Planning to freeze eggs or embryos? There is a significant difference you must be aware of first. Apart from many similarities, both cryopreservation techniques have their own pros and cons as well. And, in this article, we will uncover them all.This article significantly briefs about egg and embryo freezing along with their pros and cons, and which one can be a better choice.What is Egg Freezing?Egg freezing is a clinical procedure where a woman’s eggs are taken out of her body, from the ovaries, and frozen in their unfertilised form. This procedure is also known as oocyte cryopreservation.Egg freezing is commonly carried out by fertility doctors for later use of the unfertilized frozen eggs. There are several reasons why a woman may have to consider egg freezing that include: preservation of unfertilised eggs for later use, going through IVF (in-vitro fertilisation), or having a health condition that disturbs your potential of conceiving.What is Embryo Freezing?Unlike egg freezing where the eggs are frozen unfertilised, embryo freezing involves fertilisation of the eggs through IVF before they are frozen. In some days, once the fertilised eggs develop as embryos, they are frozen, similarly as in egg freezing.Similarly as egg freezing, embryo freezing is also performed by fertility doctors for later use of the embryo. Women who have some health conditions that disturb their fertility are commonly advised to consider embryo freezing. Moreover, women who want to get pregnant at a later time can also preserve their embryos with embryo freezing.Egg Freezing vs Embryo FreezingThough there are not many differences between egg freezing and embryo freezing, the major difference is that sperm is required for embryo freezing, but not for egg freezing. In embryo freezing, because women's eggs are fertilised with sperm using IVF and retained for their development into embryos before freezing, embryo freezing is a more complex cryopreservation procedure.Pros and Cons of Egg FreezingBefore we choose to get your eggs frozens, it is important that you are aware of its pros and cons. ProsOne of the major advantages of egg freezing is that you can use the frozen eggs to get pregnant at a later time while eliminating the risk of infertility and pregnancy complications common to occur with aging. It also escalates the chances of IVF success when compared to IVF with fresh eggs in older women. Along with that, if a woman has health problems that affect her fertility, egg freezing is a good option.ConsThe major con of egg freezing is that it is very expensive. The collective cost of egg removal, freezing, retention, and then implantation with IVF comes out too much. Apart from the cost, egg freezing also has some side effects generally caused by sudden hormonal changes after egg retrieval such as bloating, headache, abdominal pain, weight gain, cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, and mood swings.Pros and Cons of Embryo FreezingJust like egg freezing, embryo freezing also has some pros and cons that you should be aware of as well.ProsSimilarly as egg freezing, embryo freezing is also a great option when you are planning to have a child at a later time. Apart from that, if we talk about one of its major advantages, embryo freezing has a very high success rate. Embryos frozen in younger age can help a woman get pregnant at a later time very easily, with IVF. Several studies have concluded that IVF with frozen embryos has an IVF success rate of 9 out of 10.ConsJust like egg freezing, embryo freezing procedure is also very expensive, in fact more expensive than freezing eggs. Apart from that, embryo freezing is also associated with some health issues as the result of egg retrieval that include bladder or bowel damage, abdominal pain, and cramps.Is Egg Freezing or Embryo Freezing Better?Though both egg freezing and embryo freezing are not much different, choosing between egg or embryo freezing depends on your preference and the cost. Both these cryopreservation procedures are safe and comfortable for a woman, however IVF with embryo freezing has a slightly higher chance of success.You should always discuss with a fertility doctor before you go for either egg freezing or embryo freezing or any other pregnancy-related treatments. Sometimes you might not need such treatments or least invasive IUI treatment in Gurgaon can also work out. Make sure you first discuss your preferences and condition with your fertility doctor beforehand.Need help?Need help with choosing the right cryopreservation procedure? We can help. We at Grace Fertility are a team of expert fertility doctors who have treated thousands of infertile couples trying to start a family, and hold a high 74% of IVF success rate. We, renowned as the best IVF hospital in Gurgaon can help you have a child. You can connect with us, we will discuss, perform some tests, and tailor the best pregnancy treatment.