Core Get into a plank position and hold it for about two minutes. Repeat this exercise for a total of three to 5 sets. There is no question that if you can get through this routine without stopping for long rest durations beyond the suggested, then you truly are an Alpha type workout fanatic and your efforts will be rewarded with a lean ripped physique that will be the envy of everyone else who simply isn't in your league. First of all, just because you "think" you have an Alpha type mentality, don't jump Treadmill Home Fitness Manufacturers into the workout listed below unless you have some serious training and conditioning of 1-3 years under your belt. Sprints Getting tired yet? Nah, alpha types don't get tired, they just get pissed off.Every athlete that has ever looked in the mirror and flexed their bicep can identify with the alpha type personality that lives within each of us. Add a set of alternating bicycles and super vee's and this intense core workout will help you complete your exercise routine. For those that look at working out not just as a hobby but more as a way of life then here is a workout specifically designed for you. You want to aim for a set of stairs that has about 30 steps to get the maximum effect. If you had difficulty completing the exercises as described, simply aim for improvement the next time around. As soon as you have completed these movements, get started on eight count bodybuilders. Calisthenics Next, ramp up your heart rate by doing some simple 15-four count windmills, hi jack-hi Jill's, press-press flings to warm up shoulder girdle and jumping jacks for five minutes with no rest.Okay, so you're in pretty good shape and you've decided to proceed. We want to be better, stronger, and faster than anyone else. Warm-up Begin by warming up with a light dynamic stretch and fast walk to jog for about 4 to 5 minutes. Repeat 2-3 times. Running 2 stairs at a time up the steps at a medium to fast pace and once you reach the top, do a light jog down single steps to the bottom. While most people would be shaking uncontrollably after about a minute, the body will adapt as you become stronger and allow several more advanced variations like the alternating foot raise technique. Again, with no rest, standup and began performing a set of 50 body weight lunge squat combos. Sprint at your highest level of intensity for 20-30 seconds and do a light jog back to the starting point between each set. Good. Your body should be more than warmed up at this point so get ready to complete a high intensity interval sprints 5-10 reps. As soon as you have completed the squats, knock a set of 25 push-ups. Get the blood flowing to your extremities and warm-up those tight muscles. Jumping into the exercises that follow without being in pretty good shape may see you lying in a hospital sucking on an oxygen mask with needed high strength pain killers… certainly not the main goal of any alpha type workout fanatic. Stairs Running stairs is the next exercise and if your thighs are beginning to burn because of the squats, it should be no limitation for you. Repeat this exercise two more times aiming for 90 seconds and then 60 seconds for the last two sets. Well, turn on your heart rate monitor and lace up your cross trainers because that's the minimum equipment you'll need to complete this high intensity workout. As stated previously, this workout is not for the beginner. Pissed off is fine, you can use that energy for the sprints you are about to do.