Whether you are simply maintaining your home or sprucing it up for curb appeal prior to a sale, few things go as far for as little investment as a fresh coat of paint. Your home's exterior finish is also its first line of defense against the elements so maintenance is important. Painting doesn't usually rank high up on most fun meters so anything you can do to speed it up and improve the results is a bonus, and that's where a paint sprayer comes in. While a good brush, patience, and hard work will still get the job done, a fine mist sprayer suppliers will cut the time spent to a fraction.Unless you are a pro painter you probably don't have a sprayer in your garage; not to worry, most any tool rental dealer or home improvement store will have a rental. Don't overlook the paint retailer or local hardware store either. It is always best to reserve the sprayer in advance to insure this popular items availability. Then keep an eye on the weather and cancel if rain, high winds, or cold temperatures are on the way.Once you have decided on a color scheme and picked your finish, the work can begin. The key to success in any project is proper prep work. Repeat: prep! But that is a subject for another article in itself.Mask or drape off decks, steps and walkways, trim or tie back plants and tree limbs. Before picking up the sprayer, check the weather one more time. Most latex paints need a minimum of four hours drying time to survive a moderate rain without problems but always read the paint label for specifics. The label will also provide coverage rates and cleanup instructions. A quick word about paints; this is not the place to skimp--buy the highest quality, most durable paint you can afford as going cheap is false economy.