☆《未來的選擇》企劃意圖/劇情/人物介紹 ☆第一集《未來的選擇》劇照/中英文視頻/Recap + comments ♥ 尹恩惠李東健婚禮@京畿道安山市大阜島/動態尹恩惠潛水劇照 ☆ 花絮/BTS/製作發布會全體訪問/預告/尹恩惠談卷髮造型/鄭容和談吃面戲+摄影棚MAKING ♥ 鄭容和對尹恩惠一見鍾情/Youtube 版"Skinny Dipping Scene" ♪ Youtube版"My Lady" ~金泰宇+[中韓英拼音歌詞] ☆文章: Yoon Eun-hye takes on cheery role/尹恩惠緣何無法展笑顏? ☆ 4主要角色真人+泥人原型影像網址 ♪ [Full Album] The Future Choice OST / Morning Dew / Lonely Christmas ☆ 尹恩惠鄭容和李東健簽名照 ☆12月3日《未來的選擇》殺青宴/片場花絮/演員合照 ♠ 香港無綫電視J2台/香港有線劇集台韓劇 - 未來的選擇 預告 / 台灣衛視中文台 TRAILER [Posted on 20/10/2013. Number of viewers of this aritcle: 1,736 as at 2014.6.11.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 韓 劇《未來的選擇》미래의 선택 (Miraeui Seontaek; lit. Mirae's Choice) Marry Him If You Dare《未来の選択》為KBS自2013年10月14日~12月3日播出的月火連續劇。演出包括尹恩惠、李東健、鄭容和、韓彩雅及崔明吉。 香港無綫電視J2台首播日期: 2014.10.22。 尹恩惠與李東健婚禮劇照原載於:-- http://jojoj7789.pixnet.net/blog/category/2270207 image location:-- http://pic.pimg.tw/jojoj7789/1381759261-1986924580.jpg 摘錄自2013-10-14 韓星網 尹恩惠與李東健面帶幸福笑容地舉行婚禮......該場景已於9月21日在京畿道安山市大阜島完成了拍攝。 當天,尹恩惠與李東健從一大早就開始投入拍攝,與吳政世一起對臺詞、配合默契。由於他們事前準備充分,故而當日拍攝只花了2個小時就完成。 https://maps.google.com.hk/maps?hl=zh-TW&tab=wl&q=korea%E4%BA%AC%E7%95%BF%E9%81%93%E5%AE%89%E5%B1%B1%E5%B8%82%E5%A4%A7%E9%98%9C%E5%B3%B6 韓国京畿道安山附近的大阜島$769 訂房(價格為雙人房的每晚平均費用,包括稅項及其他費用。) 874 Bono 3(sam)-dong, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, 南韓 +82 31-502-7600 "飯店鄰近愛寶樂園、安山溫泉、大阜島、濟扶島等觀光景點,以及半月、始華工業園區,另外與擁有84間客房的羅城觀光飯店為聯盟飯店" - 愛評網 http://blog.xuite.net/janek226/drama/146430360-%E2%95%AD%E2%98%86%E3%80%90%E9%9F%93%E5%8A%87%E3%80%91%E6%9C%AA%E4%BE%86%E7%9A%84%E9%81%B8%E6%93%87%E5%8A%87%E6%83%85%E4%BA%BA%E7%89%A9%E4%BB%8B%E7%B4%B9 ╭☆【韓劇】未來的選擇劇情人物介紹[資料整理、圖片設計製作:可愛喵] 《未來的選擇》企劃意圖影像網址:-- http://a.blog.xuite.net/a/6/6/d/25336216/blog_2347879/txt/146416889/14.jpg http://www.s1979.com/tupian/yule/201312/05108656105_26.html 未来的选择结局引热议 观众调侃:完全就是尹恩惠在挑老公(26) 漫畫大羅未來抓住羅未來影像網址:-- http://image.s1979.com/allimg/131205/29-1312051I918.jpg http://big5.chinabroadcast.cn/gate/big5/gb.cri.cn/27564/2013/10/12/108s4281313.htm 《未來的選擇》尹恩惠花絮照曝光 梳蘋果頭賣萌(圖) 2013-10-12 08:15:11 | 來源:網易 | 編輯:趙丹丹 **劇中崔明吉出演25年後的尹恩惠,通過時光穿梭來到2013年給尹恩惠人生和事業的忠告 《未來的選擇》尹恩惠梳"蘋果頭"image location:-- http://gb.cri.cn/mmsource/images/2013/10/12/10/8573579054271583694.jpg 正在拍攝的KBS2新劇《未來的選擇》頻頻公開照片吸引觀眾,近日公開的女主角尹恩惠花絮照就完全走賣萌路線,頂著“蘋果頭”的她看起來非常可愛,觀眾都對她新劇的表現很期待。(編譯/三三) 在新劇《未來的選擇》中尹恩惠出演某大型企業職員羅未來一角,在近日公開的劇照中紮起非常可愛“蘋果頭”的她拿著厚厚的一本書在和崔明吉對戲。 在劇中崔明吉出演25年後的尹恩惠,通過時光穿梭來到2013年給尹恩惠人生和事業的忠告,已經對過幾次戲的二人並不陌生,很輕易就投入到未來和現在自己 的身份。 製作組人員說到:“在《未來的選擇》中大家可以看到尹恩惠多方面的魅力,為了演好這個角色尹恩惠做出了很多努力,請大家多多支援。”《未來的選擇》是一部新式的穿越劇,除了尹恩惠外,還有李東健、鄭容和、韓彩兒等人氣演員主演,將在下週一拉開神秘面紗。 ______________________________________________________________________________________________ youtube.com/watch?v=34x3mkGsMjQ [ENG] BTS 130927 'Marry Him If You Dare' 미래의 선택-Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜,Lee Dong Gun, Jung Yong Hwa 정용화 미래의 선택 Hallyu Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 MHIYD (3:05) 2013.9.30 觀看次數:28,472 次 as at 2014.5.8(18:50) Twitter@HallyuYEH (translated by: CDBLOOM) *Pls. Do Not Re-Upload* Title: Marry Him If You Dare 미래의선택/Future Choice / Mirae's Choice Starring: Yoon Eun Hye, Lee Dong Gun, Jung Yong Hwa Airdate: October 14 every Monday & Tuesday Broadcast Time: 22:00pm/10:00pm Channel: KBS2 JseLiem -- So many thanx x shared it with eng subs.thanx ♡ Denya Mana -- The way she speaks and giggles is really different from her normal self. During the whole interview it is Na Mirae, not Yoon Eun Hye. She's deep into her character already ^^ YEH hwaiting! Eve Ajijah -- Love her lot,,,Hope i could see it asap!!!! ______________________________________________________________________________________________ youtube.com/watch?v=I10IkPuXIDI 20131010《未來的選擇》製作發布會全體訪問 [高清中字] SinN0426 (5:00) 2013.10.11 觀看次數:4,464 as at 2014.5.8(18:50) 翻譯: @meetpeterpan 時間軸: krissam 字幕製作: @shoumang 轉載註明【 百度尹恩惠吧】 Pei Yong Chang -- 东建和容和,我都喜欢,各有各的魅力。恩宝呢,她的打扮美丽动人,可爱之余还有点性感。恩宝笑得很开心,想必生活很美满充实吧。 ______________________________________________________________________________________________ http://www.koreastardaily.com/tc/photo/32745 韓星網 CNBLUE鄭容和、尹恩惠等出席《未來的選擇》製作發佈會 2013年10月10日 星期四15:19 KBS 2TV全新月火劇(週一週二播出的劇集)《未來的選擇》製作發佈會於首爾大峙洞舉行,CNBLUE成員鄭容和、尹恩惠、韓彩雅、李東健等主演出席。 號稱「全新時光穿越劇」的《未來的選擇》,圍繞電視臺導演、節目編劇與主播等電視人的事業與愛情展開,並講述了身為節目編劇的女性,遇見過去的自己並向她提出忠告的故事。 該劇由《貝多芬病毒》、《The King 2 Hearts》的洪珍兒編劇與《毒愛》、《強力班》的權界鴻導演聯手製作 ______________________________________________________________________________________________ *以下是韓語簡體中文字幕視頻:-- http://www.funshion.com/subject/play/109883/1 未来的选择 第1集 (63:04) 电视 > 韩剧/爱情/偶像 > 未来的选择 指数:5,699,568 as at 2014.5.8(18:50) (04:00) ♥ 尹恩惠李東健婚禮....2014.8.10 (43:18) ♪《My Lady》 (44:40) 鄭容和:"我一見鍾情......因為水......" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 全部点评(385) as at 2013.11.29(17:00) CiCi 2013.11.29 回頭看來,金信並未對小未來做了什麼。 。 還是世洙為小未來做了很多感動人的事情。 。 而且,我覺得世洙是真心的愛小未來的,所以建議他們在一起。 。 給觀眾一個交代! 保定毛衫批发 2013.11.26(21:30) 我还是很支持编剧的,我是个已婚人士,明白生活的艰辛和梦想的爱情之间的落差。 不论女主最后选择谁,我都会坚持看完。 不要因为这部电视剧没有按照自己的高富帅标准发展就诋毁这部剧。 故事终究是故事,可是故事外希望人们知道,选择谁不是关键,怎样让自己和爱人互相体谅,互相帮助,互相成长才是关键。 爱情和生活从来都不是依附...... 六爷 2013-11-18 (14:02) 恩惠和容和很般配的,看剧情的发展好像两人最终不能在一起哦,可惜啊。能有几个一见钟情的能在一起噢。 精彩...... ______________________________________________________________________________________________ youtube.com/watch?v=WWf9grzalBc 20131010《未來的選擇》預告十分鐘版本 [中字] SinN0426 (10:53) Oct 11, 2013 觀看次數:31,583 as at 2014.5.8(18:50) 翻譯:sun 製作:文子 轉載註明 尹恩惠中文網 a0925396286 -- 真的很有趣的一部片,非常好看,從未來要來改變自己的人生,劇情的發展非常多元化,大家要多多支持喔!已從別的系統看到第四集,真的好看~會讓人很期待呢? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ *以下是韓語英文字幕視頻:-- http://www.dramago.com/korean-drama/marry-him-if-you-dare-episode-1/4-1 Marry Him If You Dare Episode 1 youtube.com/watch?v=lUpd_--3zx0 Marry Him If You Dare Ep1 (English Sub) 2014.5.8:"This video contains content from DramaFever Corp. and KBS Media, one or more of whom have blocked it on copyright grounds. Sorry about that." qwynCYS003 (1:03:05) 2013.10.27 觀看次數:32,448 as at 2013.12.3(16:30) A time travel series set in the broadcast television world. Focusing on a writer who meets her past self and gives her advise on her life. 32 years old for woman is an age which may be little too late to start something new or little too early to give up something. The 'future-self' comes to 'me' today and gives advices about life and marriage. The future-self is trying to bring better life by helping her to meet a perfect spouse. Na Mi Rae (Choi Myung Gil), a television broadcast writer, travels back in time to meet her 32-year-old self (Yoon Eun Hye) with the goal of preventing her marriage to Kim Shin (Lee Dong Gun) who is a broadcast announcer and thus send her past self down a different path in life. Meanwhile, Park Se Joo (Jung Yong Hwa) is a handsome and talented Producer who is also a series lead. Seo Yoo Kyung (Han Chae Ah) completes the love rectangle as a reporter. video (c) gooddrama Dalia alrashdan -- I love thx for uploading it ^_^ (43:18) ♪"My Lady"~Kim Tae Woo (43:47) When love comes and electrifies Kiss me Kiss me Kiss me lady When love comes like destiny Tell me Tell me Tell me 'I love you' Love can be noticed in one glance Love can be noticed with feeling My heart is telling me My lady, the one given to me by the heavens Oh lady... My lady, the only one in the world Oh lady, you're a miracle Oh lady... I will only say your name Oh lady... (44:38) Park Se Joo,“I fell in love with her at first sight.“ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ youtube.com/watch?v=Bux-U3P-dCw Marry Him if You Dare Episode 1 [Eng Sub] 미래의 선택 2014.5.21:"This video is private. If the owner of this video has granted you access, please log in." DramaFever (9:59) 2013.10.17 觀看次數:84,709 as at 2013.12.3(16:30) In Episode 1: Na Mi Rae's fate changes when her future self travels back in time to convince her to change her life.Marry Him If You Dare (미래의 선택) Starring Yoon Eun Hye and Lee Dong GunIn the broadcasting world, writers report news of things that have already occurred or are unfolding: they tell it like it is, without any control over transpiring events. 32-year-old news writer Na Mi Rae (Yoon Eun Hye) is the exception to the rule: she meets her future self who wants to change the events of her present life, namely advising her younger self not to marry news anchor Kim Shin (Lee Dong Gun). With this in mind, young Mi Rae pursues a vastly different path in life, one full of hopes and dreams. But what's news to Mi Rae is that when you change even a small part of history, all of history changes along with it. ♪音樂原聲 image location:--http://pic.pimg.tw/jojoj7789/1381759685-2687212846.jpg 未來的選擇(KBS月火電視劇)OST - Part.1 /미래의선택(KBS월화드라마)OST - Part.1 發行日期:2013年10月14日 專輯風格:O.S.T 曲目列表: 01.金泰宇-My Lady/김태우-My Lady ______________________________________________________________________________________________ youtube.com/watch?v=LVEeyAgaMpU 【韓繁中字】김태우/金泰宇 - My Lady (미래의선택OST/未來的選擇OST) Published by BO on Oct 14, 2013 (3:43) viewers: 52,611 as at 2014.10.21(20:40) 演唱:김태우 (金泰宇) Kim Tae Woo 歌曲:My Lady 專輯:미래의 선택 (未來的選擇) OST Part.1 發行日期:2013.10.14 專輯曲風:POP 翻譯轉自:翻滾吧姨母 mickybo...... EP1 是要問 14:13 嗎,是的話 『 전근화 - 사랑을 캐스팅해요/全根華 - 鑄造愛情 』 找不到是因為,那是21日才公開的 OST Part.2 http://chiungying.pixnet.net/blog/post/31398215 韓樂│ 未來的選擇OST: 金泰宇 - My Lady Oct 14 Mon 2013 23:10 Posted by chiungying at 痞客邦 PIXNET 留言(0) 引用(0) 人氣(160) as at 2013.10.17(17:30) 韓文歌詞(附中文翻譯) 김태우 - My Lady 사랑이 짜릿하게 올 때 kiss me, kiss me, kiss me, lady 운명처럼 사랑이 다가올 때 tell me, tell me, tell me 사랑해요 * 사랑은 한눈에 알죠? 사랑은 느낌이 알죠? 심장이 내게 말해요 # my lady 하늘이 준 사랑 oh, lady 많이 사랑해요 사랑하고 사랑만을 할게요 oh, my love my lady 세상 단 한 사람 oh, lady 그댄 기적이죠? oh, lady 그대의 이름만 부를래요 my lady 보고파 너무 그리울 때 love me, love me, love me, lady 같은 두 마음 전해질 수 있게 hold me, hold me, hold me 안아 줘요 * 사랑은 한눈에 알죠? 사랑은 느낌이 알죠? 심장이 내게 말해요 # my lady 하늘이 준 사랑 oh, lady 많이 사랑해요 사랑하고 사랑만을 할게요 oh, my love my lady 세상 단 한 사람 oh, lady 그댄 기적이죠? oh, lady 그대의 이름만 부를래요 my lady 내 맘속에 내 눈속에 그대 하나만 담을게요 사랑은 둘이 하는 걸 oh, my lady, oh, na, lady 널 이렇게 불러 my lady 그댈 사랑해요 oh, lady 곁에 있을게요 약속하고 약속할 수 있어요 oh, my love my lady 나만 사랑해요 oh, lady 나만 바라봐요 oh, lady 영원히 그대만 사랑해요 my lady oh, lady, oh 영원히 그대만 사랑해요 my lady 中文翻譯:-- 當令人心跳的愛情來臨 kiss me, kiss me, kiss me, lady 命運般地向我靠近 tell me, tell me, tell me 我愛你 * 愛情其實第一眼就知道,愛情光靠感覺就知道,我的心臟會這麼告訴我 # my lady 上天賜與我的愛情 oh, lady 我真的很愛妳 我會只向妳傾訴愛情 oh, my love my lady 世界上獨一無二的妳 oh, lady 妳就是奇蹟 oh, lady 我只會呼喚妳的名 my lady 真的好想好想妳的時候 love me, love me, love me, lady 讓相通的心意可以傳達給彼此 hold me, hold me, hold me 擁抱我 * 愛情其實第一眼就知道,愛情光靠感覺就知道,我的心臟會這麼告訴我 # my lady 上天賜與我的愛情 oh, lady 我真的很愛妳 我會只向妳傾訴愛情 oh, my love my lady 世界上獨一無二的妳 oh, lady 妳就是奇蹟 oh, lady 我只會呼喚妳的名 my lady 我的心裡,我的眼裡,永遠只裝載著妳,愛情是只專屬於兩人 oh, my lady, oh, na, lady 我這麼呼喚著妳 my lady 我愛妳 oh, lady 請妳留在我的身旁 我能夠向妳承諾 oh, my love my lady 只要愛我 oh, lady 只要注視著我 oh, lady 我會永遠只愛著妳 my lady oh, lady, oh 我會永遠只愛著妳 my lady youtube.com/watch?v=5UheQUzi_e4 Kim Tae Woo - My Lady FMV (Marry Him If You Dare OST) [ENGSUB + Romanization + Hangul] 發佈:YozohhhCH3 (3:43) 時間:2013年10月14日 觀看次數:73,107 次 as at 2014.5.8(19:00); 113,925 as at 2014.10.21(20:40); 406,080 as at 2017.2.25(18:40) CR: Eng Sub : POP!GASA Hangul: music.daum Rom: thelapan 評論 • 47 as at 2017.2.25(18:40) rana annisa Fahmi -- At first i though that this song is cnblue Jonghyun's but turn out by kim tae woo! Amazing drama and ost. Hope Mi Rae ended up with see jo as well but definelly turn out with kim shin-_- Mei Ling Won g-- Kiss me, kiss me >3< Love me, love me ♡ nice song Krischan Baeksoo -- I can still remember when Ive watched the " My boyfriend is a type B" . I always recognize mr. dong gun as yonghwa back then :) .hahaha.. and it's cool to see both of them worked. aisyah konten -- love kim shin.... lee dong gun oppa noura nagy -- loved this song a lot and loved the drama <3 but i hate open ending :( http://popgasa.com/2013/10/13/kim-tae-woo-my-lady-marry-him-if-you-dare-ost/#more-10488 Kim Tae Woo – My Lady (Marry Him If You Dare OST) By popgasa on October 13, 2013 When love comes and electrifies, kiss me, kiss me, kiss me lady When love comes like destiny, tell me, tell me, tell me I love you Love can be noticed in one glance Love can be noticed with feeling My heart is telling me My lady, a love that is from above, oh lady, I love you so much I love you and I will only love you, oh my love My lady, the only one in this world, oh lady, you are a miracle Oh lady, I will only say your name, my lady When I miss you so much, love me, love me, love me lady So that our feelings can be conveyed, hold me, hold me, hold me, hug me Love can be noticed in one glance Love can be noticed with feeling My heart is telling me My lady, a love that is from above, oh lady, I love you so much I love you and I will only love you, oh my love My lady, the only one in this world, oh lady, you are a miracle Oh lady, I will only say your name, my lady In my heart, in my eyes, I’ll only place you Love takes two people to do Oh My lady Lady, I’ll call you like this My lady, I love you, oh lady, I’ll be by your side I can promise and promise, oh my love My lady, only love me, oh lady, only look at me Oh lady, I love only you forever, my lady Oh lady, I love only you forever, my lady ______________________________________________________________________________________________ youtube.com/watch?v=aDZJ2sdMk6Y Kim Tae Woo - My Lady Marry Him If You Dare OST [Sub Español + Hangul + Rom] 發佈:Itandivy (3:43) 時間:2013年10月14日 觀看次數:154,534次 as at 2014.10.21(20:40) Kim Tae Woo - My Lady SUB Español y Romanizado (Marry Him If You Dare - The Future Choice - Mi Rae's Choice) OST :) Kim ... 所有留言 (81) as at 2014.10.21(20:40) http://jk-poplyrics.com/kim-tae-woo-my-lady-lyrics-marry-him-if-you-dare-ost/ Kim Tae Woo – My Lady Lyrics (Marry Him If You Dare OST)ROMANIZATION LYRICS sarangi jjaritage ol ttae Kiss me Kiss me Kiss me Lady unmyeongcheoreom sarangi dagaol ttae Tell me Tell me Tell mesaranghaeyo sarangeun hannune aljyo sarangeun neukkimi aljyo simjangi naege malhaeyoMy lady haneuri jun sarang Oh Lady manhi saranghaeyo saranghago sarangmaneul halgeyo Oh My loveMy lady sesang dan han saram Oh Lady geudaen gijeogijyo Oh Lady geudaeui ireumman bureullaeyo My Ladybogopa neomu geuriul ttae Love me Love me Love me Lady gateun du maeum jeonhaejil su itge Hold me Hold me Hold me anajwoyosarangeun hannune aljyo sarangeun neukkimi aljyo simjangi naege malhaeyoMy lady haneuri jun sarang Oh Lady manhi saranghaeyo saranghago sarangmaneul halgeyo Oh My love My lady sesang dan han saram Oh Lady geudaen gijeogijyo Oh Lady geudaeui ireumman bureullaeyo My ladynae mamsoge nae nun soge geudae hanaman dameulgeyo sarangeun duri haneun geolOh My lady Oh~ Na~~ Lady neol ireoke bulleoMy lady geudael saranghaeyo Oh Lady gyeote isseulgeyo yaksokhago yaksokhal su isseoyo Oh My love My lady naman saranghaeyo Oh Lady naman barabwayo Oh Lady yeongwonhi geudaeman saranghaeyo My lady… Oh Lady~ Oh yeongwonhi geudaeman saranghaeyo My lady ______________________________________________________________________________________________ youtube.com/watch?v=5h4sFhPK-A8 Kim Tae Woo - My Lady (Marry Him If You Dare Ost) Sub Español + Romanización KoreanStars Subs (3:44) 時間:2013年10月14日 觀看次數:9,392 次 as at 2014.5.8(19:20) ou Dare - The Future Choice - Mi Rae's Choice) OST :) Kim tae woo my lady sub esp rom Kim tae woo my lady subtitulado español Kim tae woo my lady SUB ESPAÑOL ______________________________________________________________________________________________ http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/10/mi-raes-choice-episode-1/ Drama Recaps Mi-rae’s Choice: Episode 1 by gummimochi | October 15, 2013 | 179 Comments as at 2013.10.25 Back at their hotel room, Mi-rae rolls her eyes at her future self at her nagging about her career. Mi-rae insists that she’s happy with the way things are now, but Future Mi-rae asks if she’s really happy at her menial degrading job where she cries every day while her friends are all leading successful lives. Mi-rae tries to contain her composure, but her future self rips into her, asking how long she plans to depend on her brother while her life just spirals into ruin. Mi-rae yells, “So what do you want me to do about it?!” Near tears, Mi-rae defends herself, saying that it takes all of her willpower to try and get through each and every day. But Future Mi-rae says no—she was just trying to run away. “To live? To hang in there? Then you should have tried harder.” Even today, she wasted her afternoon away instead of thinking about her life choices. That’s when Mi-rae finally breaks down and admits that she doesn’t have the confidence to make those life changes because it scares her. Future Mi-rae says they should just give up then. She’d been hoping that her younger self would understand that she can have a fresh start, but she only sees defeat. If she lacks that confidence to stop living her life under her brother’s wing, then she can go and die alone somewhere. Dayum. As Mi-rae breaks down in sobs, Future Mi-rae scolds herself in the bathroom mirror. “How could you tell her to ‘go and die’ again?” Wait, again? The words of her future self and brother ringing in her ears, Mi-rae walks out to the beach in a daze towards the ocean. Ohhh noes! Se-joo sees her from his villa and almost calls it in when she stops waist-deep in the ocean. He picks up his video camera instead and films her playing with the fishes in her hands. Then Mi-rae starts to undress in the water and he drops the camera, flustered. Her suicidal thoughts long gone, Mi-rae dives into the ocean to swim with the fishes beneath the water. Then we hear Se-joo’s explanation once more: “I fell in love with her at first sight. Because of water.” youtube.com/watch?v=Pz7s9PY_Wdc Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 & Jung Yong Hwa 정용화 (Skinny Dipping Scene) Marry Him If You Dare'미래의 선택 (1:30) Music: My Lady (2:50) “I fell in love with her at first sight...because of water.” 미래의 선택 Hallyu Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 MHIYD (2:55) Oct 14, 2013 觀看次數: 78,047 as at 2014.5.8(19:20) cr: akfnzh syj Title: Marry Him If You Dare 미래의선택/Future Choice / Mirae's Choice Starring: Yoon Eun Hye, Lee Dong Gun, Jung Yong Hwa Airdate: October 14 every Monday & Tuesday Broadcast Time: 22:00pm/10:00pm Channel: KBS2 Rebek116 -- Hey, when mi rae works at the phone call company or something like that xD the song that she's singing is "sunset glow" by big bang right ?? Genieper Miranda -- OH MY G!!!! I think my heart skipped a beat when Yong Hwa smile.. >_< image location:-- http://i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu26/dramabeans/drama/2013/Mirae/Mirae_01/Mirae01-00047.jpg 179 Comments from the Beanut Gallery 1.1 LK October 15th, 2013 at 7:15 am Exactly! I feel like YEH picked the right drama for her this time. I like Mi-rae’s personality and it seems to fit YEH perfectly! Her hair is kinda crazy, but it adds character I guess! The quality of this drama is quite expressive too. It has a movie-like feel, which I quite like! 4.3.1 ryoko October 15th, 2013 at 9:24 pm That line made me wonder if Future Mi Rae had actually traveled to the past before this time, to try to prevent whatever it is that she’s afraid of. Maybe she tried to turn her life around at a different point in time, but it didn’t work. Maybe that time too she told her past self those same words. So now Future Mi Rae is trying again to “fix” her life at a different point in time, having decided that the best way to “fix” whatever it is is to not marry Kim Shin. 13 lemondoodle October 15th, 2013 at 5:01 am That was really cute. Future Mirae is awesome, though obviously not speaking literally when she says hubby kills the man she loves since Shin is obviously the man she loves. Ah, why so complicated. YEH and LDG were great without question, even Yonghwa did a decent job surprisingly. Though Lee Dong-gun is in another league so I just don’t see any realistic chance Se-joo has against Shin. The meeting at the end sealed that for me. Excited to see how this unfolds. 16 Faye October 15th, 2013 at 5:08 am I thought this was very cute! I was pleasantly surprised, since it’s been all melo and not enough comedy in K-drama world lately. Although time-travel is hardly original in K-dramas at this point, traveling through time to give advice to yourself is a unique twist. I thought Future Mirae was amazing. She shouldn’t be so hard on herself (pun intended) -she turned out pretty fierce! I like Mirae’s conflicts because I think they’re ones many of us faced when we were in our 20′s (and even later on). Am I doing the right thing career-wise? Am I trying hard enough? Is it worth the risk of hurting myself by putting myself out there? Shin is hilarious. I know guys like him in real life -not bad people, just SO serious about certain things and take themselves very seriously. They can’t just tell you they like a certain wine; they have to give you a 10-minute lecture on the part of the Loire Valley it originates from, and what process the vintners used to crush the grapes, and how long it has to sit after the bottle is opened, and how you ABSOLUTELY CANNOT eat certain types of foods with it (ahem. Actual conversation). Mirae seems so open and unpretentious that it’s hard to picture her with a man like that. It will be interesting to see how they get together. I liked all the characters and thought all the actors did a good job. JYH was a little stereotypical “chaebol with a secret heart” for my tastes, but I think that was just the way the storyline went. I’d like to see how he does when more dramatic scenes come up. If you think about it, the whole central conceit of the drama itself is a conflict. Almost all of us probably can think of times in our past when we wish we could have gone back in time and lectured ourselves to act differently. But if we hadn’t made the mistakes we did, would that really be for the better? Wouldn’t we have lost opportunities for growth and maturation, painful as the lesson might have been? I wonder if that’s what we’ll see here. Hopefully it doesn’t end sadly. That reference to someone dying worried me -and I HATE a bait and switch where a story starts out as a comedy, then ends differently. I’m looking forward to seeing where this goes. Thanks for the recap, GC! P.S. I can’t believe Future Mirae forgot to give herself the most important piece of advice -get rid of that hair! Surely there cannot be a time when that style is ever acceptable. 32 Carole McDonnell October 15th, 2013 at 7:36 am I love it that we don’t know what the horrible future might be. Who is the one she loves? Who is the one who kills the one she loves? Who committed suicide? Oh screenwriters, why are you teasing me like this? Will Mirae be responsible for her true love’s death? Is this what future Mirae is working against? Is she trying to spare herself unhappiness or trying to spare her future love unhappiness? Then there are the two second lead women. We re in such a predicament. Usually you want the heroine to get the guy she wants/the hero. But if heroine nd hero getting together may cause death and grief to hero or heroine…then a part of you wants the other woman/scheming second lead to get the hero. So we’re kind hoping and working against the heroine’s happiness. I really love the second lead so far, the chaebol prince. (Not sure if Miranda/grandma will be nice to Mirae or if Mirae will be able to hide the fact that she “knows” VJ is a chaebol prince. Both these guys seem noble and both of them have money, although the way Mr Anchorman is behaving he could end up being kicked out of the industry for being such a non-company player. I’m really liking this drama. So far this is a great fall season. Thanks for the recap. Mohammed October 15th, 2013 at 3:07 pm Future Mirae memory dont change because of this new timeline, she is from another timeline future. She is just trying to change herself in the present. She doesnt know that young female reporter got in the accident and Seo jo fell for Mirae playing in the water with fishes instead. She doesnt know how much the present has already changed. I like that fate and lack of knowledge of present changes makes Future Mirae less powerful, knowing it all. About the first male lead and second lead. Im rooting for Kim Shin, he is serious sure but he is self made man atleast. He isnt a young chaebol cliche who lives on grandmothers money. Playing secret boss and nice rich guy. image location of Future Mirae and Mirae:-- i630.photobucket.com/albums/uu26/dramabeans/drama/2013/Mirae/Mirae_01/Mirae01-00250.jpg 47 ilikemangos October 15th, 2013 at 10:19 am I’m amazed at how many people are so hung on the hairdo. We were prepped weeks in advance with promos and stills that featured the same hairdo. By the time i started the first episode, it didn’t even matter to me anymore. There were moments where i felt like the hair aided in how free she felt, with hair flowing in the wind, esp during the lake scene. Which was totally gorgeous btw. I think if yoon eun hye changed her hair back to straight, i’d feel like a part of mi-rae changed (which doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing), but i’m still enjoying her character far too much to let hair get in the way of my viewing experience. I think there’s lots of room for growth in Mi Rae’s character since we’re seeing her at such a low point in her life (god bless yoon eun hye for injecting her charm into this character whom she’s made her own). I’m really more interested about mi rae’s journey to find the confidence and will to reach her dreams to get out of her current slump more than i’m interested in her love line with shin, or se joo, although a beautiful romance is bonus for me. There are dire consequences when one tries to change the past — as we’ve seen in several movies and shows. But i can’t help but root for future mi rae who seems to be giving present mi-rae a chance to do better and be happy with her life. I’m sure there are tons of people who wish they couldve given their younger self a wake up call. 48.2 ilikemangos October 15th, 2013 at 10:47 am Mi Rae was definitely not happy with her job. I don’t think the take away message should be that people in lower end jobs didn’t try to do better (because i know some people who are perfectly happy doing what they do even if it’s a job you’d consider “low end”). In the end, it’s all up to you. If you think you did enough to get to where you are and that you are content, then other people’s opinions shouldn’t matter. Future mi-rae knew herself inside out and that her dreams were completely different from her current job, since she dreamt of becoming a production writer. Ultimately, i took it as Future Mi-Rae saying, if you yourself are not happy with your life and where you’re at, you didn’t try hard enough. Not a hit to anyone else doing the same job, but more importantly to her younger self. I understand that people get into certain circumstances and complications that might prevent them from reaching their goals, but as of now, mi-rae is without any children, has a well off oppa supporting her, and a roof over her head. I have known people who had even harder situations than her but was able to get to a place in life where they were content. That’s just my interpretation of what we got so far from the first episode with Mi-Rae and her situation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 香港無綫電視J2台 http://mytv.tvb.com/drama/marryhimifyoudare/190924 未來的選擇 第 1 集 00:46:59 | 劇集 上載日期: 2014-10-22 觀看人次: 1,897 as at 2014.10.23(19:10) myTV+ 剩餘時間 6日as at 2014.10.23 http://programme.tvb.com/drama/marryhimifyoudare/episode/ http://programme.tvb.com/drama/marryhimifyoudare/episode/1/#page-1 第1集 播出日期: 2014.10.22 (三) 羅未來是一個對自己生活沒有太大動力,得過且過的電子公司電話客服人員,雖然如此,其實她對於電視工作有着不切實際的憧憬。 金信是一個很有原則,但不懂得因應時勢環境自我調整的新聞工作者,因此在收視率及利益掛帥的商業電視台中格格不入,甚至一向擔任的主播職位也被撤換。 某一天,有位打扮入時的中年婦女出現在未來面前,還告訴她說自己是二十五年後的她,讓未來嚇得以為碰到瘋婦,卻在介意那中年婦人的提醒同時,真的避開了一場車禍,因此半信半疑與中年婦人聊了起來。 這位「大未來」為取信未來,也讓未來藉由才藝表演得到旅遊券到濟州島旅行,開始展開扭轉未來的人生計劃。 朴世宙是YBS電視台會長之繼承人,這天到濟州島考察時,遇上未來,雖然二人未正式見面,但世宙已對她一見鍾情。 ******************************** (43:25~45:00) ♪《My Lady》 愛情令人酥麻地降臨時 kiss me, kiss me, kiss me, lady 愛情如命運般靠近時 tell me, tell me, tell me 我愛你 愛情是一眼就能知道 愛情是感覺就會知道 我的心跳告訴我 My lady 你是世上獨一無二 Oh, lady 你就是奇蹟 Oh, lady 我只會呼喊你的名字 My lady 朴世宙:"我對她一見鍾情,是因為水。" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1iJbTrJD2Q 《未來的選擇》製作發佈會 尹恩惠大談卷髮誕生之因 (1:55) "......就算我亂動或拍下場戲, 我不想因自己的外貌而變得敏感......會不會看起來像大嬸.....導演和編劇.....說挺好的......" Koreastardaily01 (3:14) Oct 13, 2013 觀看次數:2,394 as at 2013.10.26(18:20); 11,980 as at 2014.5.8(19:20) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ http://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/article/article.aspx?aid=2978659 Yoon Eun-hye takes on cheery role By Lee Sun-min [summerlee@joongang.co.kr] Actress Yoon Eun-hye of the MBC drama “Missing You” is coming back to the small screen to act as a cheerful character in a romantic comedy.Although she has established her name as a veteran actress in the romantic-comedy genre based on her previous roles in various dramas, including “The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince” and “Princess Hours,” she said it felt burdensome to play a sparkly character after playing a more emotional and darker character in her previous drama, “Missing You.”She will be playing a part-time call center employee for a local conglomerate who has to deal with bad consumers.The upcoming KBS drama “Future’s Choice” starts Monday. youtube.com/watch?v=-4IMuz_N4yo Kim Tae Woo (김태우) - My Lady [Marry Him If You Dare 미래의 선택 OST] Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 (Drama) 미래의 선택 Hallyu Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 MHIYD (3:41) Oct 14, 2013 viewers: 6,003 as at 2014.5.8(19:20) Song: My Lady by Kim Tae Woo https://twitter.com/HallyuYEH Title: Marry Him If You Dare 미래의선택/Future Choice / Mirae's Choice Starring: Yoon Eun Hye, Lee Dong Gun, Jung Yong Hwa Airdate: October 14 every Monday & Tuesday Broadcast Time: 22:00pm/10:00pm Channel: KBS2 Pilar De la Cruz-- I love this ost youtube.com/watch?v=X_nxwWquLn4 [FMV] My Lady : [Kim Tae Woo] Ost.Marry Him If You Dare Ireeyw (3:44) 2013.10.13 觀看次數:16,141 as at 2013.10.30(17:20); 51,847 as at 2014.5.8(19:30) Not official mv just fmv only ^^ Music credits go to FNC ent. Video credits go to KBS2 Global I love this song, I am one of CNBLUE fans.. Singer : Kim Tae Woo Lyrics : Han Seung Ho, Han Kyeong Hye Composser : Kim Do Hoon, Lee Sang Ho Arrangement : Kim Do Hoon, Lee Sang Ho MskiddieKiddo -- am i really the only one who can see the big resemblance of Lee dong gun to SHINee Onew?? seriously. he's like a more mature version of Onew x)))) youtube.com/watch?v=PsoDHpb-JN8 【中韩字幕】"未来的选择"OST1 "My Lady "MV tomatodeng (3:45) 2013.10.27 觀看次數:18,398 as at 2014.5.8(19:30) [yooneunhye.cn]【中韩字幕】"未来的选择"OST1 "My Lady "MV 翻译:文子;制作:tomatodeng. Christy Soming -- 我非常喜欢爱YEH和这个电视剧,YEH fighting !! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ♥ 動態尹恩惠潛水劇照 http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2688280363 韩剧“未来的选择”百度贴吧 ☆未来☆【131105新闻】未选收视率连续下降,理由充分! 楼主: 我和你不孕不育 东征客 32楼 2013-11-05 11:23 image location:-- h.hiphotos.bdimg.com/album/s%3D1000%3Bq%3D90/sign=0e9dfaca9e82d158bf825db1b03a22a9/562c11dfa9ec8a13bcb32bc4f503918fa0ecc06d.jpg?v=tbs '미래의 선택' 연이은 하락세, 추락하는 이유 있다 翻譯: 未來的選擇氣力不振! 未來的選擇在最初給予觀眾華麗的驚艷。作為'Good Doctor'後續,以'時間穿越'為素材登場,由'浪漫喜劇女王'尹恩惠,時隔5年回歸熒屏的李東健,以及愛豆團體成員鄭容和組成該劇陣容,看上去並沒有任何不足。 首播收視率9.6創下了自身最高紀錄,但隨著後續集數的播放,卻未能有上升態勢,本次觸底,收視率僅為'6.5%'。為什麼未來的選擇未能揚眉吐氣呢? 一方面,時間穿越題材的電視劇在2012年上半年起,數個劇目均受到廣泛關注(其他劇情況就不敘述了,主要說未選的問題)。想通過'時間穿越'嚐嚐成功味道的'未來的選擇'也因為這個題材受到很大期待。 但未來的選擇最重要的劇情開展卻違背了初衷。 首先,未來的選擇沒有將'時間穿越'作為明顯的契機進行合理運用,展現出來的只有蹩腳的情景。 故事從一個大媽口中說著'我是25年後的你'而展開,說著'你完蛋了,真的完蛋了'這種刺激的話,這種劇情設定與算命先生應當表現出'你可以活的很好'完全不同,無法引起觀眾的共鳴。 另,作為未來的選擇一劇宣揚的主人公,羅未來這個角色沒有被注入應有的特色。作為在電視劇綻露頭角的藝能作家,超過30歲的年齡而又是新入職人員,這種現實狀態未能被重視,相比這些本應刻畫的現實,劇的內容過多的描述了將受'未來而來的我'的擺弄,又反抗的模糊不清的人物性格。 女主人公的魅力未被過多提及,男主人公卻感受到了愛情,劇集的視線也從他的角度開始展開。 金信播音員因為播放的關係而了解到電視台高層變為VJ朴世株的事實,後劇集中心又轉移到'節目如何進行會成功',只有主人公羅未來獨自迷失了方向。 '時間穿越',年輕男女的愛情故事,對'電視台'內部的關注度都是本劇很好的素材。 但直到第七集,事情的背景,想要表現的意義究竟是什麼觀眾完全看不出來。目前劇情又轉向以金信和朴世株的愛情對決為開展的起點。 他們的愛情對決是否會讓羅未來這個角色迅速成長? 而大未來坐著時空機來到現在的真正原因是什麼? 相信這兩點會是本劇今後最大的期待! ------------------------------------------------------------- 再低也會追下去 ~miki莉0730 5樓2013-11-05 10:22 狂暈啊,,,不管怎樣,支持我家恩惠 ~enbao寶20樓2013-11-05 11:07 俊醬愛有琳: 支持恩惠和容和。 。 。 。 。 。 可是感覺編劇的意思是: 婚姻是無法改變的...... 或者是因為未來的穿越兩個人都發生了改變......然後過的更加好了! ! ! 恩惠+金信真的看不下去啊,臣妾做不到啊 2013-11-5 21:45回复 ----------------------------------------------------------- 哎,大家都看得出問題所在,甚至都有明確的解決方案。 可惜製作方一意孤行,觀眾可以器具 投入時間和精力的演員怎麼辦熱愛演員的粉絲又怎麼辦? ~Qs老鼠仔 26樓2013-11-05 11:17 --------------------------------------------------------- soso74: 不是有人說了嗎,這劇就是雙男主經濟公司搞的鬼,把恩惠騙來拍之後就開始利用恩惠的知名度來推銷帶動自己的藝人,說實話這點也算成功了,起碼我認識了容和,李東健之前就知道但一直無感,現在也一樣無感,沒辦法光芒被容和帶走了(僅個人觀點!)。只能說之前有個貼說恩惠被坑了是真的 | 2013-11-5 11:52 --------------------------------------------------------- youtube.com/watch?v=OMKwTYKYuoc [M/V]'Marry Him If You Dare"OST - MY LADY*' *韓文+簡體中文字幕 Hei Lim (3:45) 2013.10.27 觀看次數:2,982 as at 2014.5.8(19:30) Marilou Siena -- Coming soon here in the Philippines...? I wish.. IloveYoonEunHye. http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2702715074 ☆未來☆【131113新聞】事隔九個月回歸,尹恩惠緣何無法展笑顏? 第7集鄭容和捧花向尹恩惠浪漫告白image location:-- http://i5.hunantv.com/p1/20131104/1730174071.jpg 新聞來源:朝鮮日報 ‘喜劇女王為什麼笑不出來? ’ 於上月14日首播的kbs月火劇未來的選擇,演員尹恩惠擔任主演,期待很大。 有'浪漫喜劇女王'之稱的她繼2011年“對我說謊試試”及去年1月終映的mbc'想你'後,時隔九個月重新回歸熒幕。 開始很不錯,未來的選擇第一集收視率為9.7,同時並期待像以往'尹恩惠式喜劇'一樣,也能夠立刻衝上兩位數。但是情況與想像差很大。未來的選擇收視率下跌勢頭明顯,同時間收視率最後一位,真的是不振。本月5日播放的第八集創下了收視5.4%的記錄,同時間mbc的QHH14.5%,sbs的BM10.3%。 被作為期待作品而翹首期待的未來的選擇緣何不振? 很顯然,本劇不振的原因並不是主演演員尹恩惠的錯誤。觀眾評價,尹恩惠在演技層面來說充分完美的完成了她本人的份額,而本劇問題就在於角色及故事的展開,這兩點受到大眾的指責。 '未來的選擇'未來的女主人公找到過去的自己,對於人生進行建議而展開的故事。就像構架所示,這個劇集的中心應該是女主人公。 女中女主人公尹恩惠雖然和李東健鄭容和有三角戲份,但將故事解疑推進也應該是尹恩惠。應該著重刻畫尹恩惠所飾演的羅未來角色,才可以讓“未來的選擇”這部浪漫喜劇有最大程度的釋放。 但羅未來這個角色卻沒有充足的魅力讓觀眾守候在電視機旁。被從未來而來的自身大未來指揮,徘徊在金信和朴世珠中間。羅未來獨有的個性基本無法看到。 像題目所示,如果能將羅未來的形象充滿趣味的刻畫成“人生一輩子,會遇到很多不易抉擇的選擇,但羅未來卻以率真性格為主導從而成功”的角色,想必這部劇會十分精彩。但是“未來的選擇”卻沒有融入這樣的情節。 劇集中的人物形象讓觀眾無法感受到愛意,所以對於高收視又如何期待呢?而觀眾對於本劇的評價有很多是如此:“演員長相也好,演技也好,但為什麼劇中角色卻感受不到愛?” 十分保守迂腐的劇情讓看劇的興趣一點點下降的指責評價也有很多。雖然使用到能夠吸引觀眾視線的“時間旅行”這個素材,但卻無法刺激觀眾的好奇心,真是失敗! 當然,現在只有回到反轉點了。 16集的電視劇“未來的選擇”要走的路還很遠。而“未來的選擇”收視率能否反轉成功呢? ------------------ 超恩迷 -- 被騙來接了這樣的劇本,哪個藝人都笑不出來的 8楼2013-11-13 09:01 MARC著錄 19樓2013-11-13 09:56 感覺這劇陷入大未來主導的爭奪老公的低廉的愛情的劇情怪圈了,小未來因太被動而無法充分展現現代人物的魅力,真是很可惜。 試想,未來是不可知充滿各種希望的人生才會是有意趣的人生吧~~~ -------------------------------------------------------- youtube.com/watch?v=HGp0GyyZNlc 130927《未來的選擇》海報拍攝視頻 [中字] SinN0426 (3:08) Sep 27, 2013 觀看次數:17,900 as at 2014.5.8(19:30) 片源:@晨晨11月11 翻譯:@我和你不孕不育 時間軸:@krissam 後期製作:shoumang 中字視頻由尹恩惠百度貼吧製作 youtube.com/watch?v=aeWeD3oKyAk [中字] 演藝家中介 - 未來的選擇 CUT PTTCNBLUEFB (4:34) Oct 14, 2013 觀看次數:14,398 as at 2014.5.8(19:30) Fr.[黑花更健康吧] youtube.com/watch?v=hN49P_Rfc6k 《未來的選擇》舉行發佈會 CNBLUE鄭容和稱吃面戲最難演繹 Koreastardaily01 (3:11) 2013.10.13 觀看次數:7,375 as at 2013.11.20(19:30); 13,073 as at 2014.5.8(19:30) 枝 方-- 朴世洙,好心疼 youtube.com/watch?v=e2DUysKwFFE 【131018】 未来的选择 郑容和摄影棚MAKING emobluetional (2:15) Oct 30, 2013 觀看次數:4,423as at 2014.5.8(19:30) 转自 郑容和微吧 & TSKS youtube.com/watch?v=Ifom76Klxwk&list=PLQfmb43hBb5RitFbBHw4qD6QW34Pk-uaA 《未來的選擇》 by SinN0426 View full playlist (16 videos) 《未來的選擇》首波預告 [中字] 3:09130927 《未來的選擇》海報拍攝視頻 [中字] youtube.com/watch?v=DRdysob69q8&list=PLhZa2dk8TPn12NLfBQ1Fz40YV96RU7ztp 2013未來的選擇 23 部影片 建立者:jiro2calive http://www.yinyuetai.com/fanclub/topic-detail/240980 《未來的選擇》泥人原型 4主要角色真人+泥人原型影像網址:-- http://img4.yytcdn.com/user/editor/130928/0/DABF014164C984D6B1B03210AD415E3D_0x0.jpeg 4主要角色+泥人原型影像網址:-- http://img1.yytcdn.com/user/editor/130928/0/12CF014164C98E26A84C2A37A704A024_0x0.jpeg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zpg-Ut8cQr4 Marry Him If You Dare Ost『My Lady』Chinese Sub 2014.1.15 "This video has been removed by the user. Sorry about that." *韓文+簡體中文字幕 Yulie Ng (3:44) 2013.11.2 觀看次數:199 次 as at 21013.12.31(16:40) youtube.com/watch?v=OLqujSqIyjw [Fan-made MV] Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 - Marry Him If You Dare (OST 1 My Lady - Kim Tae Woo) *韓文+簡體中文字幕 82vynguyen (3:45) 2013.10.26 觀看次數:856 次 as at 2014.5.8(19:30) Cre: YoonEunHye.cn - 翻译:文子 Translation: Wen Zi; Production: tomatodeng --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- youtube.com/watch?v=SrRIPbFmq1I [Sub español|rom|eng][MV] Kim Tae Woo - My Lady (Marry Him If You Dare OST) iu lizzysub (3:45) 2013.10.14 觀看次數:4,927 次 as at 2014.5.8(19:30) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7PRu3LwGqc [Full Album] The Future Choice OST 2014.3.23: "[Full Album] The ..." 由於我們屢次接獲第三方提出的侵權通知,因此已將與這部影片相關聯的 YouTube 帳戶永久停權。 如有不便敬請見諒。 KOREAN2DRAMA CH2 (49:22) 2013.12.5 觀看次數:2,084 次 as at 21014.1.15(20:20) mutant x -- thanks!!!! search everywhere for the music background...finally :D [Album] Various Artists -- The Future Choice OST Track List: 01. My Lady 02. Its You 03. Im OK 04. 사랑을 캐스팅해요 05. 혼자만 06. 파라다이스 07. My Lady (Inst.) 08. Its You (Inst.) 09. Im OK (Inst.) 10. Puzzle Box 11. The Choice Of Mirea 12. Future City 13. 나를 오르다 14. Morning Dew 15. Lonely Christmas youtube.com/watch?v=GkweFbi0iwM Marry Him If You Dare BGM (Morning Dew) Piano tintinabulation91 (1:16) 2013.11.26 觀看次數:1,331 次 as at 2014.5.8(19:30) Josephine Kee -- Oh I see btw in the first ep while is attempting suicide the piano/violin music is very nice. Hope you can play it too Danilyn Borja -- MORNING DEW.,.from the V.A OST Album of MHIYD., youtube.com/watch?v=ktTB90v1GXU 미래의선택_MARRY HIM IF YOU DARE_Lonely Christmas conpanna07 (4:13) 2014.1.12 觀看次數:1,419 次 as at 2014.5.8(19:30) 미래의선택 삽입곡 _LONELY CHRISTMAS_최철호음악감독 youtube.com/watch?v=qxKRr0Gy_zg [Making/BTS Epi.10] 미래의 선택 'Marry Him If You Dare' - Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜,이동건, 정용화 미래의 선택 Hallyu Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 MHIYD (2:38) 2013.12.19 觀看次數:15,459次 as at 2013.12.13(20:40); 25,294次 as at 2014.5.8(19:30) youtube.com/watch?v=7eWzDzYox10 BETTER Vers.[BTS Picnic Scene] 미래의 선택 'Marry Him If You Dare' -Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 & Jung Yong Hwa 정용화 미래의 선택 Hallyu Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 MHIYD (3:06) 2013.11.26 觀看次數:11,082次 as at 2013.12.13(20:40); 26,410次 as at 2014.5.8(19:30) http://ent.takungpao.com.hk/tv/q/2013/1011/1956033.html 《未來的選擇》海報曝光 尹恩惠演繹新式穿越劇 2013-10-11 09:44:09|來源:大公娛樂綜合 《未來的選擇》海報image location:-- http://images.takungpao.com/2013/1011/20131011094538496.jpg KBS2新劇《未來的選擇》在首播之前公開了三張主打宣傳海報,這部以「新式穿越劇」作為賣點的作品還沒有播出關注度就甚高,尹恩惠將在劇中遇到未來的自己並從此走上不同人生路。 即將在下周播出的KBS2新劇《未來的選擇》由尹恩惠、李東健、鄭容和、韓彩兒主演,近日該劇的海報率先出爐和觀眾見面,在第一張海報四位主角 以各自角色的模樣和身份特點亮相。 尹恩惠在劇中出演擁有明朗性格的羅未來,李東健則指向鏡頭做出怪異表情,表達了他在劇中出演性格難搞但又對主播職業堅持 到底的性格,看起來很親民的鄭容和實際上是埋藏在VJ行列的電視台CEO,剩下的韓彩兒則是出演性格簡單又愛撒嬌的徐由靜。 而第二張海報則是以崔明吉和尹恩惠為主,在劇中崔明吉出演30年後的尹恩惠,二人在海報上動作雖然一模一樣但表情卻很大區別,崔明吉一臉從容, 而尹恩惠則表現出對未來滿腦子疑惑的樣子。 第三張海報則是早前公開過宣傳片中每人的截圖湊拚而成,讓觀眾看到劇集中的片段。《未來的選擇》將在14日晚首 播。 http://www.dramabeans.com/2013/10/anti-wedding-hijinks-for-miraes-choice/ DRAMA CASTING & NEWS Anti-wedding hijinks for Mirae’s Choice by girlfriday | October 4, 2013 | 130 Comments as at 2014.5.8 image location:-- i1192.photobucket.com/albums/aa324/girlfridaydb/news/2013/Mirae32.jpg Via Osen, Hankooki, Hankyung RELATED POSTS Cute, romantic teaser for time-traveler Mi-rae’s Choice Yoon Eun-hye and Jung Yong-hwa’s first shoots for Mirae’s Choice Time-traveling Mi-rae’s Choice begins script rehearsals Han Chae-ah completes love square in Mi-rae’s Choice Time-slip drama Mi-rae’s Choice confirms leads Yoon Eun-hye considers time-travel drama Mi-rae’s Choice Jung Yong-hwa up for time travel series http://topstarnews.net/detail.php?number=46479&thread=0002r0001r0014r0009 2013년12월03일 14시48분 김명수 (Reporter@TopstarNews.co.kr) 기자 http://topstarnews.net/wys2/file_attach/2013/12/03/1386049782-98.jpg 무엇보다 지난 2일 방송된 ‘미래의 선택’ 15회에서는 미래와 세주가 ‘풋풋 러브라인’을 만들어 가고 있는 가운데, NTN방송국으로 자리를 옮긴 김신이 비리 사건을 제보받게 된 후 사건의 보도를 두고 고민에 빠진 모습이 담겨졌다. 특히 김신을 위해 이를 막으려는 미래의 긴박한 모습이 펼쳐지면서 궁금증을 증폭시켰다. 이와 관련 마지막 촬영을 앞두고 있는 윤은혜-이동건-정용화의 웃음 가득한 촬영 현장 뒷모습이 공개돼 관심을 모으고 있다. Google 翻譯:-- 播出的最後兩天比什麼'未來的選擇“15倍在三個星期內,和未來”putput愛一行“將會使該中心,NTN,搬到新站區會暗中報導,事件發生後離開了腐敗案件就像遇險被擠滿。特別是脛可怕的未來,以防止它擴大到兩個問題進行擴增形式。尹恩惠在最後一槍之前,這方面 - 李湧,勇 - 世界衛生大會的笑聲充滿了公共dwae拍攝已經引起注意力轉回。 http://topstarnews.net/wys2/file_attach/2013/12/03/1386049805-57.jpg 정용화 역시 “서로 다른 두 가지 모습을 모두 드러내야 했던 어려운 작업이었지만 훌륭하신 선생님과 좋은 배우들이 함께 있어 힘을 낼 수 있었다”며 “마지막까지 행복할 수 있도록 많은 사랑 부탁드린다”고 마지막 인사를 전했다. 제작사 에넥스텔레콤 측은 “윤은혜와 이동건, 정용화를 비롯해 모든 배우들은 처음부터 지금까지 변함없는 열정으로 드라마의 완성도를 높이기 위해 활약했다”며 “운명을 바꾸려는 과거로 돌아온 타입슬립 스토리가 어떤 결말을 보여주게 될 지 마지막까지 지켜봐달라”고 밝혔다. 한편, ‘미선 폐인’들의 지지 속에 ‘웰메이드 신(新) 타임슬립 드라마’라는 호평을 받고 있는 ‘미래의 선택’ 마지막 회는 오는 3일(오늘) 오후 10시에 방송된다. http://translate.google.com.hk/ Chung, Yong - Wha, too, "the other two look at each other, reveal all the hard work was good, but the actors are good, you're with the teacher was able to power" and "the last happy to be able to ask a lot of love taps," he said last greeting. Publisher Enex Telecom said, "Yoon Eun Hye and Lee, Chung, Yong - Wha, as well as all the actors are unchanged from the beginning until now to increase the completeness of passion he was a Drama" and "doom-type slip back into the past to change the ending of the story is to show what stay tuned to the end to be different do, "he said. On the other hand, 'miseon wreck' in the support of "well-made New (新) time slip drama, a well received 'future choices" in the coming three days last week (today) at 10 pm broadcast. http://image.topstarnews.net/wys2/file_attach/2013/12/03/1386049829-59.jpg http://topstarnews.net/wys2/file_attach/2013/12/03/1386049829-59.jpg http://ent.kankanews.com/c/2013-12-03/0013893855.shtml 《未來的選擇》殺青宴鄭容和尹恩惠輕裝亮相疑似情侶裝李東健復出之作收視低迷粉絲聲討編劇不給力收視女王尹恩惠遭遇收視寒冬 發佈時間:2013-12-03 21:32來源: 看看新聞網 12月3日晚,《未來的選擇》殺青宴主創們悉數亮相。 《未來的選擇》高開低走,收視不濟,引發眾多聲討。李東健、尹恩惠、鄭容和的主演陣容可謂無可挑剔, 但編劇洪珍兒此次發揮不盡如人意,劇情邏輯混亂,使許多對該劇抱有期待的觀眾紛紛棄劇,也令演員的演技拘泥於劇情,沒有收到良好效果。 12月3日晚,《未來的選擇》殺青宴主創們悉數亮相,鄭容和藍色格紋衫搭配豹紋圍巾輕裝上陣,青春酷帥。但也有粉絲擔心偶像穿得太少了,期待鄭容和下部戲更加出彩。 鄭容和藍色格紋衫搭配豹紋圍巾輕裝:-- http://static.statickksmg.com/image/2013/12/03/5ef0c24f05ce391bb02a4662c6225e81.jpg 如果說歌手出身的鄭容和在此劇中勉強保住顏面,但由於角色個性模糊仍沒有得到太多關注,那麼男女主演李東健和尹恩惠的表現簡直令人失望。觀眾將兩位實力演員失敗歸咎於編劇不給力,“李東健和尹恩惠出演此劇選擇性錯誤”。 時隔五年回歸的李東健沒有在兵役後復出之作中給人帶來驚喜,冷男的角色設定老氣橫秋的形象造型更是令其歡迎度大跌。 而歷來的收視女王尹恩惠此次遭遇收視寒冬,對感情搖擺不定的女主角沒有得到觀眾共鳴,唯一的驚喜是尹恩惠首次在電視劇中以“人妻”形象示人。 穿格子恤衫的尹恩惠:-- http://static.statickksmg.com/image/2013/12/03/2ecb58e5e4c200545a8b0e47d188d087.jpg 李東健:-- http://static.statickksmg.com/image/2013/12/03/eaf33da173c2f87671a78a346864fdba.jpg 大未来:-- http://static.statickksmg.com/image/2013/12/03/19d1a63f76578f42fd13a4ac18e9d0d3.jpg http://ent.kankanews.com/c/2013-12-03/0013893855_7.shtml 尹恩惠、鄭容和、李東健於1日在位於京畿道的《未來的選擇》拍攝場完成了大結局的拍攝。時隔許久聚集在一起的三位演員在大結局拍攝之際,為了高完成度的電視劇場面用超強的集中力展現了竭盡全力拍攝的面貌。雖然是短暫的場面,但是為了原原本本地傳達劇中角色的細膩感情,拍攝反復進行了多次。 三位演員對於小細節也有深度地交換意見,展現了對電視劇的極大熱情,攝像機關閉後,三人又不停歇地開著玩笑留下認證照,展現了和睦的面貌。經過將近四個月的拍攝,演員們都發展為如家人們親密的關係,使得最後的拍攝現場充滿濃濃暖意。 http://static.statickksmg.com/image/2013/12/03/e38f5eae621d0da6a01d1d2b1d1a2cf4.jpg http://ent.kankanews.com/c/2013-12-03/0013893855_8.shtml 尹恩惠:三個月的時間匆匆流過。 想要為一直期待與支持我的你們奉獻更好的作品,所以我不言放棄,笑著,開心著進行著拍攝,時間就是這樣過來的。 希望未來的選擇可以為你們帶來稍許的快樂,也希望能夠留下溫暖的記憶。 真的要再次感謝這期間收看這部劇,給予我們支持並祈禱的你們! http://ent.kankanews.com/c/2013-12-03/0013893855_9.shtml 李東健:隔了很長一段時間才回歸,這讓我既緊張又有負擔,即便如此。 在準備這部作品及拍攝期間,都很開心並幸福的度過。我會展示更好的樣子給你們,請繼續期待! http://ent.kankanews.com/c/2013-12-03/0013893855_10.shtml 鄭容和:把兩種不同狀態的模樣全部展現是件挺難的事,但有優秀的老師與優秀的演員一起,我得到了力量。 為了最後能夠幸福,請多多支持! 《未來的選擇》片場花絮/演員合照:-- http://www.people.com.cn/mediafile/pic/20131204/51/13250964691202265499.jpg http://static.statickksmg.com/image/2013/12/03/7143024fe020255874195352195a69bb.jpg http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/entertainment/20131207/00288_010.html 2013年12月7日 (六) 東方日報 ......韓國放送通訊審議委員會就《未來的選擇》一劇出現過度粗鄙用語發警告。 youtube.com/watch?v=0eYlp8L6QeI 有線劇集台 韓劇 - 未來的選擇 預告 預告頻道 (0;15) 2014.3.11 觀看次數:1,131 次 as at 2014.5.21(18:40) 未來的選擇 (全港首播) 演員:尹恩惠、鄭容和、李東健播出日期:2014年3月31日起(逢星期一至五)播出時間:晚上10時正集數:21 現轉時空的未來的選擇,講述來自未來世界的女主角,她借機接近電視台的太子爺,企圖改變自己會下嫁主播的命運... youtube.com/watch?v=YMOsOleOv2w 有線劇集台 韓劇 - 未來的選擇 預告 (2) 預告頻道 (0;15) 2014.3.14 觀看次數:385 次 as at 2014.5.21(18:40) youtube.com/watch?v=KeeXOVobr2A 有線劇集台 韓劇 - 未來的選擇 預告 (3) 預告頻道 (0:15) 2014.4.1 觀看次數:275 次 as at 2014.5.21(18:40) youtube.com/watch?v=Ns4JyTMgpIw 有線劇集台 韓劇 - 未來的選擇 第21集 大結局 (28/04) 預告 預告頻道 (0:15) 2014.4.25 觀看次數:741 次 as at 2014.5.21(18:40) youtube.com/watch?v=RZ1R7MNu_SY 《未來的選擇》《百年新娘》衛視中文台 華麗雙拼 STARTV TAIWAN (0:30) 2014.5.5 觀看次數:2,363 次 as at 2014.5.21(19:20) 2014 年二大韓國樂團美型男主唱齊聚衛視中文台 ! CNBLUE 鄭容和, FTISLAND 李洪基, 超華麗雙拼, 魅力接連散發 youtube.com/watch?v=rY7Tlr-v1ZI 5 14 起《未來的選擇》衛視中文台 TRAILER 1 STARTV TAIWAN (0:30) 2014.5.5 觀看次數:1,654 次 as at 2014.5.21(19:20) 《繼承者們》之後,衛視中文台即將推出另一偶像帥哥 CN BLUE 鄭容和, 尹恩惠, 以及李東健主演的《未來的選擇》,5月14日起週一至週五晚上 9 點全台首播。 youtube.com/watch?v=196IdppNzoo 5 14起《未來的選擇》衛視中文台 TRAILER 2 STARTV TAIWAN (0:15) 2014.5.5 觀看次數:1,200 次 as at 2014.5.21(19:20) youtube.com/watch?v=kLA0IT9ik2I 5 .14 起《未來的選擇》衛視中文台 TRAILER 3 STARTV TAIWAN (0:15) 2014.5.5 觀看次數:1,490 次 as at 2014.5.21(19:20) youtube.com/watch?v=QT0kQSnv8oA 5月14日起《未來的選擇》衛視中文台 關鍵字篇 STARTV TAIWAN (0:30) 2014.5.15 觀看次數:691 次 as at 2014.6.20(20:00) 2014.5.14 起,週一至週五晚上9 點《未來的選擇》,相信未來就有幸福! 《未來的選擇》日本藍光DVD 9/3/2014發售:-- https://zh-hk.facebook.com/TaiwanloveYooneunhye/photos/pb.130280913706881.-2207520000.1403257323./715748171826816/?type=1&theater image location:--https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t1.0-9/10410288_715748171826816_7800054308595304517_n.jpg 香港無綫電視J2台 Official TVB's web site:-- http://programme.tvb.com/drama/marryhimifyoudare/ image location of square -- Wedding :-- http://img.ads.tvb.com/img/ads/rect/image/ad_img_20141017105750/1.jpg youtube.com/watch?v=KMH8OytZlg8 J2 韓劇 - 未來的選擇 Opening 預告頻道 (0:49) 2014.10.22 觀看次數:25 次 as at 2014.10.24(17:30) youtube.com/watch?v=NgTv3Dosdt4 J2 韓劇 - 未來的選擇 間場 (1) 預告頻道 (0:10) 2014.10.22 觀看次數:22 次 as at 2014.10.24(17:30) youtube.com/watch?v=tIFiUXcoEMk J2 韓劇 - 未來的選擇 間場 (2) 預告頻道 (0:10) 2014.10.22 觀看次數:23 次 as at 2014.10.24(17:30) youtube.com/watch?v=gM27S0Da284J2 J2 韓劇 - 未來的選擇 間場 (3) 預告頻道 (0:09) 2014.10.24(17小時前) 觀看次數:4 次 as at 2014.10.24(17:30) youtube.com/watch?v=fhvybAwB7uk J2 韓劇 - 未來的選擇 間場 (4) 預告頻道 (0:09) 2014.10.24(16小時前) 觀看次數:6 次 as at 2014.10.24(17:30) youtube.com/watch?v=O5pjt7ciMXk J2 韓劇 - 未來的選擇 Ending 預告頻道 (0:33) 2014.10.22 觀看次數:29 次 as at 2014.10.24(17:50) ======================================================================================= 》》更多有關《未來的選擇》的文章包括:-- http://travel.ulifestyle.com.hk/member-blog/lau_yichen/ADsRYBEhA3YMKw/ 在綫看《未來的選擇》Paradise♪獨自一人☆劇情/Recap/Review http://travel.ulifestyle.com.hk/member-blog/lau_yichen/ADMRYBEsA3U/ 《未來的選擇》OST♪朴孝信It's you♥情書♥尹恩惠李東健♪Salad Song http://travel.ulifestyle.com.hk/member-blog/lau_yichen/ADIRaRErA3E/ 《未來的選擇》♪Casting Love♥鄭容和求婚♪Can't Stop~CNBlue http://travel.ulifestyle.com.hk/member-blog/lau_yichen/ADIRaBEuA3I/ 《未來的選擇》I'm OK♪Yuna@AOA《我沒關係》♪I Will Survive尹恩惠 http://travel.ulifestyle.com.hk/member-blog/lau_yichen/ADIRaBEsA3w/ 《未來的選擇》花絮/殺青宴☆OST♪My Lady[中韓英文拼音歌詞] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st Edition: 20 October 2013 This page was last modified on 25 February 2017.