Access to the Vykas Legion Raid starts at the level of 1430 for normal difficulty and 1460 on Lost Ark Gold difficult difficulty. Expect new mechanics, skills and, of course rewards when you complete each gate.The new Kungelanium Guardian Rally begins at the level of 1460. and allows up to three heroes to take part. "A powerful force of evil within the Chain War," writes Lost Ark on its blog, "Kungelanium has awoken from his glacial slumber by the re-emergence from the Demon Legions as well as the Chaos spread throughout Arkesia."c. Demons have invaded an dimensional portal known as the Thronespire and are tasked with defeating 50 levels of enemies within a specified duration of. For the first 25 levelsof the game, gamers will earn rewards each time they complete a level The remaining 25 levels offer prestige and completion times. Thronespire becomes available at level 1325.Finally, Heartbeat island is a brand new experience near Annika which allows players to collect festival coins which they can exchange for new rewards. Dance fights are also available against Rekiel the Dancing Queen on an hourly quest.In its ongoing battle against Bots Lost Ark has added CAPTCHA prompts to appear sometimes in the event of a change in zone as well as new security measures for gold sellers, too. There are many other corrections to Cheap Lost Ark Gold bugs and QOL updates, so be sure to check out the complete update notes here.