早上八時在旅行社集合,以收據向旅行社職員換取巴士券。我們在旅行社門外無所事事地等了半小時,期間也像昨日晚餐般不停有人推銷紀念品。旅行社的巴士就如傳單所講,準時8:30到達迎接我們 (早知就不用奔跑去旅行社),是日帶團的導遊在巴士車門負責收飛。 我們的行程就這樣開始,由胡志明市到美頓,約一小時車程。導遊在車上作歡迎辭,以及簡單介紹越南的民生和地理環境,全程用英文講解。今次旅行團有45人,9成也是韓國的觀光客,除了我和朋友B,同團還有兩位香港男生。整體上團友團長都十分醒目,全程投入。 湄公河流經 , 泰國, 緬甸, 老撾, 中國雲南省, 柬埔寨, 越南, 成為東南亞的重要貨運航道. 至於它的歷史事件不作詳談,因為不是本人的研究領域...最近有套電影[湄公河行動],或者都是認識湄公河的素材。 下面是旅行社傳單的介紹, 節錄一段 The Sinh Travel Since 1993 My THO - BEN TRE 01 DAYS My Tho is 86km away from Ho Chi Minh City and one of the attractive destinations not to be missed. The major economy of My Tho is from agriculture. Coconut trees occupy most of its land, thus it dominates the My Tho's scenery. There will be activities such as taking a boat ride on Tien River, overlooking the floating houses along the river, sitting on a horse-cart and taking part in learning how to make the coconut candies as well as participating in rowing a small boat in a canal... 乘坐小艇在叢林穿梭,體驗當地人生活 (一時間轉唔轍Channel...) Schedule 1. Floating houses area and see the fish farmer. 2. Coconut warehouse, explain the product of coconut material. 3. Rice Paper kitchen, show the rice paper and food taste. 4. Short walk in fruit tree plainting area 5. Lunch, simply rest of tour 6. Small hand-rowing boat 7. Bee-Keeping Farm, try the honey tea. 8. Mini Music show and tropical fruit platter 9. Mini horse cart experience. (All of our tourist buy a Sugarcane Juice after) 10. Coconut candy making factory. 除左泰山島外, 其他島名係我作, 方便解說行程而已 美托, 檳知, 湄公河支流流經的小鎮 Lunch Menu 1. Deep fried elephants ear fish 2. Spring rolls 3. Small Shrimp cooking with vegetables 4. Pork meat & fish cook with fish sause 5. Sauteed morning lory with garlic 6. Steamed rice *Drink should be extra order. Coke cost 20,000 VND. *I have bought some mango outside after the lunch is finished. (餐牌只有英文和越南文, 我照Dum啦...) 點解人地有靚女姐姐拆魚肉包米紙卷, 我地枱的係嬸嬸 T^T 導遊示範如何燒米餅. 旅行團還是離不開吃吃喝喝,行行企企,在島上遊覽的時間感覺很輕鬆寫意。以東南亞的氣候來說,多雲但光線充足,而且經常吹清勁東風,這樣的天氣造就十分愉快的時間。 [回到HCMC] 旅遊巴回到胡志明市的時間是下午5:30,去食過越南河粉後,我提議決定回酒店休息一會。 實在太攰,好想小睡,梳洗後我便同朋友B 短訊,說不用理我了, 亦附上明天的行程計劃,書中地圖 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 結果 , 我11:30pm(接近凌晨) 先起身。 這個時間我也不好意思打擾朋友B, 應該有著落吧...我去了外邊買晚餐,這個情節和上次峴港的順化一天遊很相似...回到酒店後,打開個膠袋咬...我發現朋友在另一個Group(投資理財Group)留言...便問一問他狀況,並說聲抱歉。 原來佢一直留在酒店,而且冇出去食野 ! Oh! So Poor T^T" 湄公河 前江支流 覺得騾仔好可憐