若要說出門口前必做的步驟,畫眼線必定是其中之一。 “Eyeliner always makes a woman look beautiful because it accentuates the shape of the eyes. It’s very pure and graphic. I like the modernity of it.” 最近剛好用完NARS眼線筆(Larger than Life Long-wear Eyeliner)。 這支0.02 Oz. 0.58 g的眼線筆,每天早上用,偶爾於日間補幾筆的(JL只畫上眼線一條),能用上4個月,算很划算啦。 先前沒寫過它的介紹,實在對大家不好意思。 因為竟然沒把好東西與大家分享!?! “Larger Than Life Long-Wear Eyeliners are great for creating precise liner that won't move, crease, or smudge. Eyeliner is a modern classic that never loses its style and can be completely customized to create the feeling or "character" you want. Think about sketching the desired shape rather than trying to paint it on in one motion. This will give you more control and a smoother application.” -JAMES BOEHMER, DIRECTOR OF GLOBAL ARTISTRY 如圖,眼線筆分為3個部分:筆刨,筆,筆蓋。 筆刨是藏在筆的尾部,拿出筆刨,在筆的尾部扭一扭便能伸出更多筆芯,隨個人習慣扭出所需長度,用筆刨刨尖便成。 畫在手上讓大家看個明白。 顏色很夠黑實。 用Bioderma紅水沾濕化妝棉,在眼線上敷30秒模擬卸妝。 哈哈,是有點難卸的,不脫色的能力很強呢,要來回多抺幾次才弄乾淨。 預告: 稍後會出一篇眼線筆比較文,分析3支眼線筆的性能,包括本文的NARS Larger than Life Long-wear Eyeliner,M.A.C.以及MAJOLICA MAJORCA 柔滑霜狀眼線筆,方便大家日後選擇眼線筆時參考。請密切留意。