Crap machine is getting Popularity among the patients with sleep apnea but one must keep in mind its side effects also. It is pointed out by the researches that this machine is the main cause of the decrease in daytime sleep especially in those patients who are facing from moderate to severe sleep apnea. The second most important point is the decrease in the air pressure so that may be the cause of lower blood pressure in these patients. This low blood pressure is faced by them both at night and day. The patient feels dry and sore in his throat and nose after using this machine. In some cases we see sneezing or ice cream equipment manufacturers runny nose after the use of this machine. Not only the nose is affected but some irritation may occur in the eyes or skin may be damaged on the face. Abdominal bloating is considered as another side effect of this machine. As the mask is used in its treatment. In some machines this mask covers only the nose while in some mouth is also covered by the mask but it is not fit properly and looks around. So creates an irritation in the process. The severs case which is rare but may be possible is the bleeding ofthe nose may occur as a side effect of this machine. When one gets up, he may feel uncomfortable after using this machine at night. In such cases he must consult to the doctor. Most of the cases are solved by the doctor. So that he can adjust the pressure of your machine. Similarly he can fit your mask to avoid leakage around your face. For the reduction of nasal irritation you may use humidifier or nasal spray medicines. A good doctor suggests you how to adjust the pressure, You may decrease it at the start and then it can be increased as you fall asleep. If you feel that your nose is running after using this machine, you can use decongestants or some nasal sprays are available in the market to avoid this problem. This machine is costly and not in the reach of every one. However, one may get it on the rent.It is suggested that everyone should get it on the rent it will save his money. People do not like to use it the whole night because of few reasons such as it is very uncomfortable to sleep with a mask whole night, so people remove the mask after a few hours. Second main reason of not using it the whole night is the noise that is created by this machine. Not only you but your partner is uncomfortable when you are using this machine. Another most important point is the discouraged intimacy with your partner which everyone can not afford. Even people do not allow such discouraged intimacy in the hours of deep sleep. In the end we may say that with so many advantages some side effects of this machine are also present that must be in the mind of purchaser as it is costly.