Group Ironman also gets a expansion of storage that's available by completing specific tasks RuneScape Gold. The interface for group storage is now available. the latest version, with an option that lets you click to pull up the list of tasks you can complete that will allow you to expand the storage capacity of the group. The tasks will be distributed across the group so they will track. Some of the examples given were to equip with a Rune Platebody or to achieve various levels of points.Changes to death piles in Ultimate Ironman were proposed back in December, and now the community has voiced their opinion. Reactions to the proposed changes were mostly positive however, some players expressed concerns regarding memory capacity as when there are more than one item on a single tile the world will begin removing them to preserve stability. The team confirms with this announcement that the things will stay to their own file at the time of death since player dies will be saved to the save for the player, not the world save.One other change you'll be able to notice is a hyperlink directly to RuneLite on the home page. This is due to the alliance that Jagex was able together with RuneLite development team just a few months prior and Buy Old School RuneScape Gold is an effort to keep the access protected so that you're sure you're visiting the official mod site.A guide to the 2022 Birthday event of the game Old School RunescapeThe ninth anniversary of OSRS scheduled for February 22nd Developer Jagex has planned an event that will celebrate the longevity of OSRS. The most notable thing is that the company based the event within the desert city of Al-Kharid and is the gateway to the more arid Kharidian desert.