In case you do not find a repair person in your city, you can do a Google search regarding iPhone mail repair. While ordering, be sure that you order the glass screen for your iPhone version. If you are looking for the quickest solution to this problem, then just get inside an Apple store and come out with a new iPhone. Even this requires that you to go to an Apple Store. Send your damaged iPhone to a company offering the service and get it back completely repaired within a week. A simpler and more reliable process would be buying a screen assembly instead of the touchscreen glass alone. Let's go through them in this article. You can have this done in two ways which include a kit with LCD and another without LCD. This option is safe because it does not have anything pyrex glass Suppliers to do with heat gun like in the one where you have to fix the touchscreen glass. Buying a replacement glass screen is by far the cheapest option of having the problem solved.If you are an iPhone owner, then you surely love your mobile because it has both impressive looks and features. What if your iPhone slips out of your glass teapots hand and strikes a wall nearby and the impact is so strong that the glass of your iPhone cracks! Now the big question is what should be done? Yet the chances are that the LCD beneath the glass is still functioning in addition to its touch. This again is a costly option, but cheaper than the previous one.