上星期5的Happy Friday,放工後來到公司附近的Central Central穿上Karen Millen的裙子Show off your City Style! I was in Karen Millen Fashion Night last Friday. This Palm Tree Print Skater dress is good choice for a drink after work. 上班時穿上黑色小西裝褸,下班後來個「解脫」,便可以參加雞尾酒小聚會。 Match with a blazer for work. Take it off when get off work, and enjoy a cocktail with the beautiful harbor scenery. Here is the total look. Black pumps are always my pick. Karen Millen還有其他款式優雅的上班裝。 Visit Karen Millen to see more items. 我也喜歡這條翠綠色鑲有寶石點綴的連身裙。 Jewel embellished shift dress 小裝飾的設計也做得一絲不苟,華麗的寶石點綴也充滿細節,令裙子簡單又不失貴氣。 Embellished with opulent hand-beaded jewels and beads come in the form of precious brooch beaded clusters. This dress is elegant with the sense of simple French style. Visit the following website to see more on Karen Millen: www.centralcentralshop.com www.facebook.com/GRI.CentralCentralShop www.karenmillen.com Central/Central - 中環畢打街3號中建大廈1樓 電話:2526 8828 BlogSpot.theztyle.she.com.BE.WeShare.itrial.SalaD.QoozaBeauty.Beauty life.Myage.BlogDB.U Know.U beauty.Fashion & Beauty.Elle.ASW FB page: www.facebook.com/lin.katerina Contact me at: lin.katerina1@gmail.com