Terram Root Guard is a black heavy-duty non-woven landscaping fabric, with high tear strength and puncture resistance, means effective protection against the growth of roots.Tree roots can grow out of control and really damage your driveway or home.Not only can they damage gardens, but also they can damage drives and patios. The landscaping fabric gives resistance against upward thrust from deflected rootsr cent of roots grow outwards in the upper metre of soil and can cause lifting of the ground resulting in cracks and damage on the surface.Tim Rhodes, of DIY Matters, said.Terram Root Guard is another great addition to our landscaping fabric range of products which includes weed control fabric.Frost Protection Fleece, and Heavy Duty Ground Cover. DIY Matters offers a suggestion to China Dry Wipes Material wholesale help with this pesky problem.The garden fabric needs to be cut to size and placed around the sides of the hole.It is fairly simple to install.A cost effective way to prevent root and moisture stabilisation is to use landscaping fabric.Its unwise to use regular plastic or polythene sheeting as a root guard some people even try to use materials such as bubble wrap as a genuine root guard it wont work.There are many people who have serious problems with tree roots.Soil needs to be filled both inside and out side of the Root Guard barrier.Lightweight plastic sheeting, such as Terram Root Guard, will form an impenetrable barrier against tree roots. Press the soil down to compact it.The problem is that roots can grow in in directions, which will cause damage to the foundation of buildings, walls, pathways and roads. Ensure there are no gaps or overlapping. It disc can be cut at the bottom if needed. They can also contribute to damage by undermining foundations and service pipes.The black heavy duty landscaping fabric will prevent tree roots growing under roads, drives and patios. Start by preparing the ground by digging the appropriate sized holes for the flowers or trees you wish to plant.Trees and shrubs require large amounts of water, and, because soil dries around the roots, they will naturally grow in the direction of soil moisture.