With that in mind, here are some quick tips for using Splenda in desserts and baked goods, so you can enjoy the sweet taste any time!Splenda Tip Humanoid Mats for sale1: Follow Splenda Cooking InstructionsFor the most part, Splenda measures cup for cup just the same as sugar, but there are several different Splenda formulations so this might not always be the case. Splenda Tip #5: Test your Recipes! If you are making a dessert using Splenda and you are planning to serve the food to guests, you may benefit from doing a trial run first. For this reason, cakes, brownies, cookies, and other baked goods and desserts may, at times, need a bit of a helping hand when you are using Splenda to replace sugar in the recipe.This is because in these recipes, the sugar does not just add sweetness; it also adds texture and structure to the food. It can be a bit depressing to realize you can no longer enjoy the sweet treats that liven up a healthy diet. Don't forget to make a note on the recipe card once you've determined the new cooking time. Here are some tips you can use to help make sure your desserts and baked goods turn out just as perfectly when you use Splenda as they do when using table sugar. In these recipes, it is better to replace only half the amount of sugar with Splenda, and then make up the balance with real sugar. If you are making sweet rolls, dessert breads, or any other item that calls for yeast, you must add a couple of teaspoons of sugar to help the yeast activate, or your dessert will fall flat! You can generally replace the rest of the sugar with Splenda with excellent results, but do not forget to add a small amount of sugar needed by the yeast.• Keep an eye on baking times: Using Splenda instead of sugar might change the baking times of some recipes, so it's a good idea to check your baked goods a few minutes early, especially when you replace all the sugar in a recipe with Splenda. Splenda Tip: 3: Remember that Yeast Needs SugarWhen you are baking with Splenda and are using a recipe that calls for yeast, it is essential to remember that yeast needs sugar to activate properly.For individuals living with metabolic syndrome, diabetes, or other conditions which cause them to reduce the amount of sugar they eat, it can be somewhat difficult to find an acceptable substitute.• Flatten cookies before baking: When you use Splenda, cookies won't naturally spread as much as when you use sugar, so give cookies a helping hand by flattening with a fork before baking.• Use smaller pans for cakes and breads: Sugar helps baked goods rise, so using Splenda in a recipe may mean your baked goods won't rise quite as much. Splenda is definitely a great substitute for real sugar in baking, but since it has slightly different textural and chemical properties, it won't always give you exactly the same results.Your baked creations might taste great, but look a little different.Splenda Tip #4: Give your Baked Goods a Little Helping HandBecause sugar and Splenda differ in chemical composition and texture, the results of your recipes will often turn out differently. When you use Splenda Sugar Blend, for example, you should use only half the amount of the blend as you would use real sugar. So make sure you read the label on your Splenda packaging carefully and follow the instructions. For example, use two smaller cake pans instead of one large one (and make a layer cake!). Thank goodness there is Splenda, a sugar substitute that tastes, cooks, and bakes in a manner so similar to table sugar that you can now enjoy the luscious desserts and baked goods that were previously banned in the sugar-free diet. One way of achieving height is to cook using smaller pans. Splenda does not always cook and bake exactly the same way as sugar does, so by testing the recipe out first, you can adjust cooking times or ingredients without having to use your guests as guinea pigs!. Check cakes and breads around ten to fifteen minutes early, and check muffins, cupcakes, and cookies three to five minutes earlier. If you are new to the world of baking with Splenda, however, it can be a bit difficult to work with this sugar substitute.