When line measuring work is processing at quite longer work distance than formal hand reaching, it is always making good job with the assistance of 50mW 532nm green line laser module. It is emitting the brightest green laser light from its middle wavelength of 532nm green DPSS laser system. Any time it makes the best use of qualified glass coated lens and good thermal emitting system, after configuration with highly durable metal housing tube, this green laser line generator just assures high quality green laser light emission, and highly fine and clear green line alignment at quite long work distance effectively. Being made with the best quality glass coated lens, not the same as formal plastic coated lens, this 50mW 532nm green line laser module is performing with high transmittance green laser light, and no decay light line projection in long time use. It is performing with high linear quality green reference line projection from laser beam aperture. At the same time, available with wide range fan angles of 10 degree to 110 degree, this green laser line generator is projecting various line lengths within 0.5 meter to 6 meters.Any time users are getting measurement and experiment of technical data, only after correct use of optic lens degree, this 50mW 532nm green line laser module is always making quite satisfied line positioning results for a lot of application fields, including laser cutting, sand milling, lumber machine, textile garment processing and other high tech work fields etc. When it is passing through quite strict laser beam stability tests up to 24 hours and special use of glass window in front of laser beam aperture, whatever kind of working surface it is pointing, this green laser line generator just achieves good performance, and highly clear green line alignment within the maximum work distance of 25 meters.With the assistance of a laser alignment mounting bracket and extending electric wires, 50mW 532nm green line laser module enables easy mounting onto industrial machine or device. It is also making high speed and quick response line generation onto any vertical or horizontal surface effectively. In occasion that green alignment laser makes proper adjustment of both line fineness and line projection direction, it is always making sure of noncontact and no barrier line indication onto any vertical or horizontal surface. When users are aware of any potential thermal energy hurt to eyes and wearing correct laser safety glasses, without any eye exposure to beam aperture, high power green line laser makes safe and easy line alignment in all application fields.