提起離島,相信大家已經去厭了長洲、南丫島 今天我就到訪了民風純樸的坪洲 由中環6號碼頭乘船到坪洲(最多)只需40分鐘 下船後人並不多,感覺真的在放假,非常自在 當你漫無目的走在街上,居民會對著你笑 這兒大部分都是傳統店子,可以說是零商業味 有些個性小店下午3時便關門,只供應早、午、茶餐 真心相信 那怕你是一座孤島,愛你的還是愛你! [A Simply Island: Ping Chau] Ping Chau is not as popular as other islands. She's a simple island with fresh breath anywhere. Residents have a very good work-life balance here. Some of the restaurants are closed in holidays, and some will be closed at 3:00pm. This place is suitable for tourists who like photography and local environment. Please visit Ping Chau by ferry at Central Pier (Port no. 6) with almost 40 mins. Wish you an enjoyable and traditional day trip! --- 更多相片請到http://www.facebook.com/justravelwifsmile