It is really very easy inches wide, need to go for a different binding method because Unibind doesn't manufacture spines any thicker than that.The Unibind XU238 gives you the opportunity to bind your documents using a variety of different covers and spines. Luckily, this is also easy to do.The Unibind XU238 is a step up from the company's entry-level machine, the XU138. The machine's binding cycle only lasts a minute, so you can bind a lot of documents in a short amount of time. However, since said supplies lack the steel spines found in Unibind materials, you'll need to trick the machine into thinking the thermal spine has steel in it. The Unibind system eliminates the need for punching your documents, making the binding process essentially a one-step affair.That said, the XU238 has some drawbacks. If you need a binding solution for your office and you want a machine that is easy to use, you should really check out the XU238. And because the Unibind spines have steel in them, they're nearly impossible to trim down, unlike, say, a plastic binding comb. Also, this is not a good binding method if you need your documents to be able to wrap around as they would if they were bound with plastic combs or wire. The machine's binding capacity is 36 millimeters (about 340 pages) and you can bind up to 72 millimeters at once, which means you can bind two 36 mm books or a bunch of smaller ones.5 inches long. If having documents that can do that is important to you, you'll need to choose a punch and bind system, such as spiral binding.Despite its drawbacks, the Unibind XU238 is really a top-notch binding machine that makes it a breeze to quickly produce elegant-looking booklets. You can also use Unibind Photobook covers so you can create your own photobooks or photo albums.Unibind binding machines are some of the easiest machines you can use to bind your documents. Indeed, this is one of the fastest binding machines you can buy, so if time is of the essence for you, a Unibind machine would be a great choice. The Unibind XU238 binding machine is one of the company's cheaper binding machines (it retails for approximately $800. Continue reading to discover what the Unibind XU-238 binding machine can do for you and your office.00) and it offers versatility and the opportunity to be more productive. One of these is the width of documents you can bind. When you use this machine, you will end up with a perfect bound document that can resemble a perfect bound document or a hardcover book. That machine only has one heater and cooling unit, whereas the XU238 has two.With this machine, you have the option of using a variety of different binding materials, including Steelback and Steelbook spines, as well as Unibind's SteelMat and SteelCrystal covers. Just place a Unibind spine next to your document and the machine will get to work. Users who need to bind documents that are thicker than 36 mm approximately This means you can bind more documents at DM-5BA Water Extractor once, which can save you a lot of time. Plus, you can also use traditional thermal binding supplies. You are also somewhat limited in the length of your documents because Unibind machines can only bind items that are 11 or 8. The XU238 will recognize the document, turn itself on and flash a green light to let you know when the binding cycle is complete. To use the Unibind XU238, all you need to do is place your pages in a binding spine or cover and then place the whole thing on the machine.