公司週年宴, 自助餐到會就小不免, 今年還有免費Bar, 紅、白酒、雞尾酒長飲長有, 老闆預計員工們一定博命飲, 為免酒後駕駛, 還週到地提供酒店住宿, 不論你住所遠近, 只要報名, 就可以免費開房, 還跟一個免費早餐, 我又怎會錯過呢? 酒店在 downtown Dallas, 有紅色飛馬logo (估到那一間嘛?), 房間設備整全, 㕑房雪櫃有齊, 可惜宴會完已經近午夜, 否則找 BFF上來, 炒碟薑葱蟹, 摸一下酒杯底, 來個 slumber party 就一樂也! 是否太貪心? Anyway, I had a great time, THANK YOU BOSS! At the event with free drinks Me under spot light At the dessert bar Start with a fresh salad Literally - Get A Room! So comfy ... At kitchen Time to shower Practice dancing Street view - day & night Chilling on couch, getting ready for free breakfast At lobby At lobby At lobby Can't leave without pictures with this symbolic horse See this creepy BIG eye on the way home Instagram: @hongkongerinusa Facebook: