Only then can a climber decide that a tree is suitable for a climb and strong enough to support a climber.The greatest kind of tree climber is the one who climbs with the barest disturbance to living trees and their inhabitants. Insect infestation can be detected without special training. This is the area around the base of the tree, including its exposed root system, as well as a few feet up the tree trunk. Lamp SMD heatsink Manufacturers; Check for a trunk cavity, especially along the base of the tree. The first is the Wide Angle View Zone. Loss of bark or fungal growth is symptomatic of a dying or dead branch. Be mindful of where you place your feet, and dont take steps unless your eyes are on the ground. You are just visiting and dont forget it. You want to get a picture of it as a unit, in its own space. It is indicative of trunk rot and root decay, because fungi only grow on dead and decaying matter. Be mindful of fungal growth on or around the base of a tree. If you can help it at all, just leave it be. Lightning strikes are often indicated by a long bare strip. There are several warning signs of tree weakness to look for. Not to control. The greatest kind of tree climber is all too aware that he is the visitor, only a visitor, and not the keeper of what he surveys. Large cracks or splits down the trunk or along a large branch are more readily seen from a distance, as are weakened or fractured branches that appear to need just the slightest nudge before they plummet to the ground. Now youll inspect the Trunk Zone. If safety isnt secured, avoid these branches from a safe distance. Trees with multiple trunks show weakness if the trunks form a nearly closed V. If a tree has lost all its anchoring roots (which hold the tree in place), a soft wind or the weight of rainwater on leaves could actually topple the entire tree. They need to be avoided at all costs. Its presence usually indicates a weakening of the entire tree, especially if there are multiple cavities. Just dont do it. &amp #9702; If you notice cracked or raised soil at the base of a tree, its a possible sign of uprooting, especially if its opposite the leaning side of a leaning tree. This climber knows how important trees are to the environment everywhere and to all air breathing creatures on this earth. If a large number of these dead branches are high in the canopy, it means that the tree is in the process of dying. Life threatening branches that are already broken but are still lodged in a tree are called widow makers. Take care not to damage what may be delicate or rare plants. Do not disturb nesting sites, actual nests, hives, burrows or the like. Large trees will naturally have dead branches but it is the location of these branches that you need to pay close attention to. Point of interest. Individual dead branches will have brown leaves or no leaves at all. In the end, when the climbing is done and youre standing on the ground, the greatest kind of tree climber leaves with not the littlest indication that he or she was there. Be safe up there! . If you see a ridge of wood growing downwards on both sides of the connected trunks, it could mean that the tree is strengthening a weak area or that theres a # fracture under the surface. While inspecting the Ground Zone, there are some tell signs to look for. Be very careful not to trim green wood or living branches. Dont rush. &amp #9702; If there are dead branches lying on the ground, step away from the tree and look up. Remember: We climb to enjoy. When you can do it safely, remove dead, decaying or infected branches. You inspect the tree from a distance, maybe 30 70 feet (depending on the size of the tree). Do not climb near power lines. Signs to look for: Mottled leaves or a uniform degradation of the structure of the leaves Other important signs to look for: The absence of bark on a trunk could mean fungal growth or a dead section. Unhealthy trees often have branches dying only at their tips. Take your time, moving slowly around the tree. The same is true for splits or cracks in the trunk. Now youll inspect the Ground Zone. Give each tree the attention it deserves. As previously mentioned, a tree with an extreme trunk lean requires ground inspection for signs of being uprooted. The lean of a tree is much easier to detect from a distance than if you were standing beneath itas are power lines. Multiple cracks or splits may mean that the tree is in danger of breaking. Do a closer inspection of the canopy for other dead branches that havent quite found their way down yet. This climber is only a visitor. Abnormalities in the Crown Zone (canopy) usually involve dead wood. To protect the tree, you must inspect it before you climb. There are four zones of tree inspection to satisfy (primarily based on A Climbers Guide to Tree Inspection of Tree Climbers International).