時間真係過得好快,居然就這樣就過了三年。BB嘅成長速度真係令人太不可思議。 每年我地都會為孖寶預備生日蛋糕慶生,但今年比較特別,因為2個小人都有主見了,對蛋糕嘅要求就係蛋糕上面要有2架車車….LOL 我覺得孖寶好幸運,有好多愛錫他們嘅家人! 孖媽一直認為生日就係應該同我地鐘愛嘅家人一起渡過。 孖寶3歲生日就這樣簡單地渡過,平安健康地長,恩慈信實,平安喜樂就係孖媽最大嘅心願。3歲嘅你倆有時好固執,甚至有時會同媽咪鬥氣,但你倆亦係最窩心嘅孩子s,時常都會關心媽咪同家人。 雖然有時你地兩兄弟會爭嘢,但外出你們都係媽咪最好嘅小幫手,如果媽咪自己一打2帶兩個出街,你地會自己食飯,成日都會要幫媽咪拎重野,我嘅兩個小情人啊!呵呵~ 接住邁向四歲呢一年,孖媽相信你地會有更多成長,好快要開始返幼稚園啦。 我肯定接住呢一年我地小不免會有d衝突,媽咪亦可能會阻止你地做一d關係到你地安全嘅事。而你地2個亦可能會繼續哭笑中打打鬧鬧。 但係孖媽希望你地繼續保有這開心快樂笑容,繼續擁有樂觀態度同大笑嘅能力。 愛你們呀~Happy 3rd birthday! 孖寶,3歲生日快樂! My Sweet Baby Boys, Hum….maybe it’s time that Mummy stop calling you boys’ baby. You two are 3 now. Thank you for letting me be your mummy. I just hope you two actually get to read this yourself one day. You boys are now 3 years old, I seriously feel like it was only yesterday we found out I was pregnant, seeing you for the first time on the first scan, then a second time and noticed that we are carrying twins. Finally giving birth at 15 August 2015 by you boy’s choices. It was such a magical day and I am so grateful to have you two in my life. You two brighten up even the darkest days and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. No matter how hard the week was, or how hard the year’s been for us, you two will always put a smile on my face. You two are the reason I can get through the tough times; you two are my motivation for everything. I am grateful every day of my life for this amazing, perfect little creature we created. You two have already made me the happiest and most fulfilled Mummy in the world. That is the thing, Caydan & Ramsey; you two have always inspired me to be what I needed to be. Strong, courageous, forgiving, patient. If Mummy have ever been proud of who I am, it is because of you two. I pray that I am the kind of Mummy that makes you two proud, too. You boys have no idea how much you two have surprised Mummy & Daddy this past year. It is proven to be a bit challenge that you two just don’t wanna sit still sometimes. Not that I can blame you boys. Because of this I try to bring you two to the places that I know you boys can run and play and have fun. That is what you boys should be doing at this age! There will be plenty of time to sit and be boring when you two are older. You two are sibling, a lifelong buddy to play with and it is the most beautiful thing. You two are beginning to play together more and more. You two have always been mostly kind to each other, but now you both play more and fight more and Mummy understand that it is nature. Over this last year you two have really shown us what you boys are interested in. You love cars and trains of course, but you two also really enjoy other vehicles, as well as painting. My hope for you two this next year, is that you boys continue to explore the things that you love, and try new things. I hope you two making more friends, and show the world how bright your light shines. I am excited to see how much you two learn, and hear more of what you two are thinking about. Everyone we know mentions how sweet you two are, and I hope you two never lose that. I hope you two grow up to be polite, brilliant, handsome young men who are KIND to others. I am so proud to be you boys Mummy. I feel so lucky that you two are my son. You two are the perfect little boys for me, and for that I thank god every day. Know that Mummy & Daddy always here for you boys and I love you two more than you know! And you know what? No matter how big you boys get, you two will always be my babies. I would not be me without all three years of you two. For you boys and these most magical years, you two have granted me with your unconditional love, I am eternally grateful. Thank you, my little boys. I love you Caydan & Ramsey. Happy 3rd birthday! With love from the bottom of our heart, Mummy & Daddy 我和孖寶的Facebook Page: 荔枝與孖寶 我和孖寶的 Instagram IG#: laichimama Oh爸媽 - ohpama.com: Featured Bloggers MamiBuy香港媽咪幫:駐站部落客 Sunday Kiss: Featured Bloggers SuperMami HK:Featured Bloggers Beauty Exchange:Certified Blogger WeShare HK 親子: 推薦博客 ESDlife: 「靚太星級榜」Blogger 廿四孝父母 - 24parent.com: Featured Bloggers 媽媽經台灣/香港站: 駐站作家 uBaby 懷孕育兒生活雜誌: 駐站作家 香港01: 專欄作家 If there is any question or you looking for me and the boys, please feel free to contact LaiChiMaMa via Email: cherrywcchan@gmail.com