It shows how much you care for them. Provide name tags so that everybody can identify the other guests easily, as they may not all know each other. Introduce the baby shower guests to one another at the beginning of the baby shower party. If you have a seating arrangement, sit people together who know each other or have something in Shower Mixer Wholesale common. Engage the baby shower guests in some games so that they can enjoy their time and interact with each other. If you have proper space and have a large hall then provide tables for your guests to sit and eat if a meal is planned. Please don't expect them to eat with their plate in their lap. Instead of placing gifts here and there, it is appreciated to bring the gifts to the mom-to-be as she opens gifts. Dont ask or even expect her to carry anything, especially bulky items (before and after the pregnancy). Because the time of the baby shower is around 1-2 months before or after, she is likely to feel weak during this time. Write down which baby shower guest gave which gift. This will help the mom-to-be when it comes time to send thank you cards. Be sure to have enough baby shower party favors on hand. A little extra is good just in case! Get the party started on time and keep events moving at a good pace. You would be surprised just how long it can take to eat, open presents, play games, talk and eat cake. Walk guests to the door as they leave and thank them again for coming to the baby shower.Everybody feels special if they are given due attention. Baby shower tips for the hostess: You should understand that if you are hosting the party then you should show the utmost responsibility and carefulness. A well-planned baby shower would be appreciated by everyone invited. You are not just attending the baby shower party. You are also running and organizing it too. When serving food, serve mom-to-be first and then your baby shower guests. You as the baby shower hostess should serve yourself last.Make sure you have the right style case: Many of the smaller injection molded and aluminum carry cases come standard will molded-in panel tabs sets down a short distance from the lid split. This is not true for luggage style cases that are either soft-sided or thermoformed. It is not recommended that you use luggage style cases for panel mounted equipment. Some larger cases (think airline check-through size) also have panel tabs in them. For larger hard cases without stock panel tabs, a workable system can still be constructed, but you will most likely need the assistance of a case professional. Choose the right panel material: The two best options are ABS plastic and aluminum plate. Plastic has distinct advantage over aluminum in that it is less expensive, lighter, more malleable, and it is easier to route or cut. When using plastic, you will most likely need at least .125of panel thickness, and up to a .25 thickness for very large panels or heavy items. Aluminum panels can be .0625 to .125. If you feel that you need more than .125 of aluminum panel thickness to hold your equipments weight, this is a good indication that you should reconsider panel mounting it, and should consider other options such as a custom cushioned case interior. Decide how you are going to cut the panel material: There are several options here. A small hand router may be all you need for basic round or square holes.