Before saying anything, I would like to introduce myself to the blog. Even none of my friends call me Hotchner, pieces of me want to keep the name here. My English level is about Form 3 level. There, I believe the majority of readers can understand my bloody poor English. Grammar mistakes? Still readable, sincerely hope so. Get back to the topic. People keep saying: time flies. Do they really know what it means? Means: Time, really flies. I can't stop myself from being sentimental. Aging problem is nothing to mention about. Human being are born to be old, to be dead. But aging with a meaningless life, somehow a sad story. After spending time to evaluate my life so far, back and forth. Nothing more than an irresponsible, ego, selfish grown up. How so? I won't tell. Who wants to be naked while building up a blog? Cant' be such an idiot, can I? Before time dies, I want to write some shit for my own reading. Oh yes, why using English? Because I am such a shameless English learner, and I am so proud to be.