The right dosage: 3/4 of olive oil for 1/4 of hot water. The treatment to divert: mascara to recolor Your white hair resurfaced? Camouflage them, for a day or an evening, using a black or brown mascara depending on the color of your hair.If you wish, you can even achieve a slight notch effect on one side of the head to bring a touch of sophistication.The DIY styling recipe: the wet look gel effectMix a cold pressed olive oil to a little hot water. Shake the preparation before each use.Even if you are vacationing in an urban environment, you can put your hair "on vacation" with styles inspired by those we see on the beaches. Use an old mascara, which you will dedicate for this purpose. If necessary, spray a haze of lacquer over it to fix.Démêlez your hair with a large comb, spray a product anti- frizz to discipline it when drying, then comb it back. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle.The style that works: the smooth for all lengthsOur short hair as long hair, in the office or mop, play the map of the smooth, it works all the coups.lacewigsbuy. Add a few Rhinitis Sprays Company drops of lavender essential oil or rosemary to perfume the whole.