Hello everyone, and welcome to the third episode of my first Marijuana. We will try to bloom in this cannabis. After ten weeks of vegetable planting, I tried to reduce the lighting to 12 points, which was 12 points less than the original plan to promote plant flowering.Like me, plants began to grow faster than ever. It requires frequent pruning and removal of the lower leaves, which are now sheltered from the upper roof. Growing up without a suitable tent, I tried to create a dark enough environment for 12 days of rest. In the next 4 or 5 weeks, all the growing parts on my main stem turned into fan-shaped leaves and more stems. Although the plant continues to grow, I have not seen any budding or blooming flowers. As you can see, the light of the plant is too strong, I think it is in the growing state of the plant. Eventually it invaded the Cob LED light above, which was too big for my space.I tried to use a string to lower and spread the canopy of the plant to create a space between the upper leaves and the light above. It was during this process that the main stem of the plant accidentally split. As you can see, one of the above branches can be almost completely deleted. Although these plants can overcome this kind of crack, I still have a space object and decided to move on. Fortunately, because I bred a pruned clone, I have another small plant. Plants from before. I just put this cut into a small bucket of tap water, and after about 10 days, the roots you see here will grow out. Knowing that after the flowering period, I need to plant the next smaller plant so that I can completely cover it and create a suitable dark period for it. In addition to actively participating in the care of this plant more widely, I also decided to try planting it in a smaller container because I think it is kept in a smaller size through bonsai. After only three weeks, the plant began to grow taller and grew into multiple stem parts along the main stem, so I decided it was time for the plant to fall down. It looks very healthy and green, and the plant starts to stick out from the main stem. From the early days of this period, I started using ropes to lower the canopy and make it as flat as possible so that I could easily cover it and provide dark periods. This training is very effective compared to the plants I have seen before training their canopy at a later growth stage.The branch at this time is still very young and malleable, and the factory can cope with any training pressure I put on. Another attempt is to turn off the lighting after three to four weeks of vegetarianism and move it to 12 o'clock. Cover it completely during those dark periods to ensure that no ambient light can enter the area. Plants seem to respond very well to this, and the obvious pistils indicate flowering, which makes me very excited. A few weeks after the lure of lighting, the factory suddenly turned yellow. I cleaned the reservoir and mixed a new nutrient solution, hoping to help the plants. At this time, I noticed that the root system has turned gray. When the plant is healthy, the bottom is usually white. Internet research shows that certain plants may be restricted by their roots when they grow in small containers. The narrow reservoir space does not allow the root system to fully spread and grow, thereby preventing the root system from properly absorbing nutrients and supporting plants. The plant grows into brown spots, and the edges and tips of the fan leaves begin to rot. Plants continue to degenerate. This situation is becoming more and more obvious. This is the first time I have officially ended the growth of hemp.In the end, it failed, but I hope the lessons I learned here can help you successfully develop yourself and avoid these mistakes. Thank you so much for watching this video and my first complete cannabis cultivation series. I already have new seeds and hope to bring you the first successful harvest in the near future