係冇用糯米粉而用洋車前子粉整嘅年糕!口感超煙韌😆一粒糖都冇用,一粒糯米粉都冇用!🤰🏻➡️🧚🏻♀️A special rice cake recipe with NO SUGAR AND FLOUR, but equally gooey and chewy😝😝💡生酮飲食 Keto diet:高脂肪,適量蛋白質,極低碳水的飲食方法,透過壓低胰島素分泌,加速能量由脂肪轉換,燃燒脂肪. A high fat, moderate protein, minimal carb diet, suppresses insulin secretion and burns fat FAST🔥🔥🔥低碳飲食:一樣可以穩定血糖,加速脂肪燃燒🤤 今次做咗三個口味嘅年糕 The 3️⃣ SPECIAL FLAVOURS ✨1. 傳統椰汁年糕 Traditional Coconut Milk Rice Cake 🌼口感煙銀仲有淡淡的椰汁香味😋加上蛋漿今天嘅時候出面脆脆地入邊軟綿綿☁️2. 烏金黑芝麻鹹蛋黃年糕 Devil Sesame Salted Egg Yolk Rice Cake 🌼超龍黑芝麻味再加鹹蛋黃油鹹香撲鼻,煎香後鹹蛋黃香味更加突出🍳3. 流心特濃黑朱古力年糕 Lava Dark Chocolate Rice Cake 🌼脆脆地嘅外皮加軟綿綿嘅年糕,仲要有特濃朱古力爆漿出嚟🍫🌋 乜嘢係楊洋車前子粉? What is Psyllium Husk?🤔🤔🤔🌼植物洋車前子的外殼磨成粉狀,遇水會膨脹起膠🌼husks of the Plantago ovata plant’s seeds🌼Super low carb and full of fibres 🚨糯米粉glutinous flour 3️⃣5️⃣5️⃣kcal 8️⃣0️⃣g carbs/100g VS 洋車前子粉 Psyllium Husk 1️⃣6️⃣0️⃣kcal 8️⃣g carbs/100g ! 點解用羅漢果原糖唔用白砂糖🧂Why do we use monk fruit stevia instead🙈?🌼原來羅漢果原糖嘅卡路里比白砂糖低好多!Monk fruit stevia has way lower calories than white sugar!✨🚨白砂糖 White Sugar 3️⃣9️⃣0️⃣kcal/100g VS 羅漢果原糖 Monk Fruit Stevia 0️⃣kcal/100g 🌼羅漢果原糖嘅升糖指數亦都比白砂糖低!羅漢果原糖 Monk stevia also has a lower GI (Glycemic) Index! 😎🚨白砂糖 While Sugar ~7️⃣0️⃣ VS Monk Fruit Stevia 0️⃣想知點樣整同埋得到更多食譜?去我地Instagram同Youtube啦!😍 Do check out our instagram and youtube for more tutorial videos and healthy recipes!🥘Instagram: https://instagram.com/healthily_heavenly?igshid=de3uxikeywptYoutube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCDswzwBBy71tb-QrmatxN1Q#chinesenewyear#ketohk#生酮飲食#生酮年糕#ketodiet#ketoweightloss#ketofriendly#keto#ketorecipe#生酮香港#減肥#lowcarb#農曆新年#sugarfree#ketodessert#低碳飲食#生酮飲譜#生酮甜點#減肥#減脂 #lowcarbmeals#nosugar