☆第2、3、4、5、7、9、10、16集《未來的選擇》劇照/視頻/Recap ☆李東健遭受到“水的洗禮”拍攝地是忠清南道某外景地 / BTS ♠ 李東健飾演金信人物介紹/《星球大戰》造型: 揮動熒光劍 ♠ 尹恩惠飾演"羅未來"人物介紹(繁體字版) ♥ 1st Kiss of 尹恩惠與李東健照片/視頻 ♥ Link of 尹恩惠與李東健照片/漫畫/卡通泥人塑像 ☆第三集預告/世洙與未來相擁/金信主播拍枱反對朴世洙和羅未來在公司內部戀愛組圖/動態劇照/漫畫金信:“我不是說了嘛,不要在公司內部戀愛” ♪ 朴孝信為好友李東健回歸作品《未來的選擇》應援,演唱OST《It's you》 ♪Youtube版《It's you》+[中日韓英拼音歌詞] / J2版中文譯本 ♪ Gaon Chart National Digital Singles Ranking & Online Downloads For The Week from November 10 to 16 2013 J2 第4集~金信向文具店老闆說明:如果他拒絕播出,偷影的片也不會出街的。 ☆在綫看《未來的選擇》/李東健與尹恩惠在地下鐵火災現場相擁劇照+視頻+BTS視頻 J2 第8集~金信:"未來和命運......未來會因瞬間選擇而有所改變......未來不是既定的結果, 你現在的選擇, 就是你的未來。" ♥ 第8集Happy Times視頻/第9集"潘多拉的盒子"之"鬼屋情書"/遺書[中英文譯本](Youtube/J2版本)、視頻 J2 第12集~金信:"......人生哲理:一分耕耘,一分收穫......" ☆ Youtube: Ep 12 Marriage/Parent; Ep 14 GOODBYE MY LOVE☆平行宇宙理論 J2 第17集~金信謝謝羅未來回到過去......讓他可以有一個完全不同的人生! ☆ Youtube: Ep.15 Balcony Convo, Ep.16 WALK SCENE ☆東健zooms探班東健劇組 / Youtube 剪輯 ♪ 歌名Salad Song 的意思/Youtube 尹恩惠與李東健2008合唱版MV +歌詞[中韓英文] + 《沙拉紀念日》錄制歌曲中照片 ☆ Youtube videos - Kim Shin x Mi Rae "Burning Bridges"(lyrics) /"Just Give Me a Reason" ☆《未來的選擇》4種成功原因 2013年12月4日 Reporter@TopstarNews.co.kr ♪Youtube版 [Full Album] The Future Choice OST / Morning Dew/Lonely Christmas ♠ CNBLUE鄭容和之《未來的選擇》朴孝信 - It's You ~ 華納官方中字版/衛視中文台/有線劇集台 韓劇 - 未來的選擇 預告 » KSTYLE |2014年10月08日17時49分--李東健「『未來的選擇』的氣氛製造機是愛撒嬌的鄭容和先生」 »Lee Dong-gun turns into Superdaddy for tvN ♥李東健與T-ara智妍戀情因電影《邂逅》擦愛火 [Posted on 29/10/2013 觀看次數:648 as at 2014.6.11] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 韓劇《未來的選擇》미래의 선택 (Miraeui Seontaek; lit. Mirae's Choice) Marry Him If You Dare《未来の選択》,為KBS自2013年10月14日~12月3日播出的月火連續劇。演出包括尹恩惠、李東健、鄭容和、韓彩雅及崔明吉。 香港無綫電視J2台的播出日期: 2014.10.22~11.19。 http://gx.people.com.cn/n/2013/1023/c229131-19754187.html 第3集中,李東健用深情的眼神望著身穿患者服的尹恩惠,因交通事故而相識的兩人,更是上演浪漫的吻戲...... image locaiton:-- http://www.people.com.cn/mediafile/pic/20131023/59/12082683960693580027.jpg or Marry Him If You Dare Releases First Kiss Stills for Yoon Eun Hye And Lee Dong Gun:-- http://upload.enewsworld.net/News/Contents/20131021/48597002.jpg See also:-- http://forums.soompi.com/en/discussion/2019702/drama-2013-marry-him-if-you-dare-%EB%AF%B8%EB%9E%98%EC%9D%98-%EC%84%A0%ED%83%9D/p188 Home › k-dramas & movies [Drama 2013] Marry Him If You Dare 미래의 선택 Lee Dong Gun and Yun Eun Hye Share a Kiss Oct 2013 I Yoon Eun Hye Posts: 1,711 youtube.com/watch?v=0eYlp8L6QeI 有線劇集台 韓劇 - 未來的選擇 預告 預告頻道 (0;15) 2014.3.11 觀看次數:1,495 次 as at 2015.3.16(19:40) 未來的選擇 (全港首播)演員:尹恩惠、鄭容和、李東健播出日期:2014年3月31日起(逢星期一至五)播出時間:晚上10時正集數:21 現轉時空的未來的選擇,講述來自未來世界的女主角,她借機接近電視台的太子爺,企圖改變自己會下嫁主播的命運... youtube.com/watch?v=YMOsOleOv2w 有線劇集台 韓劇 - 未來的選擇 預告 (2) 預告頻道 (0;15) 2014.3.14 觀看次數:651 次as at 2015.3.16(19:50) youtube.com/watch?v=KeeXOVobr2A 有線劇集台 韓劇 - 未來的選擇 預告 (3) 預告頻道 (0:15) 2014.4.1 觀看次數:560 次 as at 2015.3.16(19:50) youtube.com/watch?v=Ns4JyTMgpIw 有線劇集台 韓劇 - 未來的選擇 第21集 大結局 (28/04) 預告 預告頻道 (0:15) 2014.4.25 觀看次數:183 次 as at 2014.5.3(19:20); 3,256 as at 2015.3.16(20:00) 第21集 : 金信聽見未來自己的聲音~金信聽到傳來一把聲音,自稱是35年後的「金信」,他說自己當年因為沒有報到這則新聞,而獲得名利,但朋友都漸漸的疏遠自己。 ~羅未來約朴世州到她家,為他準備了豐盛的晚餐,朴世州將自己辭職的事告訴羅未來,及告訴她自己去留學。 ~朴世州覺得自己一直在家人庇護下做著自己不喜歡的事,想重新去留學,去做真正喜歡的事。 ~羅未來和她哥哥送將來的羅未來離開,臨別時三人依依不捨。 ~多年後的聖誕節,因為羅未來的新書發表,而到徐幼京的節目中訪問,而朴世州留學回國,金信也在網絡上主持節目...... youtube.com/watch?v=Uzv7tQyLfqg 5月14日起《未來的選擇》衛視中文台 Pamela Wheatley (1:00) 2014.5.17 觀看次數:107 次 as at 2014.6.10(19:30) youtube.com/watch?v=TOGPgLLFujU [Epi.3 1st Kiss] HD 미래의 선택 'Marry Him If You Dare' - Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 & Lee Dong Gun 이동건 https://i.ytimg.com/vi/TOGPgLLFujU/mqdefault.jpg 미래의 선택 Hallyu Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 MHIYD (0:41) 2013.10.21 觀看次數:7,890 次 as at 2015.3.16(19:50) Kristine Marie -- So sweet!!! This is a Daebak OTP in recent Korean drama! Martine Little -- I want this musiiic!!! sooo goood!!! *____* makes me dream! Eve Ajijah -- Love them <3 <3 http://blog.xuite.net/janek226/drama/146430360-%E2%95%AD%E2%98%86%E3%80%90%E9%9F%93%E5%8A%87%E3%80%91%E6%9C%AA%E4%BE%86%E7%9A%84%E9%81%B8%E6%93%87%E5%8A%87%E6%83%85%E4%BA%BA%E7%89%A9%E4%BB%8B%E7%B4%B9 ╭☆【韓劇】未來的選擇劇情人物介紹 李東健飾演"金信"人物介紹:-- http://a.blog.xuite.net/a/6/6/d/25336216/blog_2347879/txt/146416889/17.jpg http://ent.haxiu.com/20130924181116.html 這場李東健遭受到“水的洗禮”戲早在8月12日拍攝完成,拍攝地是忠清南道某外景地。李東健飾演的金信是一個一生氣就滿口粗話,性格不討喜但內心滿懷信念的播音員。 李東健遭受到“水的洗禮” image location:-- http://img.haxiu.com/allimg/130924/54_130924175802_1.jpg 劇照+漫畫尹恩惠與李東健影像網址:-- https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1260902_10151852646658966_131809151_n.jpg 尹恩惠飾演"羅未來"人物介紹:-- http://a.blog.xuite.net/a/6/6/d/25336216/blog_2347879/txt/146416889/15.jpg 漫畫尹恩惠與李東健(3張直圖)影像網址:-- http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/676a7df7gw1e8nblxlwehj20c81bdwik.jpg youtube.com/watch?v=UDz-98mJrTA [BTS 130921] Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 & Lee Dong Gun 이동건 Marry Him If You Dare 미래의선택 https://i.ytimg.com/vi/gJRSpXMd9cg/mqdefault.jpg ✞ Hallyu Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 International Fan Channel ✞ (0:59) 2013.9.21 觀看次數:17,722 as at 2014.5.3(19:30); 25,689 as at 2015.3.16(19:50) Video credit, original source: akfnzh syj youtube Pei Yong Chang -- May this new drama couple create newfound chemistry to arouse fans' interests.... YEH and LDG, our best wishes! Ari M -- I think of they went on running man to promote the ratings would sky rocket! 張 懷萱 -- eun hye so cute!! Mirae's Choice FIGHTING!! mayzielly -- Thanks a lot! Hope they will promote in a variety show. :D MHIYD, Mirae's Choice FIGHTING!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://hangzhou.edushi.com/bang/info/4-21-n435053.html 李東健賣萌出鏡攜手伊恩惠打造未來的選擇 來源:明星網 編輯:蓉蓉 發佈於:2013-10-08 12:34:57 點擊量:115 as at 2013.12.6 李東健《星球大戰》造型劇照:-- 網易娛樂10月1日報導 http://news.mingxing.com/upload/picture/2013/10/469Ahjt.png or http://l1.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/6cjsCdsjp8hEcewSXLIXUw--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9aW5zZXQ7aD01ODA7cT03NTt3PTU4MA--/http://media.zenfs.com/ko_KR/News/starnn/20131001090453_524a11a390a5d_1.jpg or http://jojoj7789.pixnet.net/blog/post/163322006-%E3%80%8A%E6%9C%AA%E4%BE%86%E3%80%8B%E6%9D%8E%E6%9D%B1%E5%81%A5%E8%AE%8A%E8%BA%AB%E3%80%8C%E6%98%9F%E7%90%83%E5%A4%A7%E6%88%B0%E3%80%8D-%E4%BA%BA%E7%89%A9%E7%B6%B2%E6%B0%91 由李東健、伊恩惠主演的電視劇《未來的選擇》將於10月14日播出,近日,片方曝光了一組李東健在該劇中的造型,他變身為《星球大戰》中達斯·維達手揮動熒光劍,網民紛紛大叫好玩,並十分期待該劇的播出。 《未來的選擇》是一部講述了製作人,編劇以及播音員等電視台相關人員的工作與愛情的作品。 劇中,尹恩惠飾演的女主人公遇到未來的自己,在未來的自己提醒下進入電視台工作並以此改變自己人生的故事。 此外,李東健飾演電視台代表,鄭容和則飾演隱瞞真實身份,以VJ在電視台工作的CEO,韓彩雅飾演電視台女主播,為尋找真愛而徘徊在李東健與鄭容和飾演的兩名男主人公身邊。 http://livehappy2.pixnet.net/blog/post/277530374-%E3%80%8A%E6%9C%AA%E4%BE%86%E7%9A%84%E9%81%B8%E6%93%87%E3%80%8B%E6%9D%8E%E6%9D%B1%E5%81%A5%22%E5%A6%82%E6%AD%A4%E5%B8%A5%E6%B0%A3%E4%B8%BB%E6%8C%81%E4%BA%BA%22 《未來的選擇》李東健"如此帥氣主持人" @ YO 咪娛樂日報:: 痞客邦 ... 19日電視劇《未來的選擇》製作方公開了壹組李東健在拍攝現場的照片後立刻吸引了 ... _____________________________________________________________________________________ *卡通泥人塑像* http://blog.daum.net/sarang-sori 사랑소리 2013.10.27 13:28 http://blog.daum.net/sarang-sori/7071592 http://cfile221.uf.daum.net/image/2361AA49526C95A7155468 사랑소리 2013.10.20 14:14 http://blog.daum.net/sarang-sori/7071585 http://cfile227.uf.daum.net/image/2714AC3B52636629143D59 http://cfile222.uf.daum.net/image/210A553B5263662A1BC5E4 사랑소리 2013.10.15 13:23 http://blog.daum.net/sarang-sori/7071578 http://cfile238.uf.daum.net/image/2574374B525CC2E1107A06 http://cfile236.uf.daum.net/image/266E464B525CC2E215003E 사랑소리 2013.10.08 17:11 http://blog.daum.net/sarang-sori/7071573 http://cfile230.uf.daum.net/image/216AD53D5253BDD649B0CE _____________________________________________________________________________________ http://xmwww.com/xm/hgyy/590306.html 朴孝信為韓劇《未來的選擇》演唱OST《It's you》 韓國音樂 2013-11-11 (15:50) 編輯:H 星明網訊11日, 歌手朴孝信所屬社FNC透露朴孝信將為好友李東健回歸作品《未來的選擇》應援,為其演唱OST《It's you》。 該曲將融合他特有的聲線與感性,將觀眾帶入劇情。 另外,歌曲將於11日播出的劇集中首次公開,並於12日正午公開音源。 image location:-- http://xmtu.xmwww.com/uploads/allimg/131111/439-131111151G55a.jpg or http://xmtu.xingshu.com/uploads/allimg/131111/439-131111151G55a.jpg 原載於:-- http://news.52fuqing.com/newsshow-291177.html image location:-- http://pop1gasa.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/314133.jpg 《未來的選擇》(KBS月火電視劇)OST - Part.4 /미래의선택(KBS 월화드라마) OST - Part.4 發行日期:2013.11.12 專輯風格:O.S.T 曲目列表:01.朴孝信-It's You/박효신(Park Hyoshin)-It's You http://www.allkpop.com/article/2013/11/gaon-chart-releases-chart-rankings-for-november-10-november-16#axzz2pF71vQ5t Check out the chart rankings for the week of November 10 to November 16 below! (The Gaon Chart is the national chart of South Korea and is intended to be the equivalent of Oricon in Japan and Billboard in the United States.) < Gaon Chart National Digital Singles Ranking > 1. Davichi - "The Letter" 2. Park Hyo Shin - "It's YOU" < Online Downloads For The Week > 1. Davichi - "The Letter" - 283,394 Downloads 2. Park Hyo Shin - "It's YOU" - 226,899 Downloads ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- youtube.com/watch?v=myHqGfdkIqo [中字]朴孝信(박효신 )_It's you(《未來的選擇》(미래의선택) OST part.4) https://i.ytimg.com/vi/myHqGfdkIqo/mqdefault.jpg a mayzi (3:45) 2013.11.13 觀看次數:6,555 as at 2014.5.3(19:30); 11,124 as at 2015.3.16(20:20) [MV]박효신 (Park Hyo Shin) - It's you(marry him if you dare(미래의선택) OST part.4) carol che -- Love this drama , love this song !!! 【首播】2013年10月14日 KBS2月火電視劇 【演員】尹恩惠、李東健、鄭容和、韓彩雅、崔明吉 翻譯、後製:啊~梅子嗑戲劇 轉載請註明【啊~梅子嗑戲劇http://amayzi.pixnet.net/blog】字樣。 影片原檔:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Hw9F... ※影片所有權及版權為FNC ENTERTAINMENT 、KBS-2所有,純中文翻譯分享。 그댄 모르죠 그댈 사랑하는 누군가를 geudaen moreujyo geudael saranghaneun nugungareul 온종일 곁에서 바라보는데도 모르고 있죠 onjongil gyeoteseo baraboneundedo moreugo itjyo 你大概不知道 愛著你的是誰 一整天 都在身邊看著你 你卻沒察覺 그댄 모르죠 그댈 목숨보다 사랑하는 geudaen moreujyo geudael moksumboda saranghaneun 바보 같은 사람을 babo gateun sarameul 你大概不知道 愛你比愛自己還多的 那個笨蛋 It's you 사랑한답니다 그게 내 진심입니다 It's you saranghandamnida geuge nae jinsimimnida 그댄 모르고 살아도 오늘도 내 맘은 그대뿐입니다 geudaen moreugo sarado oneuldo nae mameun geudaeppunimnida 내가 사랑하는 한 사람 It's you naega saranghaneun han saram It's you It's you 我愛你 這是發自內心的聲音 就算你從不知道 我的心直到今天 仍然只有你 我深愛的人 It's you 나는 모르죠 그댈 사랑하는 것만 알죠 naneun moreujyo geudael saranghaneun geotman aljyo 아픈 사랑이라 해도 apeun sarangira haedo 我什麼都不知道 只知道愛著你 就算這愛情生病了 It's you 사랑한답니다 그게 내 진심입니다 It's you saranghandamnida geuge nae jinsimimnida 그댄 모르고 살아도 오늘도 내 맘은 그대뿐입니다 geudaen moreugo sarado oneuldo nae mameun geudaeppunimnida 내가 사랑하는 한 사람 naega saranghaneun han saram It's you 我愛你 這是發自內心的聲音 就算你從不知道 我的心直到今天 仍然只有你 我深愛的人 내겐 마지막 한 사람 내 맘을 가진 한 사람 naegen majimak han saram nae mameul gajin han saram 나는 그대만 알아서 오늘도 사랑을 기다릴 겁니다 naneun geudaeman araseo oneuldo sarangeul gidaril geomnida 사랑하는 한 사람 It's you saranghaneun han saram It's you 對我來說最後的一個人 佔有我的心 那ㄧ個人 我只知道是你 我的愛直到今天 仍然在等待 深愛的人 It's you 그대만 알아서 버리질 못해서 눈물이 납니다 geudaeman araseo beorijil motaeseo nunmuri namnida 사랑하는 한 사람 saranghaneun han saram 我只知道你 我無法拋下你 就算眼淚流下 深愛的人 그댄 모르죠 그대보다 그댈 사랑하는 바보 같은 사람을 geudaen moreujyo geudaeboda geudael saranghaneun babo gateun sarameul 你大概不知道 比你更愛你的 那一個笨蛋 youtube.com/watch?v=2k01vT66h58 【中韩字幕】"未来的选择"OST PART4 It's You MV https://i.ytimg.com/vi/2k01vT66h58/mqdefault.jpg tomatodeng (3:53) Nov 16, 2013 觀看次數:11,751 as at 2014.5.3(19:30); 27,338 as at 2015.3.16(20:20) 翻译tranlate:韩晓居;制作producer:tomatodeng [YoonEunHye.cn] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 香港無綫電視J2台 http://mytv.tvb.com/drama/marryhimifyoudare/192209 未來的選擇 第 11 集 00:47:07 |2014-11-06 觀看人次: 1,748 as at 2014.11.7(16:50) (35:50~38:10) ♪朴孝信《It’s You》 你不知道吧 愛你更勝自己性命的 像傻瓜一般的人 It’s you 我說我愛你 那是我的真心 就算你始終不知道 到今天我的心中也只有你 我所愛的一個人 It’s you 我不知道 我只懂得愛著你 就算這是痛苦的愛 It’s you 我說我愛你 那是我的真心 就算你始終不知道 到今天我的心中也只有你 (37:21~37:37) [金信想起羅珠賢組長的一番說話:-- ......太沒有安全感, 我不放心把未來交給你, 你那固執、堅持原則的性格, 結婚後老婆就慘了......] 因為我只知道你 到今天我在等待你的愛我愛的一個人 youtube.com/watch?v=uzbQQ-EdFpE Park Hyoshin (박효신) - It's You (English Sub) - Marry Him If You Dare OST (미래의 선택) https://i.ytimg.com/vi/uzbQQ-EdFpE/mqdefault.jpg singbada (3:54) 2013.11.13 觀看次數:33,772 as at 2014.5.3(19:30); 57,895 as at 2015.3.16 Park Hyoshin - It's You / Marry Him If You Dare OST / 2013 박효신 - It's You / 미래의 선택 OST / 2013 English translation: singbada kris jung 1-- Favorite Park, Hyo-Shin's 'It's you~'!!~~♡♥☆★ al acivil -- i so loovvvveeeee this drama! whoever ends up with her would be so good coz both leading men were so handsome and hot! :) http://popgasa.com/2013/11/11/park-hyo-shin-its-you-marry-him-if-you-dare-ost/ Park Hyo Shin – It’s You (Marry Him If You Dare OST) By popgasa on November 11, 2013 You don’t know – even when someone who loves you Is looking at you all day by your side, you don’t know You don’t know about The person who loves you more than life itself It’s you, I love you, that’s my true heart Even if you don’t know, again today, my heart has only you The one person that I love, it’s you I don’t know but I only know how to love you Even if it’s a painful love It’s you, I love you, that’s my true heart Even if you don’t know, again today, my heart has only you The one person that I love, it’s you The one person who is my last, the one person who has my heart I only know you so again today, I will wait for love The one person that I love, it’s you Because I only know you, because I can’t cast you away, tears come The one person that I love You don’t know about the foolish person Who loves you more than you love yourself youtube.com/watch?v=Ew0ymhljEGU Park Hyo Shin - It's You MV (Marry Him If You Dare OST)[ENGSUB + Romanization + Hangul] https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Ew0ymhljEGU/mqdefault.jpg YozohhhCH3 (3:45) 2013.11.12 觀看次數:69,214 as at 2014.5.3(19:50); 116,029 as at 2015.3.16(20:20) CR: EngSub :POP!GASA Hangul:music.daum Rom:thelapan. All comments (54) as at 2015.3.16(20:20):-- jellymetal -- Even though the story has more sad regretful encounters, I still prefer Mirae with Kim Shin... Kim Shin really hold back his feelings for Mirae so many times as he is so afraid that she will suffer if she ends up with him. Looove this song by Park Hyo Shin, never stop tearing everytime I listened chiu galaxy chiu -- In the ending, there is an album of Future, she take a photo with her son in a room, the room is in Yonghwa's house, we can compare it with the room it episode 5. So, finally Future chose Yonghwa melomagnia --(edited) very beautiful OST drama Marry Him If You Dare ♥Park Hyo Shin♥ Jocellen Huddleston -- When I am ready to get married in the future; this will be my wedding song. Reply · Angeline Chan -- I like this song as the melody is very beautiful and the singer does an excellent job in interpreting and performing the song. Though the lyrics is touching, it might not be suitable to have it in a wedding. It is because the melody is sad. This is just my thought, please do not mind about my comment. For any wedding songs, I think they should be upbeat. Wish your wedding comes in the short coming future : 1 Kenia Lopez -- xiumin said that he likes to sing this on karaokes, i'm so curious i really wanna hear him singing this! ( hyo shin has a gorgeous voice tho i really love this song) Abigail Lee -- "Your future is a choice. I really really like this drama. This is such a great drama. Even though the ending wasn't good enough.. But still thumbs up for this drama. specially Jung Yong Hwa ❤️ creamynescafe -- I was listening to this while watching the drama and it hit me.. "It's Park hyo shin,is it?? but..eyy..can't be..I should have know if he has new song. well.. this guy do sound like PHS,though.." And later I find myself laughing at my own self finding out the real singer.. It's PHS..LOL.. Anyway..I really like this song and liking it even more knowing the singer. Febri Asianti -- nice song, nice mv. makes u kinds of wonder, is he the one or isn't he. btw, eun hye really looks like a mermaid in MHIYD Saps127 -- I'm confused. Who did she pick? I saw in the ending that she dug up what she put in the box years ago and it was a her and baby pics but it didn't show who's baby it was and then a man's hand went over her hand... does anyone know? 回覆 -- nada kim jj -- i think she pick kim shin bc she smile with a shy when she saw at the library this is just my guessing 回覆 -- audrey gabriella titaley -- I hope, she picked Sae Joo :) roxanita115 -- :'( This song is soo omg. I'm crying. ~the feels~ it's so painful to love someone who you can;t have and that already loves someone else.. love the song. http://kkromanized.wordpress.com/2013/11/12/rom-eng-lyrics-park-hyoshin-its-you-marry-him-if-you-dare-ost/ Park Hyoshin It’s You Lyrics|KROMANIZED Park Hyoshin–It’s You Romanization English translation Romanization: KROMANIZED.com geudaen moreujyo geudael sarang haneun nugungareul onjongil gyeoteseo bara boneun dedo moreugo itjyogeudaen moreujyo geudael mogsum boda sarang haneun babo gateun sarameul It’s you naneun moreujyo geudael sarang haneun geotman aljyo apeun sarangira haedo It’s you sarang handabnida geuge nae jinshim ibnida geudaen moreugo sarado oneuldo nae mameun geudae ppunibnida naega sarang haneun han saram naegen majimag han saram nae mameul gajin han saram naneun geudae man araseo oneuldo sarangeul gidaril geobnida sarang haneun han saram It’s you geudae man araseo beori jil motaeseo nunmuri nabnida sarang haneun han saram geudaen moreujyo geudae boda geudael sarang haneun babo gateun sarameul English: POP!GASA You don’t know – even when someone who loves you Is looking at you all day by your side, you don’t knowYou don’t know about The person who loves you more than life itself it’s you I don’t know but I only know how to love you Even if it’s a painful love It’s you, I love you, that’s my true heart Even if you don’t know, again today, my heart has only you The one person that I love The one person who is my last, the one person who has my heart I only know you so again today, I will wait for love The one person that I love, it’s you Because I only know you, because I can’t cast you away, tears come The one person that I love You don’t know about the foolish person Who loves you more than you love yourself ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ youtube.com/watch?v=MUcmTAVvz_4 [Vietsub + Kara] It's you - Park Hyo Shin ( Marry him if you dare OST Part 4) https://i.ytimg.com/vi/MUcmTAVvz_4/mqdefault.jpg KitesubOst (3:45) Nov 13, 2013 觀看次數:1,320 as at 2014.5.3(19:50); 2,528 as at 2015.3.16(20:40) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- youtube.com/watch?v=zcCSrE5YIe0 パクヒョシン 박효신 It's YOU 日本語字幕 미래의 선택 OST image location:-- i.ytimg.com/vi/zcCSrE5YIe0/mqdefault.jpg dingdongpyon (3:44) 2013.11.29 觀看次數:25,310 as at 2014.10.28(19:20); 42,046 as at 2015.3.16 未来の選択のOSTです♥︎^ - ^♥︎ Artist:Park Hyo-shin http://xn--ost-ym4b4dvc4621b2n2f.jp/its-you-park-hyo-shin-ost-220 未来の選択OST 「It’s You」 – パク・ヒョシン 日本語訳 タイトル:It’s You 韓国ドラマ「未来の選択」OSTパート4 作詞:ハン・ソンホ 한성호 作曲:キム・ドフン 김도훈 It’s You – パク・ヒョシン It’s You – 박효신 クデンモルジョクデルサランハヌンヌグンガルル 그댄 모르죠 그댈 사랑하는 누군가를 あなたは知らないでしょう あなたを愛する誰かを オンジョンイルキョテソパラボヌンデドモルゴイッチョ 온종일 곁에서 바라보는데도 모르고 있죠 一日中そばで見つめているのに知らないでしょう クデンモルジョクデルモクスムボダサランハヌンパボガトゥンサラムル 그댄 모르죠 그댈 목숨보다 사랑하는 바보같은 사람을 あなたは知らないでしょう あなたを命よりも愛するバカみたいな人を サランハンダムニダクゲネチンシミムニダ It’s you 사랑한답니다 그게 내 진심입니다 愛しています それが僕の本心です クデンモルゴサラドオヌルドネマムンクデップニムニダ 그댄 모르고 살아도 오늘도 내 맘은 그대뿐입니다 あなたは知らずに過ごしても今日も僕の気持ちはあなただけです ネガサランハヌンハンサラム 내가 사랑하는 한 사람 It’s you 僕が愛する一人の人 ナヌンモルジョクデルサランハヌンゴッマンアルジョ 나는 모르죠 그댈 사랑하는 것만 알죠 僕は何も知りません あなたを愛することだけを知っています アプンサランギラヘド 아픈 사랑이라 해도 つらい恋だとしても サランハンダムニダクゲネチンシミムニダ It’s you 사랑한답니다 그게 내 진심입니다 愛しています それが僕の本心です クデンモルゴサラドオヌルドネマムンクデップニムニダ 그댄 모르고 살아도 오늘도 내 맘은 그대뿐입니다 あなたは知らずに過ごしても今日も僕の気持ちはあなただけです ネガサランハヌンハンサラム 내가 사랑하는 한 사람 僕が愛する一人の人 ネゲンマジマクハンサラムネマムルカジンハンサラム 내겐 마지막 한 사람 내 맘을 가진 한 사람 僕には最後の一人 僕の気持ちを持って行った一人の人 ナヌンクデマナラソオヌルドサラングルキダリルコムニダ 나는 그대만 알아서 오늘도 사랑을 기다릴 겁니다 僕はあなただけを知って今日も愛を待っています サランハヌンハンサラム 사랑하는 한 사람 It’s you 愛する一人の人 クデマンアラソポリジルモテソヌンムリナムニダ 그대만 알아서 버리질 못해서 눈물이 납니다 あなただけを知って捨てることができず涙が出ます サランハヌンハンサラム 사랑하는 한 사람 愛する一人の人 クデンモルジョクデボダクデルサランハヌンパボガトゥンサラムル 그댄 모르죠 그대보다 그댈 사랑하는 바보같은 사람을 あなたは知らないでしょう あなたよりもあなたを愛するバカみたいな人を 2件のコメント ☆hikaru☆ 2014年3月20日 7:27 PM 未来の選択、大好きなドラマで、大好きな理由に、OST がどれも良く、でも歌詞の意味が少ししか解らなかったのです。ここのブログで歌詞の内容が知れ、また、パクヒョシンさんのファンになりました(^^) どうもありがとうございます\(^o^)/ 他の曲も、和訳いろいろ楽しみにしておりますd=(^o^)=b 返信 kandora 2014年3月20日 9:51 PM ありがとうございます! そう言って頂けるとすごくうれしいです(^^) これからも頑張って更新していきます♪ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ youtube.com/watch?v=pPdh_P6ldkY Marry Him If You Dare Ep2 (English Sub)Korean image location:-- https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/pPdh_P6ldkY/mqdefault.jpg 2014.5.3:'This video contains content from DramaFever Corp., KBS Media and CJ E&M Music, one or more of whom have blocked it on copyright grounds. Sorry about that." qwynCYS003 (1:03:25) 2013.10.27 觀看次數:49,316 次 as at 2014.1.6(16:10) A time travel series set in the broadcast television world. Focusing on a writer who meets her past self and gives her advise on her life.32 years old for woman is an age which may be little too late to start something new or little too early to give up something. The 'future-self' comes to 'me' today and gives advices about life and marriage. The future-self is trying to bring better life by helping her to meet a perfect spouse. Na Mi Rae (Choi Myung Gil), a television broadcast writer, travels back in time to meet her 32-year-old self (Yoon Eun Hye) with the goal of preventing her marriage to Kim Shin (Lee Dong Gun) who is a broadcast announcer and thus send her past self down a different path in life. Meanwhile, Park Se Joo (Jung Yong Hwa) is a handsome and talented Producer who is also a series lead. Seo Yoo Kyung (Han Chae Ah) completes the love rectangle as a reporter. Cast: Main Cast Yoon Eun Hye as Na Mi Rae - Choi Myung Gil as Na Mi Rae (future in year 2043) Lee Dong Gun as Kim Shin Jung Yong Hwa as Park Se Joo Han Chae Ah as Seo Yoo Kyung Supporting Cast Oh Jung Se as Na Joo Hyun Lee Mi Do as Bae Hyun Ah Ahn Se Ha as Lee Jae Soo Go Doo Shim as as Lee Mi Ran Production Credits Production Company: Annex Telecom Director: Kwon Gye Hong Screenwriter: Hong Jin Ah Video (c) gooddrama ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ youtube.com/watch?v=W2OuArTAv1A Marry Him if You Dare Episode 2 [Eng Sub] 미래의 선택 2014.11.24:"This video is not available. Sorry about that." DramaFever (10:01) 2013.10.17 觀看次數 34,233 次 as at 2014.5.3(19:50); 37,726 as at 2014.11.24(17:30) In Episode 2: Despite her warnings, Mi Rae finds herself at YBS Broadcasting Station.Marry Him If You Dare (미래의 선택) Starring Yoon Eun Hye and Lee Dong GunIn the broadcasting world, writers report news of things that have already occurred or are unfolding: they tell it like it is, without any control over transpiring events. 32-year-old news writer Na Mi Rae (Yoon Eun Hye) is the exception to the rule: she meets her future self who wants to change the events of her present life, namely advising her younger self not to marry news anchor Kim Shin (Lee Dong Gun). With this in mind, young Mi Rae pursues a vastly different path in life, one full of hopes and dreams. But what's news to Mi Rae is that when you change even a small part of history, all of history changes along with it. DaeRin -- I hope Mirae is with Yonghwa in the end!! I really want them together!! :'( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ youtube.com/watch?v=dk6G_X2nby0 marry him if you dare episode 2 eng sub DramaFever (12:44) 2013.10.17 觀看次數:8,817 次 as at 2014.5.3(19:50); 29,089 as at 2014.11.24(18:00) full hour long episode without interruption atdramafire.com/marry-him-if-you-dare-episode-2/ http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/10/mi-raes-choice-episode-2/ Drama Recaps Mi-rae’s Choice: Episode 2 by gummimochi | October 16, 2013 | 195 Comments as at 2013.12.19 image location:-- i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu26/dramabeans/drama/2013/Mirae/Mirae_02/Mirae02-00278.jpg After crashing into Shin’s car, Mi-rae evaluates the situation in her head: (a) “that bastard” works in broadcasting (b) her insurance won’t cover the accident (c) her brother will kill her and (d) the sky-high repair costs. http://www.4hw.com.cn/new/yule/41330.html 《未來的選擇》第三集預告:尹恩惠“羅未來”被哥哥問是否跟金信睡過? 發佈時間:2013-10-16 16:38:34 四海網 點評摘要:韓劇《未來的選擇》播出兩集就引起了粉絲的強烈圍觀,而在下周播出的第三集中,羅未來被哥哥問是否跟金信睡過,三角戀情即將上演。 備受關注的由李東健和尹恩惠主演《未來的選擇》播出兩集引起了粉絲的強烈圍觀。而在下周播出的《未來的選擇》第三集中,羅未來被哥哥問是否跟金信睡過, “你們兩個什麼關係,你和他睡過了嗎?”, 李東健飾演的金信還對羅未來說,“我似乎被某些東西迷住了”, 而朴世洙也對羅未來提出友情幫助。看來羅未來、金信和朴世洙之間的三角戀即將上演。 http://money.591hx.com/article/2013-10-16/0000270868s.shtml 李东健尹恩惠《未来的选择》第三集预告 罗未来被哥哥问是否跟金信睡过 2013年10月16日 14:34:33 深圳广电集团 金信(left) 罗未来(right) http://stock.591hx.com/images/hnimg/201310/16/59/4668511810482622123.jpg meeting room http://stock.591hx.com/images/hnimg/201310/16/51/7011190131346936507.jpg 罗未来 http://stock.591hx.com/images/hnimg/201310/16/43/13066599201526825435.jpg 罗未来被哥哥问是否跟金信睡过:-- http://stock.591hx.com/images/hnimg/201310/16/26/15521396641571839246.jpg 金信(left) reporter(right) http://stock.591hx.com/images/hnimg/201310/16/10/7657245833264654510.jpg 朴世洙对罗未来提出友情帮助 http://stock.591hx.com/images/hnimg/201310/16/46/2520630946738475646.jpg 金信 http://stock.591hx.com/images/hnimg/201310/16/48/13931373799491540336.jpg ☆在綫看《未來的選擇》視頻~~ 未來的選擇 第3集 Marry Him If You Dare Ep 3 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x168y68_dare0301_lifestyle 14:49 dare0301 上传人didiaotv01 121,176 浏览 as at 2013.11.18(19:57) http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x168y6s_dare0302_lifestyle 14:50 dare0302 上传人didiaotv01 99,585 浏览as at 2013.11.18(19:57) http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x168y7e_dare0303_lifestyle 14:52 dare0303 上传人didiaotv01 97,692 浏览 as at 2013.11.18(19:57) http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x168y7u_dare0304_lifestyle 14:50 dare0304 上传人didiaotv01 94,291 浏览 as at 2013.11.18(19:57) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/10/mi-raes-choice-episode-3/ Drama Recaps Mi-rae’s Choice: Episode 3 by gummimochi | October 22, 2013 | 170 Comments as at 2013.11.4 The production team arrives on location the next day, and they’re surprised to see their host show up so early. As Shin introduces himself to the grandpa, I love how certain he is that his celebrity appeal will work… and then he gets hit with water again and again and again. It’s hilarious. That effectively sets off another round of swears from Shin, who demands to know where Mi-rae is. She shows up just then with a puppy and shoves the box of puppy toys in his hands. And that’s what piques the grandpa’s (and his little puppy’s) curiosity. Meanwhile, Se-joo updates a secret document that evaluates the morning show and staff. Hmm. He nearly gets caught by Jokey PD, who’d rather slack off than do actual work. Once he’s gone, Se-joo makes a note to revise the PD entrance examination. Ha. The grandpa allows the team for a chat but strictly restrict them from filming. Unbeknownst to him, they do anyway. This time, Shin notes in a kinder voice that the old man’s humble shop contrasts with his rather sizable charitable donations to the disabled persons fund. He learns that the old man’s disabled son has since passed away, and when the grandpa reminds him not to film them, Shin reveals that they already are. He adds that they would need his permission to broadcast any of this. Shin echoes the old man’s sentiments, and shares his story about his own sick father. The broadcasting network had promised to pay for the hospital bills if he permitted them to film everything about their poor and penniless lives. But he had an image to uphold as the class president, so in the end he said no, and his father inevitably passed away. “It as if I killed him myself.” There’s an genuine and earnest quality in Shin’s voice as he says that’s why he always does any feature to collect donations himself. He knows how painful it is to reopen old scars, but encourages the old man to make his son’s story known to raise awareness so others can donate as well. That’s how they secure the story, and in the editing room, Mi-rae asks Shin if his childhood story was true. He doesn’t give her a straight answer, but spins her around to say that in broadcasting, one must be able to see the hidden truth in the background. He invites her to look directly at him to guess whether it was the truth or not. She stares for a minute before she looks away, suddenly growing uncomfortable. But Shin takes her by the chin to look back at him. “I saw something in your eyes,” he says. “I only see a silhouette, but it’s dark. As if you can fall into it like a black hole.” Then he leans closer to study her eyes (while she tries to avert her gaze, ha), saying there’s something written on them. He utters, “Ill… fate,” and pushes her away. Mi-rae lets out an empty laugh at his joke, but then he suddenly rises to stand behind her chair to point at the screen. That’s when she notices his Adam’s apple and the veins his arms, slightly thrown off by their close proximity. She involuntarily smiles when he ruffles her hair… and she cries at the realization that she hasn’t washed her hair in days. http://blog.xuite.net/janek226/drama/146430360-%E2%95%AD%E2%98%86%E3%80%90%E9%9F%93%E5%8A%87%E3%80%91%E6%9C%AA%E4%BE%86%E7%9A%84%E9%81%B8%E6%93%87%E5%8A%87%E6%83%85%E4%BA%BA%E7%89%A9%E4%BB%8B%E7%B4%B9#trackBack_header 在第三集尾~大發雷霆的金信主播!!開始有趣起來了!!至於恩惠表現OK!!而鄭容和算是這部戲的一大亮點!!推掉金編的繼承者們!!演這部得一樣是富二代!!感覺還不錯!!和女主角也很搭!!演技也還不錯!! 第三集金信主播vs世洙富二代+未來影像網址:-- http://6.blog.xuite.net/6/0/d/c/14633804/blog_1177348/txt/146430360/8.jpg 看這部戲到目前為止...開始有傾斜是要選主播還是富二代了!! 畢竟一開始富二代的世洙XI真的太暖男了!! 但是第三集開始!!金信開始發揮男主角搶眼的性格!! 接下來很期待後續發展!! 這部算是輕鬆小品啦!! 第三集世洙與未來相擁動態劇照影像網址:-- http://i.imgur.com/TDVNfvG.gif 第三集金信主播拍枱動態劇照影像網址:-- http://i.imgur.com/Z20gnec.gif http://www.4hw.com.cn/new/yule/41715.html 《未來的選擇》三角關係爆發鄭容和李東健為尹恩惠爭風吃醋 發佈時間:2013-10-22 11:45:00 四海網 點評摘要:《未來的選擇》李東健開始嫉妒鄭容和與尹恩惠之間的親密關係。 金信反對朴世洙和羅未來在公司內部戀愛劇照組圖影像網址:-- http://images.4hw.com.cn/20131022/bbeed82afc517207d6cc9b46d14a498d.jpg 10月22日四海網訊,由韓國KBS 2TV電視台21日晚播出的月火劇《未來的選擇》第三集中,羅未來(尹恩惠飾)親自採訪、策劃的節目順利地播了出去。 因著金信(李東健飾)而被採用的羅未來被隊員們認可,所有人也都讚成羅未來成為隊內的忙內作家。 因此,羅未來堂堂地成為了“Morning Show”的作家。 對於開心不已的羅未來,朴世洙(鄭容和飾)說道:“除了作家和金信隊長外,所有人都讚成了。” 不惜給予鼓勵和認可。 世洙把手放在羅偉來的肩膀,一同看著節目的播送,然而,在後面看到此景的金信卻從眼睛裡放出了嫉妒的火花。 金信:“我不是說了嘛,不要在公司內部戀愛” 大聲地喊道,為了引起他們的注意。 隨後,朴世洙與金信圍繞羅未來展開三角戀,互相爭風吃醋的預告,令觀眾們期待不已。 http://www.s1979.com/tupian/yule/201312/05108656105_25.html 漫畫金信:“我不是說了嘛,不要在公司內部戀愛” http://image.s1979.com/allimg/131205/29-1312051I916.jpg 香港無綫電視J2台 Officail TVB’s web site:– http://programme.tvb.com/drama/marryhimifyoudare/ 《未來的選擇》 image location of banner — Wedding :– http://img.tvb.com/ii/30/38469/000003846895_1413348580.jpg http://mytv.tvb.com/drama/marryhimifyoudare/191230 第 4 集 00:47:06 | 日期: 2014-10-27 觀看人次: 4,106 as at 2014.10.30(17:50) 在採訪現場,未來及金信兩人都對彼此的表現,留下好印象,回到公司整理拍攝帶時,兩人間似乎起了些化學作用, 未來被完全吸引了。 但在電視台當清潔工的「大未來」告訴未來,金信就是未來的丈夫時,未來也只好暫時隱藏着自己的心意,深怕會有不幸的事發生,並且也從 「大未來」處得知,他們一群人的緣份已經被交換。 此時有卿出現,竟大膽告訴未來她要擁有世宙,未來心想將來老公已被搶走,怎可容忍新的對象人選再被搶走,於是向世宙展開勾引行動,這行動被金信看在眼中,竟引起金信的妒意,並大發雷霆。 未來透過一次節目的製作,得到其他組員認同,但裴編劇仍未能接受,再加上珠賢不同意,因此未來還需接受試用,使未來也卯足全力認真工作。 有卿偶然在酒吧遇 見世宙,因想拉攏世宙而幫他付酒錢,使兩人開始有所接近。 此時「大未來」見未來一直跟世宙沒有明顯進度,便將世宙與有卿原先會結婚的事情告訴了未來,未來 心中稍微開始動搖。 (05:10+-) 金信向文具店老闆說明:如果他拒絕播出,偷影的片也不會出街的。 ------------------------------------------ (33:20) 裴編劇:"前輩?我可不是。 照樣播出可能有投訴,我逼於無奈才改的。 對於你加入公司,我什麼時候都那麼反對。" "但總要謝謝你,好心有好報啊!" ------------------------------------------ (34:02) 金信:-- "老伯說他從第一次捐款的那天起,就開始養狗,就這樣,兒子去世的空虛,用另一份愛來填補。" "對老伯來說,並不是用捐款的字眼,而是用關懷,將他的溫暖散播出去。" (36:00) 金信拍枱...... "我說過同組不可談戀愛...... 錄影廠是纏綿的地方嗎? 愛情村嗎? 這是工作的地方, 吵吵嚷嚷......" "我們再吵也不及你吵吧?!" "我是說氣氛...... 你們讓我心煩意亂, 不能集中精神工作。" "心煩意亂? 金主播你嗎?" "是, 我明白年輕男女在一起, 容易產生感情。 但我們講求團隊精神, 私人感情影響大家工作, 明白嗎? 拜託你們別在工作的地方摟摟抱抱!" 金信說罷便離去...... "辛苦你了。" "你也是。" ------------- (36:58) 投票讓未來成為見習編劇,裴編劇訂出試用期一星期。 (37:23) "我是能力不足,但我會努力我。" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ youtube.com/watch?v=LDK-t0xTMSA Marry Him If You Dare Ep3 (English Sub) image location:-- http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/LDK-t0xTMSA/default.jpg 2014.5.3:'This video contains content from DramaFever Corp., KBS Media and CJ E&M Music, one or more of whom have blocked it on copyright grounds. Sorry about that." qwynCYS003 (59:01) 2013.10.27 觀看次數:47,904 as at 2014.1.6(16:30) A time travel series set in the broadcast television world. Focusing on a writer who meets her past self and gives her advise on her life. 32 years old for woman is an age which may be little too late to start something new or little too early to give up something. The 'future-self' comes to 'me' today and gives advices about life and marriage. The future-self is trying to bring better life by helping her to meet a perfect spouse. Na Mi Rae (Choi Myung Gil), a television broadcast writer, travels back in time to meet her 32-year-old self (Yoon Eun Hye) with the goal of preventing her marriage to Kim Shin (Lee Dong Gun) who is a broadcast announcer and thus send her past self down a different path in life. Meanwhile, Park Se Joo (Jung Yong Hwa) is a handsome and talented Producer who is also a series lead. Seo Yoo Kyung (Han Chae Ah) completes the love rectangle as a reporter. Main Cast Yoon Eun Hye as Na Mi Rae - Choi Myung Gil as Na Mi Rae (future in year 2043) Lee Dong Gun as Kim Shin Jung Yong Hwa as Park Se Joo Han Chae Ah as Seo Yoo Kyung Supporting Cast Oh Jung Se as Na Joo Hyun Lee Mi Do as Bae Hyun Ah Ahn Se Ha as Lee Jae Soo Go Doo Shim as as Lee Mi Ran Production Credits Production Company: Annex Telecom Director: Kwon Gye Hong Screenwriter: Hong Jin Ah Video (c) gooddrama jenni3s -- what the...theres such a random part towards the ending and then it flashbacked to the present! I'm so lost but ohhhhh maaa gawd! cute!!! thank you :) Pajai Khang -- This is a very good movie, but please upload the rest or make it available to the United States. Maria Gonzalez -- I dont like how her brother treats her..... youtube.com/watch?v=ivO-JnXUmwE Marry Him If You Dare Episode 4, Part 001 & 002 image location:-- i.ytimg.com/vi_webp/ivO-JnXUmwE/mqdefault.webp qwynCYS003 (59:01) 2013.10.30 觀看次數:12,363 as at 2015.3.16(20:40) (0:45) "Didn't I tell you there is no dating within our team?" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ☆在綫看《未來的選擇》視頻~~ 未來的選擇 第4集 Marry Him If You Dare Ep 4 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x16amns_dare0401_lifestyle 14:55 dare0401 Bydidiaotv01 98,505views http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x16amof_dare0402_lifestyle 15:03 dare0402 By didiaotv01 81,177 views http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x16amp9_dare0403_lifestyle 15:03 dare0403 Bydidiaotv01 78,116views http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x16amq5_dare0404_lifestyle 15:02 dare0404 Bydidiaotv01 89,610 views as at 2013.11.18(19:57) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/10/mi-raes-choice-episode-4/ DRAMA RECAPS Mi-rae’s Choice: Episode 4 by gummimochi | October 23, 2013 | 153 Comments There’s a lot more of the cute as the relationships get even more complicated in this hour, giving us more insight into our pairings in the initial timeline. Our characters are even more layered than we anticipated, and our hero gets his own shining moment (apart from the bright lightsaber, yes). This show leaves me wanting more with each minute that passes, to the point where I’m twiddling my thumbs to find out what comes next. It’s starting to feeling like I’m the one who’s aging a month a minute. Even though the hilarity has upped its game, the numbers continue to slip as Episodes 3 and 4 ticked in at 8.5% and 7.3%, respectively. EPISODE 4 RECAP At the sight of Mi-rae and Se-joo’s closeness, Shin yells that there’s no dating among team members. He gets all huffy, saying that there must be certain boundaries in the workplace and seeing them together makes him all confused. Shin walks out with his head held high, only to wonder what’s gotten into him once he’s alone. Meanwhile, Mi-rae is formally introduced to the team as the maknae writer. She isn’t officially part of the team just yet, however; she’ll go through a week-long trial run after which Writer Bae will make the final call. Mi-rae lies in her bed thinking of the Master Plan until she falls asleep. In her dream, she’s gently woken up by Shin lying next to her on her hospital bed. They tease each other for a few sunny and sweet moments… until Oppa’s voice echoes to ask what they’re doing. Both of them bolt awake in their separate beds, clutching a hand to their chest, puzzled. Huh, so they’re sharing simultaneous dreams now. Shin cracks open his dictionary to the word “mi-rae” (future) and hangs on the word “afterlife.” They greet each other politely at work, and when he sees that she’s running an errand, Shin takes it upon himself to guide her to her destination. He even waits for her outside, and then takes her on a tour of the building. I love how they run into Oppa getting his haircut and Shin promptly shut the door. Hahaha. They head to the prop storage room next, and Mi-rae excitedly runs around to explore the place. As for Shin, he walks up to the Darth Vader mask with eyes of wonder. OMG, are you a Star Wars fanboy? Cut to: Shin, donned in the Darth Vader suit, wielding a lightsaber. HAHAHA, oh this is awesome. It’s just… I can’t even. Total WIN. Mi-rae pops out in a pink princess dress, which looks a bit gaudy on her in my opinion, and asks what Disney Princess she looks like. She frowns when he tells her she looks like “Mulan who stole Cinderella’s clothes.” HA. Shin defends that Mulan is even better than the other princesses because she saved an entire nation on her own, but Mi-rae isn’t listening because her hair is caught on her dress. He tries to help, but she grows frustrated, and ends up getting her sleeve caught in his costume instead. They hobble together to free themselves, which results in a torn lace sleeve. Turns out Shin also knows how to sew as he mends the tear himself. Mi-rae instinctively pulls back when he tries to bite off the thread, but they both become aware of the charged moment. Mi-rae is called away just then, and Shin stops her to ask if she’s free one day so that, um, they can work building the basics. They agree to meet at the entrance. That sounds an awful lot like a date there, Vader. Then we cut to chairman Lee screaming her head off at her employees for landing one of their top clients in the hospital due to a food allergy. Whoa, they don’t call you Miranda for nothing, do they? Still furious, she wonders if the company needs some major restructuring. 4.4 MohammedOctober 23rd, 2013 at 6:56 am Its suspention of disbelief that Shin doesnt remember how Mirae would look as old. Like we know how our friends, family will look when they are older. People dont change their look totally with their age. Im disliking future Mirae for the first time for real now. First i forgave alittle because she wanted to help,save someone Mirae loved in the future. Now she doesnt care about present Mirae hopes for a better job,life made on her own. She shouldnt use, destroy Shin with secrets, things he told her because he loved her. Use their memories together no matter what Shin did in the future. Violating someone trust like that. She is like evil stepmother mother villain of the show now. She wants to destroy the life of both Mirae,Shin. RELATED POSTS Mi-rae’s Choice: Episode 3 Mi-rae’s Choice: Episode 2 Mi-rae’s Choice: Episode 1 Two Mi-raes, two suitors, one Mi-rae’s Choice Anti-wedding hijinks for Mirae’s Choice Cute, romantic teaser for time-traveler Mi-rae’s Choice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/10/anti-wedding-hijinks-for-miraes-choice/ DRAMA CASTING & NEWS Anti-wedding hijinks for Mirae’s Choice bygirlfriday|October 4, 2013|130 Comments RELATED POSTS Cute, romantic teaser for time-traveler Mi-rae’s Choice Yoon Eun-hye and Jung Yong-hwa’s first shoots for Mirae’s Choice Time-traveling Mi-rae’s Choice begins script rehearsals Han Chae-ah completes love square in Mi-rae’s Choice Time-slip drama Mi-rae’s Choice confirms leads Yoon Eun-hye considers time-travel drama Mi-rae’s Choice Jung Yong-hwa up for time travel series --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ☆在綫看《未來的選擇》視頻~~ 未來的選擇 第5集 Marry Him If You Dare Ep 5 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x16jb7d_dare0501_lifestyle dare0501 (14:56) By didiaotv01 viewers: 87,021 as at 2013.11.7(20:40) http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x16jb84_dare0502_lifestyle dare0502 (15:01) By didiaotv01 viewers: 73,539 as at 2013.11.7(20:40) http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x16jb8n_dare0503_lifestyle dare0503 (14:59) By didiaotv01 viewers: 70,630 as at 2013.11.7(20:50) http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x16jblw_dare0504_lifestyle dare0504 (14:58) By didiaotv01 viewers: 67,210 as at 2013.11.7(20:50) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.4hw.com.cn/new/yule/42166.html 未來的選擇5集劇照曝光:李東健尹恩惠深夜赴約反轉劇情 發佈時間:2013-10-28 10:31:16 編輯:lly 來源:四海網 點評摘要:《未來的選擇》曝尹恩惠與李東健浪漫的月夜籃球約會劇照。 10月28日四海網訊,由尹恩惠、李東健、鄭容和主演電視劇《未來的選擇》公開浪漫情侶的月夜籃球約會。 《未來的選擇》劇組28日公開最新劇照,照片中,尹恩惠與李東健在公園內很愉快地打起雙人籃球,特別是兩人不像在拍戲,而像是在生活中打打鬧鬧的模樣,吸引大家眼球。 製作方表示:“隨著年齡的增長,無法預知的愛情line,將出現反轉,兩人間的故事,值得期待”。 http://images.4hw.com.cn/20131028/b1187b74dd32b7b39ab373d087525e12.jpg http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/338/yoon-eun-hye-%EC%9C%A4%EC%9D%80%ED%98%9C/p2405 Lhay Certified Warrior - Nov 2013 Cute Mirae FanArt!!! <3 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BX-dX12CcAAFJbQ.jpg:large http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/10/mi-raes-choice-episode-5/ Drama Recaps Mi-rae’s Choice: Episode 5 by gummimochi | October 29, 2013 | 150 Comments as at 2013.11.18 Mi-rae is all smiles on the bus, but panics when she receives a text from Shin to meet him at the park for their lesson. Now. She arrives out of breath, which is when Shin instructs her on the importance of keeping fit in this industry. And on that end, Shin proposes a basketball game where the loser treats the winner to a meal. He even gives her a handicap, and they smile and laugh as they play against each other. Mi-rae wins (did Shin forfeit his last shot?), which is when Shin mentions that he’s being transferred. Mi-rae is quiet during dinner, and Shin laughs that she can relax now that he’ll be gone soon. He tells her that every announcer reaches a crossroads at one point in their career, and he thinks that he’s already reached his. Right now, he’s conflicted on whether to accept the hand given to him or be stubborn and choose his own way. It troubles Mi-rae to see Shin so unsure of himself, so she takes it up with Ajumma Mi-rae once she gets home, accusing her as the reason behind Shin’s future downfall. youtube.com/watch?v=VXa4XumN89Q HD [Basketball Scene] 미래의 선택 'Marry Him If You Dare' - Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 & Lee Dong Gun 이동건 미래의 선택 Hallyu Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 MHIYD (2:25) 2013.10.28 5,710 as at 2013.11.22(20:40) *Background music: My Lady https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqfbUNpYbNE Marry Him If You Dare Episode 5 part 3 English Sub 2014.3.29 -- 此影片不可用。 ariane mae (14:58) 2013.11.4 8,847 as at 2013.12.19(19:00) (06:40) Mi-rae received phone call from Shin, asking her to play basketball as training. (08:30) *Background music: My Lady (10:00 - 12:00) Chat while having super http://www.4hw.com.cn/new/yule/42210.html 未來的選擇7集劇照:李東健熊抱尹恩惠爆發騎士精神(4P) 發佈時間:2013-10-28 15:45:25 編輯:lly 來源:四海網 10月28日四海網訊,由韓國KBS2電視台播出月火劇《未來的選擇》28日公開在京畿道南陽州張東健與尹恩惠相擁的拍攝現場。 照片中,金信(李東健飾) 發揚騎士精神保護羅未來(尹恩惠飾)的畫面吸引了人們的視線,製作團隊表示“由於二人精湛的演技,電視劇每一個場面的完成度都非常高” 張東健與尹恩惠在地下鐵火災現場相擁劇照影像網址:-- http://images.4hw.com.cn/20131028/e75d412eeb38f71b197eb4a9bf689528.jpg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/10/mi-raes-choice-episode-6/ Drama Recaps Mi-rae’s Choice: Episode 6 by gummimochi | Octocber 30, 2013 | 277 Comments as at 2013.11.30 The station manager is alerted about the faulty sprinkler system, and orders the plumber to fix it. The plumber apologizes for overlooking the problem… and then puts on his red hat. Ack, it’s you!! D-Day. The morning show goes on air without Shin, who gripes over how they chose not to tell the truth like he wanted. Meanwhile, Oppa is a ball of nerves as he checks in repeatedly with everyone at their stations to make sure the location is secure. Oppa then quietly confers with Ajumma Mi-rae on whether they’ve set everything up at the right station, which is when Ajumma’s voice falters, unsure of whether it was the subway car or the station itself. Uh oh. At the same time, Shin and Mi-rae are only one stop away from their destination. He reminds her to forgo the broadcast and save the others in a worst-case scenario. And that’s when Red Hat enters the subway car. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ youtube.com/watch?v=AHMtlyRwjo0 HD [DANGER SCENE E06] 미래의 선택 'Marry Him If You Dare' - Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 & Lee Dong Gun 이동건 2014.10.28:"This video is unavailable. Sorry about that." 미래의 선택 Hallyu Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 MHIYD (11:29) 29 Oct 2013觀看次數:6,145 as at 2013.12.1(19:00) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://y3600.com/hanguo/hanjuziliaoguan/5077.html 《未來的選擇》金信、世洙示愛誰是未來的選擇? (第6集) 發布: 樸辰永 2013-10-30 10:00 在昨日(10月29日)播出的KBS 2TV月火劇(週一周二播出的劇集)《未來的選擇》(劇本:洪珍兒;導演:權溪泓)第6集中,世洙( CNBLUE成員鄭容和飾)、金信(李東健飾)兩人為爭得未來(尹恩惠飾)而上演心理戰。 第6集中,為了從火災中營救未來,世洙開啟了地鐵的灑水器,並開始匆忙尋找未來,最後他發現未來、金信兩人在灑水器下方開懷大笑的場景,令他大失所望。 表情僵硬的世洙離開現場,金信則向未來間接地表露了自己的愛意。 但劇情末尾出現了逆轉,未來稱讚世洙「你救人的樣子很帥氣」。 而世洙裝模作樣地說道: 「肩膀有點酸痛,我為營救某人而四處尖叫,希望某人幫我揉揉肩膀。」 未來替世洙按摩肩膀,卻又恰巧被金信看到。 (Youtube版見下: HD [ Ending + Epi.7 Preview] 미래의 선택 'Marry Him If You Dare' - Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 ) 下集預告中,未來接受了金信的表白,不服輸的世洙也對未來袒露真心。 未來、金信、世洙三個人的三角戀情才剛剛拉開序幕,更多精彩即將播出。 金信看到未來替世洙按摩肩膀劇照: -- http://y3600.com/d/file/p/20131030/71403c2a02249885b9fae09ff83820dc.jpg or https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRSxCQBsgUWBHTE7cTs6MGAUZ2HEWz5zhflJThUbxkjyvbx11eF youtube.com/watch?v=9Cea7XeIu8g HD [ Ending + Epi.7 Preview] 미래의 선택 'Marry Him If You Dare' - Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 https://i.ytimg.com/vi/9Cea7XeIu8g/mqdefault.jpg 미래의 선택 Hallyu Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 MHIYD (3:02) 2013.10.29 觀看次數:14,152 次 as at 2015.3.16(20:50) Live strong -- Thank you so much 미래의 선택 Hallyu Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 ~ MHIYD for posting this to Youtube, for sharing the world clearly and lovely image of Yoon Eun Hye. She is beautiful in every moment and scene naturally that I have ever seen in korean drama. And one more thing is that your movie touch the bottom of my soul cause it let other see their character in that and also slow down the moment that we have the power to chose and decide what it will be. Once again, best wishes to all producer and casting ^^ ~ This is not new story but the director and casting know how to make others feel warm and honest by their own experience and nature. Thank you so much for showing us your best. Hope that the Dramafever and you to KBS entertainment will produce much more product like this so we can look at ourselves and improve the best quality of our life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/338/yoon-eun-hye-%EC%9C%A4%EC%9D%80%ED%98%9C/p2404 jjsweeter0211 October 2013 http://lovingdramas.tumblr.com http://mytv.tvb.com/drama/marryhimifyoudare/191710 未來的選擇 第 8 集 00:47:08 | 劇集上載日期: 2014-11-03 觀看人次: 5,195 as at 2014.11.10(20:30) 報導成功後,米蘭收回成命,製作三組因此去聚餐慶功,眾人亦感受到金信的改變。 同一時間在某豪門三代的慶生派對上,有卿(在研究所課程認識某公子)無意間發現世宙是電視台所屬集團的下任會長,讓她非常錯愕。 世宙要求有卿不要說出秘密,還聯袂參加組上聚餐。 世宙在啤酒屋外碰見未來,未來為感謝世宙,因此替他按摩,卻被金信撞見,讓金信心裡不是滋味…正當金信一行人在啤酒屋開心地喝酒時,接到報導局局長的電話,責怪他們獨自攔下新聞,並要他們把案件轉交報導部。他們因此而感到氣餒,金信決定循着未來的想法提議做一個新節目。 金信和珠賢一起去找米蘭談新節目,米蘭起初強烈反對,但金信用激將法令她答應先做試播節目,收視率若達到10才正式播出。未來和金信兩人分別拿著手機在猶豫要不要打給對方,突然鈴聲響起,金信看到未來打來非常開心,並相約第二天見面。 這剛好被「大未來」聽到,並與未來發生了口角,「大未來」獨自傷心地在街上哭泣,卻遇上黑衣人,嚇得她趕緊逃跑,糊里糊塗的上了一輛黑色轎車,原來是米蘭派人來找「大未來」。 「大未來」終於逮到機會為未來鋪路,於是在米蘭面前提及世宙媳婦的事,並準備在關鍵時刻才說出未來的名字。 (02:20~) 結尾(Closing):-- (02:35~03:45)"其實今天的事件是收到線報, 我們製作團隊才能有所準備。" (02:42) 羅組長:"他說什麼?" "有個能預知未來的人表示, 今天地鐵有人縱火, 火災可能導致逾百市民死傷, 我們為了方便救人, 而拍攝這個節目, 但是...... 我們所準備的跟實際情況不同, 以為準備好, 卻反而更加危險。 預言在站內失火, 怎料卻在車廂, 幸好沒有人命傷亡。 (03:18) 未來和命運, 可能真的遠遠超過我們的想像, 但是未來會因瞬間選擇而有所改變。 未來不是既定的結果, 你現在的選擇, 就是你的未來。 以上是地鐵火災現場, 「金信的早安秀」, 多謝大家。" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ youtube.com/watch?v=EwJljrKiHn8 [BTS FIRE SCENE E06] 미래의 선택 'Marry Him If You Dare' - Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 & Lee Dong Gun 이동건 https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EwJljrKiHn8/mqdefault.jpg 미래의 선택 Hallyu Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 MHIYD (2:13) 5 Nov 2013 觀看次數:8,451 as at 2013.3.16 shinbae12 -- Yoon Eun Hye worked hard ^^ and I love Lee Dong Gun's smile :x ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/11/mi-raes-choice-episode-7/ Drama Recaps Mi-rae’s Choice: Episode 7 by gummimochi | November 5, 2013 | 141Comments as at 2013.11.30 youtube.com/watch?v=AFAKkuC8Df8 Marry Him if You Dare Episode 7 [Eng Sub] 미래의 선택 DramaFever (10:00) 2013.11.6 觀看次數:37,944 次 as at 2014.5.3(20:00) In Episode 7: After the subway incident, Kim Shin and the broadcasting crew decide to try creating a completely new show concept. Se Joo prepares a special event for Mi Rae with Yoo Kyung's help. (00:00) Kim Shin stood behind a wall, listening to the conversation between Mi Rae and Se Joo... lxands kend -- Really love KS & Oppa interactions, they're not exactly best of friends, nor they're brothers, they're co workers who rarely see eye to eye yet their bonding, familiarity & closeness are like family..honestly just between oppa, KS & MR they can open up their own production team ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ youtube.com/watch?v=BT5r_BXkMiI HD [Epi.7 Office Cut] 미래의 선택 'Marry Him If You Dare' - Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜, Lee Dong Gun, 정용화 image location:-- i.ytimg.com/vi/BT5r_BXkMiI/mqdefault.jpg 미래의 선택 Hallyu Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 MHIYD (2:19) 2013.11.4 觀看次數:4,455 次 as at 2014.5.3(20:00) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ youtube.com/watch?v=vPVSkcDzNtY HD [Epi.7 Phone Scene] 미래의 선택 'Marry Him If You Dare' - Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 & Lee Dong Gun 이동건 https://i.ytimg.com/vi/vPVSkcDzNtY/mqdefault.jpg 觀看次數:2,235 次 as at 2014.5.3(20:00) shinbae12 -- Lee Dong Gun is still very very handsome and young when his hair is nature without gel ^^ They are so cute couple !! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ youtube.com/watch?v=7SEEVsLxBjE HD [Epi.7 Dating Scene] 미래의 선택 'Marry Him If You Dare' - Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 & Lee Dong Gun 이동건 https://i.ytimg.com/vi/7SEEVsLxBjE/mqdefault.jpg 觀看次數:24,588 次 as at 2014.5.3(20:00); 35,854 as at 2015.3.21(19:50) (02:27) Background music: 《未來的選擇》 OST - Part.3 Cindy - 天堂/신디 - 파라다이스 《Paradise》 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ youtube.com/watch?v=kuyapqzn6zM HD [Epi.7 BIG FIGHT] 미래의 선택 'Marry Him If You Dare' - Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 & Lee Dong Gun 이동건 https://i.ytimg.com/vi/kuyapqzn6zM/mqdefault.jpg 미래의 선택 Hallyu Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 MHIYD (2:51) 2013.11.4 觀看次數:4,439 次 as at 2014.5.3(20:00) *Background music: 《未來的選擇》 OST - Part.3 Melody Day/멜로디데이 - 혼자만 《獨自一人》"Only Me" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/11/mi-raes-choice-episode-8/ Drama Recaps Mi-rae’s Choice: Episode 8 by gummimochi | November 6, 2013 | 158 Comments as at 2013.12.17 youtube.com/watch?v=O2cW8ySIs_4 HD [Epi.8 Happy Times] 미래의 선택 'Marry Him If You Dare' - Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 & Lee Dong Gun 이동건 https://i.ytimg.com/vi/O2cW8ySIs_4/mqdefault.jpg 미래의 선택 Hallyu Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 MHIYD (0:30) 5 Nov 2013 觀看次數:12,548 as at 2014.5.3(20:00) senti gurlify -- i really like them to end up together... Seju(Yunghwa) doesn't match her personality in this drama.. i can easily feel the chemistry towards Shin & Mirae... Seju is too much for Mirae... this trio did give justice to their character... keep it up guys! mayzielly -- OMG. This should be a sweet moment but I can't help but find the end part amusing. Shin actually leaned his head towards Mirae so she can kiss him. Gosh. Kim Shin. You actually want to be kissed by Mirae. LOL. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ☆在綫看《未來的選擇》視頻~~ http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x172oxa_dare1301_lifestyle 2014.11.7:"Content removed. This video has been removed due to a breach of the Terms of Use." 未來的選擇 第9集 Part 1 dare1301 (14:58)上传人 didiaotv01 瀏覽: 80,647 as at 2013.11.29(18:00) ♥"潘多拉的盒子" 之 "鬼屋情信" (04:10) 金信:-- "那邊就是卧室...... 到鬼出沒的時間還有8分鐘...... 好.....進去看看......" (04:28) "什麼啊? 那是...." 羅未來:-- "怎麼了? 怎麼了......" "是婚紗啊!" "這裡是野山, 所以很黑, 因為有月亮, 所以顯得亮!" "鬼是女的, 尖叫聲是男人對吧?" (相架......) "看來是對夫妻啊.... 你看......" "結婚紀念日日期, 和我們第一次演播是同一天, 但男人好像得了什麼病?" "好像是得癌症了...... 這些都是關於癌症的書, 而且都是晚期...... 那尖叫聲是...... 是因為疼痛! 到了晚期肯定會疼...... 估計是那種生不如死的感覺 (05:55) (一書裡有一張字條......) 老婆:-- 老公又開始腹瀉了, 已經有一週什麼都吃不下去了...... 讓他止痛的藥已經沒有效果了! 每天晚上因為疼痛, 他都會咆哮! (06:40) 老公給老婆的情信:-- 老婆, 因為我你受累吧? 對不起! 不是因為討厭你才那樣; 我是恨因為癌症, 變得禽獸不如的我...... 還有對不起我丟下你先走一步...... 跟我拉鈎, 即使一個人也要過得幸幸福福, 在夢中也不要想我...... (07:10) 金信:-- "看來是自殺了...... 照完那張照片的第二天......" (07:50) 相架內有字條:-- 一條綫和兩種顏色, 最大的東西最單純。 我們重新在大海見面是無比的祝福了! 對不起! 老公, 看來我沒法守約了...... 但一定要見面在海邊...... (08:55) 這對夫妻...... 會互相深愛, 會幸福了吧?! 當然了...... 當然會那樣了! 我想起最後結尾的鈙述了:-- 那裡沒有鬼, 有著雖然很累很痛苦, 但互相深愛的一對, 讓人心痛的夫妻的愛情...... (09:50) (金信點頭......) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x172oxr_dare1302_lifestyle 未來的選擇 第9集 Part 2 dare1302 (14:58)上传人 didiaotv01 瀏覽: 66,053 as at 2013.11.29(19:40) http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x172oyc_dare1303_lifestyle 未來的選擇 第9集 Part 3 dare1303 (15:00) 上传人 didiaotv01 瀏覽: 62,979 as at 2013.11.29(19:40) http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x172oyz_dare1304_lifestyle 未來的選擇 第9集 Part 4 dare1304 14:59 64,640 as at 2013.11.29(17:50) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/11/mi-raes-choice-episode-9/ Drama Recaps Mi-rae’s Choice: Episode 9 by gummimochi | November 12, 2013 | 130 Comments as at 2013.11.29 Under the moonlight, Shin leans in to kiss Mi-rae… butshe turns away at the last moment, bombarded by the words of doubt about her feelings towards him. Oof. He masks the rejection well enough by suggesting that they get back to work. Shin and Mi-rae enter the allegedly haunted bedroom and they both jump at the sight of a ghostly wedding dress by the window. It’s only a mannequin, however, and they realize the neighbors must have mistook the eerie glow of the moonlight as a ghost. Their exploration of the rest of the cobwebbed and abandoned place turns up a wedding anniversary photo and books on cancer. The husband was a terminally ill patient, Shin deduces, which means those haunting moans were cries of unspeakable pain in the latter stages of the disease. The wife’s journal reveals the sad accounts of her husband’s deteriorating state, and tucked in the back is a heartfelt apologetic suicide note dated the following day, asking his wife to move on and keep living after he’s gone. Shin finds another note tied to the back of the photo frame; this one written by the wife before she joined her husband in death in the ocean they both loved. Blinking back tears, Mi-rae wonders if the couple loved each other dearly, and Shin agrees that they must have. Then Mi-rae says she’s thought of the ending narration for their feature: That there were no ghosts, just the heartbreaking remnants of a loving couple who suffered together. Shin nods, satisfied. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDCE5clmv3A marry him if you dare episode 9 eng sub *2014.10.28: "marry him if you da..." The YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement. Sorry about that. al hou (12:44) 2013.11.13 觀看次數:11,459次 as at 2013.12.6(19:00) (03:33) That, that large room is the bedroom. There is about 8 minutes until they say that the ghost appears. Ok, let's go in. (03:50) Oh I see it! It's a real ghost! It's a wedding dress. This place is dark because it's in the mountain. because when the full moon shines, it becomes bright...... it must've been because this shined. The ghost is a woman. You said that the screams were from a man, right?! Yes. They must've been a couple. Look at this. The wedding date is the same as the first date we ...... But the man looks like he's in so much pain. He must have had cancer. Look there are only books related to cancer. Then the shriek noises were... because he was sick... If it was malignant cancer, then the pain was unbearable. To the extent that he may ask to be killed. (05:00) A Note was found... My husband started having diarrhea again. It has alreading been a week since he's unable to eat any food... Now, the narcotic patch (pain medication absorb through the skin) doesn't even have any effect. That person who used to be so quiet is crying and screaming with pain every night. (05:40) Honey, it must have been hard on you because of ... I'm sorry. It wasn't because I hated you. Because of the cancer, I hated the animal that I had become. And that I'm leaving far away by myself, I'm really sorry. Promise me. That you will live a good life even without me. That you won't even think of me in your dream. (06:18) He must've taken his own life. The day after they took that picture. Hold on. (A note was found at the back of the photo frame...) What is it? One line and two colors make up more than an entire ocean, The largest thing is the most simple. The ocean makes us emotional. If we meet again in the ocean, it's a blessing that we can't have more of. I'm sorry Husband... I don't think I'll be able to keep your promise. But still, let's meet again in the ocean. (07:53) This couple... they loved each other a lot and were probably really happy, hub? Of course. I'm sure of it. (08:10) I......I thought of the ending for the narration. At that place, there was no ghost. Instead, although it was hard and lonely. the fact that they loved each other that much, there was the love between a heartsick couple. (08:40) Shin smiled and noded. youtube.com/watch?v=ZJn5qT7yZzw Marry Him If You Dare Episode 9 English Subtitle - Korean Drama 2014.11.16:" This video is no longer available because the uploader has closed their YouTube account. Sorry about that." by Marry Him If You Dare - English Subtitle (59:32) 2014.9.16 觀看人次: 4,747 as at 2014.11.7(19:20) Kamenashi Kazuya -- Yong Hwa oppa!! never fade,your so charming,can't express whats inside but you shine like a star and sparks like a diamond.... 香港無綫電視J2台 http://mytv.tvb.com/drama/marryhimifyoudare/192209 未來的選擇 第 11 集 00:47:07 |2014-11-06 觀看人次: 4,324 as at 2014.11.13(18:10) 「大未來」見珠賢不相信她是若干年後的未來,說出了只有他倆知道的傷疤秘密,使珠賢震驚…已到傳說鬼魂出現時間,金信與未來正式踏入傳說鬧鬼的房間,發現並沒有甚麼鬼魂,而是隱藏了一段淒美的夫妻之情,使未來有感而發,想出了一句很不錯的結語。 回到公司,未來告訴李才秀需要改變節目單元概念,兩方理念不合,才秀竟私下找別的編劇撰稿,將未來陣前換將。世宙看到金信與未來在凶宅時的互動,醋意橫生,與金信自告白事件後,關係更為對立,世宙找「大未來」,想弄清楚她是那方人馬,聽到「大未來」說她是未來的人,也不置可否,但獲得「大未來」全力支持的承諾。珠賢看到未來與金信的互動,也擔心他們會在一起,回到家想起「大未來」說的話,向她要了頭髮做鑑定。珠賢認為「大未來」只因為老公垮台,就要回到過去來扭轉命運,與他所認識的未來不同而不相信,「大未來」於是告訴了他一切事情。珠賢開始安排讓未來到別家公司,並向金信攤牌,不准他再接近未來。 未來為此很焦急,想聽金信留她下來,殊不知金信聽到珠賢說他是哥哥,以及不准他再接近未來的話,對未來離開的事也有所保留,使未來很失望,卻不料從世宙口中聽到她想聽的話,也使未來與世宙兩人關係和解。節目正式錄影,到了凶宅單元的結尾,由於金信想為未來出氣,捨棄了才秀的版本,逕自改用未來那句感人的結語,感動了未來,但金信想起珠賢的話,避不與未來見面。幸好節目試播平均收視率達到要求,再加上世宙的威脅利誘,保住了一行人的工作,並將節目設為常態。 (05:20) 老公給老婆的情信/遺書:– 老婆, 因為我令你那麼辛苦, 很對不起! 我不是因為你才變成這樣; 我是討厭因為癌症變成禽獸的我…… 還有, 我想我要先走一步了…… 真的很對不起! 你要答應我, 就算只有你一個人, 你也要好好生活, 就算做夢, 以後也不要再夢見我…… (05:55) 金信:– “他好像是自己了結生命的…… 在拍照後翌日……" (08:33) 相架背後的字條:– 只是一條線, 和兩種顏色, 就已經構成整個大海。 因為它的偉大, 也因為它的單純, 所以大海感動了我們。 我們可以再次在大海相遇, 那已是無比的幸福! 對不起! 老公, 我不可以繼續遵守承諾…… 但我們一定要在大海再次相見…… -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (34:57) 結尾:金信逕自改用未來那句感人的結語:-- "在那裡, 其實並沒有鬼魂, 有的是經歷著艱辛, 而且很痛苦, 但仍然彼此相愛的一對, [潘多拉的盒子]令人心痛的夫 妻, 海枯石爛的愛情……" (35:27) "以上是[潘多拉的盒子], 我是金信。" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.4hw.com.cn/new/yule/43398.html 未來的選擇10集預告:李東健揭開鄭容和真實身份 發佈時間:2013-11-12 17:18:43 編輯:lly 來源:四海網 朴世洙為了抓住在自己與金信之間搖擺不定的羅未來(尹恩惠飾)的心,決定接受從未來穿越而來的大未來(崔明吉飾)的幫忙。 朴世洙的奶奶米蘭達(高鬥心飾)不斷要求朴世洙將羅未來介紹給她認識,因此朴世洙就計劃偶遇,為了目前還不知自己是集團繼承者兼幕後老闆的羅未來,朴世洙將米蘭達以繼承者的身份介紹給羅未來。 然後,朴世洙要求大未來將金信帶到這個地方。因為朴世洙想讓金信看到自己與羅未來,以及米蘭達一起和和睦睦吃飯的樣子。不知任何情況地被朴世洙拉到餐廳的羅未來,不久後看到米蘭達開門而入的樣子而吃驚不已。 當米蘭達看到僵直在那兒的羅未來,面帶微笑地說: “我想吃頓飯,所以進來了,沒想到會在此看到熟悉的面孔。” 而這時,朴世洙向羅未來介紹說: “這位是我的後援者,從我上小學開始,給我獎學金,還資助我上電影學校。” 為了爭奪羅未來而與朴世洙展開心理戰的金信,不由得對始終自信滿滿的朴世洙心生可疑,曾經拜託時事節目導演暗中調查朴世洙的金信,還是被大未來帶到了朴世洙與羅未來在一起的地方,當金信看到歡笑的羅未來與米蘭達,以及朴世洙後驚訝不已。 就在此刻,金信收到了一條從委託調查朴世洙的時事節目導演發來的意想不到的簡訊,其內容為 “你叫我調查的那個人,是米蘭達的孫子,將成為我們YBS、營建集團會長的人。” 為此頗受打擊並愣愣地望著羅未來的金信頓時看到了朴世洙以淺笑以對並展現身為幕後老闆所具備的昂然、悠然的氣質。 結果,揭曉了米蘭達的孫子兼言論財閥家的繼承者朴世洙為何始終對所有事積行動的理由,與羅未來、朴世洙形成三角關係的金信得知'臥底老闆'朴世洙的底細之後,將會進入另一個轉換點。 同時,當天還播出了徐幽靜(韓彩雅飾)通過大未來的記事本試圖揭發秘密的畫面,令觀眾為日後劇情頗感好奇。 http://images.4hw.com.cn/20131112/2f94c581f76085b5859804e86e261dbd.jpg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ☆在綫看《未來的選擇》視頻~~ http://kr.vslovetv.com/2013/11/10-marry-him-if-you-dare-ep10.html 未來的選擇 第10集 Marry Him If You Dare Ep10 [ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ] [Part 1 on DM][Part 2 on DM][Part 3 on DM][Part 4 on DM]若影片限制嵌入,請點紅字連結至Dailymotion收看 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1745x4_dare1001_lifestyle dare1001 14:59 上传人 didiaotv0179,632 浏览 as at 2013.11.28(20:20) http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1746gf_dar1002_lifestyle dar1002 15:05 上传人 didiaotv01 42,959 浏览 as at 2013.11.29(20:30) http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1745xw_dare1003_lifestyle dare1003 15:03 上传人 didiaotv01 61,153 浏览 as at 2013.11.28(20:20) http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1745yd_dare1004_lifestyle dare1004 15:02 上传人 didiaotv0162,724 浏览 as at 2013.11.28(20:20) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/11/mi-raes-choice-episode-10/ Drama Recaps Mi-rae’s Choice: Episode 10 by gummimochi | November 13, 2013 | 216 Comments as at 2013.11.28 i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu26/dramabeans/drama/2013/Mirae/Mirae_10/Mirae10-00492.jpg Shin is shocked to see Mi-rae dine at the same table as Chairman Lee and whom he now knows to be her grandson, Se-joo, who returns a tiny smirk. He’s still trying to piece it all together when Se-joo calls to confirm his family lineage and apologize for keeping him in the dark. Shin asks if Mi-rae knows this truth as well, to which Se-joo smiles, amused to hear Shin suddenly speak to him in jondaemal. He asks that Shin keep it under wraps for now. Meanwhile the dinner continues inside as Chairman Lee makes small talk, casually tossing in that someone of her age might want to marry into a rich family where money gives her a freedom to do whatever she likes. But that isn’t what Mi-rae wants, and she surprises the Chairman Lee by asking if she is content with her life, adding politely that becoming rich doesn’t seem like the chairman’s original dream and not every girl dreams of being wealthy. And that’s why we love you, Mi-rae. 香港無綫電視J2台 http://mytv.tvb.com/drama/marryhimifyoudare/192669 未來的選擇 第 12 集 00:46:54 | 日期: 2014-11-07 觀看人次: 6,185 as at 2014.11.14(18:50) (14:50) Flash back: son died...... (16:36) 金信:"......人生哲理:一分耕耘,一分收穫......" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ youtube.com/watch?v=9TBSWkwO794 HD [GAMES SCENE] 미래의 선택 Marry Him If You Dare E10 - 윤은혜 Yoon Eun Hye https://i.ytimg.com/vi/9TBSWkwO794/mqdefault.jpg FrenchNeri_YoonEunHye_MHIYD (2:43) 2013.11.12 觀看次數:3,712 次 as at 2014.5.3(20:10) youtube.com/watch?v=6UQEgOfZcI0 朴孝信為好友李東健獻聲《未來的選擇》插曲《It's you》 https://i.ytimg.com/vi/6UQEgOfZcI0/mqdefault.jpg Koreastardaily01 (3:53)Nov 16, 2013 觀看次數:44,061 as at 2014.11.24(19:30); 47,072 as at 2015.3.21(19:50) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- youtube.com/watch?v=8Hw9FlgWRVU KBS 월화드라마 미래의선택 OST part.4 (박효신 - It's you) M/V https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8Hw9FlgWRVU/mqdefault.jpg thefncofficial (3:45) 2013.11.11 觀看次數:406,100 as at 2014.11.24(19:30); 448,181 as at 2015.3.21(19:50) TiaraLuv969 -- park hyoshin's voice is always daebak..so deep yet so calming to ears:) WellItsLong -- Now that the song is doing well, I hope the ratings for the drama also pick up.... Ale GZ -- i love drama marry him if you dare and yoon eun hye♥jung yong hwa♥lee dong gun♥i am from peru AlMe. Fabi -- Great Voice♥Future Choice fighting from PERU♥I love this drama! (^___^) Jotiess7 -- 支持容和!未來選擇大發! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- youtube.com/watch?v=YnlqhV_2TgU [Thai Trans] It's You Ost. MHIYD https://i.ytimg.com/vi/YnlqhV_2TgU/mqdefault.jpg Kelly J Siripoonya (3:45) Nov 12, 2013 觀看次數: 10,266 as at 2014.11.24(16:50); 12,052 as at 2015.3.21(19:50) [Thai Trans] It's You - Ost. Marry Him If You Dare Artist : Park Hyo Sin Title: 미래의 선택 Also known as: Marry Him If You Dare / Mi Rae's Choice / Future's Choice / The Choice of the Future / The Future Choice Genre: Romance, fantasy, time travel Broadcast network: KBS2 Broadcast period start: 2013-Oct-14 Air time: Monday & Tuesday 22:00 KST Cast: Yoon Eun Hye as Na Mi Rae Choi Myung Gil as Na Mi Rae's future self Lee Dong Gun as Kim Shin Jung Yong Hwa as Park Se Ju Han Chae Ah as Seo Yoo Kyung -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- youtube.com/watch?v=QrLZw2JnXDY HD [FLASHBACK SCENE] 미래의 선택 Marry Him If You Dare E12 - 윤은혜 Yoon Eun Hye https://i.ytimg.com/vi/QrLZw2JnXDY/mqdefault.jpg FrenchNeri_YoonEunHye_MHIYD (1:38) 2013.11.19 觀看次數:3,157 次 as at 2015.3.21(19:40) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- youtube.com/watch?v=aQS55s_irrA HD [나미래 Na Mi Rae FLASHBACK SCENE] 미래의 선택 Marry Him If You Dare E10 - 윤은혜 Yoon Eun Hye https://i.ytimg.com/vi/aQS55s_irrA/mqdefault.jpg FrenchNeri_YoonEunHye_MHIYD (2:08) 2013.11.19 觀看次數:13,227 as at 2015.3.21(19:40) mayzielly -- this scene really makes me sad. maybe because of the song. huhu. they're happy but those happy times will just be forgotten, only Future Mirae knows. those happy moments will no longer happen. But I'm sure they (Mirae and Kim Shin) will make their own happy memories in the present timeline, which are far more better than the alternate timeline. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- youtube.com/watch?v=3x-ROsn6WNY HD [Epi.12 Marriage/Parent] 미래의 선택 'Marry Him If You Dare' - Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 & Lee Dong Gun 이동건 https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3x-ROsn6WNY/mqdefault.jpg 미래의 선택 Hallyu Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 MHIYD (1:36) 2013.11.19 觀看次數:7,025 as at 2013.12.2(19:30); 62,987 as at 2015.3.21(19:20) youtube.com/watch?v=Tpxev2NWX1w HD [CRYING SCENE] 미래의 선택 Marry Him If You Dare E12 - 윤은혜 Yoon Eun Hye & 이동건 Lee Dong Gun https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Tpxev2NWX1w/mqdefault.jpg FrenchNeri_YoonEunHye_MHIYD (2:10) 2013.11.19 觀看次數:5,645 as at 2015.3.21(19:40) youtube.com/watch?v=FI7GT1q-nJg HD [Ep.13 UNSPOKEN CHEMISTRY] 미래의 선택 'Marry Him If You Dare' - Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 & Lee Dong Gun 이동건 https://i.ytimg.com/vi/FI7GT1q-nJg/mqdefault.jpg 미래의 선택 Hallyu Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 MHIYD (1:00) 2013.11.25 觀看次數:5,110 次 as at 2015.3.21(19:30) youtube.com/watch?v=zZ2zFGKrbgs HD [Ep.14 GOODBYE MY LOVE] 미래의 선택 'Marry Him If You Dare' - Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 & Lee Dong Gun 이동건 https://i.ytimg.com/vi/zZ2zFGKrbgs/mqdefault.jpg 미래의 선택 Hallyu Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 MHIYD (1:30) 2013.11.27 觀看次數:1,876 as at 2013.12.2(19:00); 6,884 as at 2015.3.21(19:30) *Background music:《It's you》Title: Marry Him If You Dare 미래의선택/Future Choice / Mirae's Choice Starring: Yoon Eun Hye, Lee Dong Gun, Jung Yong Hwa Airdate: October 14 every Monday & Tuesday Broadcast Time: 22:00pm/10:00pm Channel: KBS2 Angelyn Wilson -- English subtitle please :) http://mytv.tvb.com/drama/marryhimifyoudare/193349 未來的選擇 第 17 集 00:46:58 |日期: 2014-11-14 觀看人次: 2, 848 as at 2014.11.16(14:30) 免費會員 剩餘時間 5日 as at 2014.11.16(14:30) myTV+ 剩餘時間 5日 因為賢雅家中有事,未來臨時被指派擔任節目的主要編劇,沒想到在直播現場,有卿的耳機出了問題,無法即時連線,所有人都慌張不已。 幸好未來機智應對化解危機,讓節目順利播畢。 在旁的世宙也上前讚揚未來,沒想到就在此刻,金信宣布自己要離開節目及公司,讓所有人都相當驚訝。未來聽到金信的離職宣言,隨即追問是否因為顧慮與她的關係,當聽到金信故作堅強,嘴硬說不是時,未來告訴金信她已從「大未來」得知是自己害死金信一事,也使金信感到訝異。 兩人彼此祝福道別,世宙在這樣的過程中一直溫柔地陪在未來身邊,漸漸使未來的心有所轉變。由於新年特輯直播成功,再加上眾人看到世宙對未來的態度,漸漸為未來貼上「常務女人」的標籤,也使賢雅對未來的態度有所不同。 未來找了賢雅懇談,讓未來開始思考她該如何脫離珠賢與世宙的庇蔭,走出自己的路。 珠賢與金信兩人話別時,珠賢向金信為未來的事道歉,又說出他認為金信不會改變,使金信也想改變自己。世宙在公司做了改革,卻得不到老派幹部及往來公司支持,米蘭對他說出如果不能有獲利,她會迫不得已讓世宙下台。 世宙又聽到有卿告訴他,公司仍有許多內定不公開的選拔活動進行,如果世宙的改革只淪於喊喊口號,便不會有成效,使他受到很大的打擊。 世宙尋求未來安慰,因而來到未來家中,看到珠賢與未來甚至「大未來」之間的溫暖情誼,而得到療癒,未來聽到世宙的難處時,亦感到憐惜。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (08:38) 金信向大家宣布自己要離開節目及公司...... (11:17~11:34) "謝謝你, 羅未來。 特意回到過去, 阻止我...... 跟你交往...... 讓我可以有一個完全不同的人生! 祝仍你跟朴世宙開心、幸福。" (17:10~19:00) ♪朴孝信《It’s You》 金信:Flashback life @YBS... 你不知道吧 愛著你某個人 即使終日在你身邊望著你 你也渾然不覺 你不知道吧 愛你更勝自己性命的 像傻瓜一般的人 It’s you 我說我愛你 那是我的真心 就算你始終不知道 到今天我的心中也只有你 我所愛的一個人 [羅未來在遠處目送金信:"一路順風,金主播。"] 你不知道吧 ...... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://mytv.tvb.com/drama/marryhimifyoudare/193508 第 18 集 00:47:10 |日期: 2014-11-17 觀看人次: 3,959 as at 2014.11.24(17:20) 潘朵拉的節目受到公司內一致好評,因此眾人得到可以發揮自己意願的機會,賢雅因此想找回初衷,轉調時事性節目,未來也決定到外製公司靠自己的力量打拼。 大夥在歡送賢雅的聚餐後,未來向世宙提到濟州島的事,世宙便趁機告訴未來救她的人就是自己,並拿出戒指再次向未來表心意。「大未來」被黑衣人要求必須要回去,但「大未來」放心不下珠賢,還為他安排相親,終於到了要回去的時候,卻被「大未來」無意間聽到黑衣人說她做的事不會對將來有任何影響,「大未來」難以接受,因此又脫逃出來…未來終於接受了世宙的心意,金信也與NTN簽了約想重新開始,但「大未來」卻得知這個世界的一切與她的世界無關,而她卻介入影響了未來及金信的人生。金信到了NTN倍受禮遇,他也想要改變自己的原則來適應社會,同時間世宙也為建立媒體王國在努力,因此找米蘭融資,卻遭米蘭要求娶別人做為條件,世宙非常堅定拒絕條件談判。 (01:40~03:33) @ 餐館,「大未來」跟金信道別,並提醒他不可以跟NTN簽約...... 金信向「大未來」保證他會改變自己...... "......羅組長也說了, 無論到哪裡我也不變, 所以...... 從今以後我要學習改變, 以後我會鑑貌辨色, 睜隻眼, 閉隻眼, 不會對著幹, 要圓滑地生活......" "雖然...... 我們這段緣份是孽緣, 但你是不錯的好男人......" ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://topstarnews.net/detail.php?number=46441&thread=0002r0001r0014r0009 2013년12월03일 10시23분 김명수 (Reporter@TopstarNews.co.kr) 기자 이동건, '미래'의 행복 위해 '미래' 포기하는 애절한 사랑 (Google 翻譯) 李, '未來'為'未來'的幸福悲傷放棄愛情 톱스타뉴스=김명수기자] ‘미래의 선택’ 이동건이 ‘평행우주 이론’의 진실을 깨닫고도 윤은혜를 포기해 시청자의 가슴을 뭉클하게 했다. 金明 - 洙頂級明星新聞=新聞]'未來的選擇“利是”平行宇宙理論“來實現它的真相是放棄了尹恩惠讓觀眾的心臟刺痛。 世洙與未來出席友人眾餐劇照:-- http://topstarnews.net/wys2/file_attach/2013/12/03/1386033935-57.jpg 金信劇照:--http://topstarnews.net/wys2/file_attach/2013/12/03/1386033946-97.jpg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ youtube.com/watch?v=pmDzWowyTqE HD [Ep.15 Balcony Convo] 미래의 선택 'Marry Him If You Dare' - Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 & Lee Dong Gun 이동건 https://i.ytimg.com/vi/pmDzWowyTqE/mqdefault.jpg ✞ Hallyu Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 International Fan Channel ✞ (2:51) 2013.12.2 觀看次數:6,287 as at 2014.5.3(20:10) Raquel Choi -- love the dress.... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 百度貼吧:-- tieba.baidu.com/p/2707353651 ☆未來☆【131115探班】14日東健zooms探班東健劇組 這是東健韓粉昨天探班東健為東健和劇組送吃的韓粉拍的照片。五年了依然有人愛你,東健加油 想要lv 1樓2013-11-25 15:29 影像網址:-- imgsrc.baidu.com/forum/w%3D580/sign=0a16f6d6c1cec3fd8b3ea77de688d4b6/385d0530e924b8991a0572226c061d950a7bf650.jpg 加油東健哥,你還有很多機會!看看池城歐巴,也是一步一個腳印,踏實演戲,今年的秘密不就大發了麼?東健哥fighting! 薔薇牛奶 10樓2013-11-25 22:31 東粉和恩惠合影11樓2013-11-15 22:31 影像網址:-- imgsrc.baidu.com/forum/w%3D580/sign=45c207f1b4fd5266a72b3c1c9b189799/9a76792762d0f70355869ec60afa513d2697c55d.jpg 我和你不孕不育: 妹紙很細心啊把粉絲的臉都遮住了恩惠又消瘦了2013-11-15 22:44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://mytv.tvb.com/drama/marryhimifyoudare/193669 第 20 集 00:47:04 |日期: 2014-11-19 觀看人次: 6,399 as at 2014.11.24(16:50) 由於「大未來」停留在32歲,卻被關在醫院而極度不安,她打了電話要求金信到醫院探望,金信見到此景,不禁感嘆自己與大未來似乎仍被束縛於命運之中。 金信在公司大廳遇見了受害者向他懇求報導該事件,使金信愧於面對受害者。 在苦惱同時,出現一位自稱是三十五年後的金信的老先生,說他就是選擇了終生保留緘默的結果,也使他後悔終生,金信受此啟發,終於報導了該事件,並就自己的有意隱匿向社會大眾道歉,此舉當然引起軒然大波。「大未來」看到金信此舉突然清醒過來要去阻止金信,也因此回復正常狀態,卻因她做出錯誤的選擇,使得過去與未來的金信都因她而受到傷害,因此愧於回去未來面對金信,未來見狀很擔心,便告訴「大未來」她會盡力不使金信垮台。未來將採訪收集到的資料做成了企劃案,要求在珠賢節目中播出,並盡力說服相關人員的協助,包含讓世宙做出了會遭受攻擊的播出決定。 節目的播出振奮了新聞從業人的士氣,引起了社會注意,有人發起聯署拯救金信的活動,使金信受到鼓舞,卻使米蘭找到藉口要求未來與世宙分手,未來不答應,世宙更提出辭呈。 但未來感受到自己的不足,即使世宙要求未來與他一起出國留學,未來也沒有答應,兩人於是黯然分手。「大未來」見到輿論轉變,對金信有幫助,便決心回到未來,想在金信身邊死去,與珠賢及未來悲傷的別離。------------------------------------ 三年後,有卿學成歸國,真的成了清談節目主持人,未來更成為知名編劇及暢銷作家,金信主持一個廣播節目,並剛好贏得與NTN的官司,世宙在聖誕夜這天回到韓國,為的是及時看到未來的新書上市,珠賢終於做了紀錄片,結了婚有一個孩子,妻子也正在懷孕中,生活幸福美滿。一切都印證了未來領悟到的,人不應依賴未來而原地踏步來決定人生,而是應該把握當下,努力以赴,做出每次不使自己後悔的選擇,才是幸福的人生。 ------------------------------------------------------------ (04:40~06:50) 金信見到35年後的自己...... "......就是沒做那則報道, 始終保持一貫沉默的你。" (06:20) "你認為我為什麼來這裡? 過去35年來我一直在想, 如果可以回到那天, 我會作出相同選擇嗎? 如果沒有那樣做, 又會過著什麼的人生? 我就是你做了選擇的結果。" ------------------------------------------------------------ (08:30) "金主播,做結尾。" "一直在電視機前的觀眾...... 有件事想向觀眾報告...... 我接獲公司方面要求絕對不可以, 擋出特定報道的一個重要指示: 由太極集團製造的加濕器殺菌劑 'Aqua Wash' 有危險性, 檢驗結果顯示...... 雖然有三十多名受害人家屬, 聲稱受到肺部損傷, 甚至導致死亡, 但太極集團, 沒有任何對應措, 只想繼續隱瞞此事。 身為記者, 身為主播, 我曾想過隱瞞事實和真相, 我衷心向大家道歉...... (金信在鏡頭前躹躬) 因為太極集團阻撓而沒有此事, 使這些產品目前, 仍在各大零售店發售。 本台記者艱辛地追蹤採訪, 期望明天我仍能為各位繼續報道。 為了令報道能播出, 希望市民大眾在行動上給予支持。" (10:00) "謝謝各位,我是主播金信。" (10:50) "我對你很失望,金信......" "我現在被開除了? 不能做主播, 還要賠償兩倍違約金?" "不僅如此, 要為你的行為付出代價。 我還會告你, 要你後悔。" "合約第一條第五項: 以事實為根據, 報道新聞。 那麼, 我們明天早上見。" (11:20) 金信說罷便離開...... youtube.com/watch?v=jmkzpzQbza8 HD [Ep.16 WALK SCENE] 미래의 선택 'Marry Him If You Dare' - Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 & Lee Dong Gun 이동건 https://i.ytimg.com/vi/jmkzpzQbza8/mqdefault.jpg 미래의 선택 Hallyu Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 MHIYD (2:38) 2013.12.3 觀看次數:17,535 as at 2015.3.21(19:30) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiJm_ImqiAQ Only Me and It's You - (Marry Him If You Dare OST) 2014.5.3: "Only Me and It's You - (M..." The YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement. Sorry about that." Julia Vu (7:40) 2013.12.15 觀看次數:56 次 as at 2013.12.31(16:30) Only Me - Melody Day It's You - Park Hyo Shin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kdt8hN4iBbQ {Official Instrumental} Park Hyoshin(박효신) - It's You 2014.5.3: "This video is unavailable. Sorry about that." MYNT민트COVERS (3:52) 2013.11.27 觀看次數:415 as at 2013.12.31(16:30) http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/12/mi-raes-choice-episode-16-final/ Drama Recaps Mi-rae’s Choice: Episode 16 (Final) by gummimochi | December 4, 2013 | 351 Comments as at 2014.11.16 Shin's dilemma to choose between two different scripts:-- i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu26/dramabeans/drama/2013/Mirae/Mirae_16/Mirae16-00009.jpgEveryone waits expectantly as Shin goes on air, faced with the dilemma to choose between two different scripts. He looks up after an agonizingly long pause… and reads off the one without the humidifier controversy. On one hand, that’s a relief, but your principles, Shin! http://www.s1979.com/yule/yulebagua/201312/04108514404.shtml 《未來的選擇》大結局尹恩惠清醒認識如何面對生活 2013年12月04日16:06來源:深圳廣電集團 韓劇《未來的選擇》中,經歷各種挫折的羅未來(尹恩惠飾)終於清醒認識瞭如何面對生活。 在昨晚(12月3日)的結局篇中,羅未來借《潘多拉的盒子》節目獨家報導了為了守護社會正義的金信(李東健飾)的近況,幫助對方。 《未來的選擇》大结局 尹恩惠清醒認識瞭如何面對生活:http://image.s1979.com/allimg/131204/316_131204160433_1.jpg 金信與NTN電視台的訴訟正式展開,羅未來找到他,激勵、鼓勵他。她向金信解釋“什麼是未來?就是未知的未,和到來的來”,希望他不要因為未知的未來而使得現在的自己陷入不安。 未來從與大未來的邂逅、成為編劇、被朴世洙(CNBLUE成員鄭容和飾)和金信所愛等中吸取教訓,終於明白了應該如何面對生活,而這就是《未來的選擇》的宗旨。 穿越類題材的《未來的選擇》因之前過於重筆墨刻畫“羅未來挑選老公人選”而遭觀眾詬病,大未來的“退行性失憶症”、大未來和羅未來之間的“平行宇宙理論”等也都與主題格格不入。 但想要追求自己的事業、未能找到生活下去的理由的凡人的故事,以及歷經各種磨難逐漸成長的故事也引起部分觀眾的共鳴。 有觀眾表示“劇情走向雖然有些奇怪,但還不錯”、“圓滿結局”、“尹恩惠到底跟誰?”、“鄭容和、李東健都很不錯”、“完全就是尹恩惠在挑老公人選”等。 http://kr.vslovetv.com/2013/10/marry-him-if-you-dare-list.html 留言: (as at 2013.11.19) 匿名11月 01, 2013 越來越好看...4-50歲後回頭看..你會想改變過去的什麼... 雖說性格決定命運...... 但因為大未來的出現改變了小未來跟金信的想法...... 也算是貴人一個...... youtube.com/watch?v=Szq-Q9dSGQw [Karaoke/노래방] 박효신 - It's you (미래의 선택 ost) aZnMan Korean Karaoke (3:26) 2013.11.26 觀看次數:5,228 次 as at 2014.5.3(18:40) Korean subtitles are available for the blue version.(Please click on 'CC' button or activate 'Interactive Transcript' function) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://hk.dictionary.yahoo.com/dictionary?p=salad+day salad days [plural] old-fashioned -the time of your life when you are young and not very experienced 【過時】經驗不足的青年時代﹐初出茅廬的時期 年少不更事之青春期 http://cn.chosun.com/big5/site/data/html_dir/2008/08/26/20080826000011.html 尹恩惠唱廣告歌《沙拉頌》成話題 懂埭=极郤陳珅厙 (2008.08.26 11:09) 歌手兼演員尹恩惠演唱的“沙拉”廣告歌正受到網友的青睞。 身穿普通服裝,認真錄制歌曲的尹恩惠的影音在互聯網上公開後,引來了眾多網友的好奇。 看到視頻的網友紛紛問道,難道尹恩惠要重新作為歌手復出嗎?但據悉,該視頻是在尹恩惠為目前擔任形象代言人的三星電子冰箱Zipel錄制新廣告歌時拍攝的。 據了解,尹恩惠錄制的歌曲名字是《沙拉紀念日》,是一首散發濃鬱的都市感覺的電子音樂(Electronica)歌曲。該歌曲已被稱作《沙拉頌》,深受網友們的青睞。 來源=體育朝鮮網http://blog.xuite.net/jjy6869/CoffeePrincess1989/19645995 身穿普通服裝,認真錄制歌曲的尹恩惠的影音在互聯網上公開後,引來了眾多網友的好奇。 http://forums.soompi.com/en/discussion/338/yoon-eun-hye-%EC%9C%A4%EC%9D%80%ED%98%9C/p1309 edited August 2008 from the News Thread QUOTE (deka_if @ Aug 25 2008, 01:32 PM) » Yoon Eun-hye sings again August 24th, 2008 // by javabeans i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd150/shin_soompi/yeh/yeh_studio1.jpg As always, Yoon Eun-hye sure knows how to get people talking.A recent video clip surfaced online on August 23 of Yoon singing a "Salad song" (which indie-electronica band Humming Urban Stereo first recorded; song below). i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd150/shin_soompi/yeh/yeh_studio2.jpg The new video showing Yoon Eun-hye singing the upbeat song cheerfully in the recording studio has given rise to speculation of whether this indicates that she'll be returning to the pop-music scene, after retiring from girl group Baby VOX to pursue acting in 2005. She recently recorded another song for rookie hip-hop group Mighty Mouth, providing vocals for their track "I Love You"— but although she'd denied the possibility of coming back as a singer at that time, the statement hasn't done much to curb hopeful fan speculation.source : Star News http://www.dramabeans.com/2008/08/yoon-eun-hye-sings-again/ youtube.com/watch?v=pDqqTo4C9ro {HQ} Yoon Eun Hye & Lee Dong Gun - Salad Song [MV] 影片建立者:tunsnowball 5 (3:17) 2008.9.14 觀看次數:67,655 次 as at 2013.10.29(15:40); 92,600 as at 2014.11.16(15:30) SdAmy Minsun -- Its so cute... Marry Him if You Dare Kim Shin and Mae-Ri Phuong themouthfuleater -- it's cool that they are working with each other now :D rhoda alcayde -- They look good together..... salonikany (in reply to chocolate7779) I love ,love YEH and I am happy for her bcuz she has a chance to play opposite to LDGun ,a person with talent in acting and singing.Some of his dramas : "Lovers in Paris" he had the second role there "Sweet 18"rom-com very funny movie "My boyfriend is type B" Read about him and you will see how interesting person he is.Life was harsh with him though.Wish him the best. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q42qaQIBHzI Yoon Eun Hye + Lee Dong Gun ( SALAD DAY MV) + ROMAJI / ENG LYRICS 2014.7.30 "This video has been removed by the user. Sorry about that." 影片建立者:AhmonLover (3:33) 2009.3.2 觀看次數:12,457 次 as at 2013.10.29(15:40) http://yooneunhye.net/forums/topic/yoon-eun-hyes-songs Salad Song (Zipel CF) – Yoon Eun Hye & Lee Dong Gun Translation Lalalala Lalalala Wowow~ Wowow oh oh~ The apricot salad you said was delicious It was delicious, so I want to eat more The things that you liked They were little bits of happiness to me I feel up my calender, labeling them as a memorable day Na na na na na na The apricot salad you liked That day is a special salad day Na na na na na na The melody and voice you liked That day is a special melody day Na na na na na na The little kitty you said was pretty It was cute so I went to see it again The things that you liked I fill up your rooms with small kitties Na na na na na na The apricot salad you liked That day is a special salad day Na na na na na na The melody and voice you liked That day is a special melody day Na na na na na na The apricot salad you liked That day is a special salad day Na na na na na na The melody and voice you liked That day is a special melody day ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- youtube.com/watch?v=z3aeQqz9ZVg Yoon Eun Hye AMV | Yoon Eun Hye Salad Song ft. Lee Dong Gun IamthemanProductions (3:15) 2011.12.24 觀看次數:1,625 as at 2013.12.17(18:00) (song/intro/video) credits & information below Thanks to the organizations/users who own and uploaded the videos, i could not have done this without you :) -yooneunhyeNET -Ngraywolf018 -CarpeDiemVenus -SweetxMisery91 -xxxmrsfishxxx -YumiNekoChan86 -HallyuYoonEunHye Song: Yoon Eun Hye Salad Song ft. Lee Dong Gun Intro was not created by me but by youtube user VegTutor https://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1508090506520 Zipel 廣告歌 샐러드 기념일的中文歌詞... ~泥魚*2008-09-10 04:39:41 샐러드 기념일 沙拉紀念日 라라라라라~ 라라라라라..워워워 La La La La La ~La La La La La ..Woo Woo Woo 너가 맛있었다고 했던 살구빛 샐러드 你說過很好吃的杏色沙拉 맛있어서 또 먹고 싶어 因為好吃想再吃ㄧ次 너가 좋아했던 것들을 你喜歡過的東西 나에게 자그마한 행복들 달력 안 기념일들로 對我來說 小小的幸福就是把月曆都填滿紀念日 채워지네..채워지네.. Yeah~나나나나나나~ 慢慢填滿..慢慢填滿了..Yeah~Na Na Na Na Na Na ~ 너가 좋아했던 살구빛 샐러드 你喜歡過的杏色沙拉 그 날은 샐러드 기념일 우후~나나나나나 那天就是沙拉紀念日 Oh Hoo~ Na Na Na Na Na 너가 좋아하던 멜로디 목소리 你喜歡的旋律歌聲 그 날은 멜로디 기념일..우~ 라라라나나나 那天就是旋律紀念日..Wu~ La La La Na Na Na 너가 예뻤었다고 했던 조그만 고양이 你說過很漂亮的小貓咪 귀여워서 또 보고 싶어 因為很可愛想再見一次 너가 좋아했던 것들을 你喜歡過的東西 나에게 자그마한 고양이들 방에 한가득하게 對我來說 讓房間滿滿都是小貓們 채워지네 채워지네,, Yeah~ 나나나나나나 越來越多 越來越多,, Yeah~ Na Na Na Na Na Na 너가 좋아했던 살구빛 샐러드 你喜歡過的杏色沙拉 그 날은 샐러드 기념일 우후~나나나나 那天就是沙拉紀念日 Oh Hoo~ Na Na Na Na 너가 좋아하던 멜로디 목소리 你喜歡的旋律歌聲 그 날은 멜로디 기념일..우우 라라라나나나 那天就是旋律紀念日..Wu Wu La La La Na Na Na ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ youtube.com/watch?v=YZgKTsWkcUk Yoon Eun Hye feat Lee Dong Gun - Salad Day MissMilkytea (3:16) 2011.7.2 觀看次數:3,898 次 as at 2014.3.29 Arjay Canon -- didnt even know yoon eun hye sang this! loved her in coffee prince no.1! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://topstarnews.net/detail.php?number=46533&thread=0002r0001r0014r0009 金信主播:-- http://topstarnews.net/wys2/file_attach/2013/12/04/1386120868-95.jpg 彧 i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu26/dramabeans/drama/2013/Mirae/Mirae_16/Mirae16-00009.jpg 韓文原文 2013년12월04일 10시31분 김명수 (Reporter@TopstarNews.co.kr) 기자 ‘미래의 선택’ 이 성공한 이유 4가지 [톱스타뉴스=김명수기자] ‘미래의 선택’이 16회를 마지막으로 대단원의 막을 내렸다. Google 翻譯 2013年12月4日10:31金明 - 洙(Reporter@TopstarNews.co.kr) )記者 “未來選擇”成功4種原因[頂級明星金明 - 洙新聞=新聞]'未來的選擇“ 16倍在壓軸結束了最後兩個。 廣播在過去的三天,上週,尹恩惠“對未來的選擇” - 李頌,永 - 什 - hanchaeah四重奏走各的路,每個數字是擠滿引起人們的重視。經過三年的時間了,不是命運,自己的選擇本身大力推進邁向光輝的外觀留下了溫暖的餘輝的夢想。 極和未來是一個更高級一點的不是花時間去看看問候頭腦想要傲然挺立三週拒絕的建議。董事總經理職位再次去真的想學習學習三週的方式來解決所有疑問,未來會明白它的心臟給了一個溫暖的擁抱告別,兩人並無抵押。根據自己的信仰Jaebeolga站交織在一起的腐敗指控,前是被迫走出車站,包括違約訴訟,後一個點球,但都沒有壓力,洞穴真理的一邊,抱著hunhunham線的外觀。善也有一個大的未來正等著回去25年的未來。 經過3年的時間在未來的暢銷書作家誰率先方式和移動另一個是站在蒂( hanchaeah分鐘)在他的脫口秀節目的名稱,並成為主要的MC 。還研究了三週後很長的看起來更成熟的人來回到韓國,著名的互聯網廣播信停泊在長期的試驗結束後,被告本人在當時對NTN站得手。由於未來和Shin ,書三週展出的未來在書店交錯順序通過狹窄。但遠離形式和任何人你不通過“三角戀愛失戀”到底知道結果引發了好奇心ahrithan 。 “ Miseon廢人” ,以支持大規模的“製作精良的新(新)時空扭曲劇”在過去三個月收到了良好的眼上的家庭影院和令人印象深刻的逆轉,給了有趣的選擇的未來“的人留下指出它所認為。 尹恩惠 - 李頌,永 - 什 - hanchaeah ,反复反轉反轉ssareup 4每個甜蜜的愛情線SSAP 尹恩惠 - 李頌,永 - 什 - hanchaeah相反的選擇和命運“的四個電位絕對值幫”交錯的驚險懸念填充'愛情故事'鉛gamyeo令人振奮的家庭影院染粉紅色。可愛的尹恩惠是一個獨特的火山爆發的能量和興奮naemyeo超過100 %完全消化的細膩情感的表演,深受好評。李回到了那個吸引了很長一段時間的CRT爆炸性魅力壓倒CRT的話題, “新燒心”是原因。臥底老闆和年輕的VJ圖顯示了兩個對比鮮明的鐘勇 - 世界衛生大會一個“煙霧電位器”和無可挑剔的teotteurimyeo濃煙動觀眾的心,充滿了迷人的魅力騙子hanchaeah記者站搶注意力完全消化naemyeo關注。 跨越新舊顯得華貴奢侈的固定演員 “未來選擇”是多達四個不同的各種人物的主角出現的獨特性,趣味性和質量是不同的。撲克一直活躍在CRT屏幕和演員chongjipgyeol pyeolchyeoon奢華,再加上電源戲劇的完整性。要糾正錯誤的選擇早在'25上的逆變換choemyeonggil看煙似乎例外,媒體的非凡魅力十足效力表明總統jaebeolga godusim “全國女演員”的承諾,提出招搖極的尊嚴。打哈欠這裡戲劇的舞台表現和全屏顯示煙'現場偷竊者“ ohjeongse yimido是無可挑剔,出色的演技注入戲劇人生 獨特的材質和富有想像力的情節彈跳 睡眠時間設定有獨特風味的“百尺桿部署了各種更令人震驚的情節逆轉,隨後gamyeo陰謀觀眾時間的選擇” 。特別是,尹恩惠和李,鐘勇 - 世界衛生大會圍繞“三角戀愛浪漫”的同時,這導致更多的緊張洪流'我'和'未來或“真正讓我得到滿足和打鬧gamyeo打'另一個增長'顯示的外觀。自己在試驗和錯誤的選擇,結果表明責任。 Hongjinah沉船積極專業的編劇兼導演的第一氣餒細膩的軟輸出恰逢gwongyehong “未來的選擇'是一個強有力的作家和細膩柔和的輸出hongjinah pilryeok的教練首先介紹gwongyehong工作集中了呼吸。現有常用的“時間滑”不是,到目前為止還沒有看到一個新鮮而獨特的故事情節帶領。每一次每一次扭轉了一些緊張“ miseon沉船'創建一個難以想像的快感的序列。這裡是細膩而感性和視覺美感的和諧的軟輸出的gwongyehong主任長時間jimyeonseo難忘的時刻是場景的誕生。 出版商恩萊克斯電信表示, “未來的”選擇“,並為超過三個月的最好的演員,做與工作人員非常高興和與和諧印象深刻”和“同時,演員和工作人員節約bamjam最好gamyeo是充滿愛和全心全意的支持,再大的誰送過感謝他們真誠的觀眾, “他說。 Mirae + Kim Shin on the day he resigned:-- http://topstarnews.net/wys2/file_attach/2013/12/04/1386120898-30.jpg 朴世洙不捨羅未來:-- http://topstarnews.net/wys2/file_attach/2013/12/04/1386120832-46.jpg Lawyer + Kim Shin:-- http://topstarnews.net/wys2/file_attach/2013/12/04/1386120923-22.jpg 朴世洙:-- http://topstarnews.net/wys2/file_attach/2013/12/04/1386120938-93.jpg 成功作家羅未來:-- http://topstarnews.net/wys2/file_attach/2013/12/04/1386120953-84.jpg http://www.koreaobserver.com/ktube/%EB%B0%95%ED%9A%A8%EC%8B%A0-its-you-kbs-%EC%9B%94%ED%99%94%EB%93%9C%EB%9D%BC%EB%A7%88-%EB%AF%B8%EB%9E%98%EC%9D%98%EC%84%A0%ED%83%9D-ost-part-4-mv-kpop/-45564/ Park Hyo Shin (박효신) – It’s you >KBS 월화드라마 미래의선택 OST part.4 >M/V >Romanization Lyrics Added by Lee Eun-jung on November 13, 2013 KBS 월화드라마 미래의선택 OST part.4 (박효신 – It’s you) M/V ‘It’s you’는 대한민국 대표 명품 보컬리스트 박효신의 참여 만으로도 큰 화제를 몰고 있는 곡이다. 박효신은 본인의 수많은 히트곡 이외에도 ‘OST의 신’이라 불릴 정도로 그 동안 특유의 감성과 탁월한 가창력을 통해 드라마의 몰입도를 높이는 OST들을 발표, 극찬을 받아왔다. KBS 월화드라마 ‘미래의 선택’ 메인 발라드 곡인 ‘It’s you’도 영혼을 울리는 그의 목소리가 더해져 최고의 명품 OST로 탄생했다. 이 곡은 어쿠스틱 사운드와 스트링의 서정적인 편곡이 돋보이는 발라드로 박효신의 애절하고 감미로운 목소리가 들을수록 빠져드는 깊은 감동을 준다. geu daen mo reu jyo geu daer sa rang ha neun nu gun ga reur 그 댄 모 르 죠 그 댈 사 랑 하 는 누 군 가 를 on jong ir gyeot e seo ba ra bo neun de do mo reu go it jyo 온 종 일 곁 에 서 바 라 보 는 데 도 모 르 고 있 죠 geu daen mo reu jyo geu daer mok sum bo da sa rang ha neun 그 댄 모 르 죠 그 댈 목 숨 보 다 사 랑 하 는 ba bo gat eun sa ram eul 바 보 같 은 사 람 을 sa rang han dap ni da geu ge nae jin sim ip ni da It’s you 사 랑 한 답 니 다 그 게 내 진 심 입 니 다 geu daen mo reu go sar a do o neul do nae mam eun geu dae ppun ip ni da 그 댄 모 르 고 살 아 도 오 늘 도 내 맘 은 그 대 뿐 입 니 다 nae ga sa rang ha neun han sa ram 내 가 사 랑 하 는 한 사 람 It’s you na neun mo reu jyo geu daer sa rang ha neun geot man al jyo 나 는 모 르 죠 그 댈 사 랑 하 는 것 만 알 죠 a peun sa rang i ra hae do 아 픈 사 랑 이 라 해 도 sa rang han dap ni da geu ge nae jin sim ip ni da It’s you 사 랑 한 답 니 다 그 게 내 진 심 입 니 다 geu daen mo reu go sar a do o neul do nae mam eun geu dae ppun ip ni da 그 댄 모 르 고 살 아 도 오 늘 도 내 맘 은 그 대 뿐 입 니 다 nae ga sa rang ha neun han sa ram 내 가 사 랑 하 는 한 사 람 nae gen ma ji mag han sa ram nae mam eur ga jin han sa ram 내 겐 마 지 막 한 사 람 내 맘 을 가 진 한 사 람 na neun geu dae man ar a seo o neul do sa rang eur gi da rir geop ni da 나 는 그 대 만 알 아 서 오 늘 도 사 랑 을 기 다 릴 겁 니 다 sa rang ha neun han sa ram 사 랑 하 는 한 사 람 It’s you geu dae man ar a seo beo ri jir mot hae seo nun mur i nap ni da 그 대 만 알 아 서 버 리 질 못 해 서 눈 물 이 납 니 다 sa rang ha neun han sa ram 사 랑 하 는 한 사 람 geu daen mo reu jyo geu dae bo da geu daer sa rang ha neun ba bo gat eun sa ram eul 그 댄 모 르 죠 그 대 보 다 그 댈 사 랑 하 는 바 보 같 은 사 람 을 youtube.com/watch?v=IUfI1YsUylM 미래의선택12_MARRY HIM IF YOU DARE_IT'S YOU conpanna07 (3:45) 2013.11.21 觀看次數:4,879 as at 2014.1.14(19:50) 미래세주뮤비2미래의 선택 OST__ IT'S YOU sung by 박효신 baby blue -- awesome Park Seju!!! i'm crying a lot :'( i'm so proud of you Jung Yonghwa!!! this song and Park SeJu make me so sad.. 최재영 -- It is awesome!! I love Mirae and Seju Couple!!! Thank you for sharing!! youtube.com/watch?v=Y8yQYYps6tk {FMV} Final Marry Him If You Dare - [It's You Seju Moment] NichaJiyeon (3:46) 2013.12.9 觀看次數:1,786 as at 2014.5.9(20:40) youtube.com/watch?v=AFAKkuC8Df8&list=PLRILxDb80MNLz61yjFbrPoY7HcDut1x8u Yoon Eun Hye/Lee Dong Gun ~ Future Choice 影片建立者:jactweetybi 123 部影片 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7PRu3LwGqc [Full Album] The Future Choice OST 2014.3.29 -- "[Full Album] The ..." 由於我們屢次接獲第三方提出的侵犯版權通知,因此與這部影片相關聯的 YouTube 帳戶已終止。 不便之處,敬請見諒。 KOREAN2DRAMA CH2 (49:22) 2013.12.5 觀看次數:2,084 次 as at 21014.1.15(20:20) mutant x -- thanks!!!! search everywhere for the music background...finally :D [Album] Various Artists -- The Future Choice OST Track List: 01. My Lady 02. Its You 03. Im OK 04. 사랑을 캐스팅해요 05. 혼자만 06. 파라다이스 07. My Lady (Inst.) 08. Its You (Inst.) 09. Im OK (Inst.) 10. Puzzle Box 11. The Choice Of Mirea 12. Future City 13. 나를 오르다 14. Morning Dew 15. Lonely Christmas youtube.com/watch?v=GkweFbi0iwM Marry Him If You Dare BGM (Morning Dew) Piano https://i.ytimg.com/vi/GkweFbi0iwM/mqdefault.jpg tintinabulation91 (1:16) 2013.11.26 觀看次數:1,351 次 as at 2014.5.14(20:20) Josephine Kee -- Oh I see btw in the first ep while is attempting suicide the piano/violin music is very nice. Hope you can play it too Danilyn Borja -- MORNING DEW.,.from the V.A OST Album of MHIYD., youtube.com/watch?v=ktTB90v1GXU 미래의선택_MARRY HIM IF YOU DARE_Lonely Christmas conpanna07 (4:13) 2014.1.12 觀看次數:1,433 次 as at 2014.5.14(20:20) 미래의선택 삽입곡 _LONELY CHRISTMAS_최철호음악감독 http://topstarnews.net/detail.php?number=42614&thread=0002r0002r0405 2013년10월15일 12시43분 김명수 (Reporter@TopstarNews.co.kr) 기자 Park Hyo Shin (Park Hyo Shin), jazz saxophonist Dave Koss special guest appearance in the show cold http://topstarnews.net/wys2/file_attach/2013/10/15/1381808808-69.jpg youtube.com/watch?v=KqTLDCFKNb8 Jeon Geun Hwa - Casting Love FMV (Marry Him If You Dare OST) [ENGSUB + Romanization + Hangul] https://i.ytimg.com/vi/KqTLDCFKNb8/mqdefault.jpg YozohhhCH3 (3:20) 2013.10.24 觀看次數:20,183 as at 2014.5.16(19:10); 35,001 as at 2015.3.21(19:30) CR: EngSub :POP!GASA Hangul:music.daum Rom:thelapan verocax -- thank you much, I've been looking for the subs of this song everywhere !!!! :) youtube.com/watch?v=7Myy8WZHkrs CNBLUE鄭容和之《未來的選擇》朴孝信 - It's You (華納official HD 高畫質官方中字版) https://i.ytimg.com/vi/7Myy8WZHkrs/mqdefault.jpg 台灣華納日韓官方頻道 (3:44) 2014.3.24 觀看次數:21,075 as at 2014.5.9(17:30); 63,287 as at 2015.3.21(19:20) 韓國首席型男樂團CNBLUE 鄭容和之《未來的選擇 台灣獨占豪華影音限定盤》產品包含: CD+DVD+台灣獨占贈品:CNBLUE鄭容和偶像立牌x2款[ ♬ 數位音樂平台] 席涵渝-- 這部戲會失敗百分之百是劇本的錯, 演員個個都是會演戲的 youtube.com/watch?v=IHjCWeuwg1s 衛視中文台《未來的選擇》 MV 朴孝信 ITSYOU A https://i.ytimg.com/vi/IHjCWeuwg1s/mqdefault.jpg STARTV TAIWAN (1:03) 2014.3.24觀看次數:3,920 as at 2015.3.21(19:20) 衛視中文台繼"繼承者們"之後, 緊接著將推出由 CN BLUE 鄭容和, 尹恩惠及李東健主演的"未來的選擇", 好聽的 MV "It's You" 由朴孝信主唱, 電視原聲帶由華納音樂發行 youtube.com/watch?v=IOIh8TaFE7w [FAN MADE MV] Marry Him If You Dare - Kim Shin & Mirae https://i.ytimg.com/vi/IOIh8TaFE7w/mqdefault.jpg kisekied (4:27) 2013.11.17 觀看次數:10,927 次 2014.1.20(18:40); 48,209 as at 2015.3.14(20:00) Made this for fun cause Kim Shin & Mirae just grows on me :) Background song - One Republic - Burning Bridges http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/onerepublic/burningbridges.html "Burning Bridges" You and I were meant to be Ain't no doubt about it No way to hide that sort of thing Now I’m waiting for something better Ain't nothing better worth imagining I, I keep on running I’m building bridges that I know you never wanted Look for my heart You stole it away Now on every single road that I could take Listen, I want you to burn my bridges down I said, I want you to burn my bridges down Set me on Fire You set me Set me on Fire You can burn my bridges down Send this out to sea Send it where you want it You can take it note for note and not at all There’s no filling up your spaces with fictionary places Imaginary faces they don’t work at all I, I keep on running I’m building bridges that I know you never wanted Look for my heart You stole it away Now on every single road that I could take Listen, I want you to burn my bridges down I said, I want you to burn my bridges down Set me on Fire You set me Set me on Fire Will you burn my bridges down? I want you to burn my bridges down, down I want you to burn my bridges down, yeah Set me on fire You set me Set me on Fire Set me on Fire I want you to burn my bridges down I said, I want you to burn my bridges down Down, Down Set me on fire Set me on fire youtube.com/watch?v=ukspndpmF-w Marry Him If You Dare MV - Kim Shin x Mi Rae asiandrama21 (1:49) 2013.11.25 觀看次數:5,936 次 as at 2014.1.20(18:40) 「Just Give Me a Reason」: iTunes 演出者 P!nk SPOILER 1-10Okay... I have watched till epi 12, and still enjoyed it..I actually Like Kim Shin character... His character is what makes me watching this drama (thanks to Lee Dong Gun off course! handsome man). ..Hope all of you enjoy it. rosycrystals -- <3 these two!! They make SENSE...and are wonderful and love each other..great job making this AWESOME video for these two! ^^ xDelicateMuse -- OMG YAY! THIS DRAMA IS SOO UNDERRATED and the low ratings isn't helping but SUPER happy to see a vid for these two because this ship is even MORE underrated and SOOO deserved more love. <3333 I'm hoping that the writer doesn't keep these two apart and gives them a happy ending after all the misunderstandings and angst in last weeks eps. asiandrama21 -- Thanks so much for watching. Yes I like this two... Hope there is a kissing scene in the upcoming episode... Haha... I'm abit sad there is a few who vidding this drama, though... But don't worry,I have made it ... Haha http://kathikaja.blog119.fc2.com/blog-category-527.html カッチカジャ☆韓国Drama・OST♪Label☆ 韓国Drama・韓国DramaOST・KPOP♪自作Labelの置き場所です 2014-01-01 (Wed) 未来の選択☆レーベル 【未来の選択】KBS 2013(全16話) 尹恩惠 http://blog-imgs-53.fc2.com/k/a/t/kathikaja/20131230231752db2s.jpg 李東健 http://blog-imgs-53.fc2.com/k/a/t/kathikaja/20131230231751ec9s.jpg 鄭容和 http://blog-imgs-53.fc2.com/k/a/t/kathikaja/20131230231750fdfs.jpg 韓彩雅 (飾徐有卿) http://blog-imgs-53.fc2.com/k/a/t/kathikaja/20131230231748018s.jpg 2:32 Showbiz Korea – ACTOR LEE DONG-GUN ANNOUNCES HIS COMEBACK AS A SINGER THIS YEAR 배우 이동건, 올해 가수복귀 선언 by ARIRANG KPOP 2014.3.25 2,163 views as at 2014.8.19(20:00) Season 14-03 Clip Showbiz Korea Showbiz Today ACTOR LEE DONG-GUN ANNOUNCES HIS COMEBACK AS A SINGER THIS YEAR http://blog.xuite.net/nancyee/wretch?st=c&w=3945716&p=1 個人首頁 / 文章分類 /未來的選擇(共86篇) 20141010(00:05)<未來的選擇> 李東健日雜專訪 99 未來的選擇 李東健「『未來的選擇』的氣氛製造機是愛撒嬌的鄭容和先生」 KSTYLE |2014年10月08日17時49分 尹恩惠×cnblue鄭容和×李東健 夢幻般的共演組合完成了精彩的愛情喜劇「未來的選擇」。 本作品中的李東健,雖然一本正經但是尖酸刻薄; 作為一名記者,他擁有熱誠的信念和如少年般的純真。他以“新傲嬌”角色勇敢的改變形象成功了。 「巴黎的戀人」瞬間受到歡迎,經歷了當兵,完成「每天夜晚」以來的電視劇復歸的他,對於「未來的選擇」的攝影秘史和共同演出者有了談話。 ―接受第一次劇本的時候是怎樣的心情? 李東健: 洪珍兒編劇、因為執筆「貝多芬.病毒」等大量好的作品,當我接到劇本的時候,期待非常大。 承擔的角色也認為很新穎,播音員和主持人這個職業用電視劇做是第一次。 到目前為止,因為與曾經扮演過的職務性質和人物性格都有所不同,我認為這將是一個有趣的經驗。挑戰這個作品,認為一定很有趣。 ―金信這角色,個性非常的強, 導演和編劇關於角色也許事前對你有了任何的請求,有沒有這樣的事? 李東健: 沒具體的說,只是說希望好好的進入角色,我認為那是最大的要求。 理所當然,角色呈現並不僅僅只是技術性的東西,對於角色能沉浸到什麼程度那才是最重要的,我想我感受到那樣的擔心和要求。 「第一次表演的職業…一切都很難 」 ―正如剛才所說,承擔了到目前為止印象稍微不同的職務性質。 關於此,剛才認為是有趣的,不過,沒有如壓力那樣的東西嗎? 李東健:當然有。但是克服壓力的過程,那個很有趣,因為完成的時候我能感受到的喜悅。首先關於主持人這個職業的學習,我認為做了很多的研究。 ―對於播音員的學習、研究,有困難的部份嗎 ? 李東健 :與其說有,不如說全部困難。播音員做著廣播,因為是不熟悉的種類,所以……。我也仍然做著在電視機中被人看的工作,或有某種相似之處,但是也有很多不同的地方,我想那個非常難。但微妙的是,我們在電視機中表達感情的時候,可以毫無顧忌自由的活動和說話等。但是他們不動,是需要傳達正確資訊給觀眾的職業。在這方面,需要訓練,自己表演時的習慣,必須扔掉。 ―表演的時候,最困難的場景在哪裡? 李東健:來自地鐵現場直播的場面是最困難的。這個是最初編劇和我們之間完全沒有談論的情節,我也是收到了劇本才知道。比我想像的,非常的動態,變成了特別大規模的攝影。實際上,為了連續劇使用,情節過於龐大那樣的小插曲……。攝影本身也沒有經驗是困難的,製作地鐵的組合,在那裡實際放火攝影了,是非常危險又非常寶貴的經驗。而且,天氣冷……。我們攝影的時候是隆冬,在那裏用自動噴水設備灑水,那場戲非常辛苦,記得當時真是哆哆嗦嗦渾身發抖著。 ―在廢棄屋裡的採訪場景,拍攝的情況又如何?? 李東健:嗯,是那樣……。與地鐵的場景恰恰相反,因為是可愛的小故事,所以努力的試圖打造快樂的氛圍。那個時候廣播已經進入後半,時間很緊迫 ,然而必須到鄉下地方以便尋找到廢棄的房子。 因為在那兒佔用了時間,日程變得非常緊湊,通宵的攝影也多。去的地方,夜裡幾乎沒有睡覺,一回到首爾立即攝影,真是辛苦的時間表了。 ―縱觀整部電視劇,如果有印象最深刻的場景和對白請告訴我們。 李東健:其實是我在電視劇的第一個場景作為主持人登場。是最初的場景,如何做才能讓廣大的觀眾對於角色有所理解,讓他們感情投入,是非常煩惱的場面。因此,對那個場景最為喜爱。 「達斯 · 維達的裝扮,有生以來第一次穿了那樣的服裝 (笑 ) 」 ―那麼,有什麼有趣的小故事嗎? 李東健:哎呀,沒有特別的想起(笑) 哪個場面也有快樂,也是非常難的。 ―有一幕在電視台的服裝間扮成達斯·維達的場景,也有喜愛的這種意見啊。 李東健:是那樣吧。 我是那樣,恩惠先生也那樣。不是非常有趣的設定嗎? 實際上是很麻煩的(笑)完全,簡直就像是搞笑節目的服裝吧? 那樣的服裝,我也有生以來是第一次。粗略的說,不知道會穿成那樣呀,哈哈哈。 ―NG不常出現嗎? 李東健:是的,非常快樂的攝影了。但是,剛才提到的縫紉的場面……。我針線活完全不行,在軍隊也那個最辛苦。因為軍隊有時會更換軍銜和徽章等,真不得了的大事情。 拍攝時,恩惠先生縫紉非常棒,承蒙幫助了。因此,能很好的突破。無論如何,那看起來很不錯。 ―劇中的未來,在愛的人和應該愛的人之間矛盾掙扎。 以個人來說,如果有愛的人和應該愛的人,李東健先生會怎樣? 李東健:以現實來說,那是不可能的。我應該愛的人在哪裡?哈哈哈。 因為是電視劇所以才可能發生的故事,把那個分成應該愛的人和愛的人的本身,在現實中,是非常殘酷的事吧,如果成為那樣的情況。 ―儘管如此,這種同情和真正愛情的種種情緒,並不是不可能有?即使它不能完全共存,在某些方面是能吸引。 李東健:哎呀,不經驗看看的話,是不知道的啊,哈哈哈。 ―通過電視劇,李東健為金信先生,或作為李東健先生自己,如果有想傳達的信息一句話拜託。 李東健:首先以個人來說,能夠扮演與以往截然不同性格的角色,這事對我來說已成為最大的資產。而且,也是我填埋在兵役中長的空白期的作品,光是那樣,對我也具有非常大的意義。演員總是,讓大家看到全新的自己是快樂的事。因此,想說的是請享受我全新的身姿,是我的希望。 「氣氛製造機鄭容和先生,老么愛撒嬌的孩子」 ―攝影現場的氣氛怎樣? 李東健:我們,比想像中要輕鬆的開始進行拍攝。通常,關於韓國電視劇,平均是在播出的2週前開始攝影。這必須被視為是殺人的日程。然而我們1個月前開始拍攝,也已有了4回以上的部分劇本。這樣的開始是非常好的條件。因此,不是被時間追趕的攝影。當然,現場的氣氛也好,每個人都不感到累,從8集開始的10篇,不感到體力的的危機攝影著,氣氛非常好。當然,如果與我們最初的期待相比,是感到有點美中不足。 ―現場的最佳氣氛製造機如果選出的話是誰呢? 李東健:我斷然的認為是鄭容和先生。明朗的性格,在任何時候都不忘記笑。我自己是在攝影前嚴重的感到苦惱,在現場也與其說是享受,不如說是面臨拍攝時勒緊自己的風格。只有那樣,當睡眠不足導致身體的痛苦時,才不會喪失集中力不能表演。因此我非常竭盡全力的克制自己。很好的營造現場的氣氛,那樣的資質完全沒有,原本的性格也是如此。在這方面,鄭容和先生總是面帶微笑,又是三個主演中的老么愛撒嬌的孩子。所以我認為鄭容和先生總是承擔氣氛製造機的作用。 ―與鄭容和先生同屬於一個公司,在現場,作為同一公司的前後輩關係,對於演技有交換意見嗎? 李東健:雖然同一公司,不過那樣的事全然沒有。的確是有像同伙一樣的感覺?這種含糊不清的互相感到愉快是事實。我也是那樣,互相關懷,互相謙讓的感覺很好。 ―在這部劇之前和鄭容和先生見過面嗎? 李東健:不,我進入公司是最近的事。見過一次,公司全體人員聚集時一次。 ―怎麼樣呢? 鄭容和先生原本是歌手,在演技上沒有擔心的部份嗎? 李東健:呵,完全沒有。因為在這個作品之前也擔任主演,此次對鄭容和先生來說是相當小的任務。可是,正因為如此,很好的消化自己的角色,十足的演技得以被信賴。 「總是,這2人出現的話,場面變有趣…有那樣的快感」 ―共同演出中,好像與吳正世先生默契好。 李東健:非常好。 ―在現場,用種種方式討論了嗎? 李東健:表演當中有了許多的交談。我和吳正世先生不是與人立刻就能混熟的性格。因此,進入拍攝,2人從一開始就發生衝突,是互相討厭的隨心任務,呼吸完美結合。所以呢,不是簡短的拍攝也不是剪接的攝影,而是很長的進行拍攝。直到cut的聲音之前,因為2人默契一直很好,是快感。也不是哪個領導哪個,導演在這之後說能給的東西也沒有。正因為如此,拍戲的時候感覺非常好。總是,如果這2人登場的場景變得有趣。有那樣的快感。 ―劇本上沒有,即興表演的場景有嗎? 李東健:有很多。因為吳正世有許多即興的表演,所以一起表演著,連續劇的後半,大體上只是即興表演的場景也在。劇中有去集訓的場景,劇本上幾乎沒寫對白。當2人正在玩用全景拍攝的時候,對白誕生了……。像那樣拍攝的場景也有。 ―如果「未來的選擇」,有李東健先生獲得的東西會是什麼呢? 李東健:挑戰新的角色,與極好的先輩和後進們的相遇。還有,和劇作家洪珍兒先生與演出的權溪洪導演一起完成工作。這些全部成為我的資產。 「自己結婚嗎,會有孩子嗎…未來最在意」 ―在製作發佈會和採訪時,我想多次被提問了。不過,如果像電視劇一樣未來的自己出現了,想最聽說怎樣的事? 李東健:嗯……有關工作,這個基本上是自己的選擇,能判斷的部份。所謂人生,真的不能盡如人意吧。自己結婚嗎,有孩子嗎…… 這樣的事最在意啊。然而我還未婚,因為沒有這樣的計劃,哈哈哈。嗯,我想最在意那樣的事。 ―電視劇的標題是「未來的選擇」,最近東健先生,做了什麼大的選擇嗎? 李東健:是最近嗎? 因為工作還沒有……。 ―比方说,也許你買了東西,那樣的事? 李東健:我不太享受購物……。 ―最後,想為日本的粉絲們請求信息。 李東健:今天,以連續劇「未來的選擇」為主說話了,也再次準備專輯,並計畫積極的活動。到目前為止,有很長的空白期,時間也過去,假如有記得的人在的話,想說「打算立刻精力充沛的做活動的,所以請再稍微等待」謝謝。 Original article:-- http://news.kstyle.com/article.ksn?articleNo=2003946&categoryCode=IV イ・ドンゴン「『未来の選択』のムードメーカーは甘えん坊のヨンファさんでした」 http://www.dramabeans.com/2015/01/lee-dong-gun-turns-into-superdaddy-for-tvn/ DRAMA CASTING & NEWS Lee Dong-gun turns into Superdaddy for tvN by javabeans | January 22, 2015 | 77 Comments as at 2015.4.1(19:30) Hm, so although Lee Dong-gun ended up turning down the current tvN romance Heart to Heart, he’ll now be headlining the drama to follow that: Superdaddy Yeol, based on (what else?) a webtoon of the same name. Also cast is Lee Yuri, who recently took home a Daesang for her villainness role in MBC’s hit weekend drama Jang Bori Is Here. The story sounds heartwarming and cute, where Yeol is the hero who is tracked down by his first love, now a single mother diagnosed with one year left to live. She who wants to make sure to leave her young daughter in the best possible hands and embarks on a mission to turn Yeol into, well, Superdad. Okay, that in itself doesn’t sound particularly cute, but I’ve been reading the webtoon to get a better idea, and it’s the character of Yeol who’s appealing, starting out kind of hapless and scraggly — he means well, but is really more like an overgrown manchild. He’s never gotten over his ex, so when she comes by for the first time in years and proposes a contract marriage, he doesn’t even bat an eyelash before immediately agreeing, even though he doesn’t know why she only wants a temporary marriage. He’s just happy to do it. image location:-- i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t413/javabeansdb/news/2015/15a/superdaddy_4.jpg The daughter, meanwhile, is a precocious huffy little thing who dislikes her new stepdad for taking her daddy’s place (he’s dead, but she believes he’s just abroad and bound to come back someday). Mom’s a super-competent careerwoman and workaholic, and after marrying Yeol it first seems more like she’s gained an extra dependent than a new partner — Yeol is super-enthusiastic but bumbling, and she has to tell him exactly what to do, to the letter. But he’s all heart, and when she starts “training” him to be a great husband and father, he launches himself into it and promises to become a superdaddy. I find Lee Dong-gun almost too polished and elegant to play a rough-around-the-edges bachelor (I’m picturing someone like Yoon Sang-hyun, maybe, or Kang Ji-hwan) but I do really like him and would be happy to see him take on the challenge. I wished his last drama, Mi-rae’s Choice, had been more of a success, but I’d love to see this one turn out better for him. (Even though, coincidentally enough, the mom character of Superdaddy Yeol also happens to be named Mi-rae. Seriously, what are the chances?) Superdaddy Yeol will be directed by PD Song Hyun-wook of Marriage Not Dating, which was a sharply directed and laugh-out-loud surprise hit for tvN last year. (So yay!) Writer Kim Kyung-se is less known, and only has a Drama City episode listed as a credit. The drama will premiere in mid-March as a Friday-Saturday drama. i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t413/javabeansdb/news/2015/15a/superdaddy_6.jpg s1058.photobucket.com/user/javabeansdb/media/news/2015/15a/superdaddy_8.jpg.html i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t413/javabeansdb/news/2015/15a/superdaddy_9.jpg *廣東話報導 智妍@T-ara與大12歲李東健戀情曝光 by Fast Tvb 2015.7.4 (0:44) 704 views as at 2015.7.21(19:40) youtube.com/watch?v=YnWjG4kkmHk [中字]150705《SectionTV》演藝通信@李鍾碩 &@樸信惠 朴智妍&李東健(韓流明星戀愛中)Cut[超清版].flv *韓語中文字幕 by 華 yvonne5810 (2:25) Jul 5, 2015 5,135 views as at 2015.7.21(20:00) (1:40~2:25) 李東健&朴智妍 戀愛中~ (2:03) 李東健(80.7.26)&朴智妍(93.6.7)~個人資料 Cut@LeeJongSuk #이종석# #イ·ジョンソク#' http://nongli.911cha.com/1980-7-26.html 李東健 一九八零年 六月(大)十五 庚申年 癸未月 庚子日 http://nongli.911cha.com/1993-6-7.html 朴智妍 一九九三年 四月(大)十八 癸酉年 戊午月 己未日 youtube.com/watch?v=cyt5rXCINuc T-ara智妍宣佈與李東健戀情 因電影《邂逅》擦愛火 by Yes娛樂 2015.7.7 (1:10) 1,355 views as at 2015.7.21(20:00) 本月4日,智妍和李東健的戀情遭到曝光,隨后雙方經紀公司大方承認兩人確實「互有好感」。昨天(7日),智妍終于通過官方網站正式承認兩人的戀情,并與廣大歌迷和粉絲們分享自己處于熱戀中的甜蜜心情。 =============================================================================================== 》》更多有關《未來的選擇》的文章包括:-- http://travel.ulifestyle.com.hk/member-blog/lau_yichen/ADsRYBEhA3YMKw/ 在綫看《未來的選擇》OST♪獨自一人♪Paradise☆第1~16集劇情/視頻/劇照/Recap/Review/預告 http://travel.ulifestyle.com.hk/member-blog/lau_yichen/ADIRaRErA3E/ 《未來的選擇》OST♪Casting Love[中日韓英拼音歌詞]♥鄭容和向尹恩惠求婚♪Can’t Stop~CNBlue http://travel.ulifestyle.com.hk/member-blog/lau_yichen/ADIRaBEuA3I/ 《未來的選擇》OST《I’m OK》Yuna[中日韓英拼音歌詞]♪尹恩惠《我沒關係》♪I Will Survive《短髮》AOA交通安全歌 http://travel.ulifestyle.com.hk/member-blog/lau_yichen/ADIRaBEsA3w/ 《未來的選擇》花絮/殺青宴☆OST♪My Lady[中韓英文拼音歌詞] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st Edition: 2013.10.29 This page was last modified on 21 July 2015.