You have to assume n. 1 glass of natural water, which has been charged for 45 minutes on the present graphic; you have to do that orally and with an empty belly one time each day and before going to bedYou can assume ( orally and with the empty belly) one time each day n. 5 drops of the mix with water and brandy always before going to bed, you have to put the drops under the tongue.The therapeutic cycle could last also Vibratory Tub Finishing Machine Factory one month but that depends on the need all that, for regulating the biological " sleep-vigil" cycle, and for having during the night, a remedial sleep to restore the vital powers and to recover the bio- psycho- physic powers.Note: it is necessary to use this graphic, for the charge, only in the predetermined times of magnetization, or better no more than 4 hours each day if we assume n.4 glasses, because the rest of the day will be used by the waveform of the radionic graphic circuit to restore the original magnetic charge of the colours; you have to magnetize the glass of water, of this graphic, in a room where you can find enough light and where there is a light with a white colour ( never in the dark).Natural and Spiritual Healing Portal - Free Download basic/advanced Courses of Radionics Dowsing Divining system - Chromotherapy Crystal Healing Reiki Kinesiology Shiatsu Feng Shui Pyramid Therapy The Bach's Flowers Yoga Meditation Forum Chat Blogvending machines, Bay Area, peninsula, san mateo, vending machine companies, vending suppliers, vending manufacturers, vending machine providersA vending machine business is a good step in the direction of owning and operating your own business. These tips and advice may help you start on this path.There are many sources of information which you can find online. Study and learn from all sources that you can use as this will only be of benefit you and your new found business venture. You can start from the ground up or as others have done, purchase an established vending route. In any case, research is key as many have had difficulties in this line like with most other businesses due to hesitation from unanswered questions and the like.Those who will be supplying you with the machines will be able to help you with some tips and tricks to help assure the success of your business venture. Do not be daunted by the almost impossible profit forecasts for this business as they are rarely easy to predict.Ask the vending machine distributor all the questions you can. As previously states, the more you know, the better off youll be. Hell be able to help you with the estimated cost of operation and give you and give you an idea of how much you will have to pay business owners rent for the locations of the said machines.