提起浮潛,一般人都會問是不是要懂得游水? 或是說搭飛機貴,又無假期?錯!錯!錯! 原來香港附近都有水清見底的海域! 這兒就是東平洲 進入東平洲的其中一個路線組合: 乘港鐵到沙田站,於對開的小巴站轉乘小巴(往科學園方向)到馬料水碼頭 由馬料水碼頭乘船約個半時即可到達 東平洲不能用香港網絡,適合平日機不離手的香港人放鬆自己! 當日水溫暖,在太陽照耀下發現很多海底寶物 初學者其實不用購買浮潛裝備,只需帶泳裝 其餘的可到士多租用,不熟水性助浮衣幫到你 玩完可到士多沖身,女士怕冷仲有熱水(收費) 沖身後可在士多吃飯,大推紅豆冰(超多紅豆) 嬉山莫嬉水,強烈建議大家先到淺水區 好好練習用口呼吸,直至熟練有信心才游出 體驗海底美難能可貴,千萬不要樂極生悲呀! 船期表: http://www.td.gov.hk/tc/transport_in_hong_kong/public_transport/ferries/service_details/#k13 [Do you even think of planning a snorkeling day trip in Hong Kong?] Tung Ping Chau locates quite far away from Hong Kong Island. Therefore, the transportation is a bit troublesome. Generally speaking, you have to take MTR (any railway station to Shatin Station), then change minibus (to Science Park via Ma Liu Shui pier), and finally take ferry (destination to Tung Ping Chau). The ferry will take around half an hour. There're mini shops renting snorkeling equipment and the price is reasonable. You may have your meal here, store things here, take a shower and rest here. For the schedule of ferry, please visit: http://www.td.gov.hk/en/transport_in_hong_kong/public_transport/ferries/service_details/#k13 It's time to discover an active side of Hong Kong :) --- 更多相片請到http://www.facebook.com/justravelwifsmile