我由細到大都鐘意食麵包, 其實歐洲既生活真係好o岩我. croissants + cappuccino this combination is my fav. 1.95歐, 好抵呀!! :))) Albert Heijn 係荷蘭既7仔+惠康, 連早餐有時都係係度食, 仲幾有水準tim! :) 今日係星期日, 去左我一路都好鐘意既church group- HILLSONG (https://hillsong.com/amsterdam/) 教會既地點係一間club入面, 夜晚係club(叫ESCAPE CLUB), 日頭就church. 佢地緣於澳洲, 係一隊BAND CHURCH, 諗起都覺得好正. 全情投入, AMAZING CHURCH SERVICE! 有興趣可以YOUTUBE下: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtUNQpu2b7Q) 之後我地去左酒店既TIPS OF THE MONTH入面介紹既: Winner of the European Museum of the Year Award 2015 - the Rijksmuseum, The Netherlands (https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/en) 依個MUSEUM好鬼大, 但係好Absorbing, 足足講曬成個荷蘭既歷史! 今日好大風大雨, 最後去左starsbuck避雨....飲左香港冇既kenya latte~ In God We Trust - Hillsong Now in God we trust In his name we hope I know God will not be shaken