When she was coming back up he looked at me and asked me what we could do. You will be totally refreshed and remember everything you experienced. Jerry and I looked at each other in amazement.. ?Get back in the elevator. We later thought this was Egypt. She now only spoke as the person with a tongue none of us could understand. She seemed so much at peace and so full of wisdom. ?Close your eyes and I'll count back from ten very slowly. ?Bob, I love you. ?Long, I want you to lie here and be perfectly comfortable. What is this religion?? Jerry was trying to get some familiar landmarks or way to determine where or when this was. It was obviously a language with style and grace.? Long spoke and my memory of her exact words is not exact. ?Can we go back to when you first lived with this High Priestess? Do you want to go back to the elevator?? ?Sure. I am dealing with my anger and I have to support this new life. Each number had a corresponding suggestion but before he got past number eight she started to exhibit the strangest responses in her body. ?It is my father from a life before this. There are tongues which grate on the ear and this was neither like them or the Asian tongues that include chanting almost. Jerry could see she was ?under? and began the stages backwards up a visualized or imagined elevator going down and stopping occasionally. We could ask her to stop again but maybe when she is out of trance we can talk about this and then do it again sometime. The spirit began talking in another tongue which even Long could not figure out. It was like that. In the movie Alien you see the creature moving inside the people. Jerry let her stay in the elevator and hoped she would say when she had reached the very first time she had met this person.? Jerry was reading from the book which I had asked him to do when he put her into the hypnotized state.? ?Describe the surroundings please. I have never heard or seen this kind of thing? Long I want you to come back to the present. I was excited.? It was her spirit or a union of this spirit and hers. ?Who is this new spirit?? Jerry and I almost simultaneously asked. She spoke a few languages from far flung places in the world and had heard many others as we all had.? Jerry began the regression, which we were doing in his room on the ground floor. Her muscles rippled in gross or enormous ways just as if there was something going up her torso inside. But again it was so easy for her to go back Jerry had to ask her to stop. And you can be sure we never stopped talking about it, even to the last phone conversation which I had with her months after we would never see each other again. But we could not determine any shred of what these sounds were even though they were coherent.? Long began to awaken or come out of the trance but before she came fully out and while her eyes were still closed she said something that altered the course of my life. ?I have no idea. passenger elevator I was amazed and I think Jerry was too. This is very weird isn't it?? ?I have read many books on these things and I have a gift for regressions. Jerry had told me not to speak because it might break her trance but it was clear that was no issue. It was not like any of them yet it had some of the sounds that might have become any number of languages there and further north. I forgive and nourish. He was sexually abusive to me and I took my life at age 20.? She went back, way back! The next stop had her speaking about another spirit that was her religious leader in a Temple. She was talking in the trance state and at first she stopped inside the womb where a life was joining her. It was a lot like Egypt we thought, but when? Maurice spoke Egyptian with me around sometimes and all the other tongues of that region were spoken by many of my accounts in Hollywood. ?Who is it?? Jerry asked.? Long responded and easily went further back. She thought it was this High Priestess when we later talked about it. Later we thought she had gone back hospital elevator at least 30,000 years and she was still going back when Jerry asked her to stop the elevator and see where she was. ?Are you ready to get back on the elevator? Is everything settled here?? ?Yes, I love her and forgave him. It was very visible even with her shirt on. Later he said he had never seen anything like it. It was not sing song or clicking with the tongue on the top of the palate. She loves me very deeply and she is always near me in the various lives I travel.? Jerry asked. We discussed the whole thing for a long time on many occasions after this and I think you will see why. Her face was almost radiant. ?She is the High Priestess and I am her assistant or hand-maiden