shi-on wants to know the real reason why he was saved. It was because Shi-on’s chances of survival was higher than Hyung’s, he explains. If it was the other way around, he would have chosen Hyung instead: “Because… I’m a doctor.” Uh, your answer sounds pretty hesitant there. Shi-on drowns his sorrow in soju while Doctor Choi buries his face in his hands in his office. When Do-han drops Yoon-seo off at home, he thanks her for always being by his side. That leaves her smiling, but she goes into noona mode when she sees Shi-on sitting on the doorstep, wondering if he’s been drinking again. Once she’s filled in, she tells him that Doctor Choi made the right choice. Shi-on knows it too, but he still feels sorry towards Hyung because they went into the mines because of him. Yoon-seo says that as doctors, they’ll come across countless cases they can’t do anything about, just like the little girl she couldn’t save. All Shi-on needs to do is to give back to the world and treat the children who need him. But that doesn’t change how sorry Shi-on feels: “It might have been better if I wasn’t born. Then [Doctor Choi] wouldn’t have had to go through such hardship, and Hyung might have not have had gone to heaven. It’s all my fault.” Yoon-seo takes Shi-on’s face in her hands. Gently wiping his tears away, she wonders how anybody could think him a child when the guilt he feels is something most children and adults can’t do. She rests his head on her shoulder in comfort, and then sits by his bedside as he sleeps. http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/09/good-doctor-episode-12/ Drama Recaps Good Doctor: Episode 12 by gummimochi | September 11, 2013 | 98 Comments as at 2014.12.15 A mysterious person arrives at the hospital the next day, but his profile looks rather familiar… Yoon-seo mentions to Do-han that she thinks Shi-on’s pride was hurt last night, which Do-han considers as the first step. Then Shi-on joins them to announce that he’s ready to face the imaginary surgery again. They’re interrupted by an arrival of a guest—it’s Dad. Accckkk. He yells at Shi-on for not recognizing his own father. Which is when the memories of being beaten by Dad come flooding back to him, and Shi-on collapses onto the floor. image location:-- i1192.photobucket.com/albums/aa324/girlfridaydb/drama/2013/GoodDoc/doc01/doc01-00025.jpg http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/08/good-doctor-episode-1/ http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%81%90%E6%85%8C%E7%99%BC%E4%BD%9C 恐慌發作(Panic attack)的意義為患者在強烈恐懼下,表現出一系列的身心症狀。 症狀: 心跳加速、心悸 呼吸困難,感覺得似乎吸不到氣(常見換氣過度或氣喘) 頭痛、頭暈或反胃 顫抖,冒冷汗 感覺喉嚨有塊物阻塞 胸痛 身體或臉有灼熱感 手指或腳指麻痺(針刺感) 對週遭事物有不真實、恍如夢中的感覺(失真感) 害怕自己即將發瘋或死亡 當恐慌發作,患者會感受到強烈不適,因此常求助於急診室。 一個人在一生中可能出現極少次的恐慌發作,並在發作後立刻平息,但若經常反覆發作,就必須考慮是恐慌症。 在精神科的診斷手冊中至少要有上列四個或更多的症狀,而且反覆發作,並與外界環境中的刺激等因素無關,以及最少需要發作兩次以上才能確定診斷為恐慌症。 youtube.com/watch?v=Yj33Sjq1lAU&spfreload=10 [文彩元&周元] [飯製MV] [中字] [Good Doctor] EP01-02剪輯-起點 i.ytimg.com/vi/Yj33Sjq1lAU/mqdefault.jpg 片長:2:15 2013.10.6 觀看次數:509 次 as at 2014.12.18(19:00) 轉載自:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6754fb750101mpew.html 作者:Angela (2013.08.08) http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%81%90%E6%85%8C%E7%97%87 恐慌症(panic disorder)是一種由交感神經過敏、導致的焦慮型精神官能症。 其症狀有、心跳加速、呼吸困難、頭痛、頭暈、反胃、顫抖、冒冷汗、喉嚨異物感、過度緊張、肌肉僵硬、胸痛、身體或臉有灼熱感、手指或腳指針刺感、失真感等。 當恐慌發作時患者感受到強烈不適,因此常求助於急診室。 恐慌症的症狀常因為預期性焦慮而發作,也常無預警發生,造成患者嚴重身心煎熬。 患者常合併廣場恐懼症和憂鬱症。此症有慢性化的趨勢,患者因此長期受此困擾,甚至失去基本生活能力。 苯二氮卓類藥物如阿普唑侖可救急,壓制發作的不適感。 氟西汀和艾司西酞普蘭等選擇性5-羥色胺再吸收抑制劑藥物亦被作為治療藥物,長期投予可選擇性抑制血清素回收。 放鬆練習、認知行為治療和團療亦可緩解症狀。 http://mytv.tvb.com/drama/gooddoctor/195542 好醫生 第 17 集 00:47:07 | 日期: 2014-12-12 觀看人次: 2,685 as at 2014.12.13(18:30) 道瀚為了幫助施溫,求助專家意見,得知若得到周遭人士多加關懷,就可以取代施溫那段被施虐的記憶,因此便告知小兒外科的所有同事,加倍關心施溫。 仁海翻看允書手機照片的同時,無意間發現了施溫送的玫瑰,得知原來允書是施溫暗戀的對象。 允書帶施溫來到咖啡店,提起表白一事,坦言自己一直將他當成弟弟看待,並說施溫很快就能將愛慕轉為親情。施溫聽完這些話,獨自一人默默地走在街頭上,遇到在路邊獨自喝酒的高科長。 高科長在醉意之下,拉住施溫傾訴,施溫安慰著高科長,並告訴對方很尊敬他,讓高科長的內心充滿感動。 崔院長拜訪春成,被春成大罵他與慶珠有姦情,就在此時春成突然吐血不止昏倒在地,緊急將他送往醫院,發現他已是咽喉癌末期。鎮旭主動要求仁英辭去舞小姐的工作,更願意借錢給仁英,以解決手術費的問題,仁英便主動要他另找一女孩拍拖。 某天,突發的一則校車翻側事故,有20位受傷學童被送往盛元醫院的急診室治療,其中有9位傷者都必須接受緊急手術;在好不容易調派人手得以開始進行手術的同時,車禍病童之一的允靜也被送來醫院,但由於人手不足,患者的血壓又逐漸偏低,道瀚無奈下要施溫擔任執刀醫生。 施溫頂著巨大的心理壓力,走上了手術台。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (04:09~05:20) 金教授向精神科醫生請教有關朴施溫...... "他這個情況我也不敢斷言......" "就是說你也不確定, 再過一陣子他會否好過來?" "如果只是解離性障礙, 那麼時間還能對他有所幫助。 不過他現在的情況, 是從小就刻意被遺忘的記憶, 重新腦海中浮現, 他這次受到的衝擊真的很大。" "記憶可以刻意遺忘嗎?" "雖然這情況很少見, 但是有可能的, 尤其是朴施溫, 這種有特殊能力的自閉症患者。" "怎樣才幫得上他?" "有個方法雖然不能令他馬上復元, 不過應該對他有所幫助。 要讓他知道, 在他身邊, 其實有很多人關心和愛護他。 那麼現在的記憶, 便有可能覆蓋以前的創傷。" 不過這還真諷刺, 其實他沒有那種能力才是正常的。" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (05:20~06:05) 車允書與崔院長在談朴施溫...... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (06:06~08:10) 金教授在天台見朴施溫...... "你很怕你爸爸?" 在這世上你最怕什麼? 就是你爸爸嗎?" "不是爸爸, 是親眼看著病人去世。" "那麼怎樣才能避免這件事? 作為一個醫生你能怎麼做?" "給他們好好診斷及治療。" "但你做不到!" "好好聽清楚:-- 你現在可能因為太怕你爸爸, 而害病人失救, 因為發揮不出應有的能力。 你剛來的時候, 我和車醫生分析過你的能力, 只不過是腦部逆向機能的副作用。 但為病人著想, 有個像你懂很多的人在是好的。 逆向機能副作用, 只是正常人用來標籤罷了。 而且最重要的是, 你要遵守和我的約定, 你承諾過要超越我。 快點克服, 不要以為時間過了就會好過來。 你越是這麼想, 你救到的病人就越少。" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (05:20~06:05) 車允書與崔院長在談朴施溫...... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (26:00~ 27:30) 院長助施溫克服PTSD...... "院長, 我還有事要做, 我想先走了。" "施溫, 你爸爸得了末期咽喉癌, 剛剛才做了檢查, 癌細胞已經擴散了。 你不想見他也沒問題, 但你要知道。 我能理解你一直很怕你爸爸, 只記得不好的事情, 你試著從另一角度想吧! 不要把他當作那個打你的爸爸, 把他當作一名末期癌症病患者。" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (31:30~34:20) 上格床的Dr.韓鎮旭,與下格床的Dr.朴施溫,在討論愛一個人的資格...... "世界上沒什麼愛一個人的資格的!" "不過...... 如果要不顧一切地真心喜歡她, 希望她過得開心, 那就要得到她讓你為她著想的資格。 而且, 是只有你才擁有的資格。 我在想怎麼樣才能做得到, 不然就不會煩得睡不著了。" http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/09/good-doctor-episode-13/ Drama Recaps Good Doctor: Episode 13 by gummimochi | September 17, 2013 | 54 Comments as at 2014.12.15 Yoon-seo finds Shi-on sitting alone, his knee shaking anxiously. She assures him that they can temporarily keep Dad away, but Shi-on says he wasn’t afraid to see Dad earlier. He says it felt like he traveled back in time to his younger self, which prompts Yoon-seo to ask if that means Shi-on remembers his mother’s face now. Shi-on shakes his head— he only saw a glimpse of her and she too was getting beaten. He hopes he doesn’t remember what Mom looks like because that piece of information will only upset him. Then Yoon-seo softly pats him on the shoulder, and his knee stops shaking. Shi-on slides away at her touch and asks for some time alone. She looks back at him with a worried expression. Yoon-seo informs the other residents to act normal around Shi-on to help him establish a sense of routine. But it seems the recent fainting spell also carries some side effects as Shi-on draws a blank at a question and is unable to envision the case in his head during their team meeting. Both Yoon-seo and Do-han worry about the implications of the loss of Shi-on’s exceptional abilities on his clinical skills, wondering if the effect is temporary. Do-han says there’s nothing they can do to help him retrieve those skills. Do-han consults a fellow doctor (a psychiatrist, presumably) about Shi-on’s present condition. He’s told that repressed memories are usually a consequence of severe trauma. There isn’t a quick-fix to bring Shi-on’s exceptional abilities back, but providing a safe and caring environment could help it along. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Repressed_memory Repressed memories are hypothesized memories having been unconsciously blocked, due to the memory being associated with a high level of stress or trauma. The theory postulates that even though the individual cannot recall the memory, it may still be affecting them consciously. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_trauma Psychological trauma is a type of damage to the psyche that occurs as a result of a severely distressing event. Trauma, which means "wound" in Greek, is often the result of an overwhelming amount of stress that exceeds one's ability to cope or integrate the emotions involved with that experience. A traumatic event involves one experience, or repeating events with the sense of being overwhelmed that can be delayed by weeks, years, or even decades as the person struggles to cope with the immediate circumstances, eventually leading to serious, long-term negative consequences, often overlooked even by mental health professionals: "If clinicians fail to look through a trauma lens and to conceptualize client problems as related possibly to current or past trauma, they may fail to see that trauma victims, young and old, organize much of their lives around repetitive patterns of reliving and warding off traumatic memories, reminders, and affects." image location:-- i1192.photobucket.com/albums/aa324/girlfridaydb/drama/2013/GoodDoc/doc01/doc01-00054.jpg http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/08/good-doctor-episode-1/ http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%BF%83%E7%90%86%E5%89%B5%E5%82%B7 心理創傷(Psychological Trauma)是指人生經驗遭逢巨變或衝擊, 以致於在心理層面產生揮之不去的陰霾, 嚴重時可能演變為「創傷後壓力心理障礙症」。 心理創傷與生理創傷的不同在於心理創傷不會發生直接而致命的影響,而且心理創傷的影響遠長於生理創傷,也可能逐漸影響到生理,甚而罹患生理疾病。但生理創傷也是心理創傷的成因之一,即生理創傷痊癒後其痛苦經驗仍殘留於心。 心理創傷的成因可分為生理及心理兩類。 生理:此類來自於生理方面的實際傷害,因而間接對心理產生傷害。 心理:此類雖然生理方面沒有受到實際的傷害,但其痛苦經驗卻直接在心理上留下陰影。 心理創傷的成因很多,常見的有:事故、災害、戰爭、虐待、欺凌、監禁、強姦、犯罪、失戀、失業、失親、破產等等。 心理創傷所引致的創傷後壓力心理障礙症可接受藥物及心理治療。 一方面利用藥物控制及紓解心理壓力, 一方面透過心理治療以期撫平心理創傷、 恢復心理的健全。 image locaton:-- i1192.photobucket.com/albums/aa324/girlfridaydb/drama/2013/GoodDoc/doc01/doc01-00072.jpg http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/08/good-doctor-episode-1/ http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%89%B5%E5%82%B7%E5%BE%8C%E5%BF%83%E7%90%86%E5%A3%93%E5%8A%9B%E7%B7%8A%E5%BC%B5%E7%97%87%E5%80%99%E7%BE%A4 創傷後壓力心理障礙症(英文:Post-traumatic stress disorder;PTSD), 又譯創傷後壓力症、 創傷後壓力症候群、 創傷後精神緊張性障礙、 創傷後壓力失調、 重大打擊後遺症。 指人在遭遇或對抗重大壓力後,其心理狀態產生失調之後遺症。 這些經驗包括生命遭到威脅、嚴重物理性傷害、身體或心靈上的脅迫。 有時候被稱之為創傷後壓力反應(post-traumatic stress reaction) 以強調這個現象乃經驗創傷後所產生之合理結果, 而非病患心理狀態原本就有問題。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the same time, Yoon-seo relays to Doctor Choi all that she knows and asks for his help with Shi-on’s parents. Do-han calls Shi-on up to the roof and asks him if his father is whom he fears most in this world. Shi-on says no: “A patient’s death.” Do-han agrees with this and asks what they need to do to prevent that. Shi-on: “To correctly diagnose and treat the patient.” To that, Do-han points out that Shi-on’s fear of his father currently inhibits him from tapping into his abilities. He admits that he thought Shi-on’s skills were just a side effect when Shi-on first arrived, but he then realized they could prove useful for their patients. Plus, Shi-on still has to keep his promise to surpass him, Do-han notes. He tells Shi-on to overcome his struggles quickly and not to dwell on the issue for too long. “The more you think about that, the less patients you can save.” Doctor Choi collects Shi-on just then to take him towards another patient’s room. It’s Dad and the sight causes Shi-on to cower and triggers his motor tics. Turns out Dad has a late stage of laryngeal cancer (bah, terminal illnesses), and all Doctor Choi asks is that Shi-on start to see him as he would any other patient, and not as the cause of so much pain. Shi-on runs off to catch his breath. Then Shi-on treats a young girl who sustained some cuts in an effort to prevent her blind father from getting hurt. Shi-on notes the fatherly concern for his daughter, who takes it like a champ. Shi-on runs into the girl afterward, and he learns that she takes care of her father after school. She regards it as another part of her daughterly duties to her parents, driven by the thought of how sad life would be without him. She cheerily thanks Shi-on for fixing her up and collects her father. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Both Jin-wook and Shi-on are unable to sleep that night, their minds filled with countless thoughts. Jin-wook asks if Shi-on has ever liked anyone, and then figures he must have. “You are a man, after all.” He admits that he does like someone, and laughs to hear that is not-so-secret crush is known to everyone. Shi-on says thatJin-wook possesses the qualifications to love someone: he’s cool, confident, and lacks nothing. And above all: “You’re mature.” But there are no such things as qualifications when it comes to love, Jin-wook tells him. “But if you love that person unconditionally,then you come to possess the right to love them. The right that I only have.” He admits to Shi-on that he hasn’t worked up the courage to confess his feelings yet, calling it the hardest thing in the world to do. He’s impressed to hear that Shi-on has already done so. http://mytv.tvb.com/drama/gooddoctor/195708 好醫生 第 18 集 00:47:06 | 日期: 2014-12-15 觀看人次: 5,780 as at 2014.12.17(19:50); 施溫陪著允靜聊天,感受到她對爸爸的關心,此時又想起道瀚曾講過有關「勇氣」真正的意義,便下定決心,縱使驚慌都前往探視及面對春成。 (22:25~22:30) "不是不覺得害怕才叫勇氣, 而是害怕也繼續下去才叫勇氣。" http://mytv.tvb.com/drama/gooddoctor/195757 好醫生 第 19 集 00:46:57 | 日期: 2014-12-16 觀看人次: 3,525 as at 2014.12.17(19:50); 東進媽媽向道瀚投訴允書醫療失誤,施溫站了出來指一切失誤的責任都是因他而起,東進媽媽知施溫在病房內是一位好醫生,便不再追究。 允書對於被施溫維護卻極之不樂,去了酒吧買醉,當回家時看見施溫站在家門,便怒極問他因由,施溫便坦言與愛意無關,只是出於關心。小女孩瑛序和媽媽在公園散步時,因為目擊了一名男子刺傷行人的行兇過程,男子便在刺傷她後逃走,重傷的瑛序被送往盛元醫院接受治療。 施溫及道瀚在接到通知後立刻趕到醫院,發現瑛序的傷勢嚴重,必須緊急接受手術才行。 施溫到病房裡探視春成,發現春成正在大鬧不吃醫院裡的食物,面對著父親,施溫不再像以前那樣感到恐懼,並堅持要春成依照主治醫師的處方好好接受治療。警方向瑛序落口供,瑛序想起當晚的意外,便嚇至快要休克。 小兒外科學會接到了來自波士頓兒童醫院的求助,是一名患有腦水腫韓國小孩的病例,經道瀚、允書和施溫討論過後,並沒有發現其他更好的手術辦法,允書心有不甘,決定再努力試試。道瀚詢問孩童時期也曾受到重大心理創傷的施溫是否有治療瑛序的辦法,施溫回答只要讓瑛序重新找回安全感即可。 允書在和施溫談過之後,兩人決定恢復先前的相處模式,施溫邀請允書到自己的家裡,並煮義大利麵請她吃,兩人的感情正在不知不覺當中悄悄升溫。 --------------------------------------------- 朴施溫到爸爸的病房...... (23:45) "不行, 除了粥之外什麼都不能吃, 對你喉嚨不好! "看你連說話都抖成那個樣子, 你又懂什麼?!" "我真的懂, 因為我是醫生。 你一定要聽主診醫生的話, 要好好配合。" "你......這臭小子......" (24:45) 朴施溫說完便離開病房,還連忙把門關上! http://mytv.tvb.com/drama/gooddoctor/195815 第 20 集 00:47:05 |日期: 2014-12-17 觀看人次: 2,586 as at 2014.12.18 瑛序回想起嫌犯的長相,雖然警方再三保證犯人不可能回來傷害她,但允書和道瀚仍無法放心,正當道瀚要下班時,發現了和嫌犯擁有相同特徵的人,不放心返回瑛序病房查看。 當嫌犯正打算要殺人滅口,施溫突然出現欲制止嫌犯,趕來的道瀚與嫌犯發生激烈搏鬥,被嫌犯用刀刺中腹部受傷。道瀚被嫌犯刺傷腹部,經過檢查後幸好只是腹壁受傷,並未傷及內臟。 嫌犯最後終於被正彌制伏,但正彌卻因過當防衛,被帶到警局。 珠妍為此替正彌打抱不平,而正彌卻因珠妍對自己的關心暗自竊喜。 彩京得知道瀚受傷的消息,急忙趕到醫院探望,她的疼惜讓道瀚深深地感動,也感覺到彩京的轉變,兩人以前戀愛的感覺悄悄地復甦。施溫要外出去其他大學拿資料,途中遇上彩京,彩京除了擔心施溫穿著太過單薄,又同時為了感謝施溫救了道瀚,便送施溫一件昂貴的外衣。 允書得知此事後,大吃乾醋,責怪施溫和彩京太過親密。 施溫詢問允書生氣的原因,沒想到卻連允書自己也搞不清楚。 (05:35) 朴施溫突然出現在爸爸的病房...... "你坐下,不許打她! "我恨你動手打人!" "你這臭小子......" (05:44) 朴施溫的左手捉實爸爸的右手...... "臭小子...... 知 不知道你在對爸爸做什麼?" "我現在的力氣比你大, 所以請你不要動手打人!" 以後不要打媽媽!" (06:10~07:25) @ 樓梯 "媽媽要感謝你, 謝謝你保護媽媽。" "你想要一直這樣被爸爸打到何時?" "本來不記得就好, 偏偏又想起你被他打的樣子, 誰知道直到現在還是一樣, 不管是以前或現在都一樣被他打!" "施溫, 對不起。" "你不要再跟我說對不起了, 為什麼你每次見到我, 都只知道跟我說對不起?" http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/09/good-doctor-episode-15/ Drama Recaps Good Doctor: Episode 15 by gummimochi | September 24, 2013 | 72 Comments as at 2014.12.18 Shi-on hardly makes any progress with the little girl when Do-han arrives. image location of Professor Kim and the panda stethoscope:-- i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu26/dramabeans/drama/2013/GoodDoctor/GoodDoctor_15/Doc15-00522.jpg To his surprise, Do-han takes out the toy stethoscope and smiles at the girl. He tells her that there’s nothing to be afraid of because he’s a good fighter. Shi-on jumps on that bandwagon: “He’s like Won Bin in Ajusshi.” If only. Afterward,Do-han calls Shi-on out for laughing at him earlier. But Shi-on points to the toy stethoscope instead, and thanks him for using it to alleviate their patient’s fears. Do-han gruffly responds that it’s not like he’d keep the toy stuffed in his pocket, but breaks into a smile after Shi-on leaves. Then we see Stabby creeping in the hallway. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back in Dad’s hospital room, he sneers at Mom that she must be so happy that he’s terminal, but he’ll make sure she suffers while he’s still alive. Geez,thanks for that wonderful overdue present. But Mom tells him not to talk nonsense, and tells him to take this chance to be a good father to their son. i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu26/dramabeans/drama/2013/GoodDoctor/GoodDoctor_15/Doc15-00557.jpg He throws her words back at her and nearly pops a vein in his neck when he hears that she’ll continue to beg forgiveness from Shi-on for as long as she lives. Shi-on’s voice pops in from the door before Dad launches at Mom, shouting: “Don’t hit her! I don’t like hitting!” Dad turns to strike him instead, but Shi-on grabs his wrist before he gets the chance. “Now… I’m stronger than you,” Shi-on says.”So… so… don’t do that. Don’t hit Mom either.” Shi-on speaks with Mom outside, and she thanks him for protecting her earlier. He asks how long she intends to be a victim to his abuse, saying how nothing has changed from when he was a child to the present. Mom says that she’s sorry, but Shi-on tells her not to say that anymore and asks why she’s always sorry towards him. Shi-on walks away as tears well up in his eyes. http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/09/good-doctor-episode-16/ Drama Recaps Good Doctor: Episode 16 by gummimochi | September 25, 2013 | 65 Comments as at 2014.12.23 Chae-kyung sighs over Do-han’s bed, disappointed that she’s always the last to know. Do-han tells her that it’s not a big deal, but she disagrees. I’m with her on that one; usually stabbing = big deal. She asks if he’s ever wondered how difficult it would be on her if something dreadful were to happen to him. Her longtime prayer is to share a long life with her partner since her parents were taken from her so young. Taking his hand in hers, she asks that he keep in mind how seeing him injured or hurt would affect her too. Stroking her hair, he promises to do so as Yoon-seo witnesses their reconciliation from just outside the window. http://mytv.tvb.com/drama/gooddoctor/195898 好醫生 2014.12.18(Thu) 第21集 觀看人次: 5,971 as at 2014.12.23(17:20) 副院長找來道瀚與允書,向他們表明自己拒絕兒子接受允書提出來的手術方案,並告知兩人自己尚未能夠完全信任小兒外科的水準。 沒想到這時卻接到太太的電話,告知已將兒子俊榮帶回韓國並轉入了盛元大學醫院,得知此消息的副院長大為憤怒,卻也無可奈何替俊榮安排住院,並向道瀚表示只是讓兒子暫時住院,直到找出替代方案為止。 仁海得知自己即將移植的小腸捐贈者竟是姐姐仁英,氣憤地拒絕這項移植手術,並趁眾人不注意時,偷偷換了衣服溜出醫院。 仁海在醫院外邊徘徊被允書發現,仁海告知允書自己不想回到醫院,允書將仁海暫時帶回家中住一晚,並打算隔天再將仁海帶回醫院。 允書和施溫緊急將昏倒的仁海送回醫院,檢查後發現是敗血性休克,道瀚替她動了緊急手術,總算救回仁海一命。 允書和施溫對於仁海昏倒一事,深感自責,此時金科長闖進小兒外科辦公室,責怪道瀚沒有將病患照顧好,才會發生這種事情。 道瀚前往探望俊榮,俊榮將自己珍藏的棒球送給道瀚,請求道瀚一定要治好他。 面對不知自己父親決定的俊榮,道瀚內心充滿了苦澀。崔院長關心道瀚的傷勢,並告知道瀚必須先將自己身體照顧好,才是身為醫生的根本,並透露財團在重組上遇到重重阻礙,並不順利。 (13:38~14:55) 施溫幫忙母親拾起丟在地上的碗碟, 與及幫忙父親蓋好被子。 -------------------------------------------- (23:48~25:50) "不管我多麼努力了解這個世界, 但有些事情仍然無法明白。" "其實這點我也是一樣, 年紀越大越不明白, 為何大家都只相信自己, 怎麼都不肯接受別人的意見?" "我覺得令人痛苦的不是疾病, 而是人令到人變得更痛苦, 這點醫生也無法醫治。 病毒還有疫苗可以醫治, 癌細胞也有抗癌藥, 但對於令人痛苦的人, 卻沒有任何處方可以對付。" "沒錯, 不過唯一的處方都是人。" "既然醫生可以治病, 如果也可以將人治癒就好了。" "你正在做了, 我們見到受傷的孩子, 每個都是心靈康復才出院 相比治療, 是你給他們的愛, 減少他們的痛苦。" "愛減少人的痛苦?" (25:00) 車醫生豎起拇指說:-- "所以你是好醫生。" "我還沒清楚怎樣才算是好醫生......" "好人! 因為好人才能成為好醫生。" "所以車醫生你也是好醫生。" "不, 我現在還是個不上不下的生。" "不是這樣, 你是個一百分的好醫生。" "你是我粉絲團的會長嗎? 要這麼誇獎我嗎?" "好醫生, 車允書醫生, 給你一個讚(廣東話'俾個like你')。" "你不要經常上網, 一直在說火星話!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (31:58) 金鐘國《不知道嗎?》J2版歌詞 她整天都在我腦海裡 對我開心地笑著 她也會偶爾想起我吧? 今晚又想起了她 讓我遲遲無法入睡 我獨自一個人愛著 [車醫生, 你說可以用愛, 減少人的痛苦這句話, 我剛才還不明白......] (32:38) 我期盼 又期盼著 [不過後來我仔細想想 沒有東西比愛是好的止痛劑] 就會產生由愛生恨的心情嗎? [很感謝你, 醫生, 你要早點睡。] 你可知道 太愛一個人心情嗎 她應該不知道吧 像傻瓜一樣的我 (33:10) 鏡頭轉到公園去......仁海...... http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/09/good-doctor-episode-15/ Drama Recaps Good Doctor: Episode 15 by gummimochi | September 24, 2013 | 72 Comments as at 2014.12.18 Shi-on and Yoon-seo relocate to their usual corner after he overhears Do-han’s frustrations about the case. He thinks that people tend to hurt others more than they’re hurt by their illnesses. That’s something a doctor can’t treat, since there’s no vaccine or prescription that can prevent others from being hurt. Yoon-seo agrees with that idea, but adds that the hurt can only be treated by another person. That’s what Shi-on has been doing for his patients, and they all got better because he healed their hearts with love. That’s why Shi-on is a good doctor, she adds, and gives him a thumbs up. Shi-on says he still doesn’t know what it means to be a good doctor, so she answers for him: “A good person.” He says that must be why Yoon-seo’s a good doctor, too. She asks if he’s the president of her fan club to be singing her such praises, and Shi-on calls himself her “-ppa” (a sort of adoring fan). She tells him to stop talking nonsense, but can’t hide the smile on her face. http://mytv.tvb.com/drama/gooddoctor/196141 好醫生 第 23 集 00:47:08 | 日期: 2014-12-22 觀看人次: 2,363 as at 2014.12.23(17:20) 允書告知俊榮以後無法當棒球選手的消息,但俊榮卻沒有預料中的那般氣餒,原來道瀚已經事先告知俊榮這個消息,並告訴他夢想的美好在於可以再另外尋找新的夢想。 (22:30~23:40) 副教授金道瀚開解俊榮...... "......為什麼人不停追尋夢想? 因為我們可以有不同的夢想。 就像你每天睡覺都會做夢一樣, 從頭來過就行了。 你不是拋棄夢想, 而是重新出發。 你看, 第一次安打...... 你一定會創造出其他的第一次! 雖然不知道將會是什麼, 不來過你以後也要送給我當禮物, 知道嗎?" 俊榮點頭...... (23:48) 俊榮向車醫生說:-- "......我一定會好好讀書, 將來要成為棒球記者......" ------------------------------------------------------------------ (44:05) 新病人的媽媽要求換主診醫生...... 朴施溫請車醫生依她的意願安排更換...... (45:10) "我知道和我稔熟的人, 一定會願意相信我。 但首次見到我的人, 可能會抗拒我, 我理解, 而且可以充分理解。 我現在已經不會因為...... 和別人不同而感到難過了, 只要做好自己, 所以人都會重新接受我。 "我想說的就是這些了......" "不過還有一點, 因為和別人不同而讓我難過...... 沒什麼了, 我真的沒事...... (40:00) 朴施溫向車醫生鞠躬後離去..... http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/10/good-doctor-episode-18/ Drama Recaps Good Doctor: Episode 18 by gummimochi | October 2, 2013 | 88 Comments as at 2014.12.23 Having heard of Dad’s fainting spell, Shi-on rushes over to his hospital room in a panic. Doctor Choi tells him that Dad doesn’t have much time left. Mom confides in Shi-on outside, telling him her intention to move with Dad back to their hometown in the countryside to spend his final days. But Shi-on shakes his head and says they can’t leave, afraid that Mom will be subject to more abuse. Mom says it’s unlikely, but Shi-on doesn’t like the idea at all. Yoon-seo sides with Shi-on on his decision to keep Dad at the hospital, calling his behavior thoughtful and mature. Shi-on says he pities both of his parents and that feeling makes him angry. She gently asks why, and Shi-on answers that if they both abandoned him for twenty years, they should have at least lived a comfortable life without him. But Yoon-seo is proud that Shi-on has finally acknowledged and embraced his anger because it finally gives him the confidence to be strong for his parents. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yoon-seo informs the assistant chief’s son that the surgery was a success. But there’s a caveat: he won’t be able to play baseball again. She’s surprised to hear he already knows. Then we see in flashback that Do-han had prepared him for the outcome: “But you know what’s great about dreams? That you can always have a different dream. So you’re not throwing your dream away, but you dream again.” Placing the baseball back in his hands, Do-han tells him he can make another “first,” and though he doesn’t know what it is yet, he has the boy promise him to tell him when it does happen. His new dream is to study hard and grow up to become a baseball reporter, the boy says. He turns to his father and apologizes for not telling him sooner for fear he might worry, but Assistant Chief Kang just squeezes his son’s hand. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shi-on visits Dad while he’s asleep, and thinks to himself: “I don’t wish for anything else. You don’t have to tell me you’re sorry. Just… don’t hit Mom. Then I’ll be thankful to you, Dad.” Then Shi-on invites Mom out to eat lunch at a beef restaurant. He says today’s his payday (aw), and then places bulgogi over Mom’s spoon just like she did for him last time (double aw). Mom is touched by the gesture, and he tells her they can go out to eat whenever she likes (triple aw). He does, however, have one question: “Why didn’t you come looking for me after you ran away [from Dad]?” We hear Mom’s answer in voiceover as Shi-on sits alone in the dark locker room. She’d wanted to come find him, but she soon found out Dad was doggedly chasing after her, and she didn’t want to endanger her son or Doctor Choi. All she could do was trust the notion that he’d be well taken care of by the good doctor. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The little boy’s mother takes up her irritation with Yoon-seo, saying she can’t have someone with a disability take care of her son. To which, really? Are we back to this again? The other mothers say that Shi-on is a fine doctor, but she won’t hear a word of it. But Shi-on interrupts to say that they will grant her request, and Yoon-seo pulls him aside to ask if he’s really okay with it. Shi-on says that he is because he knows that he’s different from other people, and that it’s understandable that not everyone will accept him. He rests assured in the fact that there are still people who will choose him based on his skills, but there is one thing that still upsets him: the fact that he is different from everyone else. Shi-on then shrugs it off like it’s no big deal and shuffles away. Yoon-seo worries that Shi-on may be more upset about the brush-off than he appears, but Do-han disagrees. Shi-on has gained more self-confidence, and his extraordinary abilities doesn’t necessarily set him apart from the pack anymore. Now Shi-on has gained an essential skillset that complements his genius; to the point that even without his savant condition, he’d still be a good doctor. She notes that Shi-on now falls into the second option: an average doctor who has common sense. http://mytv.tvb.com/drama/gooddoctor/196209 第 24 集 00:47:10 |日期: 2014-12-23 觀看人次: 2,229 as at 2014.12.24(16:10) 施溫面對不了解自己心意的允書,日漸感到痛苦,當他在陽台對著月亮喃喃自語時,正巧被樓上的允書給聽到,允書先是為施溫感到心痛,但也因此明白了自己對施溫的想法。 在經歷一連串面對施溫時所產生的異樣情感,允書終於明白自己的心意,便決定向施溫表白。 施溫對允書的舉動又驚又喜,但又擔心允書會對跟自閉症患者交往而感到後悔。 副院長詢問道瀚對於醫療環境及給予兒童未來一事的看法,道瀚告知副院長自己想保障所有未經篩選過的兒童的未來,面對道瀚的回答,副院長內心有所觸動,決定阻止鄭會長收購醫院的計劃。允書和施溫交往的第一天,兩人來到占星館進行塔羅牌占卜,占卜師指出兩人的交往並無障礙,但連結兩人靈魂之橋卻只有一座,倘若靈魂之橋消失,兩人則再也無法見面,讓施溫感到非常不安。 道瀚終於找到可以主張由小兒外科來替仁海執刀的名目,便申請召開術前會議;會議時,道瀚心平氣和地反駁了金科長對於仁海手術方式所提出的建議,高科長也出面支持,金科長在無奈之下只好妥協。 (00:45~01:52) 小兒外科副教授金道瀚, 向女醫生車允書解釋, 朴施溫已是好醫生...... "現在的朴施溫, 已經懂得怎樣面對自己的障礙。 他不需要別人的認同, 他懂得肯定自己。 最重要的一點是他所擁有的天才能力, 對他來說已經不重要了。" "為什麼對他已經不重要了?" "我為了讓他要善用那種能力, 才會訓練他, 因為他一直靠那種能力生存。 不過最近開始變得沒什麼意義了, 以前的他只擁有所謂的天才能力, 可是現在的他成長了很多...... 就算好像之前那樣失去那種能力, 我也有信心他能好好處理...... 他是個好醫生。" "就是他在教授的醫生的分類裡面, 屬於第二種。" "第二種醫生?" "第一種, 不明白理事, 但醫術高明。 第二種, 懂得分辨是非 但醫術未必很好。 朴施溫是第二種。" 教授笑了...... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (05:37~07:15) 朴施溫版"If I were" 如果我是那一片天 我想將自己染上你的臉龐 我想要像那染紅的晚霞一樣 渲染在你的兩頰上 我想要為了你 成為這世界上的所有一切 能像今天這樣與你同在 對我來說就是無比的歡欣 我最親愛的那個人 你可知道嗎 我的這份心意 --------------------- (23:00) 金鐘國《不知道嗎?》 (24:57) 她愛上我的一天 會來臨吧 我期盼 又期盼著 你可知道 太愛一個人 就會產生由愛生恨的心情嗎? 她應該不知道吧 像傻瓜一樣的我 我向她走近一步 (25:23) 卻又變得離她更遠 ....... (TV Com'l) -------------------------------------------------- (25:47~27:40) ♪Lyrics of Ending Song 對於你 無法用言語表達的我的愛 就算做盡了所以一切 還是顯得不足的我的愛 就算眼淚都流乾了 心也都受傷了 盼望再盼望愛情 就是你 ...... (26:46) 就算眼淚都流乾了 心也都受傷了 我是那樣地 愛著你 ......... (27:23) 盼望再盼望愛情 .......... -------------------------------------------------------- (30:24) ♪ 周元《消毒藥》"Love Medicine" 好想見你 就算再怎麼壓抑 也像個無法阻擋的孩子一般 在我眼裡 滿滿都是你的身影 就算注視著 那個不明白我心意的你 會讓我感到心痛不已 我的心中吹起了風 踏過無數的傷痛 所謂的愛情 就算早知道讓我心痛 但心臟仍是再次跳動不已 我想要相信 我們的愛情 不是短暫的瞬間 而是像早已注定的命運 心臟仍會再次跳動不已 http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/10/good-doctor-episode-18/ Drama Recaps Good Doctor: Episode 18 by gummimochi | October 2, 2013 | 88 Comments as at 2014.12.27 imaginary idyllic date: i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu26/dramabeans/drama/2013/GoodDoctor/GoodDoctor_18/Doc18-00679.jpg He’d be able to make her happy if he was much more impressive and sing to her often. He says he’s no good (lies, hiss), but it’s a song he’s always wanted to sing to her. If I were the sky I would want to color your face A red-colored evening like the sunset I would want to color your cheeks In the world, no matter what it is I want to become everything for you Like today Because we are together You don’t know how happy that makes me Do you know, the one I love My heart As he sings, we see an imaginary idyllic date where they spend a sunny afternoon in the park playing basketball, and end with a sweet kiss over ice cream. The thought brings tears to Yoon-seo’s eyes. http://mytv.tvb.com/drama/gooddoctor/196376 第 25 集 00:47:06 |日期: 2014-12-24 觀看人次: 4,174 as at 2014.12.26(13:10) 免費會員 剩餘時間 5日 眾醫生及護士表演歌舞,讓病童看得津津有味。允書的朋友阻止允書再與施溫交往,以免因為家人反對造成兩人的傷害更深,允書心下一沉。 看到施溫成功打動允書的芳心,鎮旭來到仁英的病床前,決定鼓起勇氣再次向她表達自己的心意,仁英聽完鎮旭的話之後,感動落淚。 小腸移植的手術順利結束,但仁海卻因內出血無法停止,無法甦醒,經過檢查之後,發現是因為仁海術前所服用的免疫抑制劑所致,所有人也束手無策,替仁海擔心不已。 施溫到病房探望春成,春成指罵他久久沒有前來探望。施溫聽見別人對於他與允書戀情的閒言閒語,有所不樂。 (36:40~38:10) 施溫到爸爸病房... "我到現在還是很痛恨爸爸, 但如果你去世了, 我只會更難過, 因為我討厭自己, 還沒法原諒你。 爸, 拜託你給我機會再喜歡你, 這樣我以後才不會那麼不開心。" http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/10/good-doctor-episode-19/ Drama Recaps Good Doctor: Episode 19 by gummimochi | October 8, 2013 | 56 Comments as at 2014.12.27 Dad is as pleasant as ever in his bed of thorns, asking his family if they look forward to be rid of him soon. He doesn’t believe Shi-on when he answers no, and wishes that his older son was still alive. Do-han overhears these words from just outside the door. Do-han pays a visit to Dad, and asks that Dad treat his son like the adult he is, not the little boy he used to be. He reminds Dad that Shi-on is a doctor now, and Dad must respect him as one if he hopes for Shi-on to do the same. In a raspy voice, Dad asks why Do-han dares to meddle in other people’s relationships, and Do-han tells him, “Because your older son would have said the same thing if he was alive.” image location of Peter Pan performance:-- i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu26/dramabeans/drama/2013/GoodDoctor/GoodDoctor_19/Doc19-00697.jpg Then it’s time for their Peter Pan performance... The cast receives their applause, but then they’re informed of a medical emergency. The team immediately spring into action, costumes and all. Doctor Choi looks on with pride, impressed that the pediatric team cares for their patients. http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/10/good-doctor-episode-20-final/ Good Doctor: Episode 20 (Final) by gummimochi| October 9, 2013 | 179 Comments as at 2014.12.27 FINAL EPISODE RECAP When Shi-on goes to see his father next, Dad gives him another I Have No Son speech for not visiting him often enough. Jeez Dad, you should be happy that he comes to see you while you’re still alive. This time Shi-on calls the old man out, admitting that he still hates Dad, but he’d be sadder if he died because of his hate. “Please let me like you just a little, Father, so that I can be less sad later.” Dad’s stone-cold heart is moved at this as his eyes actually well up with tears. http://mytv.tvb.com/drama/gooddoctor/196141 好醫生 第 26 集 大結局 00:46:58 | 劇集日期: 2014-12-25 觀看人次: 1,438 as at 2014.12.26(13:10); 6,053 as at 2014.12.27(20:20) 仁海終於停止內出血清醒過來。彩京聽從副院長的指示,向其他外資銀行申請融資,順利化解財團被收購的危機。 副院長告知崔院長,自己會幫助他們正是因為自己體會並了解到小兒外科真正的價值,而這個價值是無法以金錢來衡量的,也不希望這個價值會有消失的一天,因而出手相助。春成看著施溫的成長,並在聽了道瀚的話之後,決定離開醫院,不再打擾施溫及佑碩,而施溫也藉此首次感受到父母的愛。允書得知施溫在意他人的想法, 為他的自卑而生氣。為了讓施溫擁有更多自信,允書決定帶他出席與高中朋友的聚餐。 施溫來到小兒外科已經三個月了,高科長和道瀚拿出施溫的考核表,正式宣布施溫已是一名合格的小兒外科醫生,佑碩也終於收到撤銷施溫國考不合格判決的公文。 隨著時光流逝,施溫也逐漸成長為更加純熟的外科醫生,並像道瀚當初指導他的那般,嚴格地指導新來的後輩。 施溫不斷探討何謂好醫生,也終於從道瀚的口中體會到好醫生的真諦。 即是任何正在思考著好醫生定義的所有醫生,就是真正的好醫生。 (12:27~14:40) 媽媽陪同爸爸回太白...... (12:42) "你別擔心, 我不會再打你媽了。 我連站著都很吃力, 現在只有捱打的份兒, 還能打誰?" (13:00) "施溫, 讓他做想做的事吧...... 我已經領好藥放好了。" "......幫你老爸準備好祭品就可以了......" (13:35) "朴先生,你不能就這麼回去......" "夠了, 你別再留我了, 我不想再欠你的人情......" "朴先生......" "我只希望最後在自己家裡, 呼出最後一口氣, 這就是我最後的願望。" (14:04) "把這傻小子教導成一個正常人, 辛苦你了。" "回去工作吧, 我跟你媽走了。" (14:44) 爸, 可以的話, 我真的很想擁有一個...... 跟爸爸一起的美好回憶...... 在你去更遠的地方之前, 我們就和好如初, 我不再生你的氣了。 (15:00) 鏡頭轉到兩位在抹黑Dr.車及Dr.朴...... "她牽著朴施溫的手走出去, 不像康復學校的老師嗎? "喂! 跟我過來, 給我過來!" (01:31) "就是你們? 到處說我跟朴醫生?" "哪有? 只是說你們羨煞旁人而已。" "夠了, 你把我當白痴嗎? 你們有哪一點比朴施溫好? 你們執過刀了嗎? 你們可以在緊急情況下, 診斷出病人的狀況嗎? 你們憑什麼到處抹黑人家? "很對不起......" 滾, 在我揍你們之前給我滾...... 滾...... (18:20) 在樓梯轉角處見到朴施溫...... "怎麼了? 你在這裡偷聽嗎? 怎麼不理直氣壯跟他們說清楚? 你到底怕什麼? 沒什麼, 算了......" (15:40) Dr.車繼續下樓梯...... --------------------------------------------------- (16:55) Dr.朴向Dr.韓請教...... "韓前輩, 還記得以前跟我說過的一句話嗎? '苦澀的愛情都是愛'這句話?" "怎麼了?" "因為我現在有點理解這句話...... 我本來認為愛是完美的止痛藥, 沒想到也會讓人痛。" "以我的經驗, 會分為一般的愛和苦澀的愛, 而藥的種類則有點不一樣, 一般的愛, 沒錯, 是止痛藥。 而苦澀的愛, 就像是消毒藥水, 一開始一定會很痛, 不過不會留下傷口, 很乾淨。 然後苦澀的愛情會讓你痊癒, 所以就算痛, 也要挺下去。 "消毒藥水, 就算痛也要挺下去。 (18:10) 鏡頭轉到Dr.車在行山路上,碰到扭傷脚的占卜師...... --------------------------------------- (44:44) "教授......" "怎麼了?" "車醫生曾經這麼跟我說過, 只有好人才能成為好醫生。" "還有呢?" "我想知道教授你認為, 好醫生的定義是什麼?" "好醫生? 會去想何謂好醫生的, 就是好醫生!" (45:24) 其實教授沒說錯...... 所有會去想何謂好醫生的醫生, 就會好醫生, 因為這些人全都是好人。 在過程中, 我體驗到, 一個好人一定經歷很多很多傷痛。 要理解別人的痛苦, 首先自己一定要了解, 究竟何謂痛苦。 為了當一個好醫生, 我每天都很痛苦, 但即使這樣也不要緊, 因為我能在大家身上, 還有某個人身上, 得到很多很多愛。 (46:18~46:58) ~~劇照~~全劇完~~ http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/10/good-doctor-episode-20-final/ Good Doctor: Episode 20 (Final) by gummimochi| October 9, 2013 | 179 Comments as at 2014.12.27 FINAL EPISODE RECAP Shi-on rushes over to see Dad, who has chosen to return home to spend his final days there. He tells Shi-on that he doesn’t have the strength to hit his mother anymore, let alone stand on his own two feet. He asks that Shi-on prepare his memorial in exchange. Doctor Choi appears a moment later, and Dad gruffly thanks the good doctor for raising his son. Then Shi-on spends a quiet moment alone, hoping to be left with at least one good memory of his father before he passes. Yoon-seo pulls aside the gossiping docs (Dr. Kim’s minions, to be exact) when she catches them chatting away by the stairwell. She puts them in their place— how dare they ridicule Shi-on when they’ve never held a scalpel before? She heads downstairs to find Shi-on standing there, having overheard the entire lecture. Frustrated, she asks why Shi-on didn’t confront them himself before dropping the matter again. Back at the staff room, Shi-on broaches the topic of heartache with Jin-wook, saying that he’s beginning to understand what it means now: “I thought that love was a perfect painkiller, but it hurts too.” Jin-wook clarifies that in his experience, there exists a difference between the two kinds of love. While love may be a painkiller, painful love is like a disinfectant: “It hurts at first, but the wound heals cleanly later.” “In the end, painful love heals you too.” Jin-wook concludes. So he advises that Shi-on bear the pain and wait for it to heal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- youtube.com/watch?v=0rEQCCXNWQI 0:20 J2 韓劇 - 好醫生 (Good Doctor) (24/11-28/11) 預告 by 預告頻道 2014.11.21 493 views as at 2014.12.1(20:50) youtube.com/watch?v=I565SZPhNDY 0:20 J2 韓劇 - 好醫生 (Good Doctor) (1/12-5/12) 預告 by 預告頻道 2014.11.28 觀看人次: 219 as at 2014.12.10(20:30); youtube.com/watch?v=e2Bg5ZXw6FE i.ytimg.com/vi/e2Bg5ZXw6FE/mqdefault.jpg 0:25 J2 韓劇 - 好醫生 (Good Doctor) (15/12-19/12) 預告 by 預告頻道 2014.12.12 觀看人次: 159 as at 2014.12.18(17:30); youtube.com/watch?v=eWEorYKtw2Q i.ytimg.com/vi/eWEorYKtw2Q/mqdefault.jpg 0:20 J2 韓劇 - 好醫生 (Good Doctor) 結局篇 (22/12-25/12) 預告 by 預告頻道 2014.12.20 觀看人次: 248 as at 2014.12.26(14:00); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- youtube.com/watch?v=U8-8Nfd7sUk&list=PLCDIkUwLX849Yxb_OznkRyl5u6zcyASqv 好醫生 (Good Doctor) image location:-- i.ytimg.com/vi/U8-8Nfd7sUk/mqdefault.jpg 16 videos by 預告頻道 youtube.com/watch?v=tPPbI1cdi7s 無綫煲劇1台 韓劇 - 好醫生 (Good Doctor) 預告 預告頻道 (1:00) 2014.3.11 觀看次數:688 as at 2014.4.30(20:00) 《好醫生》 觀看頻道:煲劇1台(2014年4月12日至5月3日) 觀看時間:星期六下午4:15晚上 8:45 點先可以成為一個好醫生? 濟世為懷? 廣施醫藥? 你又相唔相信一個曾經患有自閉症而缺乏溝通能力嘅醫生呢? 《好醫生》以一間醫院小兒外科作背景,講述一班有使命感嘅醫生點樣去拯救幼小生命。 而主角朴施溫曾經患有自閉症,全院上下都質疑佢嘅能力,究竟佢可唔可以克服其他人嘅偏見,成為一個好醫生呢? youtube.com/watch?v=Lp1bmXU_hsI [中字] Good Doctor 善良醫生 굿닥터 第一集預告2 EP01 Teaser2 Joowon TFC (0:35) 2013.7.29 觀看次數:2,574 次 as at 2014.5.12(19:50) 此中字影片由周元台灣後援會製作 版權:KBS ; 片源 : 安鐵 ; 翻譯製作:安鐵 ; 壓制:安鐵 youtube.com/watch?v=YIm_4CifWpg Good Doctor Korean Drama Episode 1 [Eng Sub] 굿 닥터 How To Save A Life image location:-- https://i.ytimg.com/vi/YIm_4CifWpg/mqdefault.jpg DramaFever (5:00) 2013.8.8 觀看次數:135,867 as at 2014.5.12(20:00) In this clip from episode 1: -- Shi On saves a boy's life with a ballpoint pen (and encyclopedic medical knowledge). Good Doctor (굿 닥터) Starring Joo Won and Moon Chae Won As a child, Park Shi On (Joo Won) was sent to a specialized care center, where he discovered genius capacities for his autism. Coupled with an exceptional memory and keen spatial skills, the young savant eventually entered pediatric residency, where he developed into a promising surgeon. However, his mental and emotional development seems to have stopped at 10-years-old, which makes for incredible conflicts in and out of the O.R., especially with the hotheaded surgeon Kim Do Han (Joo Sang Wook). Despite warm hearted and fair colleagues like Cha Yoon Seo (Moon Chae Won) and Han Jin Wook (Kim Young Kwang), it's a fierce and competitive adult world. One cannot simply tell Shi On to "grow up." JeniiBARX3 -- Definately the scene that sold the entire drama to me. Most inspiring drama. Major respect to the entire cast. Joo won oppa, daebak!!!! http://krdrama.meikutv.com/shows/2013/10/08/good-doctor-%E7%AC%AC20%E9%9B%86-%E5%A4%A7%E7%B5%90%E5%B1%80/ 線上韓劇 good doctor 20 or http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x15pki5_good2004_lifestyle?start=801E http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/10/good-doctor-episode-20-final/ Ep20 Part 4 (16:02) image locaion:-- http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ZRd_3ydTaEw/Ur11nagbOwI/AAAAAAACTk8/_XxNcGdTAnw/s1600/gd20_6_15.jpg (13:15)"教授" "怎麼了?" "車醫生曾說過, 好人會變成好的醫生。" "那又怎樣?" "你認為好的醫生是什麼樣的?" i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu26/dramabeans/drama/2013/GoodDoctor/GoodDoctor_20/Doc20-00599.jpg "好的醫生嘛......... 思考好醫生是什麼樣醫生的所有醫生......" i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu26/dramabeans/drama/2013/GoodDoctor/GoodDoctor_20/Doc20-00600.jpg (14:00) ......思考好醫生是什麼樣醫生的所有醫生 ......那些人也全都好人。 但是我也明白了 為了成為好人會受到很多傷。 如果想要幫助別人減輕痛苦, 首先自己要明白什麼是痛苦。 所以我每天都會痛, 那樣好像也不錯。 我會留在人們的心裡, 其中的某個人會接受到愛。 (14:45) ~全劇完~~字幕~~ Good Doctor: Episode 20 (Final) by gummimochi| October 9, 2013 | 170 Comments as at 2013.10.27 FINAL EPISODE RECAP As Assistant Chief Kang sits with Doctor Choi, we finally learn the reason behind the man’s change of heart: Assistant Chief Kang: “The pediatrics department possessed the most outstanding treatment method, something no pharmaceutical company can create. But this treatment disappears if you try to buy it with money, because you cannot exchange its worth by monetary means.” Jin-wook clarifies that in his experience, there exists a difference between the two kinds of love. While love may be a painkiller, painful love is like a disinfectant: “It hurts at first, but the wound heals cleanly later.” “In the end, painful love heals you too.” Jin-wook concludes. So he advises that Shi-on bear the pain and wait for it to heal. While Yoon-seo is out on a hike, she stops to help an injured hiker. Yoon-seo recognizes her as the fortuneteller from the previous episode, who confesses that everything she said at their visit was due to her incredible powers of observation andthat she feeds the “one bridge” metaphor to every couple to keep them on their toes. Yoon-seo beats herself up over her own gullibility, but the fortuneteller thinks that Shi-on is a good man, words that bring a smile to Yoon-seo’s face. http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%A5%BD%E9%86%AB%E7%94%9F 《好醫生》OST(發行日期:2013年10月8日) 曲序 曲目 演唱 1. Miracle 李英賢 2. 我愛著你 2BiC 3. 只是哭泣 白智榮 4. 看起來很好 河東均 5. 不知道嗎 金鐘國 6. 消毒藥(Love Medicine) 周元 7. Dacapo 全體員工 8. 看的見嗎 Eye To Eye 9. 如果我 周元 10. 如果我(施溫 Ver.) 周元 11. 綠色手術刀 Various Artists 12. Butterfly Various Artists 13. 學者症候群 Various Artists 14. 施溫的夢 Various Artists 15. Opening Theme Various Artists 16. 重要度五顆星 Various Artists 17. Daily Life Various Artists 18. To My Partner Various Artists 19. From Heaven Various Artists youtube.com/watch?v=SV9AR9v--_g [Full Album] Various Artists - Good Doctor OST TheDramaOST12 (37:31) 2014.2.3 觀看次數:2,527 as at 2014.4.30(18:30) 0:00 Various Artists - Greenmes 06:47 Various Artists - Butterfly 11:45 Various Artists - Savant syndrome 15:42 Various Artists - Dream of Zion 19:07 Various Artists - Opening theme 21:39 Various Artists - The Importance of five stars 24:57 Various Artists - Daily Life 29:08 Various Artists - To My Partner 33:30 Various Artists - From Heaven http://popgasa.com/2013/09/30/joo-won-love-medicine-%EC%86%8C%EB%8F%85%EC%95%BD-good-doctor-ost/ Joo Won – Love Medicine (소독약) Good Doctor OST By popgasa onSeptember 30, 2013 Joo Won – Love Medicine (소독약) Good Doctor OST Part.6 image location :-- http://pop1gasa.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/c3a1c3b6c2bfc3b8_c2bcc3b2c2b5c2b6c2bec3a0.jpg When you miss a person, no matter how much you push them It’s like trying to stop a young child Everything that fills my eyes is you I only look at you, who doesn’t know my heart Though it hurts Wind blows in my heart, stepping on the countless scars Though I know love is painful My heart beats once again I want to believe that our love Isn’t momentary but is like destiny We’re resembling each other, even the little things The way you talk, even your laughter You have become my home in my life With your warm touch You make me live, only you Wind blows in my heart, stepping on the countless scars Though I know love is painful My heart beats once again I want to believe that our love Isn’t momentary but is like destiny My cold and frozen heart The person who made it race again Is you Though I know love is painful My heart beats once again I want to believe that our love Isn’t momentary but is like destiny My heart beats once again youtube.com/watch?v=pHYpjUwJ7MI 朱元/周元(Joo Won,주원) - 消毒藥(Love Medicine,소독약) [Good Doctor OST Part.6] 中韓歌詞 moon yanyun (3:24) 2013.9.25 22,956 views as at 2014.4.30(20:00); 54,662 as at 2014.12.4(18:00) 朱元/周元(Joo Won,주원) 消毒藥(Love Medicine,소독약) Good Doctor (굿닥터) OST Part.6 翻譯翻滾吧姨母@痞客 ... ☆ Moons World ☆ 文瑾瑩&文彩元台灣應援網 violet19631988 -- 愛是最好的解藥,怎會成了消毒藥呢? Aaron Wang -- 飾演韓醫生的金英光有提到, "普通的愛情是鎮痛劑,心痛的愛情是消毒藥"~ Sarah Elsenbawy -- Omgg♡ am seriously in love with youu♡ You're the most gorgeous... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9udSSTjIT4 [中字] 朱元 - 消毒藥 《Good Doctor》OST 주원-소독약 굿닥터 오스트 2013.12.18 "[中字] 朱元 - 消毒藥 《Good Doctor》..." 由於我們屢次接獲第三方提出的侵犯版權通知,因此與這部影片相關聯的 YouTube 帳戶已終止。 不便之處,敬請見諒。 JooWon LaLa (3:34) 2013.9.30 觀看次數:17,218 as at 2013.10.27(19:30) JooWon Love Medicine violet19631988 : 一聽聲音就知道是周元唱的.他的唱腔非常有個人特色,真假音都非常棒,好好聽喔!請問有中韓文對造版嗎?感謝您分享!! youtube.com/watch?v=wwyRJGDf3RQ [MV] Joo Won(주원) _ Love medicine(소독약) (Good Doctor(굿닥터) OST Part.6) Türkçe Altyazılı(Hangul-Rom) *Hangul-Rom subtitles llbiall (3:24) 2013.10.1 觀看次數:3,653 as at 2014.4.30(20:00) youtube.com/watch?v=kbtIaj1aBIM Joo Won - Love Medicine (소독약) MV (Good Doctor OST)[ENGSUB + Romanization + Hangul] [ENGSUB + Romanization + Hangul] YozohhhCH1 (3:24) 2013.9.30 觀看次數:5,168 as at 2014.4.30(20:00) CR:Eng Tran - POP!GASA Eng Rom&Hangul - kpopparazzi http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/10/good-doctor-episode-20-final/ Chae-kyung wonders why Do-han is so anxious at home, asking if there’s something he wants to say. He corrects her by saying that there’s something he must do, and then presents her with a ring. D’aww, you could do better than that Super Doc! Chae-kyung remains silent for a long minute, and then notes how entirely unromantic his proposal is. You and me both, hon. So Do-han adds a few more phrases, and asks what more he needs to do. Would it be too much to ask for at least an “I love you” right now? But Chae-kyung smiles, saying that’s enough for her and hugs him. Yoon-seo arrives at a restaurant with Shi-on in tow that evening, much to her friends’ delight. Her doctor friend asks for a moment alone (and Yoon-seo tells the others to “be nice,” heh) and advises her to keep their appearance short for their own benefit. But then their attention is drawn back inside where Shi-on is busy regaling the group with the story of how they first met. Looks like he’s doing just fine on his own. At the question of what Shi-on likes most about Yoon-seo, he answers: “She’s like a Christmas present. I miss her when I don’t see her, and I’m so happy when I do. She makes me sooo happy whether she’s here or not.” Awww. tieba.baidu.com/p/2625420690 GOOD DOCTOR OSTpart6韩中对照歌词 - 百度贴吧 주원 -- 소독약(Love Medicine) 朱(周)元 -- 消毒药 보고 싶단 건 아무리 다그쳐도 想念这种事,任凭如何排斥 말릴 수 없는 어린애처럼 也会像不听话的孩童般 두 눈 가득히 모든 게 그대인데 双眼中充斥的全部是你 내 맘도 모르는 그대만 唯有不懂我心思的你 바라보다가 아파도 就算看一会,心也会痛 내 맘에 바람이 분다 수많은 상처를 딛고 风在我心中呼啸着,刮出了无数的创伤 사랑이란 게 아픈 줄 알면서도 就算懂得爱情是会痛的 또다시 심장이 뛴다 믿고 싶다 우리의 사랑은 也再一次的心动,想要相信,我们之间的爱情 순간이 아닌 운명 같은 거라고....... 并非转瞬即逝的,而是命中注定的..... 닮아 가네요 사소한 것 까지도 就连细小的部分也很像 말투도 그대의 웃음소리도 语气以及你的笑声 그댄 내 삶의 나의 집이 되 주고 你成了我的生存支柱 따뜻한 그대의 손길로 用你温暖的手掌 살게 하죠 그대만이.. 只有你,能让我存活.. 내 맘에 바람이 분다 수많은 상처를 딛고 风在我心中呼啸着,刮出了无数的创伤 사랑이란 게 아픈 줄 알면서도 就算懂得爱情是会痛的 또다시 심장이 뛴다 믿고 싶다 우리의 사랑은 也再一次的心动,想要相信,我们之间的爱情 순간이 아닌 운명 같은 거라고 并非转瞬即逝的,而是命中注定的..... 차갑게 오 ~ 얼어붙은 내 심장을 冷冰冰的 哦~ 让我被冰封的心脏 다시 뛰게 해준 사람이 重新跳动的人 바로 그대니까.. 就是你.. 사랑이란 게 아픈 줄 알면서도 就算懂得爱情是会痛的 또다시 심장이 뛴다 믿고 싶다 우리의 사랑은 也再一次的心动,想要相信,我们之间的爱情 순간이 아닌 운명 같은 거라고... 并非转瞬即逝的,而是命中注定的..... 또다시 심장이 뛴다 再一次的心动 youtube.com/watch?v=fu20uAQS3rc [MV/ENG/ROM] If I Were (내가 만일) - Joo Won (주원) [Good Doctor OST.] BlueGeMify (3:46) 2013.10.19 觀看次數:13,357 as at 2014.4.30(18:30) [FAN MV] If I Were (내가 만일) - Joo Won (주원) [Good Doctor OST. Part 6] tieba.baidu.com/p/2625420690 GOOD DOCTOR OSTpart6韩中对照歌词 - 百度贴吧 주원 -- 내가 만일 朱(周)元--如果我是 "If I Were" (내가 만일) 내가 만일 하늘이라면 如果我是一片天空 그대 얼굴에 물들고 싶어 会将你的脸庞浸染 붉게 물든 저녁 저 노을처럼 仿佛那被染红的晚霞 나 그대 뺨에 물들고 싶어 将你的面颊浸染 세상에 그 무엇이라도 그대 위해 되고 싶어 我愿为你化作世间万物 오늘처럼 우리 함께 있음이 내겐 얼마나 큰 기쁨인지 恰似如今,你我相伴,对我是何等的喜悦 사랑하는 나의 사람아 너는 아니 我爱的人啊,你是否懂得 워~ 이런 나의 마음을 Wo~ 我的这份心意 세상에 그 무엇이라도 그대 위해 되고 싶어 我愿为你化作世间万物 오늘처럼 우리 함께 있음이 내겐 얼마나 큰 기쁨인지 恰似如今,你我相伴,对我是何等的喜悦 사랑하는 나의 사람아 너는 아니 我爱的人啊,你是否懂得 워~ 이런 나의 마음을 Wo~ 我的这份心意 세상에 그 무엇이라도 그대 위해 되고 싶어 我愿为你化作世间万物 오늘처럼 우리 함께 있음이 내겐 얼마나 큰 기쁨인지 恰似如今,你我相伴,对我是何等的喜悦 사랑하는 나의 사람아 너는 아니 我爱的人啊,你是否懂得 워~ 이런 나의 마음을 Wo~ 我的这份心意 워~ 이런 나의 마음을 Wo~ 我的这份心意 youtube.com/watch?v=MA5JWGI8410 [周元中国首站]周元 - 消毒药 Good Doctor OST Part 6 中韩字幕 JoowonChineseFanclub (3:23) 2013.10.1 觀看次數:2,338 as at 2014.4.30(19:20) (翻译&时间轴&压制&片源:小华子,周元中国首站制作) 禁止二次上传! Please don't reupload ! 中字版: 朱(周)元 -- 消毒藥 想念這種事,任憑如何排斥 也會像不聽話的孩童般 雙眼中充斥的全部是你 唯有不懂我心思的你 就算看一會,心也會痛 風在我心中呼嘯著,刮出了無數的創傷 就算懂得愛情是會痛的 也再一次的心動,想要相信,我們之間的愛情 並非轉瞬即逝的,而是命中註定的..... 就連細小的部分也很像 包括語氣以及你的笑聲 你成了我的生存支柱 用你溫暖的手掌 只有你,能讓我存活.. 風在我心中呼嘯著,刮出了無數的創傷 就算懂得愛情是會痛的 也再一次的心動,想要相信,我們之間的愛情 並非轉瞬即逝的,而是命中註定的..... 冷冰冰的 哦~ 讓我被冰封的心臟 重新跳動的人 就是你.. 就算懂得愛情是會痛的 也再一次的心動,想要相信,我們之間的愛情 並非轉瞬即逝的,而是命中註定的..... 再一次的心動 http://www.gooddrama.net/korean-drama/good-doctor Good Doctor Goot Dakteo, 굿 닥터 Watch Good Doctor Online, Good Doctor Korean Drama English Sub. A medical drama about a man with autistic disorder, who has mentality of 10-year-old, overcomes bias and discrimination by the society and becomes a pediatrician by utilizing his exceptional abilities that the illness brings. Videos: Good Doctor Episode 20 Oct 09, 2013 Good Doctor Episode 19 Oct 08, 2013 Good Doctor Episode 18 Oct 01, 2013 Good Doctor Episode 17 Oct 01, 2013 Good Doctor Episode 16 Sep 25, 2013 Good Doctor Episode 15 Sep 23, 2013 Good Doctor Episode 14 Sep 18, 2013 Good Doctor Episode 13 Sep 17, 2013 Good Doctor Episode 12 Sep 11, 2013 Good Doctor Episode 11 Sep 10, 2013 Good Doctor Episode 10 Sep 04, 2013 Good Doctor Episode 9 Sep 03, 2013 Good Doctor Episode 8 Aug 28, 2013 Good Doctor Episode 7 Aug 26, 2013 Good Doctor Episode 6 Aug 21, 2013 Good Doctor Episode 5 Aug 20, 2013 Good Doctor Episode 4 Aug 13, 2013 Good Doctor Episode 3 Aug 13, 2013 Good Doctor Episode 2 Aug 07, 2013 Good Doctor Episode 1 Aug 06, 2013 798 Comments as at 2014.1.3 Micky Park · Sungkyunkwan University ANNOUNCEMENT TO ALL "GOOD DOCTOR" followers: It was reported that "The Good Doctor" was set to air on the first quarter of 2014 in ABS-CBN. Who are excited in this news?? :D youtube.com/watch?v=Tdbo0__GGBU&list=PL1hpOeLZNaesj FMA08GPpDcedXWApONmE 1 B5_1-b周元唱《Love Medicine 소독약 消毒藥》各版本 MV&Mp3 16部影片 [ MV ] Joo Won (チュ•ウォン) _ Love medicine (消毒薬) ( Good Doctor (グッドドクター) OST Part.6 ) LOENENT (3:24) 2013.9.30 觀看次數:271,446 as at 2013.10.27(19:50); 579,199 as at 2014.12.18(20:00) *English subtitles are now available. :D (Please click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function) iiownediiiowned -- healed all my sorrows and wounds I will remember this drama for life. Promise.<3 'Joo Won', the main character of the KBS Monday/Tuesday drama 'Good Doctor' sang the OST for his own drama. He joined to make a warm and sentimental healing music. The lyrical piano melody reminds us of an old love, and the lyrics are just like a poem. The word 'love medicine' comes from the line where 'Si-on' says on the drama, "Love hurts. That's why you need a love medicine." Like what he said, love hurts but through love that wounds also can be healed. 'Good Doctor' is the number one drama on Monday/Tuesday, and it showed its highest ratings at 20% recently. The story is made with different surgeons of Sungwon University, and the firm story line through these characters make it one of the best medical drama of the time. [ MV ] Joo Won (チュ•ウォン) _ Love medicine (消毒薬) ( Good Doctor (グッドドクター) OST Part.6 ) KBS月火ドラマ[グッドドクター]の主人公である'チュ•ウォン'がOSTに参加し youtube.com/watch?v=k3OxAB-w6Wc 【チュウォン(주원/Joo Won)】消毒薬(소독약/Love Medicine)@20140111 in Tokyo image location:-- i.ytimg.com/vi/k3OxAB-w6Wc/mqdefault.jpg JCafeonly2 (3:22) 2014.4.10 觀看次數:16,335 as at 2014.12.4(19:30) http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_Doctor 獲獎 2013 第6屆韓國電視劇賞 作家賞:朴才範 2013年第21屆大韓民國文化演藝大賞 電視劇部門最優秀女子演技賞:文彩元 2013年第26屆Grime賞 最優秀作品賞 2013KBS演技大賞 最優秀演技獎:周元 網民投票獎:周元 中篇電視劇優秀演技獎:朱相昱、文彩元 最佳couple獎:周元、文彩元 PD選擇演員獎:周元 人氣獎:文彩元 2014年第26屆韓國PD大賞 TV作品獎 電視劇部門 表演獎 演員部門:周元 http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/10/good-doctor-episode-20-final/ One friends ask about their first kiss, to which Yoon-seo realizes they haven’t shared one yet. I love how Shi-on just pouts back at her. And at that moment, Shi-on swoops in to kiss her. Eee! Well,I guess you can mark that day as today then! Yoon-seo pretends to be upset about the surprise kiss afterward, joking that he should have at least given her a sign. He promises to wink next time, and she laughs, saying that it’s too weird. She then pegs him with questions about how he felt during the kiss. Shi-on describes it as a short, dizzying experience. He places a hand on his lips… then giggles and shuffles away as Yoon-seo chases after him. Cute. Then Shi-on is called to accept his certification in the presence of the hospital board and pediatric team. The entire room applauds this momentous occasion and Shi-on gives a word of thanks: Shi-on: “I’m still… a little different than other people. My mannerisms are also a bit different, which is why I worked hard to overcome them. However, it did not work out well; it only hurt the harder I worked. That’s why I thought I would be different until the day I die. But a lot of good people covered for me, which is why I’m able to stand up here today. “Thank you for covering for me; thank you for not avoiding me,” And then smiling at Yoon-seo, he finishes, “And also thank you very much for loving me.” Afterward, Yoon-seo praises him on a job well done, and they take turns thanking the other before sharing a tender embrace. youtube.com/watch?v=FKuJSPyPYMo 【JWCN】周元 131012《演艺家中介》Good Doctor杀青宴报道中字 JooWonChina (6:35) 2014.10.14 觀看次數:15,959 as at 2014.4.30(18:50) ※原視頻權版為kbs所有----------------------------------------此視頻由百度周元吧&周元中文網 joowonchina.com 聯合製作 翻譯:小水、Sherry時間軸:空空特效/壓制:kibumbie片源/海報:mico轉載請註明出處並攜帶海報【禁止2次上傳】 ---------------------------------------- tieba.baidu.com/p/2649657386 youtube.com/watch?v=sqyeYb32ozE [文彩元&周元] [中字] [Good Doctor] E20 施溫&允書初Kiss CUT 2014.12.18:"This video contains content from DramaFever Corp., who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds. Sorry about that." MW MCW (2:43) 2013.10.18 Moons World - 文瑾瑩&文彩元台灣影迷後援會(Moon Geun Young & Moon Chae Won TWFC) http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%AC%AC50%E5%B1%86%E7%99%BE%E6%83%B3%E8%97%9D%E8%A1%93%E5%A4%A7%E8%B3%9E#.E9.9B.BB.E8.A6.96.E5.8A.87.E4.BD.9C.E5.93.81.E8.B3.9E 《第50屆百想藝術大賞》電視劇作品賞 入圍作品 電視台 結果 《Good Doctor善良醫生》 KBS 獲獎 《守護愛情》 SBS 提名 《密會》 JTBC 提名 《來自星星的你》 SBS 提名 《請回答1994》 tvN 提名 youtube.com/watch?v=XdWf9dmmbus [中字]2013 KBS演技大賞 最優秀演技獎 周元(굿닥터 Good Doctor) Cut tkb Wu (4:24) 2014.1.4 觀看次數:4,387 as at 2014.4.30(18:50) 禁止二改或自行轉載 翻譯製作 BY Tinkerbell00308 youtube.com/watch?v=gF_392x8Vzc [中字]2013 KBS演技大賞 BEST COUPLE 周元&文彩元(굿닥터 Good Doctor) CUT tkb Wu (4:24) 2014.1.2 觀看次數:8,983 as at 2014.4.30(20:00) 禁止二改或自行轉載 翻譯製作 BY Tinkerbell00308 decembredixneuf.blogspot.hk/2013/10/good-doctor-ep-19-20-2.html huifen Guo 2013年10月10日星期四 Good Doctor EP 19-20 // 即使結束也會繼續成長-- 何為好醫生? ~~~一年後 (我頭一次不討厭一年後這種字眼也是因為本作欸 換做是其他作品我可能會罵) 小朴當真買了3D電視給 以前太白孤兒院的院童 現在和媽媽一起住(喔喔) 做錯的後生晚輩鐵定遭罵-- 朴基雄變成NT白目(笑) 小朴罵人之螳螂捕蟬黃雀在後-- 小朴這樣也會被道翰醫生笑看XDDD 結果換高科長說他XDDD 現在誰是鐵面孔目前輩XDDD 科長和朴基雄還有分冰棒之有人生氣了XDDD 仁海終於可以出院了(賀) 趙護士說之後有空的話, 要請仁海吃豬腳 仁海還半開玩笑表示不幫小朴當愛情軍師XDDD (我想也是XD) 至於小朴和道翰之談及好醫生 "車醫生跟我說好人會變成好醫生" 不過道翰醫生這麼想 "好醫生嗎? 思索如何才是好醫生的所有醫生" 這話有點繞口令但不難明白 最後是小朴的總結 "(好醫生的定義) 仔細想想也是如此, 思索如何才是好醫生的所有醫生 那群人也都是好人, 但我知道, 成為好人也會受傷 如果想幫別人減輕痛苦, 自己要先明白什麼是痛苦, 雖然因為愛每天都有點痛苦, 但這樣也不壞, 我會留在別人的心中, 其中有人能接受這樣的愛" http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/10/good-doctor-episode-20-final/ Good Doctor: Episode 20 (Final) by gummimochi| October 9, 2013 | 170 Comments as at 2013.10.27 FINAL EPISODE RECAP After another surgery,Shi-on shares Yoon-seo’s words that a good person becomes a good doctor. He asks Do-han what he thinks on the subject,and Do-han answers, “Every doctor who reflects on what kind of doctor is a good one.” In the show’s final moments, we see Do-han lay flowers at his brother’s ashes and a glimpse of Shi-on and Yoon-seo sitting in the surgical observation desk. Shi-on: “Now that I think about it, I think that’s right. Every doctor who wonders what kind of doctor is a good one is a good doctor, and also also good people. But to become a good person, I realized that one must have a lot of scars. If one is to heal another person’s wounds, one must first understand what being hurt is. So I’ll be hurt everyday but even so, I think I’ll be okay. Because I’ll be among people and I’ll be loved by someone.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_Doctor_(TV_series) image location:-- upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/8/88/Good_Doctor_TV_series-poster.jpg/250px-Good_Doctor_TV_series-poster.jpg Good Doctor (Hangul: 굿 닥터; RR: Gut Dakteo) is a 2013 South Korean medical drama television series starring Joo Won, Moon Chae-won, Joo Sang-wook, Chun Ho-jin, Kwak Do-won and Ko Chang-seok. It aired on KBS2 from August 5 to October 8, 2013 on Mondays and Tuesdays at 21:55 for 20 episodes. Joo Won plays an autistic savant who becomes a genius pediatric surgeon.[1] It was the acclaimed drama which received 5 best drama awards from different award ceremonies.[2] youtube.com/watch?v=WoiVxi7VX-o [Englishsub] Oneday - Good Doctor image location:-- i.ytimg.com/vi/WoiVxi7VX-o/mqdefault.jpg Joo Won Cuties (4:20) 2013.11.6 觀看人次: 48,266 as at 2014.12.4(18:50) youtube.com/watch?v=Q8CseYig-bo Good Doctor E01 w/ ENG SUB image location:--i.ytimg.com/vi/Q8CseYig-bo/mqdefault.jpg Jennica Villafria (1:03:44) 2014.1.3 觀看人次: 198,881 as at 2014.12.4(18:50) youtube.com/watch?v=q2AUHtIJvhE 善良醫生[韓劇] 第01集 周元,文彩元,朱相昱,金敏瑞 綠色手術刀 [中文字幕] image location:-- i.ytimg.com/vi/q2AUHtIJvhE/mqdefault.jpg by 韓劇追追追 (1:03:47) 2004.10.20 觀看人次: 12,050 as at 2014.12.4(19:20) youtube.com/watch?v=n4hVH1_1pIo Good Doctor Korean Drama 굿 닥터 Ep 1 Eng Sub image location:-- i.ytimg.com/vi/n4hVH1_1pIo/mqdefault.jpg by Doctor (53:07) 2014.10.19 觀看人次: 8,426 as at 2014.12.4(18:50) http://www.hancinema.net/hancinema-s-drama-review-good-doctor-episode-20-final--61369.html [HanCinema's Drama Review] "Good Doctor" Episode 20 (Final) Review by William Schwartz 2013/10/08 | 3555 views | Permalink | 7 Comments as at 2013.12.19(20:50) http://www.hancinema.net/photos/photo357862.jpg I really like the music in this drama. It primes the viewer well to anticipate certain emotions, and this time around that emotion was vague melancholy. What at first seems to be a problem that will necessitate a serious climactic surgery just ends up giving way to more discussion of feelings, as characters state out their various emotional positions for the last time. The continuation and sort of resolution to the relationship between Shi-On and Yoon-Seo is sweet and endearing. The conflict they face is a bit of a last minute one, but then that's the point and central irony. Shi-On never thought about any of these problems when he was first trying to confess to her, and there's a reason for that. None of these superficial issues of appearance should matter when it comes to a person you really like. It's not like any substantive obstacle exists beyond just maybe people will gossip. And it's appropriate that their relationship is only ever discussed in the immediate professional or personal environment. Some mileage probably could have been gotten over having Shi-On meet Yoo-Seo's parents, but such a development would have been counterintuitive to the main themes. Whether a person is being a good boyfriend or (as specifically described this episode) a "Good Doctor", it's a personal aspect that has to be discussed between relative equals. There's not really anyone in this drama with clear intrinsic superiority over Shi-On, and the struggle the narrative has been describing has been his difficulties in getting acceptance as an equal. The other subplots...still don't really touch on that, unfortunately. I'm not complaining, really- none of these plots have been relevant to Shi-On's journey for most of the drama's run so it's unreasonable to expect a clear parallel now. They do all wrap up pretty clearly, though, and there aren't any real loose ends. While some parts (the corporate handwringing particularly) drag on for a bit, it's at least fairly clear what happened. The best way to sum up "Good Doctor" is to take a look at the epilogue- which from a literal perspective is almost completely pointless. After a year, nobody's really changed that much. A great deal of the epilogue's runtime is dedicated to a random cameo appearance and another iteration of this drama's best running gag. It's not really much of a catharsis- but then Shi-On's story has never really been about sudden waves of emotion. Rather, it is a tale of gaining acceptance and finding a place when the whole universe is clearly saying that you don't belong. For that kind of storytelling, it's the perfect conclusion. youtube.com/watch?v=ISYgazPh67w Good Doctor Korean Drama Ep 20 [Eng Sub] 굿 닥터 Shi On Kisses Yoon Seo! DramaFever (2:53) 2013.10.11 觀看次數:436,385 as at 2014.4.30(20:30) Good Doctor Korean Drama Episode 19 [Eng Sub] 굿 닥터Subscribe:http://bit.ly/10TNEL1Watch The Full Episode FREE:http://bit.ly/GHbNO4In this scene from Episode 20: Niiiice, but not that great of a kiss. Good Doctor (굿 닥터) Starring Joo Won and Moon Chae WonAs a child, Park Shi On (Joo Won) was sent to a specialized care center, where he discovered genius capacities for his autism. Coupled with an exceptional memory and keen spatial skills, the young savant eventually entered pediatric residency, where he developed into a promising surgeon. However, his mental and emotional development seems to have stopped at 10-years-old, which makes for incredible conflicts in and out of the O.R., especially with the hotheaded surgeon Kim Do Han (Joo Sang Wook). Despite warm hearted and fair colleagues like Cha Yoon Seo (Moon Chae Won) and Han Jin Wook (Kim Young Kwang), it's a fierce and competitive adult world. One cannot simply tell Shi On to "grow up." good doctor korean drama,good doctor korean drama 9,ep 19,굿 닥터,DramaFever (Website),Medical Drama (TV Genre),Kim Min Seo,good doctor,episode 19,Subtitles,english subtitles,k drama,joo won,eng sub,moon chae won,Joo Sang Wook,Korean Drama youtube.com/watch?v=2ekbrxOQFP8 [文彩元&周元] [中字] [Good Doctor] E15 車醫師吃醋了! image location:-- i.ytimg.com/vi/2ekbrxOQFP8/mqdefault.jpg MW MCW (3:06) 2013年10月19日 觀看人次: 17,591 as at 2014.12.4(17:30); Moons World - 文瑾瑩&文彩元台灣影迷後援會 (Moon Geun Young & Moon Chae Won TWFC) http://moonsworld.net 音樂 「Lost & Found」,演出者:Siri Svegler (iTunes • eMusic) youtube.com/watch?v=DZYO0TdqyOM [MV] Good Doctor - Miracle + Love Medicine * 굿닥터 * image location:-- i.ytimg.com/vi/DZYO0TdqyOM/mqdefault.jpg evicevi (8:16) 2013.10.24 觀看次數:2,393 as at 2014.5.12(20:10); 51,405 as at 2014.12.13(20:10) This is a video from the Korean drama "Good Doctor". It's the story of an autistic guy trying to achieve his dream of becoming a surgeon and finding friends and love along the way. Enjoy! http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%A5%BD%E9%86%AB%E7%94%9F 香港 無綫網絡電視煲劇1台 星期六 16:15 - 18:30及20:45 - 23:00 4月12日至5月3日 16:15 - 18:30及21:00 - 23:15 上一節目 好醫生 (2014年3月15日 - 2014年5月17日) 下一節目 鯊魚 (2014年1月4日 - 2014年3月8日) 繼承者們 (2014年5月24日 - 2014年7月26日) 新加坡 星和都會台 星期六 23:00 - 01:20、04:05 - 06:25及16:30 - 19:00 上一節目 良醫 (2014年3月29日 - 2014年5月31日) 下一節目 田禹治 (2014年1月4日 - 2014年3月22日) - (2014年6月7日 - 2014年?月?日 Bye and Thank's..!! http://kadorama-recaps.blogspot.hk/2013/12/good-doctor-episode-20-final.html image location:-- http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-s-y3cMWbsYM/Ur2V6p09O_I/AAAAAAACTm8/gzuXA-Diq5Q/s1600/gd20.jpg 百度百科:影片評價 baike.baidu.com/view/10711012.htm 男主角周元在劇中出演一名自閉症還沒有完全康復的天才實習醫生,在觀眾面前的周元不是帥氣花美男,而是看起來有點弱智的成人。 這“傻瓜”的演技讓人想起電影裡挑戰過同樣角色的申賢俊和柳成龍,而周元版本也同樣獲得讚賞,拍攝前曾用心和真正自閉兒童相處過的周元完美地展示出了自閉症人群的特徵,也讓觀眾透過作品更加關注這些社會的邊緣人。(網易娛樂專稿) 《Good Doctor》的劇情通過解決一個個棘手的病症,讓觀眾走入樸施溫的世界裡,同時也向觀看者表達編劇的意圖,對於這些特殊人群,他們需要的不是憐憫和同情,而是可以獲得人們的認可和信任。 正因如此,這部劇才與其他醫療劇有著較為明顯的不同之處。 (新浪娛樂評) 《Good Doctor》電視劇彰顯的人文情懷,講述自閉症患者克服社會偏見,利用先天具有的背誦能力和感悟能力成為一名優秀的兒科醫生,並最終獲得愛情融入社會的故事,在電視劇企劃意圖上超越了其他作品。 通過該劇讓觀眾打開視野,看到更多難以接觸到的卻真實存在的人的生活。 (現代快報評 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://ent.tvb.com/enews/549c24556db28cd230000003#page-1 周元訪港與粉絲迎聖誕 活動上大玩遊戲... 2014年12月25日 http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/entertainment/20141226/00288_001.html 周元骰誘粉絲 尷尬瞓大髀 周元與粉絲一起倒數後,擺出心形手勢冧影迷。 http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/entertainment/20141226/photo/1226-00288-001v1.jpg 主演韓劇《明日如歌》(韓版《交響情人夢》)及《Good Doctor》(港譯《好醫生》)的周元,前晚11時許以「千秋王子」造型現身apm,先以普通話打招呼及向全場粉絲揮手。他在遊戲環節有求必應,親自餵 女粉絲食檸檬,又獲影迷炮製三文治。其後玩擲骰仔遊戲,周元擲中骰仔數字上的指示,與粉絲合力做指定動作,他與女粉絲夾氣球時肉緊攬實對方,又與另一女影 迷合巹交杯。當他按指示被要求躺在一名日本女子的大腿上,雙方原以為僅背對背坐,但獲悉要瞓大髀時,女粉絲即掩面傻笑,周元亦表現靦腆,最終大方完成任務 並舉起V字手勢,全場起哄。 扮演朴醫生獲掌聲 周元在《好醫生》飾演患有自閉症的兒科醫生朴施溫,當主持要求他再扮朴醫生時,他雖稱有點難度,但隨即垂下頭培養情緒,以 劇中角色口脗讀出經典對白:「快啲快啲,大家Merry Christmas!」贏盡掌聲。 踏正12時,他與粉絲一同倒數迎聖誕,更做出心形手勢,其後還大展歌喉,獻唱《好醫生》的插曲。 周元躺在女粉絲大髀上,並高舉V字手勢令全場尖叫。 http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/entertainment/20141226/photo/1226-00288-001p2g3.jpg 周元肉緊地跟女粉絲玩夾氣球遊戲。 http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/entertainment/20141226/photo/1226-00288-001p3g3.jpg 周元化身指揮家「千秋王子」,粉絲則扮拉小提琴。 http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/entertainment/20141226/photo/1226-00288-001p4g4.jpg 周元受訪時說剛才躺在女粉絲的大腿上感到尷尬,但玩得很盡興,過往拍劇亦曾躺在拍檔膝蓋上,今次卻是首次瞓大髀。他又指現 場唱歌十分投入,一點也不緊張,還自誇表現不俗。首度訪港的周元對香港印象極佳,希望品嘗點心、逛波鞋街及揀聖誕禮物給父母。他賣口乖稱見到港迷性格開 朗,令他心情大靚,又透露最想合作的亞洲影星是梁朝偉與湯唯。其後他與過百名粉絲舉行簽名會,離場前更以普通話說謝謝。 文:外娛組 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- youtube.com/watch?v=U8-8Nfd7sUk&list=PLCDIkUwLX849Yxb_OznkRyl5u6zcyASqv 好醫生 (Good Doctor) image location:-- i.ytimg.com/vi/U8-8Nfd7sUk/mqdefault.jpg 16 videos by 預告頻道 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1st Edition: 27 October 2013(20:26) This page was last modified on 30 Dec 2014.