係2014年1月, 再次非常幸運地買到香港快運去大阪 Again, I am so lucky to buy the cheap ticket from HKExpress in Jan 2014 合共HKD 1,600 包稅同20kg 行李 The ticket spent me HKD1,600 include tax and 20 kg luggage in both trip 等左咁耐終於到我飛 With all the excited moment waiting, it finally arrived my departure day 今次旅行係慶祝我既生日, 對我來說很特別 This trip is very special for me which is celebrate my birthday 架飛機十一點離開香港, 下午兩點到關西機場 The flight is at 11am and arrive Kansai International Airport at 2pm 我同朋友係機場買哂全部pass, 包括 Kansai Wide Area Pass (JR pass), Kansetsu Railway Pass (近鐵) 同Haruka (八達通), 花左 25,000 yen I and my friend have purchase all the requested pass in the airport. It is very convenient and highly recommend to purchase all the pass in the airport. This time I have purchased Kansai Wide Area Pass for 4 days, Kansai Railway Pass Valid for 5 days and Haruka pass with 1 trip Haruka airport to city ticket and also octopus include 1,500 yen value in it = 25,000 Yen (approximately) We were starving and had our lunch at the airport. Taste ok 買齊左d pass, 架火車未夠鍾就去左機場一間餐廳食飯 點擊圖片放大 坐左兩個鍾火車終於到京都, 一路行去酒店, 由此四月係旅遊旺季 我地一晚酒店已花左 12,000 yen, 平時個間酒店只需6,000 yen, 荷包滴血 巴士好好會話你知下兩個站係咩名, 仲有英文廣播 誤打誤撞來到松乃食鰻魚飯, 炭火燒真係好香, 洗左12,000yen 點擊圖片放大 +2