Furthermore, you aren't able to precisely select the race of your choice when you create your character. the race will be determined according to Lost Ark Gold the character's gender, and the class of the character, similar as their gender. In this way, the race of your character is already be locked when you select the class.It's still unclear whether players will be able to select different races for every class in the future The developer hasn't made any official announcements on this subject.One of the most important features in most MMORPGs is the capacity to make friends in-game, and guilds are a great way to keep them all in one place and organize events.Establishing a guild in Lost Ark is fairly simple and is possible after players have left in the prologue, and possess the required amount of gold. The game throws lots on players as soon as they quit the prologue therefore, learning about guilds could certainly get lost in the vast amount of details.To open the guild tab click Alt+U or click "Community" in cheapest Lost Ark Gold the lower right side of the map, and select "Guild" within the pop-up menu. This will bring up the screen for guilds. From the first look, it will display all the guilds looking to recruit members. Guilds can have up to 30 members to start.