Plucking is the best way to shape your eyebrows, although some women prefer waxing. For starters, look at your eyebrows in a mirror. Therefore making once eyes superior is natural and eyebrow plucking adds extra spice to this. The best time to pluck your eyebrows is after you get out of the shower. Almost all the woman believes that their eyes speak the language they want. This is either after a shower or after you have applied a hot face cloth to your skin for a few minutes. 2. Pluck your eyebrows when your pores are open. those hairs will grow back thicker and more frequently and that will be messier and a bigger hassle than if you left them alone in the first place. You'll need good vision, the perfect tools and a sense of symmetry. Therefore making once eyes superior is natural and eyebrow plucking adds extra spice to this. 7. Step back at least three feet so that you have a full, clear perspective of what your facial features. Almost all the woman believes that their eyes speak the language they want. If you want both top and bottoms to be smooth as much as you can, you can pluck the top and the bottom. This is because of growing interests of women in eyebrow plucking that parlor are growing day to day in metros and big cities and making millions of bucks. Once plucking is done, apply some good quality gel to remove redness etc.Plucking eyebrows is common for looking good, hot and sexy for all the women. The pores are still open and it doesn't sting quite as much. Do not tweeze too much. 8. There is skill, patience and creativity involved in it. Eyebrow Plucking can make your eyes look larger and give your face a clean, polished look. A few stray hairs are fine to remove, but too much and it can create an unnatural look. Eyebrow plucking is an art. Eyebrow plucking should ideally be timed just before hitting the sack as the sleep time that follows allows any subsequent redness to disappear overnight. Eyebrow plucking should ideally be timed just before hitting the sack as the sleep time that follows allows any subsequent redness to disappear overnight. Slant edge tweezers, which grip hairs easily, are best for shaping brows while combing hairs one way, then the other, helps remove loose strands. Eyebrow Plucking can make your eyes look larger and give your face a clean, polished look. This is because of growing interests of women in eyebrow plucking that parlor are growing day to day in metros and big cities and making millions of bucks. Slant edge tweezers, which grip hairs easily, are best for shaping brows while combing hairs one way, then the other, helps remove loose strands. Plucking eyebrows is common for looking good, hot and sexy for all the women. 9. You may end up removing more hairs than you intended because the hairs clump together. Industrial Led Lamps 3. If your brows are making the slight arc then you have the best brow. Plucking with proper care and in limitations is as important as tweezing or plucking. Eyebrows slanting upwards make you look angry, so be careful not to take off too much at the outer corners. Use magnifying mirror and do the task in perfect bright light. Do not over pluck your brows. The hair can be softened first with a hair conditioner or shaving cream. The skin and the brow will be very porous and a slick brow does not make for controlled tweezing. Eyebrow plucking is an art. Perfect eyebrows almost transcend the beauty of the face and make an immediate visible impact in a makeover session. 4. Do clean skin. Dont pluck after you've applied lotion to your face. Never pluck above the brow: Avoid over-tweezing above the brow. Applying gel will make your eyes calm and finish irritation due to tweezing or plucking. There is skill, patience and creativity involved. Brush your brows up and out. There is skill, patience and creativity involved in it. Tips for eyebrow tweezing / plucking: . Use a good pair of tweezers to tweeze your brows. Eyebrow plucking is an art. But be warned: this is best done by a professional unless you want to wax off half an eyebrow.