We will share with you how to checkI’m sharing one personal scenario I and my friend were discussing what Linux version and he asked me which version of Ubuntu you are using is it Long Term Support (LTS) or standard version that a moment I was not able to tell him because I don’t how to check the version and he guided meHow to check the version and enlighten mean the difference between LTS and standard.There are many different commands that are available to check the version of the operating system.Command Line1. Check Ubuntu version by using /etc/os-release.This is the latest command file through which you can check Ubuntu versions. It will not work if the version is lower than 16.04.You just need to pass this command into Ubuntu Terminals$ cat /etc/os-releaseOutputNAME=“Pop!OS”VERSION=“20.10”ID=popIDLIKE=“ubuntu debian”PRETTYNAME=“Pop!OS 20.10”VERSIONID=“20.10”HOMEURL=“https://pop.system76.com"SUPPORTURL=“https://support.system76.com"BUGREPORTURL=“https://github.com/pop-os/pop/issues"PRIVACYPOLICYURL=“https://system76.com/privacy"VERSIONCODENAME=groovyUBUNTU_CODENAME=groovyLOGO=distributor-logo-pop-osRead this: How to fix different time issue in Dual Boot?https://www.trendoceans.com/how-to-fix-different-time-issue-in-dual-boot/Check the Ubuntu version by using lsb_release.The lsb_release stand for Linux standard Base this command will work on all kinds of distribution.Pass this command to terminals and press enterNo LSB modules are available.Distributor ID: PopDescription: Pop!_OS 20.10Release: 20.10Codename: groovyTo read completely you can refer to the source sitehttps://www.trendoceans.com/how-to-check-the-ubuntu-version-using-gui-and-cli/