Available opportunities of creative extracurricular activitiesCreative extracurricular activities such as redesigning dolls, knitting or adornments do not enjoy broad reputation among contemporary college students. Selecting from a wide array of extracurricular activities, students consider their interests and skills. Completing the works at the creative extracurricular activities, learners are expected to become more purposeful. University courses are frequently insufficient for realization of the students’ potential. They should dedicate time to other fields of life and balance them.Hand-made gifts are usually appreciated. With the past development of innovative technologies, the handicraft is rarely rated at the real value.Hand- made things may display person’s aesthetic feeling and personality. Extracurricular activities could be a great option for improving one’s abilities and demonstrating one’s talents.The fact is that centering on their studies, learners can easily fall into a rut.Teenagers are aimed at proving their originality and inimitability creative extracurricular activities provide them with such an opportunity without ruining something or doing hurt to their health. In contrast to the original purpose of supplementing the curricular activities, the current clubs might simply separate themselves from the class discussion and university courses. Nevertheless, each of these hobbies is beneficial for development of students’ aesthetic feeling and practical skills.. Perseverance and inner balance is required for finishing a piece of broidery, for instance. Creative extracurricular activities provide learners with options to demonstrate their abilities and find inner balance focusing on their masterpieces. Benefiting from extracurricular activitiesThe concept of extracurricular activities has progressed within the past decades. At the moment learners attending extracurricular clubs are aimed at not only filling their spare time but at realizing their potential as well as developing their abilities. Somebody is anticipated to put one’s soul into these gifts.