The Madden games' story mode, Face of the Franchise, is among the most exciting new features. The game has offered excellent ideas to players through the decades, but it's yet to Mut 22 coins figure out its full potential.The latest version added the possibility of creating characters and play at both the high school and collegiate levels. It may even be better, allowing players to play all seasons at lower levels before changing to Franchise mode, which is basically similar to Franchise mode, but with more story.Players were introduced Franchise Mode's scenario engine a several games ago and it was not very popular with fans. Some felt it was an attempt to provide players with buy Madden nfl 22 coins "boosts" however it could also be employed as a tool to assist them in making important choices that could have a negative impact on their careers. Incorporating scenarios that players will have to think twice about is a fantastic option if done correctly. Rather than focus on rewarding the player with benefits for their stats, allow it to be the case that the choice made will affect the way that the season unfolds. A player might choose to accept a lower load, or to recover from an injury.