[Posted on 29/10/2013. 瀏覽人數: 3,363 as at 2014.6.11] 原載於Yahoo Blog(N.B.formatting有差異) :-- blog.yahoo.com/lau_yi-chen/articles/648155/index 《大話男女》大結局女主角(尹恩惠)給男主角(姜至奐)的情信(紙條)內容/視頻+第16集摘要MV♥Love Letter☆Recap♫Lie To Me OST 2012年10月2日上午8:19公開累積瀏覽3,686 as at 2013.12.24(16:15) Another link of this article: http://weshare.hk/lauyichen/articles/607132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J2韓劇《大話男女》[韓語:내게 거짓말을 해봐,英語:"Lie To Me",大陸稱《对我说谎试试》,台灣是《甜蜜謊言》》『私に嘘をついてみて』],2012.10.5(五)便播大結局。 這些年,人們都慣用電子媒體傳意,手寫字條變成稀有而珍貴! 濟州島大結局劇照原載於:-- dvd-com.com/dvdnews/82381.html image location:-- https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRL5S0CGROvGljUw_sxmRcwekUMqNe8_IMF__r6Z9XV5UUFQLdE 女主角(尹恩惠飾演五級公務員孔雅婷事務官)在大結局未段, 手寫了一整頁紙條給男主角(姜至奐飾演World集團CEO玄啟俊社長), 解釋她終於肯嫁給他的思考過程, 內容如下:-- (N.B. TVB譯本與大陸視頻是有差異) 給玄啟俊先生♥ 玄啟俊, Hyun Ki-Joon, 那天我最终沒法跟你姑媽吃飯, That I could not manage to have dinner with Auntie Myung-jin 讓你很生氣吧? Still makes you angry with me? 真對不起。 I'm terribly sorry. 不過我已經找到遺失的東西, However, I have found what I lost. 正如你上次來跟我說的那番話:- Just as what you said when you came to visit me in Jeju:- - 「時間因其無盡不曾留下痕跡, "Endless time flies without leaving a trace. 空間因其浩瀚不曾留下足跡。」 Infinite space expands without leaving a footprint.” 在無盡的時間中與你生在同一時代, Throughout the history of mankind, we happen to live in the same era. 在浩瀚的空間中能與你相遇並相愛, By chance, we get together and love each other in the vastness of space. 命運真不可思議! Fate is really incredible! 我們的相遇是個美麗的奇蹟, Our unexpected encounter is a beautiful miracle. 我終於感受到了! I can finally taste it. 因此我終於找到屬於我們的回憶, I have found our exclusive memories 和對愛情的感覺, And the feeling of love. 一如博物館的展覽品總能歷久常新。 Just like museum exhibits which are being kept evergreen. 我終於清楚自己的感覺, I am well aware of my inner feelings. 可以放心把自己交給你。 I feel at ease to marry you now. 這段時間謝謝你等待我, Thank you for spending time and waiting for my answer. 還有,我愛你。 Last but not least, I love you. *以上英文譯本,是從左方的中文譯本,參考翻譯網而成的。 Date: 29 Jan 2013 ☺多謝您欣賞劉伊宸的部落格。如轉載文章,請註明網址或"這篇文章轉載自"劉伊宸的BLOG”。 Thank you for surfing my blog. Please do quote the link or "劉伊宸的BLOG” when you reproduce this article. Ah Jung was preparing her love letter to Ki Joon... image location:- 1.bp.blogspot.com/-kdaBy5ouLTg/TiDp2zsbLtI/AAAAAAAAlfQ/IBJIlRvbDrc/s320/ltm16_5_10.JPG web site: http://kadorama-recaps.blogspot.hk/2011/07/sinopsis-lie-to-me-episode-16-final.html Ki Joon thought Ah Jung again did not take the necklace...... image location:- 2.bp.blogspot.com/-blPLbKyfJZU/TiDlLM5HNOI/AAAAAAAAldQ/oAiknxs807o/s1600/ltm16_6_4.JPG web site: http://kadorama-recaps.blogspot.hk/2011/07/sinopsis-lie-to-me-episode-16-final.html ♥Ki-Joon reading love letter♥:-- dienanh.net/forums/showthread.php/228511-SBS-2011-Lie-To-Me-Yoon-Eun-Hye-Kang-Ji-Hwan-Jo-Yoon-Hee-Sung-Joon/page44 image location (had been removed as at 2016.7.9):-- img823.imageshack.us/img823/8133/13091838402011062723140.th.jpg 情信♥劇照原載於:-- koalasplayground.com/2011/06/28/lie-to-me-episode-16-recap/ image location:-- i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae145/ockoala/Lie%20to%20Me%203/Lie16avi_003306906.jpg Happy Valentine’s Day on 14 February 2017(Tue)!! 2017.2.11(六)正月十五日~上元節/中國情人節快樂!! http://lhay.tumblr.com/search/lie+to+me Lie To Me It wasn’t an easy journey. I may not like the ending the way it should be, but still a very sweet finale. I love the scenes at the bedroom, when AJ was on top of KJ who was lying flat on the bed? Oh God! It was just so natural that it just doesn’t feel as though the both of them were acting at all… the scenery at Jejudo was simply spectacular… whew! How I wish I was there to witness the finale! I want to say THANK YOU to LTM Team for their outstanding hardwork in making this drama a memorable one and to wuri Yoon Eun Hye and Kang Ji Hwan for giving us this wonderful feeling… missing you now… Good Job guys! *clap-clap* image location of “Last Kiss ♥ at Jeju"with different kissing angle shots:-- http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lnjj8bNwXc1qza98no1_250.gif **以上中文譯本原載於:-- http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/KmAl6wBY2Mc/ 大話男女 Ch15+16完 (TVBOXNOW) (130:27) [2014.2.28--其餘各集粵語配音中文字幕視頻,請見下方。] {N.B. 如未能收看,可能是:“......由於版權原因,該視频僅限中國大陸區播放......” } *粵語配音中文字幕 yan10a 上传于 2011年12月22日 累積瀏覽: 21,028 as at 2014.3.22(19:00) (28:56) 姑媽:"你真的打算跟孔雅婷結婚嗎? 玄啟俊:"對,如果可以的話我想馬上結婚。" "她到底有什麼好? 她只是在平凡家庭長大的公務員......" "因為她平凡和我喜歡她真誠。" "就算我反對,你也不會理會吧?" "你會反對嗎? 你知道就算反對也沒用。" 玄啟俊開懷地笑著..... 玄啟俊+姑媽玄明進劇照原載於:-- kadorama-recaps.blogspot.hk/2011/07/sinopsis-lie-to-me-episode-16-final.html 影像網址:-- http://2.bp.blogspot.com/--XuxKqDPszE/TiDzVbbCZoI/AAAAAAAAln4/QuYim7KIHY0/s1600/ltm16_1_7.JPG ----------------------------- (68:57) ♥"電郵情書" "玄啟俊, 我到濟洲島已經一個月,換句話說我有一個月沒見到你了, 不過能這樣偶爾跟你通電郵,覺得很開心, 感覺像在寫情書...... 剛抵達需要一段時間適應,不過目前工作和生活已無問題。 你呢? 在緊張的首爾過得好嗎?" 已到濟洲島一個月的孔雅婷劇照原載於:--kadorama-recaps.blogspot.hk/2011/07/sinopsis-lie-to-me-episode-16-final.html 影像網址:- http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-YMq5jvNIU9g/TiDzgCWkTEI/AAAAAAAAloI/SYGOxmdZWcc/s1600/ltm16_1_5.JPG "過得好才怪,一個月沒見令我難受, 我說要去找你,你又不淮, 還說不可以打電話給你,見了面跟你算帳!" http://programme.tvb.com/drama/lietome J2重播 2015.9.1(Tue) ep1 6-7am & 2-3pm image location of J2 version: http://img.tvb.com/ii/14/22625/000002262499_1347007158.jpg 性格倔強、個性帶著傻勁的孔雅婷,為了與暗戀多時的學長匹配,自高中開始發奮苦讀,過關斬將考上大學,繼而在畢業後通過公務員考試,卻發現好友劉小蘭橫刀 奪愛,截足先登與學長成婚。 雅婷與小蘭夫婦從此斷絕來往,年近三十的她,原已收拾心情專注做好文化體育觀光部的工作,不料一天卻與小蘭狹路相逢…… 小蘭不斷向雅婷這位昔日好友炫耀她的幸福婚姻,雅婷氣結之下竟衝口而出謊稱已婚,其後更陰差陽錯將全國數一數二World集團的代表理事玄啟俊也扯下水。 啟俊被誤為雅婷的丈夫,令小蘭嫉妒不已。雅婷難得一吐烏氣,沾沾自喜;另一邊廂,生性高傲的啟俊無端被傳娶了被他視為荒唐的女人,大動肝火! 啟俊原擬召開 記者會,與「緋聞妻子」劃清界線,孰料雅婷偏偏與集團致力爭取合作的中國財團代表全會長夫婦言談甚歡,啟俊為了合作計劃可順利推展,被迫與雅婷簽訂協議 書,裝作假夫妻。 雅婷在全會長面前是啟俊的賢內助,啟俊則要在雅婷的好友面前裝作其完美丈夫,天衣無縫的連場好戲,令雅婷與啟俊的感情陷入看似無情或有情的微妙與曖昧當 中,然而隨着啟俊家人及初戀情人相繼回國,兩人的「夫妻情」面臨嚴峻考驗……究竟這段謊言編造的婚姻會否被揭穿? 啟俊能否為集團打開中國市場,從而向家族 長輩證明自己的實力? 他與雅婷的感情可會弄假成真? *以下是韓語視頻:-- youtube.com/watch?v=Yq1uUiAtkk4 [SBS] 내게거짓말을해봐 16회 (20110628) 명장면 "대답" 上傳: SBSlie1 (4:54) 日期:2011.7.6觀看次數:11,413次 as at 2013.10.12(18:50) (03:15) 情信(紙條)內容♥Love Letter youtube.com/watch?v=ws-74mZcbW0[sbs 내게 거짓말을 해봐] 16회 마지막회 종방 2011년6월28일 화요일_12 上傳: SBSlie1 (5:00) 日期:2011.6.28觀看次數:11,043次 as at 2013.10.12(18:50) (00:00) 情信(紙條)內容♥Love Letter (02:55~5:00) 愛情回憶盒子 youtube.com/watch?v=YNWUoxNmlKk [SBS] 내게거짓말을해봐 16회 (20110628) 명장면 "사랑해" 上傳: SBSlie1 (4:45) 日期:2011.7.6觀看次數:27,995次 as at 2013.10.12(19:00) (00:00) 情信(紙條)內容♥Love Letter (02:10~04:45) 電話響起......海邊擁抱及最後之吻 isha015 -- please make a sequel to this korean drama... part two please! a sequel about their married life... they're a perfect couple made for each other> Serena Lim -- Kang Ji Hwan and Yoon Eun Hye should win the couple with the best chemistry and kissess for year 2011. youtube.com/watch?v=9ifjoWQqobU Lie to Me Episode 16 End Eng Sub Full HD Korean Drama image location: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/9ifjoWQqobU/mqdefault.jpg KOREAN DRAMA HD (55:30) 2015.3.24 觀看次數:67,987 as at 2015.9.8(10:40) (3:37~4:22) ♥Love Letter ~ electronic version~ Gi Jun, it's been a month since I came to Jeju. So, I haven't seen you in a month. But, to be able to write emails and ask how you are, I'm very happy. It very much feels like writing a lover letter. In the beginning, it was bit confusing as it was hard to get used to. Now this place feels like home, very confortable. Gi Jun, how are you? Have you been living well in the busting Seoul?" "How can I live well? I'm so sad, having not seen you in a month. I wanted to go down there immediately, but you wouldn't let me. You don't even let me call you often nor wanting to meet." http://www.dramabeans.com/2011/06/lie-to-me-episode-16-open-thread-final/ Lie To Me: Episode 16 Open Thread (Final) by girlfriday | June 28, 2011 | 369 Comments as at 2014.1.23 Ki-joon asks why she’s turning down his proposal. Ah-jung says that she loves him, but feels scared, like she’s lost something… but she doesn’t know what. Is it freedom? The chance to snog a bunch of men? The right to dance around your room naked? He promises to wait. She goes to Jeju on a work trip and he sends her off with a watch and a kiss. ************* She spends a month working and ‘finding herself,’ which mostly consists of writing in a journal about Ki-joon. I’d be more inclined to be with you on this type of journey if you, say, had a different career path you wanted to take, or whatever. But we just spent entire stretches of drama time fighting for your civil service job that Defines You As A Person, so I dunno what we’re doing now. So-ran finds out she’s pregnant, only to come home to find that Jae-bum’s run out on her. So she comes down to Jeju where the main cast has assembled, and reunites with her wayward hubby. The foursome go on a double date at Ki-joon’s request, in an attempt to make Ah-jung wish she were married too. That might’ve worked with Episode 1 Ah-jung, but she no longer lives here. Ki-joon has to make up a thousand excuses to get invited into her apartment that night, and finally has to drag her in there. Sadly, it’s a bunch of false starts. Who killed the Libido Fairy up in here? Dad calls to say that he’s getting married. (What? I thought you did that last episode.) Ki-joon gets deflated at the thought that Dad is getting married before he does. But Ah-jung just keeps pushing him away and away and away… Ki-joon eventually gives her the engagement necklace and heads back to Seoul. He asks her to come up to have lunch with his aunt, and says that if she shows up wearing that necklace, he’ll take it as a sign that she wants to marry him. Basically, it’s an ultimatum. She frets over the decision, trying to prepare him for the fact that she might not show up. Sure enough, come the day of the lunch, she gets swamped with a work emergency — an artifact goes missing in the museum. She finally calls Ki-joon with a curt apology that she can’t make it and his aunt fumes at being stood up. Ah-jung runs around in a panic until she discovers the artifact in question, not lost but just misplaced. She cries, “I’ve found it! I’ve found it!” The curator finds her weeping and asks, “Is there something other than this that you lost, and were looking for?” *THUNK* Wow, that metaphor could sink a battleship. Show, don’t stretch yourself beyond your means. It hurts us more than it hurts you. *************** Ki-joon comes down to Jeju for a short trip and asks to see her to hear an explanation. She writes him a letter and takes the necklace out. She puts the letter in the box and this is what she hands him at the airport, saying, “This is my answer.” Um… you don’t think he’ll mistake that as a big fat NO and just toss the box aside? Which is exactly what he does, of course. "Final Kiss" image location:-- i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu26/dramabeans/news/news2011/lie16-00005.jpg *************** Until trusty Park Hoon finds it the next day and he finally reads it. Ah-jung apologizes for not being there that day, but tells him that she’s finally found what she’d lost — her heart. And she’s prepared to run to him now. He flies down to Jeju the second after he reads it. But the box of stuff he’s sent to her arrives first — ducks, tomato juice, cola — memories of their better moments (and the drama’s, sadly). They run to each other on the beach and profess their love, and in voiceover Ah-jung tells So-ran that they’re getting married soon, and this time for realsies. *************** Ah-jung: Love came and found us like a lie. And that lie became love. Ki-joon: And we learned that in a lie, there is sometimes sincerity which is hotter than truth. Cast:~ diaryofrea17.blogspot.hk/2012/05/sinopsis-lie-to-me.html image location: 1.bp.blogspot.com/-5FzAK_uXnpY/T6jP77iJSyI/AAAAAAAAAoQ/e-klg23Aex0/s640/Profil+Pemain+Drama+Korea+Lie+to+Me.jpg image location: 3.bp.blogspot.com/--l8WNkiO4sk/T6jP9ejJklI/AAAAAAAAAoY/XEVf0Rxj94U/s400/lie-to-me-cast.jpg ♥第16集摘要MV / Preview♥ youtube.com/watch?v=AOZco2iBkFo The Plot Summary of [K-Drama] Lie To Me (내게 거짓말을 해봐 2011) Final Ep16 Part 2 ♥ [HD] * 愛情回憶盒子上傳: Ngraywolf018 (2:01) 日期:2011.7.15 觀看次數:281,655次 as at 2013.10.12(18:40); 421,334 as at 2014.10.7(19:30) I'm a huge fan of Yoon Eun Hye ^ ^ Lie To Me and Yoon Eun Hye are The Best :D OMG!! Gong Ah Jung (Yoon Eun Hye) and Hyun Ki Joon (Kang Ji Hwan) 's Last Kiss ♥ Ow~ sOoo HOT!! O__O..*__* will miss THEM!! T__T Music by : As One 애즈 원 & EZ-Life 이지라이프 - Lovin Ice Cream youtube.com/watch?v=0753G7ZXHVM The Plot Summary of [K-Drama] Lie To Me (내게 거짓말을 해봐 2011) Final Ep16 Part 1 ♥ [HD] 上傳: Ngraywolf018 (2:11) 日期:2011.7.12觀看次數:391,851 次 as at 2013.10.12(18:40) (00:00) 模型室內求婚 Details : Title: 내게 거짓말을 해봐(Lie To Me) / Naege Geojitmaleul Haebwa Also known as: Try Lying to Me Previously known as: 달콤한 스캔들 / Sweet Scandal Genre: Romance, comedy Episodes: 16 Broadcast network: SBS Broadcast period: 2011-May-09 to 2011-Jun-28 Air time: Monday & Tuesday 21:55 Synopsis : Gong Ah Jung, a level 5 Ministry of Culture official, gets entangled in a web of lies when she mistakenly lies that she's married to Hyun Ki Joon, a hotel manager from an affluent family. Their relationship is further complicated when Ki Joon's ex-fiancée and a close friend of his brother's, Oh Yoon Joo, reappears in his life. Main Cast : Yoon Eun Hye(윤은혜) as Gong Ah Jung(공아정) Kang Ji Hwan(강지환) as Hyun Ki Joon(현기준) Sung Joon(성준) as Hyun Sang Hee(현상희) Jo Yoon Hee(조윤희) as Oh Yoon Joo(오윤주) Raiting for Lie to me Ep 16 : Nationwide Seoul 8.0 (16th) 8.4 (17th) I'm a huge fan of Yoon Eun Hye ^ ^ Lie To Me and Yoon Eun Hye are The Best :D Music by : As One 애즈 원 & EZ-Life 이지라이프 - Lovin Ice Cream Plz don't forget to Rate and Comment,Thnx~ youtube.com/watch?v=U_HFk8JLrKg [中字] 對我說謊謊試試Lie to Me EP16 (Finale) Preview (最終回預告) 2015.9.8:"Content Warning If the owner of this video has granted you access, please sign in."影片建立者:bryant chang (1:02) 日期:2011.6.27觀看次數為 44,131 as at 2013.10.12(18:40) 背景音樂: 原聲大碟—No.4歌曲:再見 真的 再見/M To M kijoonfan -- Still cant find a better pairing than KJH n YEH! I miss them! youtube.com/watch?v=znKcl5YTYakLie to Me Episode 16 Preview (Last Episode) Yoon Eun Hye Kang Ji Hwan 上傳: miajjang (0:53) 日期:2011.6.27觀看次數: 334,879次 as at 2014.10.17(19:00) 背景音樂: 原聲大碟—No.4歌曲:再見 真的 再見/M To M (00:12 - 00:17) 街頭 "愛的宣言" 登上報章頭版Sybil Geronimo -- OMG OMG OMG!! when will I be able to see Ji Hwan oppa again after this drama?!?! T-T but it's a good thing that no one is crying in the preview... it's gonna be a happy ending after all~ x) ty56742 -- he looks young with the new hairstyle , even he is 34years old. i love his smile. youtube.com/watch?v=Z6jpfegXjoQLie to Me EP16 (Finale) Preview - Yoon Eun Hye & Kang Ji Hwan 上傳: yooneunhyeNET (0:39) 日期:2011.6.27觀看次數198,854次 as at 2014.1.21(20:30) Preview for episode 16 (finale) of Lie to Me to air on June 28, 2011. 背景音樂: 原聲大碟—No.4歌曲:再見 真的 再見/M To M MsChantalm -- I just noticed something about eun hye's in almost all of her dramas like goong, coffee prince and now lie to me... At the end of each dramas, her characters always object to marrying the leading guys at first until after she returns from somewhere like in coffee prince, she accepted his proposal after she returned from France .... http://korea.sohu.com/20110628/n311924534.shtml 《對我說謊試試》大結局劇照幸福相擁落幕 發布時間:2011年06月28日16:12 姜志煥與尹恩惠濟州島幸福的相擁在一起劇照image location:-- http://photocdn.sohu.com/20110628/Img311924537.jpg 《對我說謊試試》劇組27日在韓國濟州島拍攝了大結局,尹恩惠與姜志煥在酷熱的氣溫下拍攝了三個多小時才完成了大結局的拍攝。 最新公佈的《對我說謊試試》大結局劇照中,姜志煥與尹恩惠以美麗的濟州島為背景幸福的相擁在一起,預示了該劇將以大團圓結局落幕。 一名《對我說謊試試》劇組工作人員在接受采訪時表示,感謝廣大觀眾對該劇一直以來的支持,希望能一直支持到大結局。 http://koalasplayground.com/2011/06/28/lie-to-me-episode-16-recap/ Lie to Me Episode 16 Recap Posted on June 28, 2011 by ockoala image of "1st photo":-- i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae145/ockoala/Lie%20to%20Me%203/Lie16avi_000211111.jpg image of Ah Jung's diary:-- i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae145/ockoala/Lie%20to%20Me%203/Lie16avi_001563730.jpg image location of Ah Jung's Dad call:-- i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae145/ockoala/Lie%20to%20Me%203/Lie16avi_001581614.jpg image location of serving breakfast:-- i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae145/ockoala/Lie%20to%20Me%203/Lie16avi_002096196.jpg image location of writin motto on Ah Jung's arm:-- i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae145/ockoala/Lie%20to%20Me%203/Lie16avi_002366699.jpg ...Ki Joon runs to his desk and opens the case to find the note in question. He opens the note and reads Ah Jung's answer to him. Ah Jung writes: To my beloved Ki Joon, she know he's mad that she didn't go meet his Aunt that day. But on that day, she found what she had lost. Just like that words Ki Joon wrote on her arm about time and space being infinite and leaving no mark, she and Ki Joon are born into the same period. So they met and fell in love, and she finally understands how special that is. The memories that she lost for a period of time, she's found it again. Now she can finally run towards Ki Joon. She thanks him for waiting, and tells thim that she loves him. 孔雅婷(尹恩惠)剛收到"愛情回憶盒子"劇照影像網址:-- i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae145/ockoala/Lie%20to%20Me%203/Lie16avi_003485385.jpg The doorbell rings and it's a package for Ah Jung. She opens the box to find it contains a collection of items that mark many of the significant moments and memories between Ah Jung and Ki Joon. And here I start to cary. Big gulping sobs of happiness... ...Ah Jung cries through this walk down memory lane. She remembers that she was the one who gave him the idea to send such a care package. Suddenly her phone rings and it's Ki Joon. image location of hug after kissing♥:-- i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae145/ockoala/Lie%20to%20Me%203/Lie16avi_003832298.jpg Ah Jung narrates: -- Love is like a lie that came towards me, and then this lie became love Ki Joon narrates: -- And we changed, learning that sometimes in a lie is hidden a truth that is more passionate than fact. Thoughts of Mine(author of this Recap):-- Episode 16 wasn't about tying up loose ends with everyone sitting sown to have long talks about career, marriage, how to balance between a chaebol wife and a civil servant. Episode 16 was about Ki Joon learning to be patient and fighting for his love, and Ah Jung finding herself until she was certain that she could choose to be with Ki Joon and face whatever issues being his wife would entail. 本回顧的作者的想法: - (Google 翻譯) 第16集是不是進行收尾和大家一起坐在播種有關於事業,婚姻,怎一個財閥的妻子和公務員之間的平衡長談。 第16集是關於基俊學習要有耐心,爭取他的愛,和阿貞發現自己,直到她確信她可以選擇與基俊,面對什麼問題是他的妻子將涉及。 Comments: 526 as at 2014.1.21 jinging on June 29, 2011 at 10:51 am said: "In this endless time, there are no traces. In this infinite space, there are no trails." In that infinite space to be able to meet and become one with you, the FATE is really AMAZING. and the MIRACLE is really BEAUTIFUL. -AJ (for KJ0) http://www.dramago.com/korean-drama/lie-to-me Naege Geojitmaleul Haebwa, Sweet Scandal, Try Lying to Me, 내게 거짓말을 해봐, 달콤한 스캔들 Videos: Lie to Me Episode 16 FinalOct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 15Oct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 14Oct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 13Oct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 12Oct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 11Oct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 10Oct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 9Oct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 8Oct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 7Oct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 6Oct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 5Oct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 4Oct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 3Oct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 2Oct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 1Oct 11, 2011 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLDWl-LlM9o [Full Album] Lie To Me OST 2014.2.13:-- "[Full Album] ..." The YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement. Sorry about that. KOREAN2DRAMA CH2 (38:06) Nov 4, 2013 6,119 views as at 2014.1.2(19:00) Lie To Me OST 01 Shameless Lie (Hea Ga Yoon of 4minute) 02 3!4!0! (Jadu) 03 Midnight Passes (Kim Hyung Jun) 04 This is Really Goodbye (M To M) 05 I Belong To You (MBLAQ) 06 You Are My Love 07 Walking on a Cloud 08 This is Really Goodbye (Instrumental) 09 You Are My Love (Instrumental) 10 Walking on a Cloud (Instrumental) http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%AF%B9%E6%88%91%E8%AF%B4%E8%B0%8E%E8%AF%95%E8%AF%95 對我說謊試試OST Part.1 許嘉允(4minute)〈無恥的謊言〉 Jadu〈3!4!0! (爽快的愛情公式)〉 許嘉允(4minute)〈無恥的謊言〉(inst.) Jadu〈3!4!0! (爽快的愛情公式)〉(inst.) Part.2 金亨俊(SS501)〈如果過了今晚〉 M TO M〈再見 真的 再見〉(inst.) 金亨俊(SS501)〈如果過了今晚〉 M TO M〈再見 真的 再見〉(inst.) Part.3 MBLAQ〈I Belong To You〉 Part.4 Kim Yeon Woo〈You Are My Love〉 Kim Yeon Woo〈You Are My Love〉(inst.) http://k2ost.wordpress.com/2014/07/16/lie-to-me-ost/ Posted on July 16, 2014 by JimmyJS image location of Lie to Me OST [FULL OST Album](mp3):-- http://img607.imageshack.us/img607/3533/ostpart1.jpg Title: 내게 거짓말을 해봐 OST / Lie to Me OST Artist: Various Artists Language: Korean Release Date: 2011-Jun-21 Number of Tracks: 10 Publisher: CJ E&M (씨제이이앤엠 주식회사) Agency: SH Creative Works (SH크리에이티브웍스) Track Listing No. Song Title Artist 1. Shameless Lie (뻔뻔한 거짓말) Heo Ga Yoon 2. 3!4!0! (A Love Official) (3!4!0! (쌈박 한 사랑 공식)) Jadu (자두) 3. Midnight Passes (이 밤이 지나가면) Kim Hyung Joon 4. Goodbye, Really Goodbye (안녕 정말 안녕) M to M (엠투엠) 5. I Belong to You MBLAQ (엠블랙) 6. You Are My Love Kim Yun Woo 7. Walking On the Cloud (구름 위를 거닐다) Choi Won Joon 8. Goodbye, Really Goodbye (안녕 정말 안녕) (Inst.) Various Artists 9. You Are My Love (Inst.) Various Artists 10. Walking on The Cloud (구름 위를 거닐다) (Inst.) Various Artists youtube.com/watch?v=ua0blDWs0BA&list=PL530E23247412C778 Lie To Me OST [K-Drama] image location: i.ytimg.com/vi/ua0blDWs0BA/hqdefault.jpg?custom=true&w=196&h=110&stc=true&jpg444=true&jpgq=90&sp=68&sigh=9lD_sQyjrTvaeD5205YcYT1AnzY 10 videos by indoootie View full playlist (10 videos) youtube.com/watch?v=HtoSztONT5g&list=PLKK2JID2aKrbxMN1MVVvL6RsTmfulPfFv Lie to me ost songs 12部影片 上載者:p_vang_lee 2. [LIE TO ME Sound Track ] Lovin' Ice cream- EZ Life & As one 5. Lie to me OST lovin ice cream [* Kang Ji Hwan + Yoon Eun Hye + videos!!] 10. Lie To Me OST -아무것도-JUST- NOTHING - Kang Ji Hwan - Yoon Eun Hye - OST FULL SONG (NEW) 12. Lie to Me (OST) The Blue Night of Jeju Island - Sung Si Kyung 檢視完整播放清單 (12 部影片) youtube.com/watch?v=Tjx6nLgIwbA&list=PL4524D6ECB60B21A1 Lie to me - Ost 14 videos by Doramas25 3:36LIE TO ME_내게거짓말을해봐_I Belong to You 4:04♡You're my love♡ Ah Jung X Gi Joon ☾Lie to me OST☽ Sub español View full playlist (14 videos) youtube.com/watch?v=PP17wbz0hPs&list=PLDFF80FB9BE653061 Lie to Me OST Korean Drama 18 videos by Temajuki youtube.com/watch?v=g0hq3202YIY&list=PLC3D3E3E96820E855 lie to me ost 39部影片 上載者:102674myra 檢視完整播放清單 (39 部影片) **N.B. 11 videos had been deleted as at 2014.10.6 youtube.com/watch?v=j-FEZ8j7N7k Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 & Kang Ji Hwan 강지환 "Lie To Me" 내게 거짓말을 해봐-TVB news ✞ Hallyu Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 International Fan Channel ✞ (3:18) 2011.6.18 觀看次數: 18,420 as at 2014.1.7(20:30) talking about her ideal boyfriend: said that of course every girl likes a tall, handsome man with manners but these are just some of the things that can play on a girls insecurities. that sure good looks, money and status are great but to her it isnt everything, that at the end of the day what she seeks for in a partner is a connection where she can feel, share and be moved by the other's heart and mind and vice versa. credit: smr05 kathywky -- i can see the efford that yoon eun hye paied. therefore, don't care the rating, as many people oversea are looking forward to 'lie to me' and you=] By the way, you act very well. The drama that you acted, 'coffee prince', '궁' are so touching, especially, you in '궁' , even though i watched it for 5 times, i would still cry. Anyway, hope you get well soon, and act more drama series for us.=] gracesmith8710 -- Yoon and KJH , awesome chemistry. They must friends or liked each other event before drama. For international fans the rating in Korea is not bothersome, internet sites including China and Japan are buzzing with like Lie to me drama. Many are awaiting already re-runs in many countries and DVD sale. KJH made good career move, now many fans discover him in YEH. Never bothered to watch his dramas before. Now he is well know to YEH drama addicts around the world. Love this couple forever. *以下是韓語中文字幕視頻:-- http://www.funtude.com/teleplay/24-2011-458.html 年份:2011 類型:偶像劇;言情劇;都市劇 導演:金秀龍 演員:尹恩惠 ; 姜至奐 ; 洪秀賢 ; 趙允熙 《對我說謊試試》原定名《甜蜜緋聞》,講述了尹恩惠扮演的20歲後半段的活動策劃公司代理孔雅貞,性格外向還有點厚臉皮的大齡剩女,從GoldMiss到 斷貨女郎的轉變之間,周圍人都投來不友好的的視線。是尹恩惠繼《拜託小姐》兩年後的回歸熒屏之作。被誤認為是孔雅貞丈夫的酒店富豪玄基俊將由姜志煥扮演, 這也是他在SBS《咖啡屋》後時隔1年多再次出演電視劇。該劇的劇本由曾編寫過《向大地投球》的金藝蓮作家擔任,導演則是《爸爸的家》的金秀龍。 http://www.funtude.com/teleplay/play.php?view=24.2011.458.1303758.1428698 第16集(完結) *♪歌詞出現在右上方 http://www.funtude.com/teleplay/play.php?view=24.2011.458.1303758.1428699 ♥Love Letter (22:00~23:20) www.iqiyi.com/dianshiju/20110629/956d7ed82ae240b6.html 对我说谎试试第16集 (1:05:55) 剧集信息总播放:90,965,456次 as at 2013.11.21 2014.1.22 "很抱歉,您所觀看的視頻已經下綫" 总播放:9,238万次 对我说谎试试第16集简介 雅婷虽然很爱奇俊,但是对结婚还是觉得不确定。 雅婷决定先去济州岛工作一段时间,奇俊虽然不舍,但仍然表示支持。 小兰在医院检查发现自己已经怀孕了,回到家却发现才范留了张字条离家出走了,小兰向雅婷打电话询问。 奇俊收到雅婷的邮件后有了新的计划。 ( 雅婷给出自己的答案) (04:30 - 05:15) 電子版情信 (54:45 - 56:40) 情信(紙條)內容♥Love Letter 第16集玄啟俊看情書劇照原載於:-- kadorama-recaps.blogspot.hk/2011/07/sinopsis-lie-to-me-episode-16-final.html 影像網址:-- http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-qNDmP-XoOEY/TiDlG8DO6bI/AAAAAAAAldI/1-1E-5SMg6k/s320/ltm16_6_5.JPG (55:00) to: 奇俊 from: 雅婷 奇俊, 那天, 決定見姑姑的那天, 因為我沒有遵守約定, 你很生氣吧?! 真的對不起 不過我 找回了丟失的東西 就像在博物館你說的一樣 時間無盡 毫無痕跡 空間無限 毫無蹤跡 在那無盡的時間裡 我們生在了同一時代 在那無限的空間裡 能和你相遇並融為一體 不知道是多麼驚奇的緣份! 不知道是多麼美麗的奇跡! 我終於感受到了 然後最終找回了 暫時失去方向的我的那些記憶 在這個過去與現在共存的博物館 雖然真的花了很長的時間 但是現在至少能確信 我可以奔向你了 謝謝你能等我 還有, 我愛你 *以下是普通話視頻:-- http://www.funshion.com/subject/play/96385/16 对我说谎试试 第16集 (64:38) 指数:56,822,025 as at 2013.11.21; 指数 :56,949,253 as at 2014.1.24 [2014.1.24 不再提供在线看] (04:30 - 05:15) 電子版情信 (54:45 - 56:40) 情信(紙條)內容♥Love Letter 王淑怡 -- 最後的收尾很好看,對於女生來說,愛上一個人, 談一場全心全意的愛並不是最難的,至少, 我認為, 結婚然後進入另一個截然不同的家庭, 學習另一種生活模式, 結束前半輩子的小女兒心態, 學習當個稱職的媳婦, 是比愛上一個人更難的課題 2013-11-26 19:50 魏哲华-- 与其在谎言中结束,不如在谎言中相爱 2013-05-16 19:12 庚娜娜 -- 玻璃心尹恩惠變大齡剩女, “可樂之吻”定終身 王大大 -- @尹恩惠 演技真的很好! 一开始觉得他跟 @姜志煥,看起來不是很配,不過後面越看覺得越登對! 荪小赫 -- 兩個人的愛情好浪漫啊! 尤其是男主角, 給人感覺嚴肅又有點可愛。 预告对我说谎试试 预告(00:38) 憤怒的鋼鏰-- 非常好看的一部韓劇,情節緊湊,很多經典鏡頭值得回味。 男女主角都演得很自然,姜志煥雖然不是長得特出眾那種,但是小眼神特別是一笑真的非常有魅力! 總之是個難得好片! 夢與命_ -- 好想看他們結婚和他們的婚後生活哦 電視劇fans1 -- 好久沒看這麼純粹的愛情劇,只為愛情而講愛情。 故事雖然簡單,但簡單得很認真。 最近的戲,不是加了大義,就是加了人文關懷,都沒有像這部戲這樣,專講兩個人的關係,女人之間的關係,男女之間的關係。 因為純粹,所以感動。 孔雅靜的這一句話說出了多少剩女的心情。 是的,我們不是想要結婚,而是想成為結了婚的女人。 我們已經不在奢望愛情了,已經不在乎單身一人了, 但是,在面對他人,面對那些曾經站在同一起跑線的人, 我們希望自己是個已經結了婚的女人。 丈夫是誰,不要緊, 他的人品如何,不要緊, 他的性格怎樣,不要緊。 要緊的是,我們是結了婚的女人,而不是沒人要的剩女。 剩女本身,沒有那個誰是真的無所謂了, 一個人也可以生活的很好, 也清楚得明白,如果所遇非人,還不如單身。 但是面對親人朋友乃至敵人的詢問, 我們寧願在人前貼上已婚女的標籤, 然後在人後過著剩女的生活! http://kr.vslovetv.com/search/label/2011%E9%9F%93%E5%9C%8B%E9%9B%BB%E8%A6%96%E5%8A%87-%E5%B0%8D%E6%88%91%E8%AA%AA%E8%AC%8A%E8%A9%A6%E8%A9%A6%28%E7%94%9C%E8%9C%9C%E8%AC%8A%E8%A8%80%29 對我說謊試試(甜蜜謊言) 劇集列表 Lie to Me List 優酷版本,若因版權因素無法收看 *以下是韓語英文字幕視頻:-- http://www.gooddrama.net/korean-drama/lie-to-me http://www.gooddrama.net/images/series/big/201.jpg Lie to Me Titles: Naege Geojitmaleul Haebwa, Sweet Scandal, Try Lying to Me, 내게 거짓말을 해봐, 달콤한 스캔들 Description: Gong Ah Jung, a level 5 Ministry of Culture official, gets entangled in a web of lies when she mistakenly lies that she's married to Hyun Ki Joon, a hotel manager from an affluent family. Their relationship is further complicated when Ki Joon's ex-fiancée and a close friend of his brother's, Oh Yoon Joo, reappears in his life. Category:Korean Drama Status: Completed Released: 2011 Rating: 9.5 (1668 Votes) Rate it! Genres:Comedy, Romance Videos: Lie to Me Episode 16 FinalOct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 15Oct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 14Oct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 13Oct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 12Oct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 11Oct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 10Oct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 9Oct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 8Oct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 7Oct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 6Oct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 5Oct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 4Oct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 3Oct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 2Oct 11, 2011 Lie to Me Episode 1Oct 11, 2011 SYDNEY -- highy l recommended! Love thie love story, very romanic and affectionate which is sometimes lacking in some K dramas. I like the leading actor , e is good, I"ve watched him in other drama too. congrats to all. from the director to the scriptwriter. HATS OFF TO ALL OF YOU. 0 OUT O TEN yoon-eun-hye -- 4 thumbs UP!!!! wow so great ending...yoon eun hye korean tv series are always so GREAT!!!!!!!!! Sureka -- A m biggest fan of eun hye......looks adorable....like this hero a lot... Very handsome...nice episode http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xm12ko_lie-to-me-ep-16_shortfilms Lie to me ep 16 - Video Dailymotion [English sub] 由mikaru6661 (11:07) 被观看6,460次 as at 2014.1.24(16:16) (00:00) ♥Love Letter ...have already found the missing item. It's just like what you said in the museum. There is no trace of endless time. In this infinite space, no traces can be found In that endless time. we are born in the same age. Is then an infinite space. To meet and melt with you for one. I do not know how amazing is this fate. I do not know how beautiful is this miracle. I finally feel it. Then finally... I have finally found it. I have temporarily lost the direction of those memories. Is this go over with now coexist Museum. Although it really took a lone time. But now at least I am confident that I can match up to you. Thank you for being able to wait for me. Furthermore, I love you. http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/BvAA9iCDFaE/ 對我說謊試試E原創超長MV微電影 晚晚Ennis (12:41) 2014年01月05日 1,722次播放 as at 2014.3.27(20:00) (07:50) "......孔雅婷沒關係......" *以下是粵語配音中文字幕視頻:-- http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/JPWaTb7k1L8/ 大話男女 Ch13+14(TVBOXNOW) (128:58) yan10a 上传于 2011年12月18日累積瀏覽: 20,342 as at 2014.3.27(19:30) http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/rXL9CFNfXPw 大話男女 Ch11+12 (TVBOXNOW) (131:06) yan10a 上传于 2011年12月11日累積瀏覽: 26,990 as at 2014.3.30(19:50) http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/taGyTQZFNSM/ 大話男女 Ch09+10(TVBOXNOW) (128:39) *對不起,該視頻暫時無法播放,請刷新頁面重試。2014.3.27(19:40) yan10a 上传于 2011年12月04日累積瀏覽: 26,490 as at 2014.3.30(19:30) (01:50) 孔雅婷把頭髮剪短後...... "挺好的......" (17:08) 孔雅婷在櫻花樹下哭泣...... [插曲歌詞:--] 又要多麼的傷心難過 才能一點一滴忘卻 只是把你放在心裡 並不是分手 我如此堅信 才可活下去 因為你連我的心都帶走了 因為你連我的眼淚都帶走了 是你讓我沒有你 "壞蛋!" 什麼也做不了 你全都帶走了 有你我才能活下去 "連櫻花都沒有了......" 一定要有你 我才能活下去 你會回來 一定要回來 "沒有了......全都沒有了......" 因為我至死也會等著你 "現在連櫻花都沒有了......" (18:30) 雅婷的父親路過,看見哭泣中的愛女...... http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/2DdEKL4lt24/ 大話男女 Ch07+08 (TVBOXNOW ) (124:02) yan10a 上传于 2011年11月23日 21,297 as at 2014.3.30(18:40) (00:00) Lovin' ice-cream + Kiss http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/MJrERfpn47o 大話男女 Ch05+06 (TVBOXNOW ) (126:35) yan10a 上传于 2011年11月17日 16,891 as at 2014.3.30(18:40) (00:00) negotiation re: contract http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/dKVjwYOOSPY/ 大話男女 Ch03+04 (TVBOXNOW ) (127:12) yan10a 上传于 2011年11月08日 12,733 as at 2014.3.30(19:00) (01:44) "老公,我在這裡......" http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/egn-GJc35UM/ 大話男女 Ch01+02 (TVBOXNOW ) (125:17) yan10a 上传于 2011年11月10日 20,230 as at 2014.3.30(19:20) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 績篇 (17 Jan 2013) ♥ 尹恩惠主演的新一部韓劇《想你》,也有手寫"情書"的情節...... 詳見: http://www.utravel.com.hk/member-blog/lau_yichen/ADsRYREvA3AMLA/ {http://blog.yahoo.com/lau_yi-chen/articles/953873/index} MBC電視臺韓劇《想你》韓語:보고싶다,英語:I Miss You; 於2012年11月7日~ 2013年1月17播放的水木連續劇。 《想你》宣傳海報原載於: http://tw.omg.yahoo.com/news/%E6%83%B3%E4%BD%A0-%E9%80%A3%E7%BA%8C%E7%A9%A9%E5%9D%90%E6%9C%88%E7%81%AB%E5%8A%87%E6%94%B6%E8%A6%96%E5%86%A0%E8%BB%8D-001054569.html ♥♥ Zoe李秀妍(尹恩惠飾演)把她對韓正宇(朴有天飾演)的心聲,寫在記事本上:-- (英文字幕視頻見下) 英文譯本 從左方英文譯本,參考翻譯網,中文譯本如下:- Jung Woo, 正宇, I...from Harry, 我從哈利(即姜亨俊,俞承豪飾演) I received so many things, 得到很多很多東西 but I didn't give any. 但我卻沒給他什麼 I had food and clothing. 我得到食物和衣服 I also went to school. 我還可以上學去哩...... I rested at a comfortable place. 我能夠在一個安逸的環境中成長 I can't pay all of those back, but... 不能支付哈利給我的所有,但是...... I want to pay back the debt of love. 我希望可以償還"愛"的債務 I promise you. 我答應你 It won't take long. 我不會需要很長的時間 Hang Jung Woo... 韓正宇…... To a murderer's daughter, Lee Su Yeon 感謝你把李秀妍,一個殺人犯的女兒 the one who asked to be friends... 作為朋友來看待...... I, also, no matter whose son you are, don't care. 我也不管你是誰的兒子... Hang Jung Woo... 韓正宇...... Let's love each other with me. 我們彼此相愛吧... If we meet again. 如果我們再能相遇 Let's not be separated, and... 我們不再分開好了... Let's love. 讓我們相愛 Let's love. 讓我們相愛 《想你》第17集"情書" 英文譯本原載於:-- 網頁: Youtube.com 標題: I miss you ep 17 Eng sub FULL www.guzzylady.com (Video Project in the description) (“這部影片不存在。” ) 影片提供者: guzzylady002 發佈時間:2013-01-04 on air date: 3 Jan 2013 觀看次數:232,659 次as at 2013.2.8(18:00) ♥(0:56:50 - 0:57:50) ♥李秀妍(尹恩惠飾演)寫給韓正宇(朴有天飾演)的"情書" ****網友如有其他譯本或感想,敬請分享。謝謝! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 October 2013 今天是這篇文章一週年紀念的日子,也是我寫有關韓劇blog一週年紀念的日子,謝謝各方網友的到訪,尤其是首日的150人次,因為初時還未懂得如何上載劇照或視頻,感激不盡喔! Yahoo Blog 將於10月底停止編輯,12月26日便正式向大家告別,敬請珍惜餘下有限的緣份哩! 往後,我會繼續以"劉伊宸"這個筆名寫文章的。再見! 保重! Crew of Jejudo:--http://kadorama-recaps.blogspot.hk/2011/07/sinopsis-lie-to-me-episode-16-final.html image location:-- http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-EW6nmvwWZxc/TiD0_lkB9jI/AAAAAAAAlpg/gJtn7wWcot4/s320/ltm_end2.JPG youtube.com/watch?v=4UGG_5v8dZ8 HwanHye couple Lie To Me BTS 3 - ep 16 last kiss JiHye HwanHye (4:46) 2013.4.5 觀看次數:43,461次 as at 2014.10.7(19:00); 68,858 as at 2015.9.12(14:40) shane gal-- Wonderful voice of YEH in the beginning of the video. So talented YEH! So many kissing angle shots . Yahoooo..... =) biyang aiyu -- i am jealous ... stop kissing other girl oppa ji hwan ,... hahahahhhh 12 September 2015 自香港無綫電視J2台,2015.9.1(Tue)起重播《大話男女》 ,瀏覽人數嚴如"咸魚翻生",昨天錄得113人次; 總瀏覽人次:10,014(Yahoo Blog+blog.ulifestyle.com.hk),成為"萬人戶"了。 感謝網民的厚愛! ~劉伊宸 ______________________________________________ 》更多有關《對我說謊試試》的文章包括:-- http://www.utravel.com.hk/member-blog/lau_yichen/ADsRZBEtA3EMKg/《對我說謊試試》尹恩惠姜至奐趙允熙盛駿♪再見真的再見♦分手輔導♥理想對象♥愛的宣言 http://www.utravel.com.hk/member-blog/lau_yichen/ADsRZBErA3IMKQ/ 《對我說謊試試》漫畫尹恩惠☆復職自辯對白♪SS501金亨俊Midnight Passes♪《漫步在雲端》 http://weshare.hk/lauyichen/articles/542803 {http://blog.yahoo.com/lau_yi-chen/articles/902416/index} ♫MP3s of Lie To Me OST 《對我說謊試試》+ 花絮/劇照: 尹恩惠+姜至奐合唱版Lovin' Ice Cream/"定情之吻"Cola Kiss http://www.utravel.com.hk/member-blog/lau_yichen/ADMRYBEsA3E {http://blog.yahoo.com/lau_yi-chen/articles/648155/index} [中英韓文歌詞+拼音]♪Nothing/Anything/아무것도/什麼都不是 by Just 《對我說謊試試》X《此時此刻》薛凱琪《名媛望族》☆快樂與正向心理學 -------------------------------------------------------- 1st Edition: 2 October 2012 Final Yahoo Blog version: 29 October 2013. This page was last modified on 9 July 2016.